diff --git a/mentions-legales.css b/mentions-legales.css
index b74484ebadbd74f68a91fe43096bcfd302083df5..467874c969861d7fc9b42701b2f7331574246b37 100644
--- a/mentions-legales.css
+++ b/mentions-legales.css
@@ -1,22 +1,13 @@
 .main-cta {
-  overflow-y: hidden;
+  overflow-y: hidden; }
 .content-txt {
-  padding: 1rem 0;
+  padding: 1rem 0; }
 h2 {
   margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
   margin-top: 1.25rem;
-  color: #f1c017 !important;
-a {
-  color: #f1c017;
-  text-decoration: none;
+  color: #f1c017 !important; }
 p {
-  line-height: 120%;
+  line-height: 120%; }
diff --git a/mentions-legales.html b/mentions-legales.html
index 9f1de1a2461ea76e7b772d58070959234f58e2b6..6c1a86799eaa5fdd9c276baf807f3b8d3d3937a0 100644
--- a/mentions-legales.html
+++ b/mentions-legales.html
@@ -39,9 +39,7 @@
             Mentions légales du site Ecolyo de la Métropole de Lyon
           <p class="text-16-white-padding">
-            Site Ecolyo de la Métropole de Lyon : <a href="www.ecolyo.com"
-              >www.ecolyo.com</a
-            ><br />
+            Site Ecolyo de la Métropole de Lyon : www.ecolyo.com<br />
             Métropole de Lyon - 20 rue du Lac – CS 33569 - 69505 Lyon cedex
             03<br />
             Tél : (33) 4 78 63 40 40
@@ -134,35 +132,25 @@
           <h2 class="text-18-white">
-            Établissements de liens vers le site
-            <a href="www.ecolyo.com">www.ecolyo.com</a>
+            Établissements de liens vers le site www.ecolyo.com
           <p class="text-16-white-padding">
             La Métropole de Lyon autorise la mise en place d'un lien hypertexte
-            vers son site
-            <a href="www.ecolyo.com">www.ecolyo.com</a> pour tous les sites
-            Internet, à l'exclusion de ceux diffusant des informations à
-            caractère polémique, pornographique, xénophobe ou pouvant, dans une
-            plus large mesure porter atteinte à la sensibilité du plus grand
-            nombre.<br />
+            vers son site www.ecolyo.com pour tous les sites Internet, à
+            l'exclusion de ceux diffusant des informations à caractère
+            polémique, pornographique, xénophobe ou pouvant, dans une plus large
+            mesure porter atteinte à la sensibilité du plus grand nombre.<br />
             Le lien doit aboutir à la page d'accueil du site (home page) et le
-            site
-            <a href="www.ecolyo.com">www.ecolyo.com</a> doit apparaître dans une
-            nouvelle fenêtre. Les pages du site
-            <a href="www.ecolyo.com">www.ecolyo.com</a> ne doivent en aucun cas
-            être intégrées à l'intérieur des pages d'un autre site (Frame).<br />
+            site www.ecolyo.com doit apparaître dans une nouvelle fenêtre. Les
+            pages du site www.ecolyo.com ne doivent en aucun cas être intégrées
+            à l'intérieur des pages d'un autre site (Frame).<br />
             Dans tous les cas d'espèce, la Métropole de Lyon se réserve le droit
             de demander la suppression d'un lien si elle estime que le site
             cible ne respecte pas les règles ainsi définies.
