diff --git a/categoriesformations.json b/categoriesformations.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b920950cf910afabd9bc3cc85647583b07e0ab98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/categoriesformations.json
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+  {
+    "_id": { "$oid": "5fbb933b80a5c257dc0161f5" },
+    "modules": [
+      {
+        "id": 260,
+        "display_id": "260",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°260",
+        "digest": "Maitrise de l’environnement d’un ordinateur (clavier, souris)",
+        "text": "Maitrise de l’environnement d’un ordinateur (clavier, souris)",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/260/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:53",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T11:34:49"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 259,
+        "display_id": "259",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°259",
+        "digest": "Composantes et facettes de l’identité numérique",
+        "text": "Composantes et facettes de l’identité numérique",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/259/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T11:35:39"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 261,
+        "display_id": "261",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°261",
+        "digest": "Internet : fonctionnement et outils de navigation web",
+        "text": "Internet : fonctionnement et outils de navigation web",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/261/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-28T11:49:27",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T11:49:27"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 249,
+        "display_id": "249",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°249",
+        "digest": "Internet : fonctionnement des emails",
+        "text": "Internet : fonctionnement des emails",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/249/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T11:34:34"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 222,
+        "display_id": "222",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°222",
+        "digest": "Le smartphone : principes de fonctionnement",
+        "text": "Le smartphone : principes de fonctionnement",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/222/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T11:36:31"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 212,
+        "display_id": "212",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°212",
+        "digest": "Internet : envoyer, recevoir, gérer ses emails",
+        "text": "Internet : envoyer, recevoir, gérer ses emails",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/212/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T11:37:10"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 186,
+        "display_id": "186",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°186",
+        "digest": "Smartphones et Tablettes sous Androïd",
+        "text": "Smartphones et Tablettes sous Androïd",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/186/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T11:37:58"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 183,
+        "display_id": "183",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°183",
+        "digest": "Smartphone : Les principaux gestes pour l'écran tactile",
+        "text": "Smartphone : Les principaux gestes pour l'écran tactile",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/183/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T11:38:33"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "Les compétences de base",
+    "id": "baseSkills",
+    "__v": 0
+  },
+  {
+    "_id": { "$oid": "5fbb934180a5c257dc0161f6" },
+    "modules": [
+      {
+        "id": 176,
+        "display_id": "176",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°176",
+        "digest": "Pôle Emploi : faire ses déclarations en ligne",
+        "text": "Pôle Emploi : faire ses déclarations en ligne",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/176/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T11:40:18"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 175,
+        "display_id": "175",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°175",
+        "digest": "Déclarer ses revenus en ligne et découvertes des services proposés",
+        "text": "Déclarer ses revenus en ligne et découvertes des services proposés",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/175/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T11:41:14"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 174,
+        "display_id": "174",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°174",
+        "digest": "Accéder à ses droits sociaux et les gérer en ligne (RSA…)",
+        "text": "Accéder à ses droits sociaux et les gérer en ligne (RSA…)",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/174/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T11:41:49"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 173,
+        "display_id": "173",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°173",
+        "digest": "Ouvrir et gérer son dossier de retraite (CNAF/CARSAT) en ligne",
+        "text": "Ouvrir et gérer son dossier de retraite (CNAF/CARSAT) en ligne",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/173/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T11:42:26"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 172,
+        "display_id": "172",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°172",
+        "digest": "Gérer son abonnement et ses factures d'électricité/gaz en ligne",
+        "text": "Gérer son abonnement et ses factures d'électricité/gaz en ligne",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/172/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T11:43:02"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 171,
+        "display_id": "171",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°171",
+        "digest": "Gérer ses droits d'assuré social en ligne/sur internet",
+        "text": "Gérer ses droits d'assuré social en ligne/sur internet",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/171/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T11:43:38"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 167,
+        "display_id": "167",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°167",
+        "digest": "Plateforme Ameli.fr : la sécurité sociale en ligne",
+        "text": "Plateforme Ameli.fr : la sécurité sociale en ligne",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/167/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T11:46:37"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 165,
+        "display_id": "165",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°165",
