[Cozy][cozy] egl-konnector ======================================= What's Cozy? ------------  [Cozy] is a personal data platform that brings all your web services in the same private space. With it, your webapps and your devices can share data easily, providing you with a new experience. You can install Cozy on your own hardware where no one's tracking you. What is this konnector about ? ------------------------------ This konnector retrieves your daily water consumption from the Eau du Grand Lyon API. ### Open a Pull-Request If you want to work on this konnector and submit code modifications, feel free to open pull-requests! </br>See : * the [contributing guide][contribute] for more information about how to properly open pull-requests. * the [konnectors development guide](https://docs.cozy.io/en/tutorials/konnector/) ### Run and test Create a `konnector-dev-config.json` file at the root with your test credentials : ```javascript { "COZY_URL": "http://cozy.tools:8080", "fields": {"login":"zuck.m@rk.fb", "password":"123456"} } ``` Then : Define the base url and the API authentication key as environment variable : ```sh export API_AUTH_KEY=<the_api_authentication_key> export BASE_URL=<the_api_base_url> ``` Then : ```sh yarn yarn standalone ``` For running the konnector connected to a Cozy server and more details see [konnectors tutorial](https://docs.cozy.io/en/tutorials/konnector/) ### Cozy-konnector-libs This connector uses [cozy-konnector-libs](https://github.com/cozy/cozy-konnector-libs). It brings a bunch of helpers to interact with the Cozy server and to fetch data from an online service. ### Maintainer The lead maintainer for this konnector is Métropole de Lyon ### Get in touch You can reach the Cozy Community by: - [Konnectors tutorial](https://docs.cozy.io/en/tutorials/konnector/) - Chatting with us on IRC [#cozycloud on Freenode][freenode] - Posting on our [Forum] - Posting issues on the [Github repos][github] - Say Hi! on [Twitter] License ------- egl-konnector is developed by Métropole de Lyon and distributed under the [AGPL v3 license][agpl-3.0]. [cozy]: https://cozy.io "Cozy Cloud" [agpl-3.0]: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html [freenode]: http://webchat.freenode.net/?randomnick=1&channels=%23cozycloud&uio=d4 [forum]: https://forum.cozy.io/ [github]: https://github.com/cozy/ [nodejs]: https://nodejs.org/ [standard]: https://standardjs.com [twitter]: https://twitter.com/mycozycloud [webpack]: https://webpack.js.org [yarn]: https://yarnpkg.com [travis]: https://travis-ci.org [contribute]: CONTRIBUTING.md