diff --git a/docs/ecolyo/functionalities/usage_events_tracking.md b/docs/ecolyo/functionalities/usage_events_tracking.md
index be6e92ac817f3cc9c754f5b048f93619b2315f9c..e23aa5c5faff42400028e711a320da474bea2e4a 100644
--- a/docs/ecolyo/functionalities/usage_events_tracking.md
+++ b/docs/ecolyo/functionalities/usage_events_tracking.md
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 # Usage events tracking
 This section explains how the application is tracking usage events. Here are the main step:
 - All events are stored in the instance db
 - A service is responsible of the calculation of ANONYMIZED indicators. These indicators are then sent to a remote docType.
@@ -8,29 +9,26 @@ This section explains how the application is tracking usage events. Here are the
 Here are the list of collected usage event:
-| Category       | Type                           | Target         | Result     | Context               | Description                              |
-| -------------- | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ---------- | --------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| Connection     | ConnectionEvent                |                |            | "desktop" or "mobile" | User connects to the application.        |
-| Navigation     | NavigationEvent                | Page           |            |                       | User navigates to a targeted page.       |
-| Konnector      | KonnectorConnectEvent          | Konnector      |            | "success" or "error"  | User connects a konnector.               |
-| Konnector      | KonnectorRefreshEvent          | Konnector      |            | "success" or "error"  | User refreshes a konnector.              |
-| Challenge      | ChallengeLaunchEvent           | Challenge id   |            |                       | User launches a challenge.               |
-| Challenge      | ChallengeEndEvent              | Challenge id   |            |                       | User ends a challenge.                   |
-| Duel           | DuelLaunchEvent                | Duel id        |            | Challenge id          | User launches a duel.                    |
-| Duel           | DuelEndEvent                   | Duel id        |            | Challenge id          | User ends a duel.                        |
-| Quiz           | QuizLaunchEvent                | Quiz id        |            | Challenge id          | User launches a quiz.                    |
-| Quiz           | QuizEndEvent                   | Quiz id        |            | Challenge id          | User ends a quiz.                        |
-| Exploration    | ExplorationLaunchEvent         | Exploration id |            | Challenge id          | User launches an exploration.            |
-| Exploration    | ExplorationEndEvent            | Exploration id |            | Challenge id          | User ends an exploration.                |
-| Action         | ActionChangeEvent              | Action id      |            | Challenge id          | User change action's ecogesture.         |
-| Action         | ActionLaunchEvent              | Action id      |            | Challenge id          | User launches a action.                  |
-| Action         | ActionEndEvent                 | Action id      |            | Challenge id          | User ends a action.                      |
-| Profile        | ProfileSetEvent                |                |            |                       | User fills in its profile.               |
-| Consumption    | ConsumptionCompareEvent        |                |            | Fluid / TimeStep      | User compares its consumption.           |
-| Consumption    | ConsumptionChangeTimeStepEvent | TimeStep       |            | Fluid                 | User changes timeStep of its consumption.|
-| Consumption    | ConsumptionInteracteEvent      |                |            | Fluid / TimeStep      | User selects a consumption on the chart. |
+| Category    | Type                           | Target         | Result               | Context               | Description                               |
+| ----------- | ------------------------------ | -------------- | -------------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
+| Connection  | ConnectionEvent                |                |                      | "desktop" or "mobile" | User connects to the application.         |
+| Navigation  | NavigationEvent                | Page           |                      |                       | User navigates to a targeted page.        |
+| Konnector   | KonnectorConnectEvent          | Konnector      | "success" or "error" |                       | User connects a konnector.                |
+| Konnector   | KonnectorRefreshEvent          | Konnector      | "success" or "error" |                       | User refreshes a konnector.               |
+| Challenge   | ChallengeLaunchEvent           | Challenge id   |                      |                       | User launches a challenge.                |
+| Challenge   | ChallengeEndEvent              | Challenge id   |                      |                       | User ends a challenge.                    |
+| Duel        | DuelLaunchEvent                | Duel id        |                      | Challenge id          | User launches a duel.                     |
+| Duel        | DuelEndEvent                   | Duel id        |                      | Challenge id          | User ends a duel.                         |
+| Quiz        | QuizLaunchEvent                | Quiz id        |                      | Challenge id          | User launches a quiz.                     |
+| Quiz        | QuizEndEvent                   | Quiz id        | starsNumber          | Challenge id          | User ends a quiz.                         |
+| Exploration | ExplorationLaunchEvent         | Exploration id |                      | Challenge id          | User launches an exploration.             |
+| Exploration | ExplorationEndEvent            | Exploration id |                      | Challenge id          | User ends an exploration.                 |
+| Action      | ActionChangeEvent              | Action id      |                      | Challenge id          | User change action's ecogesture.          |
+| Action      | ActionLaunchEvent              | Action id      |                      | Challenge id          | User launches a action.                   |
+| Action      | ActionEndEvent                 | Action id      |                      | Challenge id          | User ends a action.                       |
+| Profile     | ProfileSetEvent                |                |                      |                       | User fills in its profile.                |
+| Consumption | ConsumptionCompareEvent        |                |                      | Fluid / TimeStep      | User compares its consumption.            |
+| Consumption | ConsumptionChangeTimeStepEvent | TimeStep       |                      | Fluid                 | User changes timeStep of its consumption. |
+| Consumption | ConsumptionInteracteEvent      |                |                      | Fluid / TimeStep      | User selects a consumption on the chart.  |
 ## Usage events aggregator service