+        "digest": "Plateforme France Connect",
+        "text": "Plateforme France Connect",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/165/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T11:47:07"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "Accès aux droits",
+    "id": "accessRight",
+    "__v": 0
+  },
+  {
+    "_id": { "$oid": "5fbb934780a5c257dc0161f7" },
+    "modules": [
+      {
+        "id": 254,
+        "display_id": "254",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°254",
+        "digest": "Utiliser les réseaux sociaux pour sa recherche d'emploi",
+        "text": "Utiliser les réseaux sociaux pour sa recherche d'emploi",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/254/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-10-08T17:00:45"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 240,
+        "display_id": "240",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°240",
+        "digest": "Panorama des plateformes de recherche d’emploi",
+        "text": "Panorama des plateformes de recherche d’emploi",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/240/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-10-08T17:00:16"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 194,
+        "display_id": "194",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°194",
+        "digest": "Traitement de texte : découverte",
+        "text": "Traitement de texte : découverte",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/194/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-10-08T17:01:59"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 193,
+        "display_id": "193",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°193",
+        "digest": "Traitement de texte : utilisation de base",
+        "text": "Traitement de texte : utilisation de base",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/193/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-10-08T17:03:40"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 192,
+        "display_id": "192",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°192",
+        "digest": "Traitement de texte : utilisation avancée",
+        "text": "Traitement de texte : utilisation avancée",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/192/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-10-08T17:01:15"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 191,
+        "display_id": "191",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°191",
+        "digest": "Tableur : découverte",
+        "text": "Tableur : découverte",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/191/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-10-08T16:59:55"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 262,
+        "display_id": "262",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°262",
+        "digest": "Réalisation CV",
+        "text": "Réalisation CV",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/262/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-28T12:16:43",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T12:16:43"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 263,
+        "display_id": "263",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°263",
+        "digest": "Diffuser son CV en ligne",
+        "text": "Diffuser son CV en ligne",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/263/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-28T12:18:40",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T12:18:40"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 3,
+        "display_id": "3",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n°3",
+        "digest": "Organiser sa recherche d'emploi",
+        "text": "Organiser sa recherche d'emploi",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/3/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:13:48",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-10-08T17:01:53"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "Insertion sociale et professionnelle",
+    "id": "socialAndProfessional",
+    "__v": 0
+  },
+  {
+    "_id": { "$oid": "5fbb934c80a5c257dc0161f8" },
+    "modules": [
+      {
+        "id": 257,
+        "display_id": "257",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n\u00b0257",
+        "digest": "\u00catre parent \u00e0 l'\u00e8re num\u00e9rique: conna\u00eetre les usages, jouer son r\u00f4le de parent - 03",
+        "text": "\u00catre parent \u00e0 l'\u00e8re num\u00e9rique: conna\u00eetre les usages, jouer son r\u00f4le de parent - 03",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/257/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-10-08T17:04:33"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 238,
+        "display_id": "238",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n\u00b0238",
+        "digest": "D\u00e9couvrir l\u2019univers des jeux vid\u00e9o - 22",
+        "text": "D\u00e9couvrir l\u2019univers des jeux vid\u00e9o - 22",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/238/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T12:27:06"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 178,
+        "display_id": "178",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n\u00b0178",
+        "digest": "Suivre la scolarit\u00e9 de son enfant - 82",
+        "text": "Suivre la scolarit\u00e9 de son enfant - 82",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/178/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T12:27:28"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 166,
+        "display_id": "166",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n\u00b0166",
+        "digest": "D\u00e9couvrir les services en ligne de l'enfance de votre commune - 94",
+        "text": "D\u00e9couvrir les services en ligne de l'enfance de votre commune - 94",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/166/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T12:27:49"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "Aide à la parentalité",
+    "id": "parentingHelp",
+    "__v": 0
+  },
+  {
+    "_id": { "$oid": "5fbb935080a5c257dc0161f9" },
+    "modules": [
+      {
+        "id": 264,
+        "display_id": "264",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n\u00b0264",
+        "digest": "Les conduites \u00e0 risques et les bons usages du num\u00e9rique - 02",
+        "text": "Les conduites \u00e0 risques et les bons usages du num\u00e9rique - 02",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/264/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-28T12:20:29",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-10-08T17:07:13"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 255,
+        "display_id": "255",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n\u00b0255",
+        "digest": "D\u00e9couvrir les r\u00e9seaux sociaux : d\u00e9finition, fonctionnement - 05",
