language: node_js matrix: fast_finish: true node_js: - '8' branches: only: - master # tags - /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+(\-beta.\d+)?$/ env: global: # GITHUB_TOKEN for yarn deploy script # to generate yours : travis encrypt GITHUB_TOKEN=<your_GITHUB_TOKEN> -r hsubtil/llle --org # REGISTRY_TOKEN for yarn cozyPublish script # to generate yours : travis encrypt REGISTRY_TOKEN=<your_REGISTRY_TOKEN> -r hsubtil/llle --org # N.B.: the --org option is needed only for public repositories cache: yarn: true directories: - node_modules before_install: - curl -fsSL | python - --user - travis_retry pip install --user transifex-client==0.12.5 - install -m0644 .transifexrc.tpl ~/.transifexrc - echo "password = $TX_PASSWD" >> ~/.transifexrc stages: - prebuild - build jobs: include: - name: 'Lint' stage: 'prebuild' script: yarn lint - name: 'Tests' stage: 'prebuild' script: yarn test - name: 'Build app' stage: 'build' before_install: - curl -fsSL | python - --user - travis_retry pip install --user transifex-client==0.12.5 - install -m0644 .transifexrc.tpl ~/.transifexrc - echo "password = $TX_PASSWD" >> ~/.transifexrc script: yarn build deploy: - provider: script repo: hsubtil/llle skip-cleanup: true # deploy the build on a build branch and publish to the Cozy registry script: DEPLOY_BRANCH=build && yarn deploy && yarn cozyPublish on: branch: master - provider: script repo: hsubtil/llle skip-cleanup: true # publish stable or beta versions using Github Releases (git tag) script: DEPLOY_BRANCH=build && yarn cozyPublish on: tags: true