diff --git a/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorForm.tsx b/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorForm.tsx
index 9a36bc472d656e6586f03dc195583147f6204ff6..c85fece9ab9365970d938a899bc56cb895fb566c 100644
--- a/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorForm.tsx
+++ b/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorForm.tsx
@@ -1,106 +1,54 @@
-import React from 'react'
+import React, { useState } from 'react'
 import { translate } from 'cozy-ui/react/I18n'
 import IFluidConfig from 'services/IFluidConfig'
+import { Konnector, Trigger } from 'doctypes'
-import StyledIconButton from 'components/CommonKit/IconButton/StyledIconButton'
-import StyledButton from 'components/CommonKit/Button/StyledButton'
-import TrailingIcon from 'assets/icons/ico/trailing-icon.svg'
+import KonnectorLoginForm from 'components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorLoginForm'
+import KonnectorOAuthForm from 'components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorOAuthForm'
+import KonnectorLoading from 'components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorLoading'
 interface KonnectorFormProps {
   fluidConfig: IFluidConfig
-  login: string
-  setLogin: Function
-  password: string
-  setPassword: Function
-  loading: boolean
-  error: string
-  handleSubmit: Function
-  t: Function
+  konnector: Konnector
+  handleConnexion: Function
 const KonnectorForm: React.FC<KonnectorFormProps> = ({
-  login,
-  setLogin,
-  password,
-  setPassword,
-  loading,
-  error,
-  handleSubmit,
-  t,
+  konnector,
+  handleConnexion,
 }: KonnectorFormProps) => {
-  const konnectorName: string = fluidConfig.konnectorConfig.name
-  const konnectorType: string = fluidConfig.konnectorConfig.type
-  const siteLink: string = fluidConfig.siteLink
+  const oAuth: boolean = fluidConfig.konnectorConfig.oauth
+  const [account, setAccount] = useState<Account | null>(null)
+  const [trigger, setTrigger] = useState<Trigger | null>(null)
-  function revealPassword(idInput: string) {
-    const input = document.getElementById(idInput)
-    if (input) {
-      if (input.getAttribute('type') === 'password') {
-        input.setAttribute('type', 'text')
-      } else {
-        input.setAttribute('type', 'password')
-      }
-    }
+  const handleForm = (_account: Account, _trigger: Trigger) => {
+    setAccount(_account)
+    setTrigger(_trigger)
+  }
+  const handleKonnectorLoading = () => {
+    handleConnexion(account)
   return (
-    <form
-      className="form"
-      onSubmit={(e: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => handleSubmit(e)}
-    >
-      {t('KONNECTORCONFIG.LABEL_FILLIN')} {konnectorName}
-      <div className="form-group">
-        <div className="form-message">{error}</div>
-        <input
-          id={'idFieldLogin' + konnectorType}
-          type="text"
-          className="form-control form-input"
-          aria-describedby="emailHelp"
-          placeholder="Adresse e-mail"
-          name="login"
-          onChange={(e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) =>
-            setLogin(e.target.value)
-          }
-          value={login}
-        ></input>
-      </div>
-      <div className="form-group">
-        <div className="form-message">{error}</div>
-        <input
-          id={'idFieldPassword' + konnectorType}
-          type="password"
-          className="form-control form-input"
-          aria-describedby="PasswordHelp"
-          placeholder="Mot de passe"
-          name="password"
-          onChange={(e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) =>
-            setPassword(e.target.value)
-          }
-          value={password}
+    <>
+      {account && trigger ? (
+        <KonnectorLoading
+          trigger={trigger}
+          handleKonnectorLoading={handleKonnectorLoading}
+        />
+      ) : !oAuth ? (
+        <KonnectorLoginForm fluidConfig={fluidConfig} onSuccess={handleForm} />
+      ) : (
+        <KonnectorOAuthForm
+          konnector={konnector}
+          siteLink={fluidConfig.siteLink}
+          onSuccess={handleForm}
-        <span>
-          <StyledIconButton
-            icon={TrailingIcon}
-            className="form-trailing-icon"
-            size={22}
-            onClick={() => revealPassword('idFieldPassword' + konnectorType)}
-          />
-        </span>
-      </div>
-      <StyledButton type="submit" color="primary" disabled={loading}>
-      </StyledButton>
-      <StyledButton
-        type="button"
-        color="secondary"
-        disabled={loading}
-        onClick={() => window.open(siteLink, '_blank')}
-      >
-      </StyledButton>
-    </form>
+      )}
+    </>
diff --git a/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorLoading.tsx b/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorLoading.tsx
index e502a959adf95d7626d29dad1a0c217b69925a6e..9f24e828a56474d7b73fc9dbae489f4d7048c534 100644
--- a/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorLoading.tsx
+++ b/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorLoading.tsx
@@ -1,7 +1,17 @@
-import React from 'react'
+import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
+import { withClient, Client } from 'cozy-client'
 import { translate } from 'cozy-ui/react/I18n'
-import Lottie from 'react-lottie'
+import { isKonnectorRunning } from 'cozy-harvest-lib/dist/helpers/triggers'
+import {
+  KonnectorJob,
+} from 'cozy-harvest-lib/dist/models/KonnectorJob'
+import { Trigger } from 'doctypes'
+import Lottie from 'react-lottie'
 import * as loadingData from 'assets/anims/bounceloading.json'
 const loadingOptions = {
@@ -14,12 +24,52 @@ const loadingOptions = {
 interface KonnectorLoadingProps {
+  trigger: Trigger
+  handleKonnectorLoading: Function
+  client: Client
   t: Function
 const KonnectorLoading: React.FC<KonnectorLoadingProps> = ({
+  trigger,
+  handleKonnectorLoading,
+  client,
 }: KonnectorLoadingProps) => {
+  const callbackResponse = (state: string) => {
+    console.log('event', state)
+    handleKonnectorLoading(state)