+        "text": "D\u00e9couvrir les r\u00e9seaux sociaux : d\u00e9finition, fonctionnement - 05",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/255/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-10-08T17:07:08"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 265,
+        "display_id": "265",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n\u00b0265",
+        "digest": "Fablab : charte, valeurs et panorama des outils num\u00e9riques - 09",
+        "text": "Fablab : charte, valeurs et panorama des outils num\u00e9riques - 09",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/265/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-28T12:24:48",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-10-08T17:06:35"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 232,
+        "display_id": "232",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n\u00b0232",
+        "digest": "Les paiements en ligne - 28",
+        "text": "Les paiements en ligne - 28",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/232/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-10-08T17:15:56"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 225,
+        "display_id": "225",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n\u00b0225",
+        "digest": "Internet : comprendre les principes de fonctionnement - 35",
+        "text": "Internet : comprendre les principes de fonctionnement - 35",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/225/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T12:21:13"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 221,
+        "display_id": "221",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n\u00b0221",
+        "digest": "Techniques de v\u00e9rification de l\u2019information - 39",
+        "text": "Techniques de v\u00e9rification de l\u2019information - 39",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/221/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-10-08T17:12:07"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 218,
+        "display_id": "218",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n\u00b0218",
+        "digest": "Cr\u00e9er et param\u00e9trer un compte Google - 42",
+        "text": "Cr\u00e9er et param\u00e9trer un compte Google - 42",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/218/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T12:21:50"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 209,
+        "display_id": "209",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n\u00b0209",
+        "digest": "G\u00e9rer ses donn\u00e9es : sauvegarde en ligne (dans le cloud) - 51",
+        "text": "G\u00e9rer ses donn\u00e9es : sauvegarde en ligne (dans le cloud) - 51",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/209/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T12:22:21"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 208,
+        "display_id": "208",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n\u00b0208",
+        "digest": "G\u00e9rer ses donn\u00e9es : sauvegardes locales (disques durs externes, cl\u00e9 USB) - 52",
+        "text": "G\u00e9rer ses donn\u00e9es : sauvegardes locales (disques durs externes, cl\u00e9 USB) - 52",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/208/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T12:23:10"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 206,
+        "display_id": "206",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n\u00b0206",
+        "digest": "Classer, g\u00e9rer et partager ses photos - 54",
+        "text": "Classer, g\u00e9rer et partager ses photos - 54",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/206/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-10-08T17:12:28"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 195,
+        "display_id": "195",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n\u00b0195",
+        "digest": "Skype et autres outils de visioconf\u00e9rence - 65",
+        "text": "Skype et autres outils de visioconf\u00e9rence - 65",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/195/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-09-28T12:25:44"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 164,
+        "display_id": "164",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n\u00b0164",
+        "digest": "Connaitre et g\u00e9rer son identit\u00e9 num\u00e9rique - 96",
+        "text": "Connaitre et g\u00e9rer son identit\u00e9 num\u00e9rique - 96",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/164/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-10-08T17:13:35"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 163,
+        "display_id": "163",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n\u00b0163",
+        "digest": "Nettoyer son identit\u00e9 num\u00e9rique - 97",
+        "text": "Nettoyer son identit\u00e9 num\u00e9rique - 97",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/163/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-10-08T17:13:57"
+      },
+      {
+        "id": 162,
+        "display_id": "162",
+        "display_name": "Modules APTIC - n\u00b0162",
+        "digest": "Effacer ses traces sur le web, prot\u00e9ger ses donn\u00e9es personnelles - 98",
+        "text": "Effacer ses traces sur le web, prot\u00e9ger ses donn\u00e9es personnelles - 98",
+        "url": "https://services.formulaireextranet.grandlyon.com/backoffice/data/modules-aptic/162/",
+        "receipt_time": "2020-09-01T15:16:52",
+        "last_update_time": "2020-10-08T17:13:04"
+      }
+    ],
+    "name": "Culture et sécurité numérique",
+    "id": "digitalCultureSecurity",
+    "__v": 0
+  }
diff --git a/src/app/app.module.ts b/src/app/app.module.ts
index 799d3b558ab712887dfd53b35ca52313f00529dc..bbbbb3cc5392a16acdf7fa4d2752a3dcf78097c1 100644
--- a/src/app/app.module.ts
+++ b/src/app/app.module.ts
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import { ModalFilterComponent } from './structure-list/components/modal-filter/m
 import { LegalNoticeComponent } from './legal-notice/legal-notice.component';
 import { AboutComponent } from './about/about.component';
 import { MenuPhoneComponent } from './menu-phone/menu-phone.component';
+import { FormComponent } from './form/form.component';
 import { UserVerificationComponent } from './user-verification/user-verification.component';
 import { AuthGuard } from './guards/auth.guard';
 import { CustomHttpInterceptor } from './config/http-interceptor';
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ import { ProfileModule } from './profile/profile.module';
+    FormComponent,
   imports: [BrowserModule, HttpClientModule, AppRoutingModule, SharedModule, MapModule, ProfileModule],
diff --git a/src/app/form/form.component.html b/src/app/form/form.component.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b116891dc2039f8d8c8df202fc43b2467648fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/form/form.component.html
