// @ts-check const { BaseKonnector, log, hydrateAndFilter, addData, errors, } = require('cozy-konnector-libs') const soapRequest = require('easy-soap-request') const moment = require('moment') require('moment-timezone') const xml2js = require('xml2js') const { buildAgregatedData } = require('./aggregate') const { parseSgeXmlData, parseSgeXmlTechnicalData, formateDataForDoctype, parseTags, parseValue, } = require('./parsing') const { userTechnicalData, userMaxPower, userMesureDetailles, rechercherPoint, activateDataCollect, stopDataCollect, getInseeCode, updateBoConsent, createBoConsent, getBoConsent, deleteBoConsent, } = require('./request') moment.locale('fr') // set the language moment.tz.setDefault('Europe/Paris') // set the timezone /*** Connector Constants ***/ const manualExecution = process.env.COZY_JOB_MANUAL_EXECUTION === 'true' ? true : false let startDailyDate = manualExecution ? moment().subtract(12, 'month') : moment().subtract(6, 'month') let startDailyDateString = startDailyDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD') const startLoadDate = moment().subtract(7, 'day') const endDate = moment() const endDateString = endDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD') module.exports = new BaseKonnector(start) // The start function is run by the BaseKonnector instance only when it got all the account // information (fields). When you run this connector yourself in "standalone" mode or "dev" mode, // the account information come from ./konnector-dev-config.json file // cozyParameters are static parameters, independents from the account. Most often, it can be a // secret api key. async function start(fields, cozyParameters) { log('info', 'Gathering data ...') let baseUrl = fields.wso2BaseUrl let apiAuthKey = fields.apiToken let loginUtilisateur = fields.loginUtilisateur log('info', 'Authenticating ...') //TODO: Verify if condition is working in local and on build version if (cozyParameters && Object.keys(cozyParameters).length !== 0) { log('debug', 'Found COZY_PARAMETERS') baseUrl = cozyParameters.secret.wso2BaseUrl apiAuthKey = cozyParameters.secret.apiToken loginUtilisateur = cozyParameters.secret.loginUtilisateur } /** * If it's first start we have to do the following operations: * - verify pdl are matching * - BO: create backoffice consent * - get contract start date and store it * - activate half-hour * - BO: update consent with service ID */ log('info', 'User Logging...') if (await isFirstStart()) { if (!(await verifyUserIdentity(fields))) { throw errors.LOGIN_FAILED } await createBoConsent() //TODO: remove because useless ? Done later in code // const startDate = await getDataStartDate( // baseUrl, // apiAuthKey, // loginUtilisateur, // fields.pointId // ) await activateDataCollect() await updateBoConsent() } else { await getBoConsent() if (!(await verifyUserIdentity(fields))) { await deleteBoConsent() await stopDataCollect() throw errors.TERMS_VERSION_MISMATCH } } log('info', 'Successfully logged in') await gatherData(baseUrl, apiAuthKey, loginUtilisateur, fields.pointId) } /** * Verify user identity * @param {object} fields */ async function verifyUserIdentity(fields) { const inseeCode = getInseeCode(fields.postalCode) const user = await findUser( fields.name, fields.addresse, fields.postalCode, inseeCode ) if (fields.pointId !== user.pointId) { log('error', 'PointId does not match') return false } return true } /** * Main method for gathering data * @param {string} baseUrl * @param {string} apiAuthKey * @param {string} loginUtilisateur * @param {number} pointId */ async function gatherData(baseUrl, apiAuthKey, loginUtilisateur, pointId) { log('info', 'Querying data...') await getDataStartDate( `${baseUrl}/enedis_SGE_ConsultationDonneesTechniquesContractuelles/1.0`, apiAuthKey, loginUtilisateur, pointId ) await getData( `${baseUrl}/enedis_SGE_ConsultationMesuresDetaillees/1.0`, apiAuthKey, loginUtilisateur, pointId ) await getMaxPowerData( `${baseUrl}/enedis_SGE_ConsultationMesuresDetaillees/1.0`, apiAuthKey, loginUtilisateur, pointId ) await getDataHalfHour( `${baseUrl}/enedis_SGE_ConsultationMesuresDetaillees/1.0`, apiAuthKey, loginUtilisateur, pointId ) log('info', 'Querying data: done') } /** * * @param {string} url * @param {string} apiAuthKey * @param {string} userLogin * @param {number} pointId */ async function getDataStartDate(url, apiAuthKey, userLogin, pointId) { log('info', 'Fetching data start date') const sampleHeaders = { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8', apikey: apiAuthKey, } const { response } = await soapRequest({ url: url, headers: sampleHeaders, xml: userTechnicalData(pointId, userLogin), }).catch(err => { log('error', 'technicalDataResponse') log('error', err) return err }) xml2js.parseString( response.body, { tagNameProcessors: [parseTags], valueProcessors: [parseValue], explicitArray: false, }, processStartDate() ) } /** * Get hour data * @param {string} url * @param {string} apiAuthKey * @param {string} userLogin * @param {number} pointId */ async function getData(url, apiAuthKey, userLogin, pointId) { log('info', 'Fetching data') const sampleHeaders = { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8', apikey: apiAuthKey, } setStartDate() const { response } = await soapRequest({ url: url, headers: sampleHeaders, xml: userMesureDetailles( pointId, userLogin, startDailyDateString, endDateString ), }).catch(err => { log('error', 'userMesureDetailles') log('error', err) return err }) xml2js.parseString( response.body, { tagNameProcessors: [parseTags], valueProcessors: [parseValue], explicitArray: false, }, processData() ) } /** * Get Max power data * @param {string} url * @param {string} apiAuthKey * @param {string} userLogin * @param {number} pointId */ async function getMaxPowerData(url, apiAuthKey, userLogin, pointId) { log('info', 'Fetching Max Power data') const sampleHeaders = { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8', apikey: apiAuthKey, } setStartDate() const { response } = await soapRequest({ url: url, headers: sampleHeaders, xml: userMaxPower(pointId, userLogin, startDailyDateString, endDateString), }).catch(err => { log('error', 'getMaxPowerData') log('error', err) return err }) xml2js.parseString( response.body, { tagNameProcessors: [parseTags], valueProcessors: [parseValue], explicitArray: false, }, processData('com.grandlyon.enedis.maxpower') ) } /** * If start date exceed the maximum amount of data we can get with one query * get only 36 month */ function setStartDate() { if (moment(endDate).diff(startDailyDate, 'months', true) > 36) { log( 'info', 'Start date exceed 36 month, setting start date to current date minus 36 month' ) startDailyDate = moment(endDate).subtract(36, 'month') startDailyDateString = startDailyDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD') } } /** * Get half-hour data * @param {string} url * @param {string} apiAuthKey * @param {string} userLogin * @param {number} pointId */ async function getDataHalfHour(url, apiAuthKey, userLogin, pointId) { log('info', 'Fetching data') const sampleHeaders = { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8', apikey: apiAuthKey, } let MAX_HISTO = 4 // If manual execution, retrieve only 1 week if (manualExecution) { MAX_HISTO = 1 } for (var i = 0; i < MAX_HISTO; i++) { log('info', 'launch process with history') const increamentedStartDateString = moment(startLoadDate) .subtract(7 * i, 'day') .format('YYYY-MM-DD') const incrementedEndDateString = moment(endDate) .subtract(7 * i, 'day') .format('YYYY-MM-DD') const { response } = await soapRequest({ url: url, headers: sampleHeaders, xml: userMesureDetailles( pointId, userLogin, increamentedStartDateString, incrementedEndDateString, 'COURBE', 'PA' ), }).catch(err => { log('error', 'userMesureDetailles half-hour') log('error', err) return err }) xml2js.parseString( response.body, { tagNameProcessors: [parseTags], valueProcessors: [parseValue], explicitArray: false, }, processData('com.grandlyon.enedis.minute') ) } } /** * Parse data * @param {string} doctype * @returns */ function processData(doctype = 'com.grandlyon.enedis.day') { return async (err, result) => { if (err) { log('error', err) throw err } // Return only needed part of info const data = parseSgeXmlData(result) const processedDailyData = await storeData( await formateDataForDoctype(data), doctype, ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute'] ) log('info', 'Agregate enedis daily data for month and year') if (doctype === 'com.grandlyon.enedis.day') { log('info', 'Agregating...') await agregateMonthAndYearData(processedDailyData) } } } /** * Store an accurate start date based on contrat start */ function processStartDate() { return async (err, result) => { if (err) { log('error', err) throw err } // update start Date with contract openning date try { startDailyDate = moment(parseSgeXmlTechnicalData(result), 'YYYY-MM-DD') startDailyDateString = startDailyDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD') } catch (err) { log('error', err) //TODO: custom error ? throw err } } } /** * Save data in the right doctype db and prevent duplicated keys * @param {EnedisKonnectorData[]} data * @param {string} doctype * @param {string[]} filterKeys * @returns {Promise<*>} */ async function storeData(data, doctype, filterKeys) { log('debug', doctype, 'Store into') const filteredDocuments = await hydrateAndFilter(data, doctype, { keys: filterKeys, }) await addData(filteredDocuments, doctype) return filteredDocuments } /** * Agregate data from daily data to monthly and yearly data */ async function agregateMonthAndYearData(data) { // Sum year and month values into object with year or year-month as keys if (data && data.length > 0) { let monthData = {} let yearData = {} data.forEach(element => { element.year + '-' + element.month in monthData ? (monthData[element.year + '-' + element.month] += element.load) : (monthData[element.year + '-' + element.month] = element.load) element.year in yearData ? (yearData[element.year] += element.load) : (yearData[element.year] = element.load) }) // Agregation for Month data const agregatedMonthData = await buildAgregatedData( monthData, 'com.grandlyon.enedis.month' ) await storeData(agregatedMonthData, 'com.grandlyon.enedis.month', [ 'year', 'month', ]) // Agregation for Year data const agregatedYearData = await buildAgregatedData( yearData, 'com.grandlyon.enedis.year' ) await storeData(agregatedYearData, 'com.grandlyon.enedis.year', ['year']) } } /** * @returns {boolean} */ function isFirstStart() { //TODO: Implement return false } /** * @return {User} */ async function findUser( url, apiAuthKey, appLogin, name, addresse, postalCode, inseeCode ) { log('info', 'Fetching user data') const sampleHeaders = { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8', apikey: apiAuthKey, } const { response } = await soapRequest({ url: url, headers: sampleHeaders, xml: rechercherPoint(appLogin, name, addresse, postalCode, inseeCode), }).catch(err => { log('error', 'rechercherPointResponse') log('error', err) throw errors.LOGIN_FAILED //TODO: handling code error SGT4F6 and SGT432 into USER_ACTIon_NEEDED }) //TODO: handle reply xml2js.parseString( response.body, { tagNameProcessors: [parseTags], valueProcessors: [parseValue], explicitArray: false, }, processStartDate() ) }