+  }
+  useEffect(() => {
+    let subscribed = true
+    async function getData() {
+      if (!isKonnectorRunning(trigger)) {
+        const konnectorJob = new KonnectorJob(client, trigger)
+        const test = await konnectorJob.launch()
+        console.log(test)
+        console.log(konnectorJob)
+        const result = konnectorJob.getStatus()
+        console.log(result)
+        const result2 = konnectorJob.jobWatcher
+        console.log(result2)
+        konnectorJob.jobWatcher.on(ERROR_EVENT, () => {
+          callbackResponse(ERROR_EVENT)
+        })
+        konnectorJob.jobWatcher.on(LOGIN_SUCCESS_EVENT, () => {
+          callbackResponse(LOGIN_SUCCESS_EVENT)
+        })
+        konnectorJob.jobWatcher.on(SUCCESS_EVENT, () => {
+          callbackResponse(SUCCESS_EVENT)
+        })
+      }
+    }
+    getData()
+    return () => {
+      subscribed = false
+    }
+  }, [])
   return (
     <div className="kload-content">
       <Lottie options={loadingOptions} height={50} width={50} />
@@ -33,4 +83,4 @@ const KonnectorLoading: React.FC<KonnectorLoadingProps> = ({
-export default translate()(KonnectorLoading)
+export default translate()(withClient(KonnectorLoading))
diff --git a/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorLoginForm.tsx b/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorLoginForm.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..77affd21d5693c90f7d31098d19e3f3de425759d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorLoginForm.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+import React, { useState } from 'react'
+import { withClient, Client } from 'cozy-client'
+import { translate } from 'cozy-ui/react/I18n'
+import IFluidConfig from 'services/IFluidConfig'
+import StyledIconButton from 'components/CommonKit/IconButton/StyledIconButton'
+import StyledButton from 'components/CommonKit/Button/StyledButton'
+import TrailingIcon from 'assets/icons/ico/trailing-icon.svg'
+import { ConnectionService } from 'services/connectionService'
+interface KonnectorLoginFormProps {
+  fluidConfig: IFluidConfig
+  onSuccess: Function
+  client: Client
+  t: Function
+const KonnectorLoginForm: React.FC<KonnectorLoginFormProps> = ({
+  fluidConfig,
+  onSuccess,
+  client,
+  t,
+}: KonnectorLoginFormProps) => {
+  const konnectorName: string = fluidConfig.konnectorConfig.name
+  const konnectorType: string = fluidConfig.konnectorConfig.type
+  const siteLink: string = fluidConfig.siteLink
+  const [login, setLogin] = useState<string>('')
+  const [password, setPassword] = useState<string>('')
+  const [error, setError] = useState<string>('')
+  const [loading, setLoading] = useState<boolean>(false)
+  function revealPassword(idInput: string) {
+    const input = document.getElementById(idInput)
+    if (input) {
+      if (input.getAttribute('type') === 'password') {
+        input.setAttribute('type', 'text')
+      } else {
+        input.setAttribute('type', 'password')
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  const handleSubmit = async (e: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => {
+    e.preventDefault()
+    try {
+      setError('')
+      setLoading(true)
+      if (!login || !password) {
+        // TODO - translation
+        setError('Please enter a login and password')
+        setLoading(false)
+        return null
+      }
+      const connectionService = new ConnectionService(
+        client,
+        fluidConfig.konnectorConfig.slug,
+        login,
+        password
+      )
+      const { account, trigger } = await connectionService.connectNewUser()
+      if (!trigger) {
+        // TODO - translation
+        setError('Error during account creation')
+        setLoading(false)
+        return null
+      }
+      onSuccess(account, trigger)
+    } catch (error) {
+      setLoading(false)
+    }
+  }
+  return (
+    <form
+      className="form"
+      onSubmit={(e: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => handleSubmit(e)}
+    >
+      {t('KONNECTORCONFIG.LABEL_FILLIN')} {konnectorName}
+      <div className="form-group">
+        <div className="form-message">{error}</div>
+        <input
+          id={'idFieldLogin' + konnectorType}
+          type="text"
+          className="form-control form-input"
+          aria-describedby="emailHelp"
+          placeholder="Adresse e-mail"
+          name="login"
+          onChange={(e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) =>
+            setLogin(e.target.value)
+          }
+          value={login}
+        ></input>
+      </div>
+      <div className="form-group">
+        <div className="form-message">{error}</div>
+        <input
+          id={'idFieldPassword' + konnectorType}
+          type="password"
+          className="form-control form-input"
+          aria-describedby="PasswordHelp"
+          placeholder="Mot de passe"
+          name="password"
+          onChange={(e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) =>
+            setPassword(e.target.value)
+          }
+          value={password}
+        />
+        <span>
+          <StyledIconButton
+            icon={TrailingIcon}
+            className="form-trailing-icon"
+            size={22}
+            onClick={() => revealPassword('idFieldPassword' + konnectorType)}
+          />
+        </span>
+      </div>
+      <StyledButton type="submit" color="primary" disabled={loading}>
+      </StyledButton>
+      <StyledButton
+        type="button"
+        color="secondary"
+        disabled={loading}
+        onClick={() => window.open(siteLink, '_blank')}
+      >
+      </StyledButton>
+    </form>
+  )
+export default translate()(withClient(KonnectorLoginForm))
diff --git a/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorNotFound.tsx b/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorNotFound.tsx
index 6432b778ac8bd90a31fd36289de48dba41d077a9..c7c876d06616bf430273b2992dac7f26435c9c0e 100644
--- a/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorNotFound.tsx
