diff --git a/docs/ecolyo/application/redux.md b/docs/ecolyo/application/redux.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/ecolyo/application/redux.md
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+# Redux
+There are two main store created for this app:
+- Cozy: store information about cozy (konnectors, accounts, settings, db)
+- Ecolyo: store all states used for this app
+For a better state management, combineReducers(reducers) is used to split the reducing function into seperate functions. So, each managing independent parts of the state.
+### Ecolyo Store Structure
+| Reducer   | Type           | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
+| --------- | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| global    | GlobalState    | store global states such as: notification, type device or fluid type<br><br>GlobalState enum<br>- _screenType = ScreenType_<br>- _challengeExplorationNotification = boolean_<br>- _challengeActionNotification = boolean_<br>- _challengeDuelNotification = boolean_<br>- _analysisNotification = boolean_<br>- _fluidStatus = FluidStatus[]_<br>- _fluidTypes = FluidType[]_ |
+| profile   | Profile        | store states about profile information such as: notification, connectionDate, profileType                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
+| chart     | ChartState     | store consumption chart states such as: timeStep, graph data<br><br>ChartState enum<br>- _selectedDate = DateTime_<br>- _currentTimeStep = TimeStep_<br>- _currentIndex = number_<br>- _currentDatachart = Datachart_<br>- _currentDatachartIndex = number_<br>- _loading = boolean_                                                                                           |
+| modal     | ModalState     | store opening state of the feedback modal <br><br>ModalState enum<br>- _isFeedbacksOpen = boolean_                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
+| challenge | ChallengeState | store challenge state such as: list of user challenge, data load and current challenge <br><br>ChallengeState enum<br>- _userChallengeList = UserChallenge[]_<br>- _currentChallenge = UserChallenge_<br>- _currentDataload = Dataload[]_                                                                                                                                      |
+### Updating state process
+Redux-thunk middleware is configured. For now, it is used only for updating the profile.
+To update a state, a webservice method is called before trigger a state change inside the store.
diff --git a/docs/ecolyo/functionalities/initialization.md b/docs/ecolyo/functionalities/initialization.md
index 1747cb9370517d3ca8c762c2684bf561a7a25461..8c8bbb0db13e1a3dd6f20070e5604eef22f53125 100644
--- a/docs/ecolyo/functionalities/initialization.md
+++ b/docs/ecolyo/functionalities/initialization.md
@@ -133,27 +133,3 @@ UserDuelEntity {
 ### Data managment schema
 ![Data Scheme](/img/challengeFlow.png)
-## Redux
-There are two main store created for this app:
-- Cozy: store information about cozy (konnectors, accounts, settings, db)
-- Ecolyo: store all states used for this app
-For a better state management, combineReducers(reducers) is used to split the reducing function into seperate functions. So, each managing independent parts of the state.
-### Ecolyo Store Structure
-| Reducer   | Type           | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
-| --------- | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| global    | GlobalState    | store global states such as: notification, type device or fluid type<br><br>GlobalState enum<br>- _screenType = ScreenType_<br>- _challengeExplorationNotification = boolean_<br>- _challengeActionNotification = boolean_<br>- _challengeDuelNotification = boolean_<br>- _analysisNotification = boolean_<br>- _fluidStatus = FluidStatus[]_<br>- _fluidTypes = FluidType[]_ |
-| profile   | Profile        | store states about profile information such as: notification, connectionDate, profileType                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
-| chart     | ChartState     | store consumption chart states such as: timeStep, graph data<br><br>ChartState enum<br>- _selectedDate = DateTime_<br>- _currentTimeStep = TimeStep_<br>- _currentIndex = number_<br>- _currentDatachart = Datachart_<br>- _currentDatachartIndex = number_<br>- _loading = boolean_                                                                                           |
-| modal     | ModalState     | store opening state of the feedback modal <br><br>ModalState enum<br>- _isFeedbacksOpen = boolean_                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
-| challenge | ChallengeState | store challenge state such as: list of user challenge, data load and current challenge <br><br>ChallengeState enum<br>- _userChallengeList = UserChallenge[]_<br>- _currentChallenge = UserChallenge_<br>- _currentDataload = Dataload[]_                                                                                                                                      |
-### Updating state process
-Redux-thunk middleware is configured. For now, it is used only for updating the profile.
