# Alpha Project Manager An Infrastructure as Code manager to deploy lab infrastructure and configure instances. Working with Atrium, Gitlab CI, Terraform, Cloud-init and Scaleway. ### How does it work ? The FORGE (Gitlab) manage the Infrastructure with Terraform at any state, plan, creation, modification and destruction with the CI. The FORGE store and will provide the configuration information such as credentials to Terraform only during the running state to improve security. Then, informations are destroyed with the Gitlab Agent container. On run state, Terraform will create, modify and destroy infrastructure resources in Scaleway to match the configuration described in the configuration files. **Resources deployed :** | resource-type | plan | inbound port | |----------------------------------|--------|--------------| | scaleway_instance_ip | | | | scaleway_domain_record | | | | scaleway_domain_record | | | | scaleway_instance_security_group | | 22, 443 | | scaleway_instance_server | DEV1-L | | After the resources provisionned with Terraform, Cloud-init will configure the instances by running bash scripts, creating files... And 3 services will be running for each instance. **Running services :** - Atrium (Reverse proxy, TLS encryption and HTTPS to the others hosted services) - Code-server - Webtop After deployment, each resource can be accessed though HTTPS depending on their count number : - https://desktop-0.rust-0.daag.alpha.grandlyon.com/ - https://code-0.rust-0.daag.alpha.grandlyon.com/ - https://desktop-1.rust-1.daag.alpha.grandlyon.com/ - https://code-1.rust-1.daag.alpha.grandlyon.com/ **User :** - Username: abc - Password: <Gitlab Stored> ## Cloud-init - file creation In this example, you will find how to create a file to a defined path with cloud-init. Content inside `%` are meant to be replaced with sed command to be able to use environment variables or user-data. **cloud-init :** ```yaml write_files: - content: | hostname: %atrium_hostname%.daag.alpha.grandlyon.com debug_mode: false letsencrypt_email: %atrium_letsencrypt_email% tls_mode: Auto apps: # optional : applications served by atrium - id: 1 name: Code %atrium_count_index% icon: web_asset color: 4292030255 is_proxy: true host: code-%atrium_count_index% target: localhost:8080 - id: 2 name: Desktop %atrium_count_index% icon: web_asset color: 4292030255 is_proxy: true host: desktop-%atrium_count_index% target: localhost:8081 path: /root/atrium.yaml ``` **Bash commands example to replace `%` content :** ```bash sed -i "s/%atrium_hostname%/$(scw-userdata atrium_hostname)/g" /root/atrium.yaml sed -i "s/%atrium_letsencrypt_email%/$(scw-userdata atrium_letsencrypt_email)/g" /root/atrium.yaml sed -i "s/%atrium_count_index%/$(scw-userdata atrium_count_index)/g" /root/atrium.yaml ``` ## Use Gitlab variables in instances ### Example From my instances, I should be able to access the variables as user-data using the command `scw-userdata <my-variable>` after declaring them in Terraform. **Some documentation : https://blog.scaleway.com/introducing-scaleway-cloud-init-support/** ```HCL user_data = { atrium_count_index = count.index atrium_hostname = scaleway_domain_record.subdomain_record[count.index].name atrium_letsencrypt_email = var.LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL user_password = var.USER_PASSWORD cloud-init = file("../instance-scripts/cloud-init.yml") // this is not a variable, but the declaration of cloud-init file. } ``` ## Setup Terraform Locally First, you must setup 2 local files for your variables : ### variables-local.tf Create a file **variables-local.tf** containing the following code : ```hcl variable "FORGE_PROJECT_ID" { type = string description = "Forge Project ID" default = "your project id" sensitive = true } variable "FORGE_USERNAME" { type = string description = "Forge Username" default = "your username" sensitive = true } variable "FORGE_ACCESS_TOKEN" { type = string description = "Forge Access Token" default = "your access token" sensitive = true } ``` ### variables-local.tfvars Now, you can create a file for your variables information called **variables-local.tfvars** containing the following code : ```hcl ### SCW variables SCW_PROJECT_ID = "" SCW_ACCESS_KEY = "" SCW_SECRET_KEY = "" INSTANCES_COUNT = "2" ENVIRONMENT = "" ``` ### Terraform init - Gitlab remote tfstate You can grab a init command from your gitlab project on menu Infrastructure > Terraform. Select your environment and click the actions button, then you will only need to provide a gitlab project token. Command should look like : ```bash export GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN=<YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN> terraform init \ -backend-config="address=https://forge.grandlyon.com/api/v4/projects/<project-id>/terraform/state/<tfstate-name>" \ -backend-config="lock_address=https://forge.grandlyon.com/api/v4/projects/<project-id>/terraform/state/<tfstate-name>/lock" \ -backend-config="unlock_address=https://forge.grandlyon.com/api/v4/projects/<project-id>/terraform/state/<tfstate-name>/lock" \ -backend-config="username=xxxxxxx" \ -backend-config="password=$GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN" \ -backend-config="lock_method=POST" \ -backend-config="unlock_method=DELETE" \ -backend-config="retry_wait_min=5" terraform init -var-file=variables-local.tfvars ``` ### Terraform plan - With variables file ```bash terraform plan -var-file=variables-local.tfvars -out=tfplan ``` ### Terraform apply - With plan ```bash terraform apply tfplan ``` ### Terraform destroy - With variables file ```bash terraform destroy -var-file=variables-local.tfvars ```