#!/usr/bin/env bash # creates an instance with the default apps and grand lyon apps installed if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 <instance url>" exit 1 fi INSTANCE_ID=$1 source .env TMPFILE=$(mktemp /tmp/cozyXXX) echo "Removing instance ${INSTANCE_ID}.${COZY_TLD} ..." docker-compose exec cozy ./cozy instances destroy --host "${INSTANCE_ID}.${COZY_TLD}" | tee "${TMPFILE}" # TODO find a better way to detect if there was an error TOKEN="" if [ $(grep -ic ERROR ${TMPFILE}) -eq 0 ]; then TOKEN=$(grep token "${TMPFILE}" | cut -f2 -d":" | tr -d '" ') fi rm "${TMPFILE}" if [ -z "${TOKEN}" ]; then echo No token found. exit 1 fi