+++ b/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorNotFound.tsx
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ const KonnectorNotFound: React.FC<KonnectorNotFoundProps> = ({
 }: KonnectorNotFoundProps) => {
   const openKonnectorURL = () => {
+    // TODO - Use getstoreinstallationurl from client - https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-client/api/cozy-client/#getstoreinstallationurl-string
     const hostname = window.location.origin.replace('ecolyo', 'store')
     const url = hostname + '/#/discover/' + konnectorSlug
diff --git a/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorOAuthForm.tsx b/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorOAuthForm.tsx
index 19381bb90596d91d588578eb669002210338c0b9..6461ee961269b28aba5210dd6da9d8e5223d3f0d 100644
--- a/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorOAuthForm.tsx
+++ b/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorOAuthForm.tsx
@@ -1,15 +1,19 @@
 import React from 'react'
+import { Client, withClient } from 'cozy-client'
 import { translate } from 'cozy-ui/react/I18n'
-import { Konnector } from 'doctypes'
+import { Konnector, Trigger } from 'doctypes'
 import OAuthForm from 'components/ContentComponents/OAuth/OAuthForm'
 import StyledButton from 'components/CommonKit/Button/StyledButton'
+import { AccountService } from 'services/accountService'
+import { TriggerService } from 'services/triggersService'
 interface KonnectorOAuthFormProps {
   konnector: Konnector
   siteLink: string
   onSuccess: Function
   loading: boolean
+  client: Client
   t: Function
@@ -18,15 +22,25 @@ const KonnectorOAuthForm: React.FC<KonnectorOAuthFormProps> = ({
+  client,
 }: KonnectorOAuthFormProps) => {
+  const handleSuccess = async (accountId: string) => {
+    const account = await AccountService.getAccount(client, accountId)
+    if (!account) {
+      onSuccess(null, null)
+    }
+    const triggersServices = new TriggerService(client, account, konnector)
+    const trigger: Trigger = await triggersServices.createTrigger()
+    onSuccess(account, trigger)
+  }
   return (
     <div className="koauthform">
       <div className="koauthform-text text-16-normal">
         {t('oauth.connect.' + konnector.slug + '.info')}
       <div className="koauthform-button">
-        <OAuthForm konnector={konnector} onSuccess={onSuccess} />
+        <OAuthForm konnector={konnector} onSuccess={handleSuccess} />
       <div className="koauthform-text text-16-bold">
         <div className="text-16-bold">
@@ -50,4 +64,4 @@ const KonnectorOAuthForm: React.FC<KonnectorOAuthFormProps> = ({
-export default translate()(KonnectorOAuthForm)
+export default translate()(withClient(KonnectorOAuthForm))
diff --git a/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorResult.tsx b/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorResult.tsx
index d6cf0f8708e150568496004999e21a9fac35de8c..fa5f3161a4a4446b32499694f8b952502d131ab8 100644
--- a/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorResult.tsx
+++ b/src/components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorResult.tsx
@@ -1,42 +1,122 @@
-import React from 'react'
+import React, { useState, useContext, useEffect } from 'react'
+import { withClient, Client } from 'cozy-client'
 import { translate } from 'cozy-ui/react/I18n'
+import { AppContext } from 'components/Contexts/AppContextProvider'
 import StyledButton from 'components/CommonKit/Button/StyledButton'
 import StyledBlackSpinner from 'components/CommonKit/Spinner/StyledBlackSpinner'
+import { Account, Konnector, Trigger } from 'doctypes'
+import {
+  getKonnectorJobError,
+  getKonnectorStatus,
+  getLastSuccessDate,
+} from 'cozy-harvest-lib/dist/helpers/triggers'
+import { TriggerService } from 'services/triggersService'
+import { AccountService } from 'services/accountService'
 interface KonnectorResultProps {
-  date: string
-  updating: boolean
-  errored: boolean
-  updateKonnector: (event: any) => void
-  deleteAccount: (event: any) => void
+  account: Account
+  konnector: Konnector
+  client: Client
   t: Function
 const KonnectorResult: React.FC<KonnectorResultProps> = ({
-  date,
-  updating,
-  errored,
-  updateKonnector,
-  deleteAccount,
+  account,
+  konnector,
+  client,
 }: KonnectorResultProps) => {
+  const [updating, setUpdating] = useState<boolean>(false)
+  const [lastExecutionDate, setLastExecutionDate] = useState<string>('-')
+  const [status, setStatus] = useState<string>('')
+  const context = useContext(AppContext)
+  // TODO - rework
+  const updateKonnector = async () => {
+    setUpdating(true)
+    try {
+      const triggersServices = new TriggerService(client, account, konnector)
+      if (trigger !== null) {
+        triggersServices.setTrigger(trigger)
+      }
+      const job = await triggersServices.launchTrigger()
+      if (!job) {
+        throw new Error(`Error during trigger launching`)
+      }
+      setlaunchedJob(job)
+    } catch (error) {
+      setUpdating(false)
+    }
+  }
+  const deleteAccount = async () => {
+    setUpdating(true)
+    try {
+      if (account) {
+        const delAccount = await AccountService.deleteAccount(client, account)
+        await context.refreshFluidTypes()
+      }
+    } catch (error) {
+      setUpdating(false)
+    }
+  }
+  useEffect(() => {
+    let subscribed = true
+    async function getData() {
+      const _trigger = await TriggerService.fetchTriggerFromAccount(
+        client,
+        account
+      )
+      console.log(_trigger)
+      if (subscribed && _trigger) {
+        console.log('trigger', _trigger)
+        const triggerState = await TriggerService.fetchTriggerState(
+          client,
+          _trigger
+        )
+        if (subscribed && triggerState) {
+          console.log(triggerState)
+          // TODO - format date
+          setLastExecutionDate(
+            new Date(triggerState.last_execution).toDateString()
+          )
+          setStatus(triggerState.status)
+          await context.refreshFluidTypes()
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    getData()