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+<form [formGroup]="structureForm" *ngIf="structureForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(structureForm)">
+  <p>Votre structure est-elle ?*</p>
+  <input type="radio" formControlName="structureRepresentation" value="principal" /> Un établissement principal (siège
+  social)<br />
+  <input type="radio" formControlName="structureRepresentation" value="antenne" /> Une permanence (antenne)
+  <app-validator-form [control]="getStructureControl('structureRepresentation')"></app-validator-form>
+  <p>Nom de votre structure*</p>
+  <input type="text" formControlName="structureName" />
+  <app-validator-form [control]="getStructureControl('structureName')"></app-validator-form>
+  <p>Type de structure*</p>
+  <div *ngFor="let choice of typeStructure | keyvalue">
+    <label>
+      <input
+        type="checkbox"
+        [value]="choice.key"
+        (change)="onCheckChange($event, 'structureType')"
+        [checked]="isInArray(choice.key, 'structureType')"
+      />
+      {{ choice.value }}
+    </label>
+  </div>
+  <app-validator-form [control]="getStructureControl('structureType')"></app-validator-form>
+  <p>Démarche</p>
+  <div *ngIf="proceduresAccompaniment">
+    <p>{{ proceduresAccompaniment.name }}</p>
+    <div *ngFor="let module of proceduresAccompaniment.modules">
+      <label>
+        <input
+          type="checkbox"
+          [value]="module.id"
+          (change)="onCheckChange($event, proceduresAccompaniment.id)"
+          [checked]="isInArray(module.id, proceduresAccompaniment.id)"
+        />
+        {{ module.text }}
+      </label>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <p>Description</p>
+  <textarea rows="4" style="width: 100%" maxlength="500" formControlName="description"></textarea>
+  <p>
+    Afin de rendre visible l'offre de formation numérique proposée lors de ce nouveau confinement, merci d'indiquer ici,
+    les activités que vous avez pu maintenir
+  </p>
+  <textarea rows="4" style="width: 100%" maxlength="1000" formControlName="lockdownActivity"></textarea>
+  <div formGroupName="address">
+    <p>ADRESSE</p>
+    <p>Numéro</p>
+    <input type="text" autocomplete="street-address" formControlName="numero" />
+    <p>Voie*</p>
+    <input type="text" formControlName="street" />
+    <app-validator-form [control]="getAddressControl('street')"></app-validator-form>
+    <p>Commune*</p>
+    <input type="text" formControlName="commune" />
+    <app-validator-form [control]="getAddressControl('commune')"></app-validator-form>
+  </div>
+  <p>VOUS JOINDRE</p>
+  <p>Téléphone*</p>
+  <input type="text" formControlName="contactPhone" />
+  <app-validator-form [control]="getStructureControl('contactPhone')"></app-validator-form>
+  <p>Courriel*</p>
+  <input type="email" formControlName="contactMail" />
+  <app-validator-form [control]="getStructureControl('contactMail')"></app-validator-form>
+  <p>Site web</p>
+  <input type="text" formControlName="website" />
+  <p>Présence sur les réseaux sociaux</p>
+  <p>Facebook</p>
+  <input type="text" formControlName="facebook" />
+  <p>Twitter</p>
+  <input type="text" formControlName="twitter" />
+  <p>Instagram</p>
+  <input type="text" formControlName="instagram" />
+  <p>Personne à contacter</p>
+  <p>Civilité</p>
+  <input type="radio" formControlName="gender" value="Madame" />Madame <br />
+  <input type="radio" formControlName="gender" value="Monsieur" />Monsieur
+  <p>Nom</p>
+  <input type="text" formControlName="contactName" />
+  <p>Prénom</p>
+  <input type="text" formControlName="contactSurname" />
+  <p>Courriel*</p>
+  <input type="email" formControlName="contactMail" />
+  <app-validator-form [control]="getStructureControl('contactMail')"></app-validator-form>
+  <p>Fonction</p>
+  <select formControlName="fonction">
+    <option value="">---Sélectionner---</option>
+    <option *ngFor="let fonction of fonctions | keyvalue" [value]="fonction.key">
+      {{ fonction.value }}
+    </option>
+  </select>
+  <p>Accessibilité</p>
+  <input type="checkbox" formControlName="pmrAccess" />Accessibilité personnes à mobilité réduite (PMR) <br />
+  <div *ngIf="accessModality">
+    <p>{{ accessModality.name }}*</p>
+    <div *ngFor="let module of accessModality.modules">
+      <label>
+        <input
+          type="checkbox"
+          [value]="module.id"
+          (change)="onCheckChange($event, accessModality.id)"
+          [checked]="isInArray(module.id, accessModality.id)"
+        />
+        {{ module.text }}
+      </label>
+    </div>
+    <app-validator-form [control]="getStructureControl('accessModality')"></app-validator-form>
+  </div>
+  <p>Pour les RDV, merci de préciser s'il est nécessaire d'apporter des pièces justificatives ou du matériel.</p>
+  <textarea rows="4" style="width: 100%" maxlength="500" formControlName="documentsMeeting"></textarea>
+  <div *ngIf="labelsQualifications">
+    <p>{{ labelsQualifications.name }}</p>
+    <div *ngFor="let module of labelsQualifications.modules">
+      <label>
+        <input
+          type="checkbox"
+          [value]="module.id"
+          (change)="onCheckChange($event, labelsQualifications.id)"
+          [checked]="isInArray(module.id, labelsQualifications.id)"
+        />
+        {{ module.text }}
+      </label>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div *ngIf="publics">
+    <p>{{ publics.name }}*</p>
+    <div *ngFor="let module of publics.modules">
+      <label>
+        <input
+          type="checkbox"
+          [value]="module.id"
+          (change)="onCheckChange($event, publics.id)"
+          [checked]="isInArray(module.id, publics.id)"
+        />
+        {{ module.text }}
+      </label>
+    </div>
+    <app-validator-form [control]="getStructureControl('publics')"></app-validator-form>
+  </div>
+  <div formGroupName="hours">
+    <p>Heures</p>
+    <div *ngFor="let day of weekDay | keyvalue">
+      <div [formGroupName]="day.key">
+        <p>Ouvert le {{ day.value }} ? :</p>
+        <input type="radio" formControlName="open" (click)="addTime(day.key)" [value]="true" />Oui <br />
+        <input type="radio" formControlName="open" (click)="removeTime(day.key)" [value]="false" />Non
+        <div formArrayName="time" *ngIf="isOpen(day.key)">
+          <div *ngFor="let time of getTime(day.key).controls; index as i">
+            <div [formGroupName]="i">
+              <input type="number" formControlName="openning" />
+              <input type="number" formControlName="closing" />
+            </div>
+            <div *ngIf="i < 1">
+              <input
+                type="checkbox"
+                [value]="false"
+                (change)="onCheckPlageHoursChange($event, day.key, time)"
+                [checked]="getTime(day.key).controls.length == 2"
+              />Ajouter une plage