           <h2 class="text-18-white">
-            Liens vers des sites tiers depuis le site
-            <a
-              href="www.ecolyo.com
-              >www.ecolyo.com</a
-            >
+            Liens vers des sites tiers depuis le site www.ecolyo.com
           <p class="text-16-white-padding">
             Les liens hypertextes mis en Å“uvre au sein du site en direction
diff --git a/mentions-legales.scss b/mentions-legales.scss
index 00cf5d46cb217cd4eda1cdb3991f4ed10b0758aa..564fba5586d50bd98760f018239e7c8968742153 100644
--- a/mentions-legales.scss
+++ b/mentions-legales.scss
@@ -14,11 +14,6 @@ h2 {
   color: $yellow !important;
-a {
-  color: $yellow;
-  text-decoration: none;
 p {
   line-height: 120%;
diff --git a/style.css b/style.css
index 3aa933906d8e6a555a59116ab296ae395aeb3f74..9a22074569a832fa51ca5ca1333dac0cc7a920ab 100644
--- a/style.css
+++ b/style.css
@@ -1,124 +1,94 @@
-/* line 2, experimentation-page.scss */
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-/* line 5, experimentation-page.scss */
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-/* line 8, experimentation-page.scss */
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   text-decoration: none; }
-/* line 11, experimentation-page.scss */
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-/* line 14, experimentation-page.scss */
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-/* line 19, experimentation-page.scss */
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   color: #4dab9a; }
-/* line 22, experimentation-page.scss */
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   color: #ffa344; }
-/* line 25, experimentation-page.scss */
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   color: #e255a1; }
-/* line 28, experimentation-page.scss */
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   color: #529cca; }
-/* line 31, experimentation-page.scss */
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-/* line 34, experimentation-page.scss */
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-/* line 37, experimentation-page.scss */
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   color: #9a6dd7; }
-/* line 40, experimentation-page.scss */
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-  /* line 42, experimentation-page.scss */
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-  /* line 48, experimentation-page.scss */
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-  /* line 53, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page .icon-folded-hands::before {
     background: url("assets/icon-folded-hands.png") no-repeat;
     background-size: contain; }
-  /* line 58, experimentation-page.scss */
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     background: url("assets/icon-star-struck.png") no-repeat;
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-  /* line 63, experimentation-page.scss */
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     background: url("assets/icon-lightbulb.png") no-repeat;
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-  /* line 68, experimentation-page.scss */
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     background: url("assets/glass.svg") no-repeat;
     background-size: contain; }
-  /* line 73, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page .icon-target::before {
     background: url("assets/icon-target.png") no-repeat;
     background-size: contain; }
-  /* line 78, experimentation-page.scss */
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     background: url("assets/icon-speak.png") no-repeat;
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-  /* line 83, experimentation-page.scss */
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     background: url("assets/icon-wink.png") no-repeat;
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-  /* line 88, experimentation-page.scss */
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     background: url("assets/icon-alert.png") no-repeat;
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-  /* line 93, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page .icon-tree::before {
     background: url("assets/icon-tree.png") no-repeat;
     background-size: contain; }
-  /* line 98, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page .icon-note::before {
     background: url("assets/icon-note.png") no-repeat;
     background-size: contain; }
-  /* line 103, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page .icon-wrestling::before {
     background: url("assets/icon-wrestling.png") no-repeat;
     background-size: contain; }
-  /* line 108, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page .icon-microscope::before {
     background: url("assets/icon-microscope.png") no-repeat;
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-  /* line 113, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page .icon-link::before {
     background: url("assets/icon-link.png") no-repeat;
     background-size: contain; }
-  /* line 118, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page .icon-file-cabinet::before {
     background: url("assets/icon-file-cabinet.png") no-repeat;
     background-size: contain; }
-/* line 124, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page h2,
 .experimentation-page h3,
 .experimentation-page h4 {
@@ -126,42 +96,34 @@
   padding-bottom: 0.75rem;
   border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.07); }
-/* line 131, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page h2 {
   font-size: 1.875em;
   line-height: 1.3;
   margin-bottom: 0.75rem; }
-/* line 136, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page h3,
 .experimentation-page h4 {
   font-size: 1rem;
   line-height: 1.5;
   margin-bottom: 1rem; }
-/* line 142, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page header {
   height: calc(15vh + 75px);
   overflow: hidden; }
   @media (min-width: 768px) {
-    /* line 142, experimentation-page.scss */
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-    /* line 142, experimentation-page.scss */
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-/* line 152, experimentation-page.scss */
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   border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.07);
   padding: 1rem; }
-/* line 156, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page .banner-exp {
   height: 100%;
   width: 100%; }
-  /* line 159, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page .banner-exp img {
     display: inline-block;
