From 94d8f021db47938e705b52b51931c58126f34c89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yoan VALLET <>
Date: Wed, 19 May 2021 16:27:16 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] review services for ecolyo

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 .../services}/monthly-service.png             | Bin
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 create mode 100644 docs/ecolyo/services/
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--- a/docs/ecolyo/application/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-## Cron Services
-In order to build an automated task within our cozy-stack, we can create *services* which are javascript files called from a trigger job.
-For instance on Ecolyo, to schedule a mail that alert the user a new **monthly report** is available in the application, we add a trigger that is launched every month with a *cron* attribute. On that trigger we link a .js script then we instanciate this script with cozy-client.
-### Manifest config example
-File location is determined after the build, see [here](
-!!! note "Cron"
-    See the cron definition at [cozy-stack](
-## Ecolyo services
-Located under **src\targets\services**
-### Monthly report notification
-#### Definition of the service
-The service will run the 3rd of each month at 10.00 am, as defined in the manifest:
-"monthlyReportNotification": {
-      "type": "node",
-      "file": "services/monthlyReportNotification/ecolyo.js",
-      "trigger": "@cron 0 0 10 3 * *"
-    }
-#### Main responsabilities of the service
-The service is reponsible of sending a mail to user to warn him about the availability of a new information in the Analyse.
-Main steps are the following:
- - Check the "sendReportNotification" attribute in the com.grandlyon.ecolyo.profile doctype. If true, service will continue, else it will stop.
- - Fetches metadata to customize the mail (Public name, instance url).
- - Build the mail.
- - Send the mail.
-### Sending mail
-Doc of cozy for sendmail worker:
-!!! Send mail in local
-    In local you can use the mail hog tools to see the mail sent by the stack using
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 This section explains how the application is tracking usage events. Here are the main step:
-- All events are stored in the instance db
-- A service is responsible of the calculation of ANONYMIZED indicators. These indicators are then sent to a remote docType.
+- All events are stored during the use of the application in the doctype **com.grandlyon.ecolyo.usageevents**
+- A service is responsible of the aggregation of these events to create ANONYMIZED indicators. These indicators are then sent to a remote docType.
 ## Usage events collection
-Here are the list of collected usage event:
+During the use of the application we stored some events link to an user action. Here are the list of collected usage events:
 | Category    | Type                           | Target         | Result               | Context               | Description                               |
 | ----------- | ------------------------------ | -------------- | -------------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
 | Connection  | ConnectionEvent                |                |                      | "desktop" or "mobile" | User connects to the application.         |
-| Navigation  | NavigationEvent                | Page           |                      |                       | User navigates to a targeted page.        |
-| Konnector   | KonnectorConnectEvent          | Konnector      | "success" or "error" |                       | User connects a konnector.                |
-| Konnector   | KonnectorRefreshEvent          | Konnector      | "success" or "error" |                       | User refreshes a konnector.               |
-| Challenge   | ChallengeLaunchEvent           | Challenge id   |                      |                       | User launches a challenge.                |
-| Challenge   | ChallengeEndEvent              | Challenge id   |                      |                       | User ends a challenge.                    |
-| Duel        | DuelLaunchEvent                | Duel id        |                      | Challenge id          | User launches a duel.                     |
-| Duel        | DuelEndEvent                   | Duel id        |                      | Challenge id          | User ends a duel.                         |
-| Quiz        | QuizEndEvent                   | Quiz id        | starsNumber          | Challenge id          | User ends a quiz.                         |
-| Exploration | ExplorationEndEvent            | Exploration id |                      | Challenge id          | User ends an exploration.                 |
-| Action      | ActionChangeEvent              | Action id      |                      | Challenge id          | User change action's ecogesture.          |
-| Action      | ActionEndEvent                 | Action id      |                      | Challenge id          | User ends a action.                       |
+| Navigation  | NavigationEvent                | Page_name      |                      |                       | User navigates to a targeted page.        |
+| Konnector   | KonnectorConnectEvent          | Konnector_slug | "success" or "error" |                       | User connects a konnector.                |
+| Konnector   | KonnectorRefreshEvent          | Konnector_slug | "success" or "error" |                       | User refreshes a konnector.               |
+| Challenge   | ChallengeLaunchEvent           | Challenge_id   |                      |                       | User launches a challenge.                |
+| Challenge   | ChallengeEndEvent              | Challenge_id   |                      |                       | User ends a challenge.                    |
+| Duel        | DuelLaunchEvent                | Duel_id        |                      | Challenge_id          | User launches a duel.                     |
+| Duel        | DuelEndEvent                   | Duel_id        |                      | Challenge_id          | User ends a duel.                         |
+| Quiz        | QuizEndEvent                   | Quiz_id        | starsNumber          | Challenge_id          | User ends a quiz.                         |
+| Exploration | ExplorationEndEvent            | Exploration_id |                      | Challenge_id          | User ends an exploration.                 |
+| Action      | ActionChangeEvent              | Action_id      |                      | Challenge_id          | User change action's ecogesture.          |
+| Action      | ActionEndEvent                 | Action_id      |                      | Challenge_id          | User ends a action.                       |
 | Profile     | ProfileSetEvent                |                |                      |                       | User fills in its profile.                |
 | Consumption | ConsumptionCompareEvent        |                |                      | Fluid / TimeStep      | User compares its consumption.            |
 | Consumption | ConsumptionChangeTimeStepEvent | TimeStep       |                      | Fluid                 | User changes timeStep of its consumption. |
 | Consumption | ConsumptionInteracteEvent      |                |                      | Fluid / TimeStep      | User selects a consumption on the chart.  |
+All events are stored with the *aggregated* flag to false to allow the identification of new events.
