diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ec4b8fee07d587f5362bf690e3291c8882eb0d6a..7c99d00b9a6ae54113931aa6d53427d456cfdf56 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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-# sonnar-scanner-GL
+# Sonar-scanner-GL
-Build a Grand Lyon sonnar-scanner image 
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+This project has for aim to build a sonar scanner container image with packages necessary for a complete analysis.
+For exemple the image embark the GO package for coverage test on GOlang developement.
+This image is inspired by the image [skilldlabs/sonar-scanner](https://hub.docker.com/r/skilldlabs/sonar-scanner/tags).  
+The Dockerfile was inspired and adapted from [this one](https://github.com/skilld-labs/sonar-scanner/blob/34-40-jdk/Dockerfile.sonarscanner-4.0.0-alpine) and by getting the latest sonar scanner version
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