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <p>Fermetures exceptionnelles</p>
+  <input type="text" formControlName="exceptionalClosures" />
+  <div *ngIf="publicsAccompaniment">
+    <p>{{ publicsAccompaniment.name }}</p>
+    <div *ngFor="let module of publicsAccompaniment.modules">
+      <label>
+        <input
+          type="checkbox"
+          [value]="module.id"
+          (change)="onCheckChange($event, publicsAccompaniment.id)"
+          [checked]="isInArray(module.id, publicsAccompaniment.id)"
+        />
+        {{ module.text }}
+      </label>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <p>Formations au numérique proposées</p>
+  <p>
+    Ces modules de compétences sont issus du référentiel national et identifiés dans le cadre du déploiement du Pass
+    numérique sur la Métropole (pour en savoir +)
+  </p>
+  <div *ngFor="let c of categoryTraining">
+    <p>{{ c.name }}</p>
+    <div *ngFor="let module of c.modules">
+      <label>
+        <input
+          type="checkbox"
+          [value]="module.id"
+          (change)="onCheckChange($event, c.id)"
+          [checked]="isInArray(module.id, c.id)"
+        />
+        {{ module.text }}
+      </label>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div *ngIf="equipmentsAndServices">
+    <p>{{ equipmentsAndServices.name }}</p>
+    <div *ngFor="let module of equipmentsAndServices.modules">
+      <label>
+        <input
+          type="checkbox"
+          [value]="module.id"
+          (change)="onCheckChange($event, equipmentsAndServices.id)"
+          [checked]="isInArray(module.id, equipmentsAndServices.id)"
+        />
+        {{ module.text }}
+      </label>
+      <div *ngIf="isInArray(module.id, equipmentsAndServices.id)">
+        <div *ngIf="module.id == 'ordinateurs'">
+          <span>Nombre</span>
+          <input type="number" formControlName="nbComputers" />
+        </div>
+        <div *ngIf="module.id == 'tablettes'">
+          <span>Nombre</span>
+          <input type="number" formControlName="nbTablets" />
+        </div>
+        <div *ngIf="module.id == 'bornesNumeriques'">
+          <span>Nombre</span>
+          <input type="number" formControlName="nbNumericTerminal" />
+        </div>
+        <div *ngIf="module.id == 'imprimantes'">
+          <span>Nombre</span>
+          <input type="number" formControlName="nbPrinters" />
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <p>Précisions si nécessaire</p>
+  <textarea rows="4" style="width: 100%" maxlength="500" formControlName="equipmentsDetails"></textarea>
+  <p>L'accès à ce matériel est</p>
+  <div *ngFor="let equipment of equipmentAccess | keyvalue">
+    <label>
+      <input
+        type="checkbox"
+        [value]="equipment.key"
+        (change)="onCheckChange($event, 'equipmentsAccessType')"
+        [checked]="isInArray(equipment.key, 'equipmentsAccessType')"
+      />
+      {{ equipment.value }}
+    </label>
+  </div>
+  <br />
+  <button type="submit" [disabled]="structureForm.invalid">OK</button>
diff --git a/src/app/form/form.component.scss b/src/app/form/form.component.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..14dbd367db5fec418a7b3dd8ae56477b85c5108d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/form/form.component.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+form {
+  position: fixed;
+  background: white;
+  width: 100vh;
+  height: 100vh;
+  top: 0;
+  z-index: 9999;
+  overflow: auto;
diff --git a/src/app/form/form.component.spec.ts b/src/app/form/form.component.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..54eeeb118a7b21a4d86c990c93811398ef5cbf5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/form/form.component.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+import { HttpClientTestingModule } from '@angular/common/http/testing';
+import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
+import { FormArray, FormControl, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
+import { Time } from '../models/time.model';
+import { FormComponent } from './form.component';
+fdescribe('FormComponent', () => {
+  let component: FormComponent;
+  let fixture: ComponentFixture<FormComponent>;
+  beforeEach(async () => {
+    await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
+      declarations: [FormComponent],
+      imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],
+    }).compileComponents();
+  });
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(FormComponent);
+    component = fixture.componentInstance;
+    fixture.detectChanges();
+    component.structureForm = new FormGroup({
+      structureType: new FormArray([new FormControl('mediatheque'), new FormControl('cyber')]),
+      structureName: new FormControl('structure.structureName', Validators.required),
+      structureRepresentation: new FormControl('structure.structureRepresentation', Validators.required),
+      description: new FormControl('structure.description'),
+      lockdownActivity: new FormControl('structure.lockdownActivity'),
+      address: new FormGroup({
+        numero: new FormControl('structure.address.numero'),
+        street: new FormControl('structure.address.street', Validators.required),
+        commune: new FormControl('structure.address.commune', Validators.required),
+      }),
+      contactPhone: new FormControl('structure.contactPhone', Validators.required),
+      contactMail: new FormControl('structure.contactMail', Validators.required),
+      website: new FormControl('structure.website'),
+      facebook: new FormControl('structure.facebook'),
+      twitter: new FormControl('structure.twitter'),
+      instagram: new FormControl('structure.instagram'),
+      gender: new FormControl('structure.gender'),
+      contactName: new FormControl('structure.contactName'),
+      contactSurname: new FormControl('structure.contactSurname'),
+      fonction: new FormControl('structure.fonction'),
+      pmrAccess: new FormControl('structure.pmrAccess'),
+      documentsMeeting: new FormControl('structure.documentsMeeting'),
+      hours: new FormGroup({
+        monday: new FormGroup({
+          open: new FormControl(true, Validators.required),
+          time: new FormArray([
+            new FormGroup({
+              openning: new FormControl(900, Validators.required),
+              closing: new FormControl(1200, Validators.required),
+            }),
+          ]),
+        }),
+        tuesday: new FormGroup({
+          open: new FormControl(true, Validators.required),
+          time: new FormArray([]) as FormArray,
+        }),
+        wednesday: new FormGroup({
+          open: new FormControl(true, Validators.required),
+          time: new FormArray([]) as FormArray,
+        }),
+        thursday: new FormGroup({
+          open: new FormControl(true, Validators.required),
+          time: new FormArray([]) as FormArray,
+        }),
+        friday: new FormGroup({
