From e77d55e2123f04c88705452b0da537d1bfcc1087 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: PEDROLI Benjamin <>
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2020 15:03:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH]  add additional documentation for Pilote app

 .../getting_started/  |  80 ++++++++++++
 .../getting_started/  | 120 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 200 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 docs/pilote/Pilote - Agent/getting_started/
 create mode 100644 docs/pilote/Pilote - Agent/getting_started/

diff --git a/docs/pilote/Pilote - Agent/getting_started/ b/docs/pilote/Pilote - Agent/getting_started/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86fb083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/pilote/Pilote - Agent/getting_started/	
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+!!! info ""
+    :construction: Section under Construction :construction:
+## Use cozy-doctype in local
+In order to be able to use our own cozy-doctype, especialy remote doctype here, we need to use them in local.
+1/ clone cozy-doctype repository into your system.
+Then, push it into your root project.
+2/ After that, add your own remote doctype into cozy-doctype folder:
+  - create a new folder ex: org.mps.share
+  - push into this folder request file: request
+You must declare this doctype into your manifest.webapp file like that :
+    "share": {
+          "description": "Required for searching on back-endTS",
+          "type": "org.mps.share",
+          "verbs": ["GET", "POST"]
+        },
+3/ In, you need to add another option when you serve the cozy-stack:
+  - cozy-stack serve --allow-root (...) --doctypes /path/to/the/doctype
+=> in this project :
+  -  cozy-stack serve (...) --doctypes /data/cozy-doctypes
+!! Warning !! : You need to build and push the newlest image on the forge registry when the step 3 is done
+!! Warning !! : You must have all files, into your docker folder, in LF mode of  "End of Line Sequence" !
+For this project:
+  - cd docker
+  - docker build .
+  - docker tag <image_ID_created>
+  - docker push
+4/ The path "/data/cozy-doctypes" is link to the volume of the cozy-app-dev image.
+  - in order to mount this volume, you need to add it when you run the 'docker run' command :
+     -v $PWD/cozy-doctypes:/data/cozy-doctypes
+    => for this project :
+    docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -p 5984:5984 -p 8025:8025 -v $PWD/build:/data/cozy-app/mps -v $PWD/data:/usr/local/couchdb/data -v $PWD/docker/disableCSP.yaml:/etc/cozy/cozy.yaml -v $PWD/cozy-doctypes:/data/cozy-doctypes
+# How to test your remote doctype ?
+## GET
+1/ In the request file created. Specify the methode and the route to your target URL :
+    GET
+  or with value in query :
+    GET{{token}}
+2/ Then, you can test it by :
+  - await client.getStackClient().fetchJSON('GET','/remote/org.mps.share')
+  or with value in query :
+  -  await client.getStackClient().fetchJSON('GET','/remote/org.mps.share?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImNvenlBcGlDaGVjayIsInVzZXJJZCI6IjEiLCJpYXQiOjE2MDU2OTI0NjYsImV4cCI6MTYwNTY5MjUyNn0.HbQh5H-TcVIASUpbjZAD0MY9slRAJOVw-VMKSBu_sQ0' )
+## POST
+1/ In the request file created. Specify the methode and the route to your target URL :
+    POST
+    Content-Type: application/json
+    {{data}}
+2/ Then, you can test it by :
+  const parameters = {
+      data: JSON.stringify({
+        token: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImNvenlBcGlDaGVjayIsInVzZXJJZCI6IjEiLCJpYXQiOjE2MDU2MjYxNzAsImV4cCI6MTYwNTYyNjIzMH0.8m-rEAZkuqb4upAPKY7j8DhvFi8mVbmiCFDitgNYt6Y"
+      }
+    )
+  }
+  console.log('call remote ==> ', await client.getStackClient().fetchJSON('POST','/remote/org.mps.share', parameters ))
diff --git a/docs/pilote/Pilote - Agent/getting_started/ b/docs/pilote/Pilote - Agent/getting_started/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7220022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/pilote/Pilote - Agent/getting_started/	
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+!!! info ""
+    :construction: Section under Construction :construction:
+### Use services in local
+## Configure the cozy-stack on local
+In order to be able to use your sercice, follow these steps: 
+1/ clone cozy-doctype repository into your system.
