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This is backend of Ecolyo-Agent, a backoffice managing newsletters, SGE consents, fluid prices and custom alerts for Ecolyo
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web-et-numerique / Factory / LLLE_Project / Cozy Stack
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Fork of cozy-stack https://github.com/cozy/cozy-stack
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systemes-dinformation / PASI-Portail d acces au SI
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0This projects presents an access portal to the user with urls to the applications he is allowed to use. To work out what those applications are, the user is logged in on a OAuth2 Identity provider and the portal get back the groups the user is member
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Simple Developpement Kit for GO with Gorm ORM for backend and Bulma for frontend.
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gestion-des-assemblees / ELC_elections
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Application de recensement des votes d'une élection et affichage de ses résultats.
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Proof of concept of using WSO2 API Manager as Identity and Access Management solution
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POCS / mdl-qor-sdk
MIT LicenseThis SDK is based upon QOR and aims to provide a boilerplate for quickly prototyping admin types applications.