+          open: new FormControl(true, Validators.required),
+          time: new FormArray([]) as FormArray,
+        }),
+        saturday: new FormGroup({
+          open: new FormControl(false, Validators.required),
+          time: new FormArray([]) as FormArray,
+        }),
+        sunday: new FormGroup({
+          open: new FormControl(false, Validators.required),
+          time: new FormArray([]) as FormArray,
+        }),
+      }),
+      exceptionalClosures: new FormControl('structure.exceptionalClosures'),
+      labelsQualifications: new FormControl([]),
+      accessModality: new FormControl([]),
+      publicsAccompaniment: new FormControl([]),
+      equipmentsAndServices: new FormControl([]),
+      publics: new FormControl([]),
+      baseSkills: new FormControl([]),
+      accessRight: new FormControl([]),
+      parentingHelp: new FormControl([]),
+      socialAndProfessional: new FormControl([]),
+      digitalCultureSecurity: new FormControl([]),
+      nbComputers: new FormControl('structure.nbComputers'),
+      nbPrinters: new FormControl('structure.nbPrinters'),
+      nbTablets: new FormControl('structure.nbTablets'),
+      nbNumericTerminal: new FormControl('structure.nbNumericTerminal'),
+      equipmentsDetails: new FormControl('structure.equipmentsDetails'),
+      equipmentsAccessType: new FormControl([]),
+    });
+  });
+  it('should return the correct Abstract Control', () => {
+    const nameControl = 'structureName';
+    const control = component.getStructureControl(nameControl);
+    const expectControl = component.structureForm.get(nameControl);
+    expect(control).toEqual(expectControl);
+  });
+  it('should return the correct Abstract Control from address', () => {
+    const nameControl = 'street';
+    const control = component.getAddressControl(nameControl);
+    const addressForm = component.structureForm.get('address').get(nameControl);
+    expect(control).toEqual(addressForm);
+  });
+  it('should return the correct Time from a specific day', () => {
+    const day = 'monday';
+    const control = component.getTime(day);
+    const TimeForm = component.structureForm.get('hours').get(day).get('time') as FormArray;
+    expect(control).toEqual(TimeForm);
+  });
+  it('should return true', () => {
+    const day = 'monday';
+    const control = component.isOpen(day);
+    expect(control).toEqual(true);
+  });
+  it('should return check if value is in formArray', () => {
+    const nameControl = 'structureType';
+    const isInArray = component.isInArray('cyber', nameControl);
+    const isntInArray = component.isInArray('unknowType', nameControl);
+    expect(isInArray).toEqual(true);
+    expect(isntInArray).toEqual(false);
+  });
diff --git a/src/app/form/form.component.ts b/src/app/form/form.component.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..733bd94d243b09d390075fc63c4604dc67b40364
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/form/form.component.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnInit, Output } from '@angular/core';
+import { AbstractControl, FormArray, FormControl, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
+import { Structure } from '../models/structure.model';
+import { Time } from '../models/time.model';
+import { Day } from '../models/day.model';
+import { StructureService } from '../services/structure.service';
+import { SearchService } from '../structure-list/services/search.service';
+import { Category } from '../structure-list/models/category.model';
+import { CategoryEnum } from '../shared/enum/category.enum';
+import { EquipmentAccess } from '../shared/enum/equipmentAccess.enum';
+import { WeekDayEnum } from '../shared/enum/weekDay.enum';
+import { typeStructureEnum } from '../shared/enum/typeStructure.enum';
+import { FonctionContactEnum } from '../shared/enum/fonctionContact.enum';
+  selector: 'app-structureForm',
+  templateUrl: './form.component.html',
+  styleUrls: ['./form.component.scss'],
+export class FormComponent implements OnInit {
+  @Input() public idStructure: number;
+  @Output() closeEvent = new EventEmitter<Structure>();
+  public structureForm: FormGroup;
+  public equipmentAccess = EquipmentAccess;
+  public weekDay = WeekDayEnum;
+  public typeStructure = typeStructureEnum;
+  public fonctions = FonctionContactEnum;
+  public categoryTraining: Category[];
+  public labelsQualifications: Category;
+  public publics: Category;
+  public accessModality: Category;
+  public publicsAccompaniment: Category;
+  public equipmentsAndServices: Category;
+  public proceduresAccompaniment: Category;
+  public structureId: number;
+  constructor(private structureService: StructureService, private searchService: SearchService) {}
+  ngOnInit(): void {
+    this.structureService.getStructure(this.idStructure).subscribe((structure) => {
+      this.initForm(structure);
+      this.structureId = structure.id;
+    });
+    this.searchService.getCategoriesAccompaniment().subscribe((categories: Category[]) => {
+      this.proceduresAccompaniment = categories[0];
+    });
+    this.searchService.getCategoriesMoreFilters().subscribe((categories: Category[]) => {
+      categories.forEach((categ) => {
+        switch (categ.id) {
+          case CategoryEnum.accessModality: {
+            this.accessModality = categ;
+            break;
+          }
+          case CategoryEnum.equipmentsAndServices: {
+            this.equipmentsAndServices = categ;
+            break;
+          }
+          case CategoryEnum.labelsQualifications: {
+            this.labelsQualifications = categ;
+            break;
+          }
+          case CategoryEnum.publics: {
+            this.publics = categ;
+            break;
+          }
+          case CategoryEnum.publicsAccompaniment: {
+            this.publicsAccompaniment = categ;
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      });
+    });
+    this.searchService.getCategoriesTraining().subscribe((t) => {
+      this.categoryTraining = t;
+    });
+  }
+  private initForm(structure: Structure): void {
+    // Init form
+    this.structureForm = new FormGroup({
+      structureType: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.structureType, true),
+      structureName: new FormControl(structure.structureName, Validators.required),
+      structureRepresentation: new FormControl(structure.structureRepresentation, Validators.required),
+      description: new FormControl(structure.description),
+      lockdownActivity: new FormControl(structure.lockdownActivity),
+      address: new FormGroup({
+        numero: new FormControl(structure.address.numero),
+        street: new FormControl(structure.address.street, Validators.required),
+        commune: new FormControl(structure.address.commune, Validators.required),
+      }),
+      contactPhone: new FormControl(structure.contactPhone, [Validators.required, Validators.pattern('[0-9]{10}')]),
+      contactMail: new FormControl(structure.contactMail, [