+    return () => {
+      subscribed = false
+    }
+  }, [])
   return (
     <div className="accordion-update-result">
       <div className="accordion-update">
-            errored
+            status === 'errored'
               ? 'accordion-caption-red text-16-normal'
               : 'accordion-caption text-16-normal'
-        <div>{date}</div>
+        <div>{lastExecutionDate}</div>
       <div className="inline-buttons">
-        <StyledButton type="button" color="primary" onClick={updateKonnector}>
+        <StyledButton
+          type="button"
+          color="primary"
+          onClick={updateKonnector}
+          disabled={updating}
+        >
           {updating ? (
             <StyledBlackSpinner size="2em" />
           ) : (
@@ -56,4 +136,4 @@ const KonnectorResult: React.FC<KonnectorResultProps> = ({
-export default translate()(KonnectorResult)
+export default translate()(withClient(KonnectorResult))
diff --git a/src/components/ContentComponents/KonnectorViewer/KonnectorViewer.tsx b/src/components/ContentComponents/KonnectorViewer/KonnectorViewer.tsx
index 0b12f3c51b281976d309821a5c89c4bd57fdee55..5f9c8ec19cfd61f79d1926303fa6fb8e3ca0e9a4 100644
--- a/src/components/ContentComponents/KonnectorViewer/KonnectorViewer.tsx
+++ b/src/components/ContentComponents/KonnectorViewer/KonnectorViewer.tsx
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
 import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
 import { withClient, Client } from 'cozy-client'
-import { Konnector, Trigger } from 'doctypes'
+import { Konnector } from 'doctypes'
 import KonnectorService from 'services/konnectorService'
-import KonnectorStatusService from 'services/konnectorStatusService'
 import KonnectorViewerCard from 'components/ContentComponents/KonnectorViewer/KonnectorViewerCard'
 import IFluidConfig from 'services/IFluidConfig'
@@ -20,7 +19,6 @@ const KonnectorViewer: React.FC<KonnectorViewerProps> = ({
   isParam = false,
 }: KonnectorViewerProps) => {
   const [konnector, setKonnector] = useState<Konnector | null>(null)
-  const [lastTrigger, setLastTrigger] = useState<Trigger | null>(null)
   const [loaded, setLoaded] = useState<boolean>(false)
   useEffect(() => {
@@ -29,28 +27,10 @@ const KonnectorViewer: React.FC<KonnectorViewerProps> = ({
-    const kss = new KonnectorStatusService(client)
     async function getData() {
       const _konnector: Konnector = await konnectorService.fetchKonnector()
       if (subscribed && _konnector) {
-        const allTriggers = await kss.getAllTriggers()
-        if (allTriggers) {
-          const lastTrigger = allTriggers
-            .filter(
-              (trigger: Trigger) =>
-                trigger.worker === 'konnector' &&
-                trigger.message.konnector === fluidConfig.konnectorConfig.slug
-            )
-            .sort((a: string | number | Date, b: string | number | Date) =>
-              new Date(a) > new Date(b) ? 1 : -1
-            )
-            .shift()
-          if (subscribed && lastTrigger) {
-            setLastTrigger(lastTrigger)
-          }
-        }
       if (subscribed) {
@@ -68,7 +48,6 @@ const KonnectorViewer: React.FC<KonnectorViewerProps> = ({
-          trigger={lastTrigger}
diff --git a/src/components/ContentComponents/KonnectorViewer/KonnectorViewerCard copy.tsx b/src/components/ContentComponents/KonnectorViewer/KonnectorViewerCard copy.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 46858c5404a045d86e33bc729dc2f737916f6f84..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/ContentComponents/KonnectorViewer/KonnectorViewerCard copy.tsx	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef, useContext } from 'react'
-import { ConnectionService } from 'services/connectionService'
-import { TriggerService } from 'services/triggersService'
-import { AccountService } from 'services/accountService'
-import { AppContext } from 'components/Contexts/AppContextProvider'
-import { JobService, JobState } from 'services/jobsService'
-import { FluidType } from 'enum/fluid.enum'
-import { withClient, Client } from 'cozy-client'
-import { translate } from 'cozy-ui/react/I18n'
-import { getPicto, getAddPicto, getFuildType, getParamPicto } from 'utils/utils'
-import chevronDown from 'assets/icons/ico/chevron-down.svg'
-import chevronUp from 'assets/icons/ico/chevron-up.svg'
-import StyledIcon from 'components/CommonKit/Icon/StyledIcon'
-import StyledIconButton from 'components/CommonKit/IconButton/StyledIconButton'
-import failurePicto from 'components/ContentComponents/KonnectorViewer/picto-failure.png'
-import KonnectorStatusService from 'services/konnectorStatusService'
-import IFluidConfig from 'services/IFluidConfig'
-import KonnectorForm from 'components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorForm'
-import KonnectorOAuthForm from 'components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorOAuthForm'
-import KonnectorLoading from 'components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorLoading'
-import KonnectorResult from 'components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorResult'
-import { Konnector, Trigger } from 'doctypes'
-interface KonnectorViewerCardProps {
-  fluidConfig: IFluidConfig
-  konnector: Konnector
-  trigger: Trigger | null
-  client: Client
-  isParam: boolean
-  t: Function
-const KonnectorViewerCard: React.FC<KonnectorViewerCardProps> = ({
-  fluidConfig,
-  konnector,
-  trigger,
-  client,
-  isParam,
-  t,
-}: KonnectorViewerCardProps) => {
-  const [login, setLogin] = useState<string>('')
-  const [password, setPassword] = useState<string>('')
-  const [loading, setLoading] = useState<boolean>(false)
-  const [updating, setUpdating] = useState<boolean>(false)
-  const [konnectorAccountId, setAccountId] = useState<string>('')
-  const [isKonnectorAcc, setAccount] = useState<boolean>(false)
-  const [setActive, setActiveState] = useState('')
-  const [setHeight, setHeightState] = useState('0px')
-  const [updateTrigger, setUpdateTrigger] = useState<any>(null)
-  const [updateDate, setUpdateDate] = useState<string>(
