diff --git a/terraform/variables-gitlab.tf b/terraform/variables-gitlab.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5648602b9abf3899469de3818f4b354e31a3c51f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/terraform/variables-gitlab.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+### Gitlab CI variables
+variable "SCW_PROJECT_ID" {
+  type        = string
+  sensitive   = true
+  description = "Project ID from a scaleway project"
+variable "SCW_ACCESS_KEY" {
+  type      = string
+  sensitive = true
+  description = "Scaleway access key"
+variable "SCW_SECRET_KEY" {
+  type      = string
+  sensitive = true
+  description = "Scaleway secret key"
+variable "SCW_SSH_PUB_KEY" {
+  type        = string
+  sensitive   = true
+  description = "SSH public key from Gitlab agent installed on scaleway"
+variable "SCW_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" {
+  type        = string
+  sensitive   = true
+  description = "SSH private key from Gitlab agent for remote-exec"
+variable "INSTANCES_COUNT" {
+  type        = number
+  description = "Number of instances to create"
+variable "ENVIRONMENT" {
+  type        = string
+  description = "The type of lab to create, ex: devrust, pentest..."