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POCS / cozy / energy-dataviz
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Application permettant de consulter sa consommation d'énergie multi-fluides
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POCS / mdl-qor-sdk
MIT LicenseThis SDK is based upon QOR and aims to provide a boilerplate for quickly prototyping admin types applications.
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Demonstration of Generative Adversarial neural Networks (GAN). Source : Linux Magazine France N°234
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POCS / streamingbox
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0a simple script to turn an headless raspberry pi 4 (with a good microphone) into a plug and play youtube streaming box
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POCS / cozy / enedis-scraping-connector
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Connecteur cozy permettant de récupérer la courbe de charge à partir d'un compte client enedis
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POCS / cozy / egl-api-connector
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Connecteur cozy permettant de récupérer la courbe de consommation d'eau à partir d'un compte client eau du Grand Lyon
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Connecteur cozy permettant de récupérer la courbe de charge à partir d'un compte client grdf
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web-et-numerique / web-et-numerique-internet / data.grandlyon.com / web-portal / components / miscellaneous / maintenance-page
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
POCS / dpetit / cozy-konnector-750g
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
during my internship I had some difficulties with cozy, so I did a doc to help me.
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web-et-numerique / web-et-numerique-internet / data.grandlyon.com / POCs / Wiki territorial covid
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
Proof of concept of using WSO2 API Manager as Identity and Access Management solution
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POCS / dpetit / konnector-ecolyo
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated