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+:construction: Section under Construction :construction:
+# Doctypes
+Doctypes represent different types of data. Their primary use is for permissions: an app or konnector will request permissions for one or several doctypes and will not be able to access other doctypes. See [Doctypes documentation](https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-doctypes/docs/) for more information.
+The following is a full description of the doctypes we use and their fields. Cozy doctypes won't be fully described. Instead, for every used one, we'll include a link to its official documentation.
+## Used Cozy doctypes
+- [`io.cozy.accounts`](https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-doctypes/docs/io.cozy.accounts): Konnector accounts
+- [`io.cozy.contacts`](https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-doctypes/docs/io.cozy.contacts): Contacts
+- [`io.cozy.contacts.groups`](https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-doctypes/docs/io.cozy.contacts.groups): Contacts groups
+- [`io.cozy.files`](https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-doctypes/docs/io.cozy.files): Files
+- [`io.cozy.konnectors`](https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-doctypes/docs/io.cozy.konnectors): Connectors installed in the cozy
+- [`io.cozy.permissions`](https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-doctypes/docs/io.cozy.permissions): Permissions of the instance
+- [`io.cozy.todos.item`](https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-doctypes/docs/io.cozy.todos.item): Todos item
+- [`io.cozy.todos.list`](https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-doctypes/docs/io.cozy.todos.list): Todos list
+- [`io.cozy.triggers`](https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-doctypes/docs/io.cozy.triggers): Job triggers
+## Custom doctypes
+- `com.grandlyon.mps.notes` 
+  Represents ...
+  `com.grandlyon.mps.notes`  attributes are: 
+  - `title`: {string} The title of the note.
+  - `content`: {string} The content of the note.
+  #### Example
+  ```json
+  {
+  	title: '...',
+      content: '...',
+  }
+  ```
+- `com.grandlyon.mps.profile`
+  Represents the tutorial and notifications state. 
+  `com.grandlyon.mps.profile` attributes are: 
+  - `tutorial`: {object} contains `home`, `contacts`, `documents`, `actions`, and `notes` which are all of type `boolean`. Each one represents the state of its tutorial. For example, `home: true` means the home tutorial hasn't been seen yet and will be visible to the user the next time he visits the Home component.
+  - `notification`: {} ...
+  #### Example
+  ```json
+  {
+      tutorial: {
+          home: true,
+          contacts: false,
+          documents: true,
+          actions: false,
+          notes: true
+         },
+         notification: ...
+      }
+  }
+  ```
+- `com.grandlyon.mps.appointments`
+  ...
+- `com.grandlyon.mps.docrules`
+  Represents ...
+  `com.grandlyon.mps.docrules` attributes are:
+  - `description`: {string} Description of the docrule.
+  - `doctype`: {string} ...
+  - `rule`: {object} Contains `limit` of type `number`and `selector` which is an `object` with the following attributes: 
+    - `'cozyMetadata.classification'`: {string} Classification ...
+    - `'cozyMetadata.createdAt'`: {object} Creation date.
+  #### Example 
+  ```json
+  {
+    description: '...',
+    doctype: 'io.cozy.files',
+    rule: {
+      limit: 10,
+      selector: {
+        'cozyMetadata.classification': '...',
+        'cozyMetadata.createdAt': 'December 23, 2020 03:24:00',
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ```
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+!!! info ""
+    :construction: Section under Construction :construction:
+## Initialize
+- Create a new project in GitLab and take note of its URL
+### Protecting Master Branch
+On the GitLab page of your project go to *Settings/Repository* in the *Protected Branches* section.
+Select the **Master** branch and set **allow to merge** to ***Master*** and **allow to push** to **No one**
+This will prevent anyone to push on the master branch, the only way to add code to the branch will be merge requests.
+### Setting Development Branch
+- Retrieve the project on your computer, open a command line and execute.
+git clone https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/llle.git
+git clone https://forge.grandlyon.com/solidarite/monparcourssocial/mps-usager.git
+- Create the development branch
+git checkout -b dev
+- Init your project and then type any time you want to commit changes:
+git add .
+git commit -m "Commit changes"
+git push origin dev
+## Start Developing
+For any other development you should create a branch from the development branch.
+First make sure to be on the ***dev*** branch, type:
+git branch
+> to see your current branch
+### Conventional Commits
+A `feature` branch name should follow this structure:
+- *feat/<title_of_the_user_story\>*
+You can create the branch by typing:
+git checkout -b feat/<title_of_the_user_story>
+Each fix branch should be named as the following *fix-\<title_of_the_fix\>*.
+**Breaking Change**
+Appends a `!` before the title of the commit to notify that a breaking change has happened. Give a solid description of the changes as well.
+**add tag**
+git tag -a 1.0.0 -m "complementary message"
+### Gitflow Scheme
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+:construction: Section under Construction :construction:
+In this section, you will find information about the project file structure and the purpose of the main folders.
