diff --git a/docs/ecolyo/application/redux.md b/docs/ecolyo/application/redux.md
index ddf381b58ec4e0bdcfe634ae928a3628c3af3c32..8a04bd6182048f5b4606f960bb4287781ecd6c03 100644
--- a/docs/ecolyo/application/redux.md
+++ b/docs/ecolyo/application/redux.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ For a better state management, combineReducers(reducers) is used to split the re
 | Reducer   | Type           | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
 | --------- | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| global    | GlobalState    | store global states such as: notification, type device or fluid type<br><br>GlobalState enum<br>- _screenType = ScreenType_<br>- _challengeExplorationNotification = boolean_<br>- _challengeActionNotification = boolean_<br>- _challengeDuelNotification = boolean_<br>- _analysisNotification = boolean_<br>- _fluidStatus = FluidStatus[]_<br>- _fluidTypes = FluidType[]_ |
+| global    | GlobalState    | store global states such as: notification, type device or fluid type<br><br>GlobalState enum<br>- _screenType = ScreenType_<br>- _challengeExplorationNotification = boolean_<br>_releaseNotes = ReleaseNotes_<br>_termsStatus = TermsStatus_<br>_openPartnersIssueModal = boolean_<br>- _challengeActionNotification = boolean_<br>- _challengeDuelNotification = boolean_<br>- _analysisNotification = boolean_<br>- _fluidStatus = FluidStatus[]_<br>- _fluidTypes = FluidType[]_ |
 | profile   | Profile        | store states about profile information such as: notification, connectionDate, profileType                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
 | chart     | ChartState     | store consumption chart states such as: timeStep, graph data<br><br>ChartState enum<br>- _selectedDate = DateTime_<br>- _currentTimeStep = TimeStep_<br>- _currentIndex = number_<br>- _currentDatachart = Datachart_<br>- _currentDatachartIndex = number_<br>- _loading = boolean_                                                                                           |
 | modal     | ModalState     | store opening state of the feedback modal <br><br>ModalState enum<br>- _isFeedbacksOpen = boolean_                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
diff --git a/docs/ecolyo/functionalities/ecogesture.md b/docs/ecolyo/functionalities/ecogesture.md
index 14d1bdddcb9072ab8acabcec342e77ed83a0e53d..0a9544f22575709cbf08c97105b9802b9a7a5518 100644
--- a/docs/ecolyo/functionalities/ecogesture.md
+++ b/docs/ecolyo/functionalities/ecogesture.md
@@ -8,6 +8,39 @@ It includes different information such as icon, name, long and short description
 Also, an ecogesture can be used for an action challenge.
+### Model
+Ecogesture {
+  id: string
+  shortName: string
+  longName: string
+  longDescription: string
+  usage: Usage
+  fluidTypes: FluidType[]
+  impactLevel: number
+  efficiency: number
+  difficulty: number
+  room: Room[]
+  season: Season
+  equipment: boolean
+  equipmentType: EquipmentType[]
+  equipmentInstallation: boolean
+  investment: string | null
+  action: boolean
+  actionName: string | null
+  actionDuration: number
+  objective: boolean
+  doing: boolean
+### Ecogesture Status
+An ecogesture can have a status according the user's choice, it can be *doing* and/or *objective* which allows the user to consult them in the related tabs in the ecogesture page.
+### TODO: Add ecogesture selection rules 
 ## All ecogestures screen
 This screen display the full list of ecogestures. User can filter ecogesture by usage.
diff --git a/docs/ecolyo/functionalities/initialization.md b/docs/ecolyo/functionalities/initialization.md
index 8c8bbb0db13e1a3dd6f20070e5604eef22f53125..f33e0233c024f357f91cb5da17815eab3572061a 100644
--- a/docs/ecolyo/functionalities/initialization.md
+++ b/docs/ecolyo/functionalities/initialization.md
@@ -46,6 +46,12 @@ Functions used to init or update the hash :
 | initQuizEntity(hash: string)        |
 | initExplorationEntity(hash: string) |
+!!! info "Exception for ecogestures"
+    When we update the ecogesture list in **ecogestureData.json**, we also get the previous existing list to transfer the ecogesture status (doing and/or objective) to the updated list.
 ### dataEntity vs userData
 In the project, you'll see two versions for the same data. The dataEntity (quizEntity, challengeEntity, ...) is the data stored in the db folder and in the couchDB. These data are only edited in the couchDB when we update a challenge/quiz/duel or add a new one.
diff --git a/docs/ecolyo/functionalities/terms.md b/docs/ecolyo/functionalities/terms.md
index ebc5bf930ac3140817fda5c877a7e8edeb8f94d2..afabb8defa2d89975db51e0bc50a09224aacf3b1 100644
--- a/docs/ecolyo/functionalities/terms.md
+++ b/docs/ecolyo/functionalities/terms.md
@@ -13,12 +13,33 @@ The only public routes are :
 - _/cgu_ : shows the CGU public page, accessible by the terms page
 - _/legal_ : shows the Legal Notice public page, accessible by the terms page
 ### Terms managment
 We check the terms acceptation in the **SplashScreen** while the application is initializing, if there is no consent (first connexion), or the consent is outdated (update of terms), the user will be redirected to the terms acceptation page.
-User has to check the two checboxes (one for Data share consent, and one for CGU and Legal Notice) to unlock the terms acceptation button. Once he has accepted it, a new term doctype is created with the value _accepted_ to true. So he can access now the entire application.
+For the full terms acceptation process, the user has to check the two checboxes (one for Data share consent, and one for CGU and Legal Notice) to unlock the terms acceptation button. Once he has accepted it, a new term doctype is created with the value _accepted_ to true. So he can access now the entire application.
 We store in user's profile a boolean _showConsentModal_ that allows the app to know about the consent status.
+If there is a consent update, two cases are possible : 
+- It's a major update, ex: from 1.X.X to 2.X.X, the user has to go through the entire term validation process as explained above
+- It's a minor update, ex: from 1.1.X to 1.3.X or from 1.2.1 to 1.2.3, the user is just prompted with a modal with some text about the update, and a link to the legal notice, but there is no blocking acceptation input for the user.
 ### Version number
-The version number of the last terms is stored in the **config.json** file. If this version number doesn't correspond with the last term accepted, the user won't be able to access the app and wil be prompted to accept new terms.
+The version number of the last terms is stored in the **config.json** file. If this version number doesn't correspond with the last term accepted, according the update version type (minor or major), the user won't be able to access the app and will be prompted to accept new terms or will simply be prompted.
+### Global state
+Once the verification done in the **SplashScreen**, the last term state is stored in the redux store under the ecolyo.global state.
+The model is the following :
+  termsStatus: {
+    accepted: boolean,
+    versionType: 'major' | 'minor' | 'init',
+  },
+Major and minor value are only used in the case of an update. Otherwise we store the value 'init' which corresponds either to a first connexion or to case the last accepted term version is uptodate.
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