-    new Date('0001-01-01T00:00:00Z').toDateString()
-  )
-  // const [frequency, setFrequency] = useState<string>('daily')
-  const [error, setError] = useState<string>('')
-  const [jobState, setJobState] = useState<string>('')
-  const [launchedJob, setlaunchedJob] = useState<any>(null)
-  const content: React.MutableRefObject<null> = useRef<null>(null)
-  const type: string = fluidConfig.konnectorConfig.type
-  const fluid: FluidType = getFuildType(type)
-  const iconType = getPicto(fluid)
-  const context = useContext(AppContext)
-  const iconAddType = isParam ? getParamPicto(fluid) : getAddPicto(fluid)
-  const toggleAccordion = () => {
-    setActiveState(setActive === '' ? 'active' : '')
-    setHeightState(
-      setActive === 'active' &&
-        content &&
-        content.current &&
-        content.current.scrollHeight
-        ? '0px'
-        : `${content.current.scrollHeight}px`
-    )
-  }
-  const handleSubmit = async (e: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => {
-    try {
-      e.preventDefault()
-      setError('')
-      setLoading(true)
-      if (!login || !password) {
-        setError('Please enter a login and password')
-        setLoading(false)
-        return null
-      }
-      setJobState(JobState.Running)
-      const connectionService = new ConnectionService(
-        client,
-        fluidConfig.konnectorConfig.slug,
-        login,
-        password
-      )
-      const data = await connectionService.connectNewUser()
-      setLoading(false)
-      if (!data) {
-        setError('Error during the user connection')
-        setLoading(false)
-        setJobState(JobState.Errored)
-        return null
-      }
-      trigger = await KonnectorStatusService.getSingleTrigger(
-        client,
-        data.trigger_id
-      )
-      setUpdateTrigger(trigger)
-      setlaunchedJob(data)
-      setUpdateDate(new Date(data.queued_at).toDateString())
-      setAccountId(data.message.account)
-      setError('Connected')
-      setAccount(true)
-      return data
-    } catch (error) {
-      setLoading(false)
-      setError(error.message)
-    }
-  }
-  const deleteAccount = async () => {
-    try {
-      const account = await AccountService.getAccount(
-        client,
-        konnectorAccountId
-      )
-      if (!account) {
-        setError('Error fetching account')
-        setLoading(false)
-      }
-      const delAccount = await AccountService.deleteAccount(client, account)
-      if (!delAccount) {
-        setError('Error during deletion account')
-        setLoading(false)
-      }
-      setError('')
-      setJobState('')
-      toggleAccordion()
-      trigger = null
-      setAccount(false)
-      await context.refreshFluidTypes()
-    } catch (error) {
-      setLoading(false)
-      setError(error.message)
-    }
-  }
-  const updateKonnector = async () => {
-    setError('')
-    setJobState('')
-    setUpdating(true)
-    try {
-      const account = await AccountService.getAccount(
-        client,
-        konnectorAccountId
-      )
-      const triggersServices = new TriggerService(client, account, konnector)
-      if (updateTrigger !== null) {
-        triggersServices.setTrigger(updateTrigger)
-      } else {
-        triggersServices.setTrigger(trigger)
-      }
-      const job = await triggersServices.launchTrigger()
-      if (!job) {
-        throw new Error(`Error during trigger launching`)
-      }
-      setlaunchedJob(job)
-      setUpdateDate(new Date(job.queued_at).toDateString())
-    } catch (error) {
-      setUpdating(false)
-      setError(error.message)
-    }
-  }
-  const initOauthAccount = async (oauthAccountId: string) => {
-    setError('')
-    setJobState('')
-    setLoading(true)
-    try {
-      const account = await AccountService.getAccount(client, oauthAccountId)
-      const triggersServices = new TriggerService(client, account, konnector)
-      const trigger: Trigger = await triggersServices.createTrigger()
-      if (!trigger) {
-        throw new Error(`Error during trigger creation`)
-      }
-      //Launch the creation trigger
-      const job = await triggersServices.launchTrigger()
-      if (!job) {
-        throw new Error(`Error during trigger launching`)
-      }
-      setUpdateTrigger(trigger)
-      setlaunchedJob(job)
-      setUpdateDate(new Date(job.queued_at).toDateString())
-      setAccountId(job.message.account)
-      setError('Connected')
-      setAccount(true)
-    } catch (error) {
-      setLoading(false)
-      setError(error.message)
-    }
-  }
-  const getIcon = (jobState: string) => {
-    switch (jobState) {
-      case JobState.Errored:
-        return failurePicto
-      // case JobState.Running:
-      //   return pendingPicto
-      // case JobState.Done:
-      //   return successPicto
-      default:
-        return ''
-    }
-  }
-  const getKonnectorStateMarkup = (jobState: string) => {
-    const iconSrc = getIcon(jobState)
-    if (iconSrc === '') return ''
-    return <img className="state-icon" src={iconSrc}></img>
-  }
-  const jobStateCallBack = async (state: string) => {
-    setJobState(state)
-    if (state !== JobState.Running) {
-      setLoading(false)
-      setUpdating(false)
-      setJobState(state)
-      context.refreshFluidTypes()
-    }
-  }
-  useEffect(() => {
-    let subscribed = true
-    async function getTriggerData() {
-      if (trigger || launchedJob) {
-        const jobService = new JobService(client)
-        let runningJob = null
-        if (trigger) {
-          let triggerState = null
-          triggerState = TriggerService.fetchStateFromTrigger(trigger)
-          const konnectorAcc = TriggerService.fetchKonnectorAccountFromTrigger(
-            trigger
-          )
-          if (subscribed && konnectorAcc.konnector === konnector.slug) {
-            setAccountId(konnectorAcc.account)
-            setAccount(true)
-          }
-          if (subscribed && !launchedJob) setJobState(triggerState.status)
-          if (triggerState.status === JobState.Running)