-To update a state, a webservice method is called before trigger a state change inside the store.
diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
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@@ -5,94 +5,95 @@ repo_name: "Clone the Project"
 repo_url: "https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/llle_project/self-data-technical-doc"
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+  name: "material"
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-    - admonition
-    - plantuml_markdown:
-        server: http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml
-    - attr_list
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-    - "stylesheets/extra.css"
+  - "stylesheets/extra.css"
-    - Home: index.md
-    - Easy Cozy:
-        - Scripts: easycozy/scripts.md
-        - Commands: easycozy/commands.md
-        - Tips: easycozy/tips.md
-    - Ecolyo:
-        - Introduction: ecolyo/index.md
-        - Getting started:
-            - Setup your environment: ecolyo/getting_started/setup_your_environment.md
-            - Launch the application on local: ecolyo/getting_started/launch_local_application.md
-            - Launch a konnector on local: ecolyo/getting_started/launch_local_konnector.md
-        - Project Architecture:
-            - Architecture: ecolyo/project_architecture/architecture.md
-            - Libraries: ecolyo/project_architecture/libraries.md
-            - Environments: ecolyo/project_architecture/environments.md
-            - DocTypes: ecolyo/project_architecture/doctypes.md
-        - Application:
-            - Description: ecolyo/application/description.md
-            - Scaffolding: ecolyo/application/scaffolding.md
-            - Services: ecolyo/application/services.md
-            - Gitflow: ecolyo/application/gitflow.md
-            - Deploy: ecolyo/application/deploy.md
-        - Functionalities:
-            - Initialization: ecolyo/functionalities/initialization.md
-            - Consumption: ecolyo/functionalities/consumption.md
-            - Ecogesture: ecolyo/functionalities/ecogesture.md
-            - Challenge: ecolyo/functionalities/challenge.md
-            - Profile Type: ecolyo/functionalities/profile_type.md
-    - Pilote:
-        - Pilote - TS - Back:
-            - Index: pilote/Pilote - TS - Back/index.md
-            - Application:
-                - Deploy: pilote/Pilote - TS - Back/application/deploy.md
-            - Functionalities:
-                - Routes: pilote/Pilote - TS - Back/functionalities/routes.md
-            - Getting Started:
-                - Launch the application on local: pilote/Pilote - TS - Back/getting_started/launch_local_application.md
-                - Setup your environment: pilote/Pilote - TS - Back/getting_started/setup_your_environment.md
-            - Project Architecture: pilote/Pilote - TS - Back/project_architecture/architecture.md
-        - Pilote - TS - Front:
-            - Index: pilote/Pilote - TS - Front/index.md
-            - Application:
-                - Deploy: pilote/Pilote - TS - Front/application/deploy.md
-            - Functionalities:
-                - Routes: pilote/Pilote - TS - Front/functionalities/functions.md
-            - Getting Started:
-                - Launch the application on local: pilote/Pilote - TS - Front/getting_started/launch_local_application.md          
-        - Pilote - Usager:
-            - Application:
-                - Deploy: pilote/Pilote - Usager/application/deploy.md
-                - Doctypes: pilote/Pilote - Usager/application/doctypes.md
-                - Gitflow: pilote/Pilote - Usager/application/gitflow.md
-                - Scaffolding: pilote/Pilote - Usager/application/scaffolding.md
-                - Services: pilote/Pilote - Usager/application/services.md
-                - Store: pilote/Pilote - Usager/application/store.md
-            - Functionalities:
-                - Appointments: pilote/Pilote - Usager/functionalities/appointments.md
-                - Contact: pilote/Pilote - Usager/functionalities/contact.md
-                - Document: pilote/Pilote - Usager/functionalities/document.md
-                - Settings: pilote/Pilote - Usager/functionalities/setting.md
-            - Getting Started:
-                - Launch local doctypes: pilote/Pilote - Usager/getting_started/launch_local_doctypes.md
