From e0293142c7c56ccd7ed40c8da992161b654eac20 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "guilhem.carron" <>
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2022 14:38:05 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] add node 16 doc

 .../getting_started/ | 30 ++++++++++++++++++-
 .../functionalities/                 |  2 +-
 .../               | 16 +++++-----
 3 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/ecolyo/getting_started/ b/docs/ecolyo/getting_started/
index ee51f0b..cd6ea79 100644
--- a/docs/ecolyo/getting_started/
+++ b/docs/ecolyo/getting_started/
@@ -75,10 +75,38 @@ Installation for Git can be found here: [Installation of Git](
 ## Node
-For this project, Node version 14 is required.Download [node-v14](
+For this project, Node version 16 is required.Download [node-v16](
 Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
+You might need to manage several NodeJS versions on the same computer as such as your work on different projects.
+To manage it properly, you can use *nvm* package on windows or *n* package on linux.
+For nvm : 
+yarn global add nvm 
+To see the list of your installed node versions
+nvm list
+To install a version : 
+nvm install X.X.X
+To swtich to a specific installed version 
+nvm use X.X.X
+Then make sure you are on the right version with 
+node -v
 ## Yarn
 Yarn is used as package manager for this project. Feel free to use the one you prefere but we advice to install yarn as all the documentation is described with this package manager.
diff --git a/docs/pilote/Pilote - TS - Back/functionalities/ b/docs/pilote/Pilote - TS - Back/functionalities/
index 9a2c5c6..31019e4 100644
--- a/docs/pilote/Pilote - TS - Back/functionalities/	
+++ b/docs/pilote/Pilote - TS - Back/functionalities/	
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ A swagger documentation can be consulted at [http://localhost:3000/api/doc/](htt
 - Local : `` 
 # Cozy
diff --git a/docs/pilote/Pilote - Usager/getting_started/ b/docs/pilote/Pilote - Usager/getting_started/
index 49087ad..f39e247 100644
--- a/docs/pilote/Pilote - Usager/getting_started/	
+++ b/docs/pilote/Pilote - Usager/getting_started/	
@@ -23,20 +23,22 @@ To start Pilote Usager application, you first need start the application and sta
 yarn start
-# on windows
-yarn winstack 
-# on linux
-yarn linstack
+docker-compose up stack
+As the pilote application has been recently upgraded to NodeJS 16 version, you might need to install additionnal packages in order to be able to run the app. Make sure your have the following installed : 
+- Python3
+- Microsoft Visual Studio tools 2017 
+- node-gyp
 And wait for the success message.
-> Everything is setup. Go to
+> Everything is setup. Go to
 Once successful you can launch your local cozy with following url [Cozy local url]( and connect with the password '**cozy**'.
 ### Start Pilote TS application
-To start a social worker instance, go to [**options page**]( and click '**Get sharecode**'.
+To start a social worker instance, go to [**options page**]( and click '**Get sharecode**'.
 Open the console and you'll see a link redirecting to a TS instance.
\ No newline at end of file