+        Validators.required,
+        Validators.pattern('[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+.[a-z]{2,3}$'),
+      ]),
+      website: new FormControl(structure.website),
+      facebook: new FormControl(structure.facebook),
+      twitter: new FormControl(structure.twitter),
+      instagram: new FormControl(structure.instagram),
+      gender: new FormControl(structure.gender),
+      contactName: new FormControl(structure.contactName),
+      contactSurname: new FormControl(structure.contactSurname),
+      fonction: new FormControl(structure.fonction),
+      pmrAccess: new FormControl(structure.pmrAccess),
+      documentsMeeting: new FormControl(structure.documentsMeeting),
+      hours: new FormGroup({
+        monday: this.createDay(structure.hours.monday),
+        tuesday: this.createDay(structure.hours.tuesday),
+        wednesday: this.createDay(structure.hours.wednesday),
+        thursday: this.createDay(structure.hours.thursday),
+        friday: this.createDay(structure.hours.friday),
+        saturday: this.createDay(structure.hours.saturday),
+        sunday: this.createDay(structure.hours.sunday),
+      }),
+      exceptionalClosures: new FormControl(structure.exceptionalClosures),
+      labelsQualifications: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.labelsQualifications, false),
+      accessModality: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.accessModality, true),
+      publicsAccompaniment: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.publicsAccompaniment, false),
+      proceduresAccompaniment: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.proceduresAccompaniment, false),
+      equipmentsAndServices: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.equipmentsAndServices, false),
+      publics: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.publics, true),
+      baseSkills: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.baseSkills, false),
+      accessRight: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.accessRight, false),
+      parentingHelp: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.parentingHelp, false),
+      socialAndProfessional: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.socialAndProfessional, false),
+      digitalCultureSecurity: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.digitalCultureSecurity, false),
+      nbComputers: new FormControl(structure.equipmentsAndServices.includes('ordinateurs') ? structure.nbComputers : 0),
+      nbPrinters: new FormControl(structure.equipmentsAndServices.includes('imprimantes') ? structure.nbPrinters : 0),
+      nbTablets: new FormControl(structure.equipmentsAndServices.includes('tablettes') ? structure.nbTablets : 0),
+      nbNumericTerminal: new FormControl(
+        structure.equipmentsAndServices.includes('bornesNumeriques') ? structure.nbNumericTerminal : 0
+      ),
+      equipmentsDetails: new FormControl(structure.equipmentsDetails),
+      equipmentsAccessType: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.equipmentsAccessType, false),
+    });
+  }
+  private loadArrayForCheckbox(array: string[], isRequired: boolean): FormArray {
+    return new FormArray(
+      array.map((str) => new FormControl(str)),
+      isRequired ? Validators.required : Validators.nullValidator
+    );
+  }
+  public getStructureControl(nameControl: string): AbstractControl {
+    return this.structureForm.get(nameControl);
+  }
+  public getAddressControl(nameControl: string): AbstractControl {
+    return this.structureForm.get('address').get(nameControl);
+  }
+  public getTime(day: string): FormArray {
+    return this.structureForm.get('hours').get(day).get('time') as FormArray;
+  }
+  public isOpen(day: string): boolean {
+    return this.structureForm.get('hours').get(day).get('open').value;
+  }
+  private createDay(day: Day): FormGroup {
+    return new FormGroup({
+      open: new FormControl(day.open, Validators.required),
+      time: new FormArray(day.time.map((oneTime) => this.createTime(oneTime))) as FormArray,
+    });
+  }
+  private createTime(time: Time): FormGroup {
+    return new FormGroup({
+      openning: new FormControl(time.openning, Validators.required),
+      closing: new FormControl(time.closing, Validators.required),
+    });
+  }
+  public addTime(day: string): void {
+    if (!this.structureForm.get('hours').get(day).value.open) {
+      this.getTime(day).push(this.createTime(new Time()));
+    }
+  }
+  public removeTime(day: string, time: Time): void {
+    const index = this.getTime(day).controls.findIndex((element) => element.value == time);
+    this.getTime(day).removeAt(index);
+  }
+  public onCheckPlageHoursChange(event, day, time: Time): void {
+    if (event.target.checked) {
+      this.getTime(day).push(this.createTime(new Time()));
+    } else {
+      this.removeTime(day, time);
+    }
+  }
+  public onCheckChange(event, formControlName: string): void {
+    const formArray: FormArray = this.structureForm.get(formControlName) as FormArray;
+    if (event.target.checked) {
+      // Add a new control in the arrayForm
+      formArray.push(new FormControl(event.target.value));
+    } else {
+      // Remove uncheck control in the arrayForm
+      const index = formArray.controls.findIndex((element) => element.value == event.target.value);
+      formArray.removeAt(index);
+    }
+  }
+  public isInArray(term: string, formControlName): boolean {
+    if (this.structureForm.controls[formControlName].value) {
+      return this.structureForm.controls[formControlName].value.includes(term);
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  public onSubmit(structureForm: FormGroup): void {
+    if (structureForm.valid) {
+      this.structureService.postStructure(this.structureId, structureForm.value).subscribe(
+        (structure: Structure) => {
+          this.closeEvent.emit(structure);
+        },
+        (err) => {}
+      );
+    } else {
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/src/app/home/home.component.html b/src/app/home/home.component.html
index 611ebe96b33b5a08c75c69f033b7aecc92e72540..11b58a67113b399fe6c7770ca5979be90371987e 100644
--- a/src/app/home/home.component.html
+++ b/src/app/home/home.component.html
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
+    (updatedStructure)="updateStructures($event)"
     [ngClass]="{ mapPhone: isMapPhone == true }"
diff --git a/src/app/home/home.component.spec.ts b/src/app/home/home.component.spec.ts
index 4bc5950f6a1619d1bed7a4eb96a87c539b75e5c2..55739b5a3dd742e1edc04e5404ee7dc54e56a611 100644
--- a/src/app/home/home.component.spec.ts
+++ b/src/app/home/home.component.spec.ts
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ describe('HomeComponent', () => {
   it('should create', () => {
-  });
   it('getAddress(): should getAddress', () => {
     spyOn(navigator.geolocation, 'getCurrentPosition').and.callFake(() => {
diff --git a/src/app/home/home.component.ts b/src/app/home/home.component.ts