-                - Launch local services: pilote/Pilote - Usager/getting_started/launch_local_services.md
-    - Konnectors:
-        - Enedis: konnectors/enedis.md
-        - GRDF: konnectors/grdf.md
-        - Eau du Grand Lyon: konnectors/egl.md
-    - Proxy:
-        - Description: proxy/description.md
-        - Monitoring: proxy/monitoring.md
-        - Use cases:
-            - Enedis: proxy/use_cases/enedis.md
-            - Grdf Adict: proxy/use_cases/grdfadict.md
+  - Home: index.md
+  - Easy Cozy:
+      - Scripts: easycozy/scripts.md
+      - Commands: easycozy/commands.md
+      - Tips: easycozy/tips.md
+  - Ecolyo:
+      - Introduction: ecolyo/index.md
+      - Getting started:
+          - Setup your environment: ecolyo/getting_started/setup_your_environment.md
+          - Launch the application on local: ecolyo/getting_started/launch_local_application.md
+          - Launch a konnector on local: ecolyo/getting_started/launch_local_konnector.md
+      - Project Architecture:
+          - Architecture: ecolyo/project_architecture/architecture.md
+          - Libraries: ecolyo/project_architecture/libraries.md
+          - Environments: ecolyo/project_architecture/environments.md
+          - DocTypes: ecolyo/project_architecture/doctypes.md
+      - Application:
+          - Description: ecolyo/application/description.md
+          - Redux: ecolyo/application/redux.md
+          - Scaffolding: ecolyo/application/scaffolding.md
+          - Services: ecolyo/application/services.md
+          - Gitflow: ecolyo/application/gitflow.md
+          - Deploy: ecolyo/application/deploy.md
+      - Functionalities:
+          - Initialization: ecolyo/functionalities/initialization.md
+          - Consumption: ecolyo/functionalities/consumption.md
+          - Ecogesture: ecolyo/functionalities/ecogesture.md
+          - Challenge: ecolyo/functionalities/challenge.md
+          - Profile Type: ecolyo/functionalities/profile_type.md
+  - Pilote:
+      - Pilote - TS - Back:
+          - Index: pilote/Pilote - TS - Back/index.md
+          - Application:
+              - Deploy: pilote/Pilote - TS - Back/application/deploy.md
+          - Functionalities:
+              - Routes: pilote/Pilote - TS - Back/functionalities/routes.md
+          - Getting Started:
+              - Launch the application on local: pilote/Pilote - TS - Back/getting_started/launch_local_application.md
+              - Setup your environment: pilote/Pilote - TS - Back/getting_started/setup_your_environment.md
+          - Project Architecture: pilote/Pilote - TS - Back/project_architecture/architecture.md
+      - Pilote - TS - Front:
+          - Index: pilote/Pilote - TS - Front/index.md
+          - Application:
+              - Deploy: pilote/Pilote - TS - Front/application/deploy.md
+          - Functionalities:
+              - Routes: pilote/Pilote - TS - Front/functionalities/functions.md
+          - Getting Started:
+              - Launch the application on local: pilote/Pilote - TS - Front/getting_started/launch_local_application.md
+      - Pilote - Usager:
+          - Application:
+              - Deploy: pilote/Pilote - Usager/application/deploy.md
+              - Doctypes: pilote/Pilote - Usager/application/doctypes.md
+              - Gitflow: pilote/Pilote - Usager/application/gitflow.md
+              - Scaffolding: pilote/Pilote - Usager/application/scaffolding.md
+              - Services: pilote/Pilote - Usager/application/services.md
+              - Store: pilote/Pilote - Usager/application/store.md
+          - Functionalities:
+              - Appointments: pilote/Pilote - Usager/functionalities/appointments.md
+              - Contact: pilote/Pilote - Usager/functionalities/contact.md
+              - Document: pilote/Pilote - Usager/functionalities/document.md
+              - Settings: pilote/Pilote - Usager/functionalities/setting.md
+          - Getting Started:
+              - Launch local doctypes: pilote/Pilote - Usager/getting_started/launch_local_doctypes.md
+              - Launch local services: pilote/Pilote - Usager/getting_started/launch_local_services.md
+  - Konnectors:
+      - Enedis: konnectors/enedis.md
+      - GRDF: konnectors/grdf.md
+      - Eau du Grand Lyon: konnectors/egl.md
+  - Proxy:
+      - Description: proxy/description.md
+      - Monitoring: proxy/monitoring.md
+      - Use cases:
+          - Enedis: proxy/use_cases/enedis.md
+          - Grdf Adict: proxy/use_cases/grdfadict.md