-            runningJob = jobService.fetchJob(triggerState.last_executed_job_id)
-        }
-        if (launchedJob) runningJob = launchedJob
-        if (runningJob) jobService.watch(runningJob, jobStateCallBack)
-      }
-    }
-    getTriggerData()
-    return () => {
-      subscribed = false
-    }
-  }, [trigger, launchedJob])
-  return (
-    <>
-      <div className={`accordion ${setActive}`}>
-        <div>
-          <div
-            className={`accordion-header ${setActive}`}
-            onClick={toggleAccordion}
-          >
-            <div className="accordion-icon">
-              {!isKonnectorAcc ? (
-                <StyledIcon className="icon" icon={iconAddType} size={49} />
-              ) : (
-                <StyledIcon className="icon" icon={iconType} size={49} />
-              )}
-            </div>
-            <div className="state-picto">
-              {getKonnectorStateMarkup(jobState)}
-            </div>
-            <div className="accordion-info">
-              <div className="accordion-title text-16-normal">
-                {!isKonnectorAcc
-                  ? t('KONNECTORCONFIG.LABEL_CONNECTTO_' + FluidType[fluid])
-                  : t('FLUID.' + FluidType[fluid] + '.LABEL')}
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            <StyledIconButton icon={setActive ? chevronUp : chevronDown} />
-          </div>
-          <div
-            ref={content}
-            style={{ maxHeight: `${setHeight}` }}
-            className={`accordion-content ${setActive}`}
-          >
-            {!isKonnectorAcc ? (
-              !fluidConfig.konnectorConfig.oauth ? (
-                <KonnectorForm
-                  fluidConfig={fluidConfig}
-                  login={login}
-                  setLogin={setLogin}
-                  password={password}
-                  setPassword={setPassword}
-                  loading={loading}
-                  error={error}
-                  handleSubmit={handleSubmit}
-                />
-              ) : (
-                <KonnectorOAuthForm
-                  konnector={konnector}
-                  siteLink={fluidConfig.siteLink}
-                  onSuccess={initOauthAccount}
-                  loading={loading}
-                />
-              )
-            ) : loading ? (
-              <KonnectorLoading />
-            ) : (
-              <KonnectorResult
-                date={
-                  trigger
-                    ? TriggerService.fetchDateFromTrigger(trigger)
-                    : updateDate
-                }
-                updating={updating}
-                errored={jobState === JobState.Errored}
-                updateKonnector={updateKonnector}
-                deleteAccount={deleteAccount}
-              />
-            )}
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </>
-  )
-export default translate()(withClient(KonnectorViewerCard))
diff --git a/src/components/ContentComponents/KonnectorViewer/KonnectorViewerCard.tsx b/src/components/ContentComponents/KonnectorViewer/KonnectorViewerCard.tsx
index 6239cc01dbc1c63b94974e1e4d607810d13e95a3..e0d85934d4c747c5d0144c7c3bec9b9883610740 100644
--- a/src/components/ContentComponents/KonnectorViewer/KonnectorViewerCard.tsx
+++ b/src/components/ContentComponents/KonnectorViewer/KonnectorViewerCard.tsx
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
-import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef, useContext } from 'react'
-import { ConnectionService } from 'services/connectionService'
-import { TriggerService } from 'services/triggersService'
+import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
 import { AccountService } from 'services/accountService'
-import { AppContext } from 'components/Contexts/AppContextProvider'
 import { JobService, JobState } from 'services/jobsService'
 import { FluidType } from 'enum/fluid.enum'
@@ -19,13 +15,10 @@ import StyledIcon from 'components/CommonKit/Icon/StyledIcon'
 import StyledIconButton from 'components/CommonKit/IconButton/StyledIconButton'
 import failurePicto from 'components/ContentComponents/KonnectorViewer/picto-failure.png'
-import KonnectorStatusService from 'services/konnectorStatusService'
 import IFluidConfig from 'services/IFluidConfig'
 import KonnectorNotFound from 'components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorNotFound'
 import KonnectorForm from 'components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorForm'
-import KonnectorOAuthForm from 'components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorOAuthForm'
-import KonnectorLoading from 'components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorLoading'
 import KonnectorResult from 'components/ContentComponents/Konnector/KonnectorResult'
 import { Konnector, Trigger } from 'doctypes'
@@ -33,7 +26,6 @@ import { Konnector, Trigger } from 'doctypes'
 interface KonnectorViewerCardProps {
   fluidConfig: IFluidConfig
   konnector: Konnector
-  trigger: Trigger | null
   client: Client
   isParam: boolean
   t: Function
@@ -42,32 +34,22 @@ interface KonnectorViewerCardProps {
 const KonnectorViewerCard: React.FC<KonnectorViewerCardProps> = ({
-  trigger,
 }: KonnectorViewerCardProps) => {
-  const [login, setLogin] = useState<string>('')
-  const [password, setPassword] = useState<string>('')
-  const [loading, setLoading] = useState<boolean>(false)
-  const [updating, setUpdating] = useState<boolean>(false)
-  const [konnectorAccountId, setAccountId] = useState<string>('')
-  const [isKonnectorAcc, setAccount] = useState<boolean>(false)
+  const [account, setAccount] = useState<Account | null>(null)
   const [setActive, setActiveState] = useState('')
   const [setHeight, setHeightState] = useState('0px')
-  const [updateTrigger, setUpdateTrigger] = useState<Trigger | null>(null)
-  const [updateDate, setUpdateDate] = useState<string>(
-    new Date('0001-01-01T00:00:00Z').toDateString()
-  )
-  // const [frequency, setFrequency] = useState<string>('daily')
   const [error, setError] = useState<string>('')
   const [jobState, setJobState] = useState<string>('')
