From 380c7792f73c9258b7dd501591d52136c3a39721 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yoan VALLET <>
Date: Mon, 25 May 2020 18:02:41 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] change time format and add data aggregation

 manifest.konnector |  10 ++-
 src/index.js       | 168 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 158 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/manifest.konnector b/manifest.konnector
index ef0316e..4c16279 100644
--- a/manifest.konnector
+++ b/manifest.konnector
@@ -27,8 +27,14 @@
   "data_types": [],
   "screenshots": [],
   "permissions": {
-    "load profile": {
-      "type": "egl.loadprofile"
+    "daily eau du grand lyon data": {
+      "type": ""
+    },
+    "monthly eau du grand lyon data": {
+      "type": "io.egl.month"
+    },
+    "yearly eau du grand lyon data": {
+      "type": "io.egl.year"
     "files": {
       "type": "io.cozy.files"
diff --git a/src/index.js b/src/index.js
index 3a4cfff..1bad305 100644
--- a/src/index.js
+++ b/src/index.js
@@ -14,9 +14,26 @@ moment.locale('fr') // set the language'Europe/Paris') // set the timezone
 const startDate = moment()
-  .subtract(10, 'day')
+  .startOf('year')
+  .subtract(3, 'year')
+  .subtract(1, 'day')
 const endDate = moment().format('MM/DD/YYYY')
+const timeRange = ['day', 'month', 'year']
+const rangeDate = {
+  day: {
+    doctype: '',
+    keys: ['year', 'month', 'day']
+  },
+  month: {
+    doctype: 'io.egl.month',
+    keys: ['year', 'month']
+  },
+  year: {
+    doctype: 'io.egl.year',
+    keys: ['year']
+  }
 module.exports = new BaseKonnector(start)
@@ -29,6 +46,7 @@ async function start(fields, cozyParameters) {
     // await resetData()
     const baseUrl = cozyParameters.secret.eglBaseURL
     const apiAuthKey = cozyParameters.secret.eglAPIAuthKey
+    log('debug', fields, 'Fields')
     log('info', 'Authenticating ...')
     const response = await authenticate(
@@ -38,14 +56,40 @@ async function start(fields, cozyParameters) {
     log('info', 'Successfully logged in')
-    log('info', 'Getting data')
-    const loadProfile = await getData(response, baseUrl, apiAuthKey)
-    log('info', 'Saving data to Cozy')
-    storeLoadProfile(loadProfile)
+    Promise.all(
+ =>
+        processData(timeStep, response, baseUrl, apiAuthKey)
+      )
+    )
   } catch (error) {
     throw new Error(error.message)
+async function processData(timeStep, response, baseUrl, apiAuthKey) {
+  const doctype = rangeDate[timeStep].doctype
+  log('info', 'Getting data')
+  const loadProfile = await getData(response, baseUrl, apiAuthKey)
+  log('info', 'Saving data to Cozy')
+  if (doctype === {
+    log('info', 'Saving daily data')
+    await storeData(loadProfile,,
+  } else if (doctype === rangeDate.month.doctype) {
+    log('info', 'Saving monthly data')
+    await resetInProgressAggregatedData(rangeDate.month.doctype)
+    const monthlyData = processMonthlyAggregation(loadProfile, rangeDate.month)
+    await storeData(monthlyData, rangeDate.month.doctype, rangeDate.month.keys)
+  } else if (doctype === rangeDate.year.doctype) {
+    log('info', 'Saving yearly data')
+    await resetInProgressAggregatedData(rangeDate.year.doctype)
+    const yearlyData = processYearAggregation(
+      loadProfile,
+      rangeDate.year.doctype
+    )
+    await storeData(yearlyData, rangeDate.year.doctype, rangeDate.year.keys)
+  } else {
+    throw new Error('Unkonw range type: ' + doctype)
+  }
 async function authenticate(login, password, baseUrl, apiAuthKey) {
   const authRequest = {
@@ -74,6 +118,8 @@ async function authenticate(login, password, baseUrl, apiAuthKey) {
 async function getData(response, baseUrl, apiAuthKey) {
+  log('debug', startDate, 'Start date')
+  log('debug', endDate, 'End date')
   const dataRequest = {
     method: 'POST',
     uri: baseUrl + '/getAllAgregatsByAbonnement.aspx',
