diff --git a/docs/proxy/description.md b/docs/proxy/description.md
index c2d04e22a6f6019deb26726da0a40dea2ab08c10..b116902317fc40c8ebffeb6262befb8b6b3bdbc8 100644
--- a/docs/proxy/description.md
+++ b/docs/proxy/description.md
@@ -176,10 +176,56 @@ To answer this problem, it was decided to run a proxy as a middleware that would
 Henceforth the proxy is now the one calling the auth and token endpoints. It's also the proxy that is registered as redirect_uri.
 3 endpoints are created in the proxy:
 - One for the auth (called by the cozy-stack)
 - One for the token (also called by the cozy-stack)
 - One for the redirect_uri (called by the service provider, Enedis)
+#### Proxy flow
+stack -> proxy/auth -> enedis/auth -> proxy/redirect -> stack -> proxy/token -> enedis/token
 ## Proxy Code Explained
+!!! info "reminder"
+    Feel free to check the proxy [code](https://forge.grandlyon.com/pocs/cozy/cozy-oauth-proxy) at all time when reading this documentation.
+The proxy is coded in golang.
+It is composed of three endpoints as seen above. The first endpoint to be called is **/auth**.
+#### auth
+Originally called from a cozy-stack trying to setup its enedis konnector. The proxy gets this informations from the query:
+- clientId
+- state (as it was conceived by the cozy-stack)
+- redirect_uri (**will be used later to trace back the stack**)
+With all these informations, the proxy can contact enedis **/auth** endpoint to start the oauth dance.
+!!! warning "note"
+    See that a new composed state is sent to enedis, it is made of the former state conceived by the cozy-stack + the cozyOrigin instance name. This will be usefull when enedis is leading the oauth dance to the next step and we will need the name of the cozy to answer.
+Once the call is sent, enedis will point to the **/redirect** endpoint.
+#### redirect
+Retrieve the *code*, *usage_point_id*, and*state* answered by Enedis.
+Split the customed state that was modified in the **/auth** process. From this split it creates two variables :
+- state
+- host
+Finally redirect all these parameters in a query to the cozy-stack (the cozy-stack which is still waiting for an answer from its /auth call).
+#### token
+Gathering from query or parameters all params.
+Sends a post request to enedis /token endpoint. 
+The stack will store the response params in a *accounts* couchdb database.
 ## What Happens Next
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