+##Source Files
+| Folder/File        | Purpose                                                      |
+| ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| assets             | The application's assets, contains fonts, svg and png files. |
+| docrules           |                                                              |
+| doctypes           | Contains the **cozy** doctypes, you can see more on [Cozy Documentation](https://github.com/cozy/cozy-doctypes). |
+| helpers            | Contains helper functions that are used by services. It contains also a test file for each helper file. |
+| locales            | Contains JSON data used by the translation system i18n provided by [Cozy-ui](https://github.com/cozy/cozy-ui). |
+| models             | Contains all our models' Interfaces                          |
+| services           | Here you'll find all the services. It contains also a test file for each service file. |
+| store              | Redux store. Contains actions, reducers, and store types.    |
+| styles             | Styles folder. The **base** folder under it contains our variables, fonts, breakpoints, animations, and mixins. Whenever you add a style file elsewhere, don't forget to import it in **index.scss**. |
+| targets            | Contains mobile and browser targets. It also contains a **Public** target for *social workers*. |
+| types              |                                                              |
+| utils              | In this folder you'll find utilities methods.                |
+| tests              |                                                              |
+| components/App.tsx | The root component.                                          |
+##Configuration Files
+| Folder/File     | Purpose                                                      |
+| --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| .eslintrc.js    | Config file for ESLint.                                      |
+| gitlab-ci.yml   | Config file used for Gitlab continuous integration.          |
+| .prettierrc     | Config file for Prettier extension.                          |
+|                 |                                                              |
+| jest.config.js  | Config file used by Jest for testing the application.        |
+| manifest.webapp | Manifest of the application, used by cozy for permissions' management, you can add permissions for doctypes here. |
+| tsconfig.json   | Config file for TypeScript.                                  |
+| ...             |                                                              |
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+:construction: Section under Construction :construction:
+## Profile Service 
+### Functions
+- `getProfile`: Tries fetching the profile if it exists. If not, it creates a new one and returns it.
+- `updateProfile`: Updates the profile.
+## Note Service 
+### Functions
+- `findNoteCurrentAppointement`: Returns a note from an appointment id.
+- `findNoteById`: Returns a note by its id.
+- `getAllNotes`: Returns all notes.
+- `findLastNote`: Returns the last note by date.
+- `createNote`: Creates a new note and returns it.
+- `updateNote`: Updates a note.
+- `deleteNoteById`: Deletes a note by its id.
+## DocRule Service 
+### Functions
+- `createDocRule`: Creates a new docRule.
+- `getDocRuleById`: Returns a docRule by its id.
+- `getDocRulesByIds`: Returns a list of docRules by their ids.
+- `getAllDocRules`: Returns all docRules.
+- `createAllDocRules`: Fetches all docRules and creates the missing ones.
+## Document Service
+### Functions
+- `getAllDocuments`: Returns the list of all documents.
+- `getDocumentsByQualification`: Returns a document by the `'metadata.qualification.label'`.
+- `getDocumentsByQualifications`: Uses `getDocumentsByQualification` to return a list of documents by the `'metadata.qualification.label'`.
+- `getDocumentByID`: Returns a document by its id.
+- `saveDocument`: Creates a new file.
+- `editDocumentName`: Edits a document's name by its id.
+- `deleteDocumentById`: Deletes the document by its id.
+- `downloadDocument`: Downloads a file from its id.
+- `viewDocument`: Takes a document's id, opens its download link and returns it. 
+## Contact Service
+### Functions
+- `getCurrentUser`: Returns the contact with an existing `me` field, which represents the current user.
+- `getAllContacts`: Returns a list of all contacts.
+- `findContactById`: Returns a contact by its id.
+- `createContact`: Creates a new contact.
+- `updateContact`: Updates an existing contact.
+- `deleteContactById`: Deletes a contact by its id.
+## Group Service
+## Function
+- `createMetroGroup`: Creates a new group and returns it.
+- `getMetroGroup`: Returns the group if it exists or creates it if it doesn't.
+## ...
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+# Redux
+We are using **Redux** for our application state management. it maintains the state of the entire application in a single immutable state tree (object), which can't be changed directly. When something changes, a new object is created (using actions and reducers). For more information about Redux, visit The [official documentation][https://redux.js.org/].
+## Store
+The following are the existing store entities used by our application:
+- `Global`: Preserves the global state, which includes `isPublic` and `screenType` (Mobile/Tablet/Desktop).  
+- `UploadDocument`: Manages the state of uploaded documents. 
+- `Profile`: Preserves the state of tutorials and notifications.
+For each reducer file, a test file is associated testing the reducer.
+All the actions are tested in a separate file with the same actions file name. 
+## Used packages
+- **react-redux**: Official React bindings for [Redux](https://github.com/reduxjs/redux).
+- **redux-devtools-extension**: For debugging application's state changes.
+- **@types/react-redux**: This package contains type definitions for react-redux.
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