@@ -108,31 +154,117 @@ async function getData(response, baseUrl, apiAuthKey) {
 function format(response) {
   const data = response.resultatRetour.slice(1).map((value, index) => {
+    const time = moment(value.DateReleve, moment.ISO_8601)
     return {
-      time: moment(value.DateReleve, moment.ISO_8601).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
       load: value.ValeurIndex - response.resultatRetour[index].ValeurIndex,
+      year: parseInt(time.format('YYYY')),
+      month: parseInt(time.format('M')),
+      day: parseInt(time.format('D')),
+      hour: 0,
+      minute: 0,
       type: value.TypeAgregat
   return data
-function storeLoadProfile(loadProfile) {
-  return hydrateAndFilter(loadProfile, 'egl.loadprofile', {
-    keys: ['time']
+function processYearAggregation(data, doctype) {
+  log('info', 'Start aggregation for : ' + doctype)
+  const grouped = data.reduce(reduceYearFunction, {})
+  return Object.values(grouped)
+function processMonthlyAggregation(data, range) {
+  log('info', 'Start aggregation for : ' + range.doctype)
+  // Filter by year
+  const tmpData = groupBy(data, 'year')
+  const keys = Object.keys(tmpData)
+  var dataToStore = []
+  // Monthly aggregation
+  for (const index in keys) {
+    // Get daily data of a year
+    var monthlyData = tmpData[keys[index]]
+    // Monthly aggregation
+    var aggregatedData = monthlyData.reduce(reduceMonthFunction, {})
+    // Store it
+    dataToStore = dataToStore.concat(Object.values(aggregatedData))
+  }
+  return dataToStore
+function groupBy(xs, key) {
+  return xs.reduce(function(rv, x) {
+    ;(rv[x[key]] = rv[x[key]] || []).push(x)
+    return rv
+  }, {})
+function reduceYearFunction(acc, x) {
+  var id = acc[x.year]
+  if (id) {
+    id.load += x.load
+  } else {
+    acc[x.year] = x
+  }
+  return acc
+function reduceMonthFunction(acc, x) {
+  var id = acc[x.month]
+  if (id) {
+    id.load += x.load
+  } else {
+    acc[x.month] = x
+  }
+  return acc
+async function storeData(data, doctype, keys) {
+  log('debug', 'Store into ' + doctype)
+  log('debug', keys, 'Store into keys ')
+  return hydrateAndFilter(data, doctype, {
+    keys: keys
   }).then(filteredDocuments => {
-    addData(filteredDocuments, 'egl.loadprofile')
+    addData(filteredDocuments, doctype)
-// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
-async function resetData() {
-  const result = await'egl.loadprofile')
-  if (result.error) {
+ * Function handling special case.
+ * The temporary aggregated data need to be remove in order for the most recent one te be saved.
+ * ex for io.egl.month :
+ * { load: 76.712, month: 2020, ... } need to be replace by
+ * { load: 82.212, month: 2020, ... } after grdf data reprocess
+ */
+async function resetInProgressAggregatedData(doctype) {
+  // /!\ Warning: cannot use mongo queries because not supported for dev by cozy-konnectors-libs
+  log('debug', doctype, 'Remove aggregated data for')
+  const result = await
+  if (result.error || result.length <= 0) {
     // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
-    console.error('Error while fetching loads')
-  }
-  for (const load of result) {
-    await'egl.loadprofile', load)
+    console.warn('Error while fetching loads, doctype not found ')
+  } else {
+    const currentDate = moment()
+    // Filter data to remove
+    var filtered = []
+    if (doctype === rangeDate.year.doctype) {
+      // Yearly case
+      filtered = result.filter(function(el) {
+        return el.year == currentDate.year()
+      })
+    } else {
+      // Monthly case
+      filtered = result.filter(function(el) {
+        return (
+          el.year == currentDate.year() &&
+          el.month == parseInt(moment().format('M'))
+        )
+      })
+    }
+    // Remove data
+    for (const doc of filtered) {
+      log('debug', doc, 'Removing this entry for ' + doctype)
+      await, doc)
+    }