-  const [launchedJob, setlaunchedJob] = useState<any>(null)
   const content: React.MutableRefObject<null> = useRef<null>(null)
   const type: string = fluidConfig.konnectorConfig.type
   const fluid: FluidType = getFuildType(type)
   const iconType = getPicto(fluid)
-  const context = useContext(AppContext)
   const iconAddType = isParam ? getParamPicto(fluid) : getAddPicto(fluid)
@@ -83,130 +65,7 @@ const KonnectorViewerCard: React.FC<KonnectorViewerCardProps> = ({
-  const handleSubmit = async (e: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => {
-    try {
-      e.preventDefault()
-      setError('')
-      setLoading(true)
-      if (!login || !password) {
-        setError('Please enter a login and password')
-        setLoading(false)
-        return null
-      }
-      setJobState(JobState.Running)
-      const connectionService = new ConnectionService(
-        client,
-        fluidConfig.konnectorConfig.slug,
-        login,
-        password
-      )
-      const data = await connectionService.connectNewUser()
-      setLoading(false)
-      if (!data) {
-        setError('Error during the user connection')
-        setLoading(false)
-        setJobState(JobState.Errored)
-        return null
-      }
-      trigger = await KonnectorStatusService.getSingleTrigger(
-        client,
-        data.trigger_id
-      )
-      setUpdateTrigger(trigger)
-      setlaunchedJob(data)
-      setUpdateDate(new Date(data.queued_at).toDateString())
-      setAccountId(data.message.account)
-      setError('Connected')
-      setAccount(true)
-      return data
-    } catch (error) {
-      setLoading(false)
-      setError(error.message)
-    }
-  }
-  const deleteAccount = async () => {
-    try {
-      const account = await AccountService.getAccount(
-        client,
-        konnectorAccountId
-      )
-      if (!account) {
-        setError('Error fetching account')
-        setLoading(false)
-      }
-      const delAccount = await AccountService.deleteAccount(client, account)
-      if (!delAccount) {
-        setError('Error during deletion account')
-        setLoading(false)
-      }
-      setError('')
-      setJobState('')
-      toggleAccordion()
-      trigger = null
-      setAccount(false)
-      await context.refreshFluidTypes()
-    } catch (error) {
-      setLoading(false)
-      setError(error.message)
-    }
-  }
-  const updateKonnector = async () => {
-    setError('')
-    setJobState('')
-    setUpdating(true)
-    try {
-      const account = await AccountService.getAccount(
-        client,
-        konnectorAccountId
-      )
-      const triggersServices = new TriggerService(client, account, konnector)
-      if (updateTrigger !== null) {
-        triggersServices.setTrigger(updateTrigger)
-      } else {
-        triggersServices.setTrigger(trigger)
-      }
-      const job = await triggersServices.launchTrigger()
-      if (!job) {
-        throw new Error(`Error during trigger launching`)
-      }
-      setlaunchedJob(job)
-      setUpdateDate(new Date(job.queued_at).toDateString())
-    } catch (error) {
-      setUpdating(false)
-      setError(error.message)
-    }
-  }
-  const initOauthAccount = async (oauthAccountId: string) => {
-    setError('')
-    setJobState('')
-    setLoading(true)
-    try {
-      const account = await AccountService.getAccount(client, oauthAccountId)
-      const triggersServices = new TriggerService(client, account, konnector)
-      const trigger: Trigger = await triggersServices.createTrigger()
-      if (!trigger) {
-        throw new Error(`Error during trigger creation`)
-      }
-      //Launch the creation trigger
-      const job = await triggersServices.launchTrigger()
-      if (!job) {
-        throw new Error(`Error during trigger launching`)
-      }
-      setUpdateTrigger(trigger)
-      setlaunchedJob(job)
-      setUpdateDate(new Date(job.queued_at).toDateString())
-      setAccountId(job.message.account)
-      setError('Connected')
-      setAccount(true)
-    } catch (error) {
-      setLoading(false)
-      setError(error.message)
-    }
-  }
+  // TODO - rework
   const getIcon = (jobState: string) => {
     switch (jobState) {
       case JobState.Errored:
@@ -215,53 +74,37 @@ const KonnectorViewerCard: React.FC<KonnectorViewerCardProps> = ({
         return ''
+  // TODO - rework
   const getKonnectorStateMarkup = (jobState: string) => {
     const iconSrc = getIcon(jobState)
     if (iconSrc === '') return ''
     return <img className="state-icon" src={iconSrc}></img>
-  const jobStateCallBack = async (state: string) => {
-    setJobState(state)
-    if (state !== JobState.Running) {
-      setLoading(false)
-      setUpdating(false)
-      setJobState(state)
-      context.refreshFluidTypes()
-    }
+  const handleConnexion = (_account: Account) => {
+    setAccount(_account)
   useEffect(() => {
     let subscribed = true
-    async function getTriggerData() {
-      if (konnector && (trigger || launchedJob)) {
-        const jobService = new JobService(client)
-        let runningJob = null
-        if (trigger) {
-          let triggerState = null
-          triggerState = TriggerService.fetchStateFromTrigger(trigger)
-          const konnectorAcc = TriggerService.fetchKonnectorAccountFromTrigger(
-            trigger
-          )
-          if (subscribed && konnectorAcc.konnector === konnector.slug) {
-            setAccountId(konnectorAcc.account)
-            setAccount(true)
-          }
-          if (subscribed && !launchedJob) setJobState(triggerState.status)
-          if (triggerState.status === JobState.Running)
-            runningJob = jobService.fetchJob(triggerState.last_executed_job_id)
+    async function getData() {
+      if (konnector) {
+        const _account = await AccountService.getAccountByType(
+          client,
+          konnector.slug
+        )
+        if (subscribed && _account) {
+          console.log(konnector.slug)
+          console.log(_account)
+          setAccount(_account)
-        if (launchedJob) runningJob = launchedJob
