### Gitlab CI variables variable "SCW_PROJECT_ID" { type = string sensitive = true description = "Project ID from a scaleway project" } variable "SCW_ACCESS_KEY" { type = string sensitive = true description = "Scaleway access key" } variable "SCW_SECRET_KEY" { type = string sensitive = true description = "Scaleway secret key" } variable "SCW_SSH_PUB_KEY" { type = string sensitive = true description = "SSH public key from Gitlab agent installed on scaleway" } variable "SCW_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" { type = string sensitive = true description = "SSH private key from Gitlab agent for remote-exec" } variable "USER_PASSWORD" { type = string sensitive = true description = "User password for accessing services" } variable "INSTANCES_COUNT" { type = number description = "Number of instances to create" } variable "ENVIRONMENT" { type = string description = "The type of lab to create, ex: devrust, pentest..." }