     object-fit: cover;
@@ -169,33 +131,27 @@
     height: 380px;
     object-position: 20% 25%; }
-/* line 167, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page main,
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   background: #2f3437; }
-/* line 171, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page .wrapper {
   width: 100%;
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-    /* line 171, experimentation-page.scss */
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       padding: 0 6rem; } }
-/* line 180, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page h1 {
   font-size: 2rem;
   padding-top: 5.2rem;
   position: relative;
   margin-bottom: 2.5rem; }
   @media (min-width: 768px) {
-    /* line 180, experimentation-page.scss */
     .experimentation-page h1 {
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-  /* line 188, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page h1::before {
     content: url("assets/glass.svg");
     display: inline-block;
@@ -204,7 +160,6 @@
     top: -44px;
     left: 0; }
-/* line 198, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #intro .title {
   color: #f1c017;
   font-size: 1.25rem;
@@ -213,48 +168,38 @@
   border: none;
   padding: 0; }
-/* line 206, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #intro p:not(.title) {
   margin-bottom: 0.5rem; }
-/* line 209, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #intro .list {
   margin: 2rem 0; }
-  /* line 211, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #intro .list li {
     display: flex;
     flex-direction: column-reverse;
     justify-content: space-between;
     padding-bottom: 1.5rem; }
     @media (min-width: 768px) {
-      /* line 211, experimentation-page.scss */
       .experimentation-page #intro .list li {
         flex-direction: row;
         align-items: center; } }
-  /* line 221, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #intro .list .item {
     flex-basis: 80%;
     color: #f1c017;
     position: relative;
     padding: 1rem 1rem 1rem 3rem; }
-    /* line 226, experimentation-page.scss */
     .experimentation-page #intro .list .item::before {
       position: absolute;
       left: 1rem;
       top: 1rem; }
-  /* line 232, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #intro .list .item-img {
     flex-basis: 20%;
     text-align: center; }
-    /* line 235, experimentation-page.scss */
     .experimentation-page #intro .list .item-img img {
       max-width: 72px; }
-/* line 242, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #method .method-container {
   margin: 2rem 0; }
-/* line 245, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #method .method-number {
   display: flex;
   flex-direction: column-reverse;
@@ -262,13 +207,10 @@
   padding: 0.75rem 0;
   margin-bottom: 0.5rem; }
   @media (min-width: 768px) {
-    /* line 245, experimentation-page.scss */
     .experimentation-page #method .method-number {
       flex-direction: row; } }
-  /* line 254, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #method .method-number .content {
     flex-basis: 70%; }
-  /* line 257, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #method .method-number .number {
     text-align: center;
     flex-basis: 30%;
@@ -278,126 +220,99 @@
     font-weight: bold;
     margin-bottom: 0.5rem; }
     @media (min-width: 768px) {
-      /* line 257, experimentation-page.scss */
       .experimentation-page #method .method-number .number {
         margin-bottom: 0; } }
-/* line 271, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #method .tips-frame p {
   color: #f1c017;
   font-weight: bold;
   padding-left: 2rem;
   position: relative; }
-  /* line 276, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #method .tips-frame p::before {
     position: absolute;
     top: 0;
     left: 0; }
-/* line 283, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #method .method-test {
   display: flex;
   flex-direction: column;
   justify-content: space-between;
   margin: 1rem 0; }
   @media (min-width: 768px) {
-    /* line 283, experimentation-page.scss */
     .experimentation-page #method .method-test {
       flex-direction: row; } }
-  /* line 291, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #method .method-test .container-img,
   .experimentation-page #method .method-test p {
     flex-basis: 48%; }
-  /* line 295, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #method .method-test .container-img {
     margin-bottom: 0.5rem; }
     @media (min-width: 768px) {
-      /* line 295, experimentation-page.scss */
       .experimentation-page #method .method-test .container-img {
         margin-bottom: 0; } }
-/* line 303, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page .tips-frame {
   padding: 1rem;
   background: rgba(69, 75, 78, 0.3); }
-/* line 308, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #results h3 {
   font-size: 1.25rem;
   line-height: 1.3;
   margin-top: 1.5rem; }
-/* line 313, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #results .usages {
   margin: 2rem 0;
   border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.07);
   padding-bottom: 0.5rem; }
-  /* line 317, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #results .usages h4 {
     margin-bottom: 0.5rem; }
-  /* line 320, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #results .usages p {
     font-style: italic;
     color: #f1c017; }
-/* line 325, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #results .list {
   margin: 0.5rem 0; }
-/* line 328, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #results .item {
   margin-bottom: 0.5rem; }
-  /* line 330, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #results .item span,
   .experimentation-page #results .item p {
     position: relative;
     padding-left: 2rem;
     display: block; }
-    /* line 335, experimentation-page.scss */
     .experimentation-page #results .item span:before,
     .experimentation-page #results .item p:before {
       position: absolute;
       top: 0;
       left: 0; }
-/* line 342, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #results .consumption {
   margin-bottom: 2.5rem; }
-/* line 345, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #results .container-habits {
   display: flex;
   flex-direction: column;
   justify-content: space-between;
   margin: 1rem 0 4rem; }
   @media (min-width: 768px) {
-    /* line 345, experimentation-page.scss */
     .experimentation-page #results .container-habits {
       flex-direction: row; } }