+Then, push it into your root project.
+2/ After that, add your own remote doctype into cozy-doctype folder:
+  - create a new folder ex: org.mps.share
+  - push into this folder request file: request
+You must declare this doctype into your manifest.webapp file like that :
+    "share": {
+          "description": "Required for searching on back-endTS",
+          "type": "org.mps.share",
+          "verbs": ["GET", "POST"]
+        },
+3/ In, you need to add another option when you serve the cozy-stack:
+  - cozy-stack serve --allow-root (...) --doctypes /path/to/the/doctype
+=> in this project :
+  -  cozy-stack serve (...) --doctypes /data/cozy-doctypes
+4/ You need to add another option when you install apps in the cozy-stack (go to: docker\
+In do_install_app(): 
+#add symbolic link to mps for sms service
+        ln -s /data/cozy-app/mps /data/cozy-storage/\:8080/.cozy_apps/mps
+        if [ -d "data/cozy-app/mps/0.1.1" ]; then
+                echo "data/cozy-app/mps/0.1.1 already here!";
+        else
+                mkdir /data/cozy-app/mps/0.1.1
+                cp -a /data/cozy-app/mps/services/ /data/cozy-app/mps/0.1.1/
+                echo "data/cozy-app/mps/0.1.1 just create!";
+        fi
+        # mkdir /data/cozy-app/mps/0.1.1
+        # cp -a /data/cozy-app/mps/services/ /data/cozy-app/mps/0.1.1/
+  echo "service added"
+5/ Then, add in docker folder. This file is a script to store the service logs. It should contain: 
+    #!/bin/bash
+    rundir="${1}"
+    cd $rundir
+    node index.js | tee /data/cozy-app/mps/services.log
+Then, add this following row into the Dockerfile: 
+COPY /etc/cozy/
+6/ Into the disableCSP.yml, you need to add one more configuration:
+  cmd: /etc/cozy/ # run connectors with node
+!! Warning !! : You need to build and push the newlest image on the forge registry when the step 6 is done
+!! Warning !! : You must have all files, into your docker folder, in LF mode of  "End of Line Sequence" !
+Finaly, you should rebuild the docker image of the cozy-stack:
+  - cd docker
+  - docker build .
+  - docker tag <image_ID_created>
+  - docker push
+7/ The path "/data/cozy-doctypes" is link to the volume of the cozy-app-dev image.
+  - in order to mount this volume, you need to add it when you run the 'docker run' command :
+     -v $PWD/cozy-doctypes:/data/cozy-doctypes
+    => for this project :
+    docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -p 5984:5984 -p 8025:8025 -v $PWD/build:/data/cozy-app/mps -v $PWD/data:/usr/local/couchdb/data -v $PWD/docker/disableCSP.yaml:/etc/cozy/cozy.yaml -v $PWD/cozy-doctypes:/data/cozy-doctypes
+## How to test your service ?
+In the manifest.webapp, you need to declare the service: 
+"services": {
+    "smsProcess": {
+      "type": "node",
+      "file": "services/smsProcess/pilote.js"
+    }
+  },
+Then, in src\targets\services, you can add your service. 
+For this project, we have created a button in Home.component.tsx in order to generate trigger url to run the service: 
+const getTrigger = async () => {
+  const attrs = {   type: '@webhook',
+   worker: 'service',
+   message: {
+    name: 'smsProcess',
+    slug: 'pilotedemo',
+   },
+  }
+  const trigger = await client.getStackClient() .collection('io.cozy.triggers') .create(attrs)
+  console.log('trigger', trigger)
+  }
+It generate an trigger URL that we can call with our backend application : 
+> URL_COZY/job/webhook/{{trigger_id}}
+URL_COZY represent the cozy-stack url of your environment and not your application URL.