 ## Usage events aggregator service
+## Functionnalities
+The service will retrieve all new events by filter on the *aggregated* flag to **false** and the event date before than today.
+For each aggregator type we will defined the right calculation to apply to create the appropriate indicator:
+- calculation of the session time indicator based on ConnectionEvent
+- calculation of the period between 2 different challenges based on the ChallengeLaunchEvent
+- calculation of the period between the first connection and the first challenge based on ChallengeLaunchEvent and ConnectionEvent
+- calculation of an indicator based on a single event
+- calculation of an aggregated indicator to sum an event type per days.
+Once the indicators is calculated we will:
+1. post the indicator to the remote doctype
+2. push the event used to calculate the indicator to a array, which will be used to identify all events taken into account during the process.
+At the end of the service, the service will change the *aggregated* flag to **true** for all events present in the array.
+More technical information are available [here](/ecolyo/services/
+## Remote doctype
+All indicator are post to a remote doctype, which will allow the application to read a defined external API. This doctype is created by Cozy itself.
+Here are the actual structure of this remote doctype:
+  source: string
+  name: string
+  startDate: string
+  endDate: string
+  value?: number
+  groups: { [key: string]: string }
+- source: contains "ecolyo" value.
+- name: contains the indicator type
+- startDate and endDate: used to defined a period or if not relevant, it contains both the date of the events.
+- value: contains aggreated value (example: number of page viewed on a day).
+- groups: contains all other attribute useful for the indicator (example: context, target, result)
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+# Definition of the service
+The service will run each day at [TO BE DEFINED], as defined in the manifest:
+"aggregatorUsageEvents": {
+      "type": "node",
+      "file": "services/aggregatorUsageEvents/ecolyo.js",
+      "trigger": "[TO BE DEFINED]"
+    }
+# Main responsabilities of the service
+The service is responsible of :
+1. Collecting all new events from the **com.grandlyon.ecolyo.usageevents**
+2. Aggregated them to indicators
+3. Send indicators to the remote doctype
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10c51c3
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+In order to build an automated task within our cozy-stack, we can create *services* which are javascript files called from a trigger job.
+For instance on Ecolyo, to schedule a mail that alert the user that a new **monthly report** is available in the application, we add a trigger that is launched every month with a *cron* attribute. On that trigger we link a .js script then we instanciate this script with cozy-client.
+# Configuration
+## Manifest
+The service should be described in the manifest.webapp file. it should defined the type, the file and the trigger. See more information in the official doc of Cozy [here](
+Here is an exemple of service declaration in the ecolyo manifest:
+File location is determined after the build, see [here](
+!!! note "Cron"
+    See the cron definition at [cozy-stack](
+# Ecolyo services
+Service code are located under **src\targets\services**.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8465862
--- /dev/null
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+# Definition of the service
+The service will run the 3rd of each month at 10.00 am, as defined in the manifest:
+"monthlyReportNotification": {
+      "type": "node",
+      "file": "services/monthlyReportNotification/ecolyo.js",
+      "trigger": "@cron 0 0 10 3 * *"
+    }
+# Main responsabilities of the service
+The service is reponsible of sending a mail to user to warn him about the availability of a new information in the Analyse.
+Main steps are the following:
+ - Check the "sendReportNotification" attribute in the com.grandlyon.ecolyo.profile doctype. If true, service will continue, else it will stop.
+ - Fetches metadata to customize the mail (Public name, instance url).
+ - Build the mail.
+ - Send the mail.
+# Sending mail
+Doc of cozy for sendmail worker:
+!!! Send mail in local
+    In local you can use the mail hog tools to see the mail sent by the stack using
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diff --git a/docs/ecolyo/application/monthly-service.png b/docs/img/services/monthly-service.png
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/ecolyo/application/monthly-service.png
rename to docs/img/services/monthly-service.png
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@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ nav:
           - Services: ecolyo/application/
           - Gitflow: ecolyo/application/
           - Deploy: ecolyo/application/
+      - Services: 
+          - Description: ecolyo/services/
+          - Monthly report notification: ecolyo/services/
+          - Aggregator usage events: ecolyo/services/
       - Functionalities:
           - Initialization: ecolyo/functionalities/
           - Consumption: ecolyo/functionalities/