-  /* line 353, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #results .container-habits img {
     margin: 0.5rem 0; }
-/* line 357, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #results .col-2 {
   flex-basis: 48%; }
-/* line 361, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #results .changes .icon-wink {
   margin-left: 0.5rem; }
-/* line 365, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #results .easy {
   margin: 2.5rem 0; }
-  /* line 367, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #results .easy .sus {
     margin-bottom: 2rem; }
-  /* line 370, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #results .easy .sus-title {
     color: #f1c017;
     margin: 2rem 0;
     font-weight: bold; }
-  /* line 375, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #results .easy .btn-more {
     color: #ffa344;
     background: none;
@@ -406,10 +321,8 @@
     padding-left: 0;
     margin: 1rem 0;
     font-size: 1rem; }
-    /* line 383, experimentation-page.scss */
     .experimentation-page #results .easy .btn-more:focus {
       outline: none; }
-    /* line 386, experimentation-page.scss */
     .experimentation-page #results .easy .btn-more::before {
       content: "";
       display: inline-block;
@@ -420,52 +333,39 @@
       border-color: transparent transparent transparent #ffa344;
       margin-right: 0.5rem;
       transition: 0.3s all; }
-    /* line 397, experimentation-page.scss */
     .experimentation-page #results .easy .btn-more.arrow-down::before {
       transform: rotate(90deg); }
-  /* line 401, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #results .easy .info-sus {
     display: none; }
-    /* line 403, experimentation-page.scss */
     .experimentation-page #results .easy .info-sus p {
       color: #ffa344;
       padding-left: 1rem; }
-      /* line 406, experimentation-page.scss */
       .experimentation-page #results .easy .info-sus p:first-child {
         margin-bottom: 2.5rem; }
-    /* line 410, experimentation-page.scss */
     .experimentation-page #results .easy .info-sus.collapsed {
       display: block; }
-/* line 415, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #results .reasons {
   margin: 2rem 0 1rem; }
-/* line 419, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #results .container-alert h4,
 .experimentation-page #results .container-alert p {
   color: #ff7369; }
-/* line 424, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #results .alert {
   display: flex;
   justify-content: space-between; }
-  /* line 427, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #results .alert > div:first-child {
     flex-basis: 75%; }
-  /* line 430, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #results .alert > div:last-child {
     flex-basis: 18%;
     padding-top: 2rem; }
-  /* line 435, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #results .alert .icon-alert:before {
     top: 5px; }
-/* line 441, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #results .features ul {
   margin: 3rem 0; }
-/* line 447, experimentation-page.scss */
 .experimentation-page #tasks .col-task {
   display: flex;
   flex-direction: column;
@@ -473,101 +373,76 @@
   border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.07);
   padding-bottom: 1rem;
   margin-bottom: 2rem; }
-  /* line 454, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #tasks .col-task:nth-of-type(1) {
     margin-top: 4rem; }
-  /* line 457, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #tasks .col-task .container-img {
     flex-basis: 30%;
     margin-bottom: 1rem; }
     @media (min-width: 768px) {
-      /* line 457, experimentation-page.scss */
       .experimentation-page #tasks .col-task .container-img {
         margin-bottom: 0; } }
-    /* line 463, experimentation-page.scss */
     .experimentation-page #tasks .col-task .container-img img {
       max-width: 60%; }
       @media (min-width: 768px) {
-        /* line 463, experimentation-page.scss */
         .experimentation-page #tasks .col-task .container-img img {
           max-width: 100%; } }
-  /* line 470, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #tasks .col-task .task-content {
     flex-basis: 70%; }
-  /* line 473, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #tasks .col-task .item {
     margin-bottom: 2rem; }
-  /* line 476, experimentation-page.scss */
   .experimentation-page #tasks .col-task:nth-child(even) {
     flex-direction: column-reverse; }
-    /* line 478, experimentation-page.scss */
     .experimentation-page #tasks .col-task:nth-child(even) .container-img {
       padding: 0;
       text-align: center; }
       @media (min-width: 768px) {
-        /* line 478, experimentation-page.scss */
         .experimentation-page #tasks .col-task:nth-child(even) .container-img {
           padding-left: 1rem;
           text-align: initial; } }
-    /* line 486, experimentation-page.scss */
     .experimentation-page #tasks .col-task:nth-child(even) .task-content {
       padding: 0; }
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-        /* line 486, experimentation-page.scss */
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           padding-right: 3rem; } }
-  /* line 493, experimentation-page.scss */
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-    /* line 495, experimentation-page.scss */
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       padding: 0;
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-        /* line 495, experimentation-page.scss */
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-    /* line 503, experimentation-page.scss */
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       padding: 0; }
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-        /* line 503, experimentation-page.scss */
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           padding-left: 3rem; } }
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-    /* line 511, experimentation-page.scss */
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-/* line 518, experimentation-page.scss */
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-  /* line 520, experimentation-page.scss */
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-  /* line 524, experimentation-page.scss */
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-  /* line 528, experimentation-page.scss */
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-  /* line 532, experimentation-page.scss */
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-/* line 539, experimentation-page.scss */