-        if (runningJob) jobService.watch(runningJob, jobStateCallBack)
-    getTriggerData()
+    getData()
     return () => {
       subscribed = false
-  }, [trigger, launchedJob])
+  }, [])
   return (
@@ -272,7 +115,7 @@ const KonnectorViewerCard: React.FC<KonnectorViewerCardProps> = ({
             <div className="accordion-icon">
-              {!isKonnectorAcc ? (
+              {!account ? (
                 <StyledIcon className="icon" icon={iconAddType} size={49} />
               ) : (
                 <StyledIcon className="icon" icon={iconType} size={49} />
@@ -283,7 +126,7 @@ const KonnectorViewerCard: React.FC<KonnectorViewerCardProps> = ({
             <div className="accordion-info">
               <div className="accordion-title text-16-normal">
-                {!isKonnectorAcc
+                {!account
                   ? t('KONNECTORCONFIG.LABEL_CONNECTTO_' + FluidType[fluid])
                   : t('FLUID.' + FluidType[fluid] + '.LABEL')}
@@ -300,40 +143,14 @@ const KonnectorViewerCard: React.FC<KonnectorViewerCardProps> = ({
-            ) : !isKonnectorAcc ? (
-              !fluidConfig.konnectorConfig.oauth ? (
-                <KonnectorForm
-                  fluidConfig={fluidConfig}
-                  login={login}
-                  setLogin={setLogin}
-                  password={password}
-                  setPassword={setPassword}
-                  loading={loading}
-                  error={error}
-                  handleSubmit={handleSubmit}
-                />
-              ) : (
-                <KonnectorOAuthForm
-                  konnector={konnector}
-                  siteLink={fluidConfig.siteLink}
-                  onSuccess={initOauthAccount}
-                  loading={loading}
-                />
-              )
-            ) : loading ? (
-              <KonnectorLoading />
-            ) : (
-              <KonnectorResult
-                date={
-                  trigger
-                    ? TriggerService.fetchDateFromTrigger(trigger)
-                    : updateDate
-                }
-                updating={updating}
-                errored={jobState === JobState.Errored}
-                updateKonnector={updateKonnector}
-                deleteAccount={deleteAccount}
+            ) : !account ? (
+              <KonnectorForm
+                fluidConfig={fluidConfig}
+                konnector={konnector}
+                handleConnexion={handleConnexion}
+            ) : (
+              <KonnectorResult account={account} konnector={konnector} />
diff --git a/src/services/accountService.ts b/src/services/accountService.ts
index 3732790237cdc495153cdc32865f62d50418ced2..807f597c59e4add13d54f1d99e2e4fe2f6d251ed 100644
--- a/src/services/accountService.ts
+++ b/src/services/accountService.ts
@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ export class AccountService {
         // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase
         .where({ account_type: type })
-        // .sortBy([{ 'cozyMetadata.updatedAt': 'desc' }])
-      return await client.query(query)
+      const result = await client.query(query)
+      return result.data[0] ? result.data[0] : null
     } catch (error) {
       throw error
diff --git a/src/services/connectionService.ts b/src/services/connectionService.ts
index 7108fedf68945dbeea026025100b04b65be2f58c..6fb4a3044b20f441b356c810728f4ea5757f4bbc 100644
--- a/src/services/connectionService.ts
+++ b/src/services/connectionService.ts
@@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ export class ConnectionService {
     if (!trigger) {
       throw new Error(`Error during trigger creation`)
-    //Launch the creation trigger
-    const job = await triggersServices.launchTrigger()
-    if (!job) {
-      throw new Error(`Error during trigger launching`)
+    return {
+      account: account,
+      trigger: trigger,
-    return job
+    //Launch the creation trigger
+    // const job = await triggersServices.launchTrigger()
+    // if (!job) {
+    //   throw new Error(`Error during trigger launching`)
+    // }
+    // return job
diff --git a/src/services/konnectorStatusService.ts b/src/services/konnectorStatusService.ts
index 0b241f9f9152794bc6bee4ea6f2a1812677bef6f..8ab8c3bde63422f10d14660e413ac12406e8f0be 100644
--- a/src/services/konnectorStatusService.ts
+++ b/src/services/konnectorStatusService.ts
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ export default class KonnectorStatusService {
     return 'konnector status'
+  // TODO - move to triggerservices
   async getTriggerbyKonnector(konnector: Konnector) {
     const query = this._client
@@ -120,13 +121,13 @@ export default class KonnectorStatusService {
       const data: FluidType[] = []
-      if (elecData && elecData.data && elecData.data[0]) {
+      if (elecData) {
-      if (gasData && gasData.data && gasData.data[0]) {
+      if (gasData) {
-      if (waterData && waterData.data && waterData.data[0]) {
+      if (waterData) {
       return data
diff --git a/src/services/triggersService.ts b/src/services/triggersService.ts
index 790798be45796c6c72294ba2c48fca4dfc4e0c60..566954e6c1d1edfa06875d41eb6bca51720fc9b5 100644
--- a/src/services/triggersService.ts
+++ b/src/services/triggersService.ts
@@ -110,4 +110,25 @@ export class TriggerService {
+  static async fetchTriggerFromAccount(client: Client, account: Account) {
+    if (account == null) return null
+    const query = client
+      .find('io.cozy.triggers')
+      .where({ 'message.account': account._id })
+      .sortBy([{ 'cozyMetadata.updatedAt': 'desc' }])
+      .limitBy(1)
+    const result = await client.query(query)
+    return result.data[0] ? result.data[0] : null
+  }
+  static async fetchTriggerState(client: Client, trigger: Trigger) {
+    if (trigger == null) return null
+    const triggerState = await client
+      .getStackClient()
+      .fetchJSON('GET', `/jobs/triggers/${trigger._id}`)
+    return triggerState.data.attributes.current_state
+      ? triggerState.data.attributes.current_state
+      : null
+  }