const {
} = require('cozy-konnector-libs')
const request = requestFactory({
// The debug mode shows all the details about HTTP requests and responses. Very useful for
// debugging but very verbose. This is why it is commented out by default
// debug: true,
// Activates [cheerio]( parsing on each page
cheerio: true,
// If cheerio is activated do not forget to deactivate json parsing (which is activated by
// default in cozy-konnector-libs
json: false,
// This allows request-promise to keep cookies between requests
const VENDOR = 'template'
const baseUrl = ''
module.exports = new BaseKonnector(start)
// The start function is run by the BaseKonnector instance only when it got all the account
// information (fields). When you run this connector yourself in "standalone" mode or "dev" mode,
// the account information come from ./konnector-dev-config.json file
// cozyParameters are static parameters, independents from the account. Most often, it can be a
// secret api key.
async function start(fields, cozyParameters) {
log('info', 'Authenticating ...')
if (cozyParameters) log('debug', 'Found COZY_PARAMETERS')
await authenticate.bind(this)(fields.login, fields.password)
log('info', 'Successfully logged in')
// The BaseKonnector instance expects a Promise as return of the function
log('info', 'Fetching the list of documents')
const $ = await request(`${baseUrl}/index.html`)
// cheerio ( uses the same api as jQuery (
log('info', 'Parsing list of documents')
const documents = await parseDocuments($)
// Here we use the saveBills function even if what we fetch are not bills,
// but this is the most common case in connectors
log('info', 'Saving data to Cozy')
await this.saveBills(documents, fields, {
// This is a bank identifier which will be used to link bills to bank operations. These
// identifiers should be at least a word found in the title of a bank operation related to this
// bill. It is not case sensitive.
// This shows authentication using the [signin function](
// even if this in another domain here, but it works as an example
function authenticate(username, password) {
return this.signin({
url: ``,
formSelector: 'form',
formData: { username, password },
// The validate function will check if the login request was a success. Every website has a
// different way to respond: HTTP status code, error message in HTML ($), HTTP redirection
// (fullResponse.request.uri.href)...
validate: (statusCode, $, fullResponse) => {
'not used here but should be useful for other connectors'
// The login in always works except when no password is set
if ($(`a[href='/logout']`).length === 1) {
return true
} else {
// cozy-konnector-libs has its own logging function which format these logs with colors in
// standalone and dev mode and as JSON in production mode
log('error', $('.error').text())
return false
// The goal of this function is to parse a HTML page wrapped by a cheerio instance
// and return an array of JS objects which will be saved to the cozy by saveBills
// (
function parseDocuments($) {
// You can find documentation about the scrape function here:
const docs = scrape(
title: {
sel: 'h3 a',
parse: src => `${baseUrl}/${src}`,
return => ({
// The saveBills function needs a date field
// even if it is a little artificial here (these are not real bills)
date: new Date(),
currency: 'EUR',
filename: `${utils.formatDate(new Date())}_${VENDOR}_${doc.amount.toFixed(
)}EUR${doc.vendorRef ? '_' + doc.vendorRef : ''}.jpg`,
// Convert a price string to a float
function normalizePrice(price) {
return parseFloat(price.replace('£', '').trim())