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-/* line 3, style.scss */
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@@ -575,24 +450,20 @@
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-/* line 10, style.scss */
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-/* line 16, style.scss */
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-/* line 66, style.scss */
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-/* line 72, style.scss */
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@@ -600,7 +471,6 @@ html {
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-/* line 79, style.scss */
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-/* line 86, style.scss */
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@@ -616,25 +485,21 @@ html {
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-/* line 93, style.scss */
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-/* line 99, style.scss */
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-/* line 103, style.scss */
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-/* line 109, style.scss */
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@@ -649,48 +514,38 @@ nav {
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-    /* line 109, style.scss */
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-  /* line 126, style.scss */
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-    /* line 130, style.scss */
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-  /* line 135, style.scss */
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-    /* line 140, style.scss */
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-    /* line 144, style.scss */
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-/* line 152, style.scss */
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-    /* line 152, style.scss */
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-/* line 158, style.scss */
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-  /* line 161, style.scss */
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@@ -700,13 +555,10 @@ nav {
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-      /* line 161, style.scss */
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-        /* line 171, style.scss */
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-    /* line 176, style.scss */
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@@ -730,69 +582,53 @@ nav {
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-        /* line 41, style.scss */
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-      /* line 45, style.scss */
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-      /* line 59, style.scss */
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-      /* line 62, style.scss */
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-        /* line 176, style.scss */
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-      /* line 194, style.scss */
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-    /* line 199, style.scss */
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-        /* line 199, style.scss */
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-    /* line 205, style.scss */
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-/* line 210, style.scss */
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-  /* line 219, style.scss */
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-      /* line 219, style.scss */
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-    /* line 227, style.scss */
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-        /* line 233, style.scss */
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-      /* line 237, style.scss */
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-      /* line 242, style.scss */
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@@ -805,12 +641,10 @@ nav {
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-        /* line 255, style.scss */
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-        /* line 260, style.scss */
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@@ -818,62 +652,46 @@ nav {
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-        /* line 268, style.scss */
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-        /* line 271, style.scss */
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-          /* line 275, style.scss */
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-      /* line 280, style.scss */
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-        /* line 283, style.scss */
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-        /* line 286, style.scss */
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-      /* line 290, style.scss */
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-        /* line 293, style.scss */
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-        /* line 296, style.scss */
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-      /* line 300, style.scss */
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-        /* line 303, style.scss */
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-        /* line 306, style.scss */
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-    /* line 311, style.scss */
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-        /* line 313, style.scss */
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-/* line 321, style.scss */
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-  /* line 326, style.scss */
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@@ -886,17 +704,13 @@ nav {
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-  /* line 340, style.scss */
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-  /* line 343, style.scss */
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-  /* line 346, style.scss */
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-  /* line 350, style.scss */
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@@ -904,35 +718,27 @@ nav {
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-      /* line 350, style.scss */
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-  /* line 360, style.scss */
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-    /* line 365, style.scss */
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-  /* line 369, style.scss */
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-      /* line 369, style.scss */
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-  /* line 377, style.scss */
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-      /* line 377, style.scss */
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-  /* line 383, style.scss */
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@@ -940,52 +746,41 @@ nav {
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-      /* line 383, style.scss */
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-    /* line 394, style.scss */
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-/* line 401, style.scss */
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-    /* line 401, style.scss */
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-  /* line 411, style.scss */
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-  /* line 416, style.scss */
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-      /* line 416, style.scss */
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-  /* line 422, style.scss */
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-      /* line 422, style.scss */
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-        /* line 428, style.scss */
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-          /* line 432, style.scss */
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@@ -995,67 +790,52 @@ nav {
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-          /* line 443, style.scss */
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-          /* line 447, style.scss */
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-        /* line 452, style.scss */
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-        /* line 457, style.scss */
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-    /* line 462, style.scss */
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-        /* line 462, style.scss */
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-    /* line 470, style.scss */
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-    /* line 475, style.scss */
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-    /* line 480, style.scss */
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-  /* line 486, style.scss */
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-      /* line 486, style.scss */
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-    /* line 494, style.scss */
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-/* line 500, style.scss */
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-  /* line 505, style.scss */
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-    /* line 511, style.scss */
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@@ -1078,52 +858,40 @@ nav {
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-        /* line 41, style.scss */
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-      /* line 45, style.scss */
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-      /* line 59, style.scss */
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-      /* line 62, style.scss */
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-  /* line 525, style.scss */
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-/* line 531, style.scss */
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-  /* line 534, style.scss */
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-  /* line 538, style.scss */
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-  /* line 543, style.scss */
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-  /* line 547, style.scss */
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-  /* line 552, style.scss */
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-  /* line 557, style.scss */
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@@ -1136,19 +904,15 @@ nav {
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-    /* line 569, style.scss */
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-    /* line 572, style.scss */
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-/* line 577, style.scss */
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-  /* line 581, style.scss */
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@@ -1157,13 +921,10 @@ footer {
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-      /* line 581, style.scss */
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-    /* line 591, style.scss */
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-    /* line 594, style.scss */
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@@ -1187,19 +948,14 @@ footer {
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-        /* line 41, style.scss */
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-      /* line 45, style.scss */
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-      /* line 59, style.scss */
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-      /* line 62, style.scss */
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-    /* line 608, style.scss */
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@@ -1207,183 +963,136 @@ footer {
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-      /* line 617, style.scss */
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-          /* line 617, style.scss */
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-        /* line 629, style.scss */
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-            /* line 629, style.scss */
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-              /* line 634, style.scss */
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-        /* line 641, style.scss */
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-        /* line 644, style.scss */
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-        /* line 651, style.scss */
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-      /* line 663, style.scss */
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-      /* line 672, style.scss */
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-        /* line 675, style.scss */
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-    /* line 682, style.scss */
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-  /* line 708, style.scss */
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diff --git a/style.scss b/style.scss
index cf638e249584ad46e26f4c08e1ca843c2ec4aabb..f8889ad718e0e0cb738187c637c977c5e644667f 100644
--- a/style.scss
+++ b/style.scss
@@ -673,7 +673,6 @@ footer {
         margin-top: 0.5rem;
         text-align: center;
         a {
-          color: $grey;
           font-weight: normal;