index 34e9906b3b48219860203b553cf3f24060bfbd2c..8633018fcb07ad730973ed82b72aa72a90f6563a 100644
--- a/src/app/home/home.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/home/home.component.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ const { DateTime } = require('luxon');
 import * as _ from 'lodash';
 import { Structure } from '../models/structure.model';
-import { StructureService } from '../services/structure-list.service';
+import { StructureService } from '../services/structure.service';
 import { Filter } from '../structure-list/models/filter.model';
 import { GeoJson } from '../map/models/geojson.model';
 import { GeojsonService } from '../services/geojson.service';
@@ -65,6 +65,12 @@ export class HomeComponent implements OnInit {
+  public updateStructures(s: Structure): void {
+    this.structures = this.structures.map((structure) => {
+      return structure.id === s.id ? s : structure;
+    });
+  }
   private updateStructuresdistance(structures: Structure[], lon: number, lat: number): void {
       structures.map((structure) => {
diff --git a/src/app/map/components/map.component.ts b/src/app/map/components/map.component.ts
index 52e310348b69b4c92738ec5fa01a931fc8487675..e8b0b1cc58598276b72881e1b669507ff117c014 100644
--- a/src/app/map/components/map.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/map/components/map.component.ts
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import { NgxLeafletLocateComponent } from '@runette/ngx-leaflet-locate';
 import * as _ from 'lodash';
 import { GeoJsonProperties } from '../models/geoJsonProperties.model';
 import { MarkerType } from './markerType.enum';
+import { typeStructureEnum } from '../../shared/enum/typeStructure.enum';
   selector: 'app-map',
@@ -135,10 +136,10 @@ export class MapComponent implements OnChanges {
     return (
       '<h1>' +
-      structure.nomDeVotreStructure +
+      structure.structureName +
       '</h1>' +
       '<p>' +
-      structure.typeDeStructure +
+      this.getLabelTypeStructure(structure.structureType) +
       '</p><div>' +
       '<span class="ico-dot-' +
       cssAvailabilityClass +
@@ -148,6 +149,17 @@ export class MapComponent implements OnChanges {
+  private getLabelTypeStructure(typeStructure: string[]): string {
+    let label = '';
+    typeStructure.forEach((type) => {
+      if (label) {
+        label += ', ';
+      }
+      label += typeStructureEnum[type];
+    });
+    return label;
+  }
   private buildMdmPopUp(mdmProperties: GeoJsonProperties): string {
     return `<h1>${mdmProperties.nom}</h1><p>${mdmProperties.adresse}</p>`;
diff --git a/src/app/models/address.model.ts b/src/app/models/address.model.ts
index 312a24fbd28bec1a938da27efd007fc4946fbf56..185be31968d9f84d366f051d29ff35984313f08d 100644
--- a/src/app/models/address.model.ts
+++ b/src/app/models/address.model.ts
@@ -1,16 +1,5 @@
 export class Address {
-  public id: number;
-  public text: string;
-  public type: string;
-  public city: string;
-  public citycode: string;
-  public zipcode: string;
-  constructor(obj?: any) {
-    Object.assign(this, obj);
-  }
-  public queryString(): string {
-    return this.text + ' ' + this.zipcode;
-  }
+  numero: string;
+  street: string;
+  commune: string;
diff --git a/src/app/models/geoAddress.model.ts b/src/app/models/geoAddress.model.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ebbd7a39756d41c545c7ca7e4f7ad2fd82ff00c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/models/geoAddress.model.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+export class GeoAddress {
+  public id: number;
+  public text: string;
+  public type: string;
+  public city: string;
+  public citycode: string;
+  public zipcode: string;
+  constructor(obj?: any) {
+    Object.assign(this, obj);
+  }
+  public queryString(): string {
+    return this.text + ' ' + this.zipcode;
+  }
diff --git a/src/app/models/structure.model.ts b/src/app/models/structure.model.ts
index 7fbbbde2a56e35143c4a09fef2b561f7d3f6ef7c..7d2708fb0294682893f9b14b0d3bfb2afa9dc008 100644
--- a/src/app/models/structure.model.ts
+++ b/src/app/models/structure.model.ts
@@ -1,44 +1,55 @@
 import { Weekday } from '../structure-list/enum/weekday.enum';
+import { Address } from './address.model';
 import { Day } from './day.model';
 import { OpeningDay } from './openingDay.model';
 import { Week } from './week.model';
 export class Structure {
   public id: number;
   public numero: string;
-  public dateDeCreation: string;
-  public derniereModification: string;
-  public nomDeLusager: string;
-  public votreStructureEstElle: string;
-  public nomDeVotreStructure: string;
-  public typeDeStructure: string;
+  public createdAt: string;
+  public updatedAt: string;
+  public structureRepresentation: string;
+  public structureName: string;
+  public structureType: string[];
   public description: string;
-  public n: string;
-  public voie: string;
-  public commune: string;
-  public telephone: string;
-  public courriel: string;
-  public siteWeb: string;
+  public address: Address;
+  public contactPhone: string;
+  public contactMail: string;
+  public website: string;
   public facebook: string;
   public twitter: string;
   public instagram: string;
-  public civilite: string;
-  public nom: string;
-  public prenom: string;
+  public gender: string;
+  public contactName: string;
+  public contactSurname: string;
   public fonction: string;
-  public accessibilitePersonnesAMobiliteReduitePmr: boolean;
-  public jaccompagneLesUsagersDansLeursDemarchesEnLigne: boolean;
-  public accompagnementDesDemarches: string[];
-  public modalitesDacces: string[];
-  public labelsEtQualifications: string[];
+  public lockdownActivity: string;
+  public pmrAccess: boolean;
+  public publicsAccompaniment: string[];
+  public proceduresAccompaniment: string[];
+  public accessModality: string[];
+  public documentsMeeting: string;
+  public labelsQualifications: string[];
+  public publics: string[];
   public nbComputers: number;
+  public nbPrinters: number;
+  public nbTablets: number;
+  public nbNumericTerminal: number;
+  public exceptionalClosures: string;
+  public equipmentsAndServices: string[];
   public hours: Week;
+  public equipmentsDetails: string;
+  public equipmentsAccessType: string[];
   public isOpen: boolean;
   public openedOn: OpeningDay;
-  public lesCompetencesDeBase: string[];
-  public accesAuxDroits: string[];
-  public equipementsEtServicesProposes: string[];
+  public baseSkills: string[];
+  public accessRight: string[];
+  public parentingHelp: string[];
+  public socialAndProfessional: string[];
+  public digitalCultureSecurity: string[];
   public distance?: number;
-  public address?: string;
   public coord?: number[];
   constructor(obj?: any) {
@@ -82,7 +93,7 @@ export class Structure {
    * Check if a structure has equipments
   public hasEquipments(): boolean {
-    if (this.equipementsEtServicesProposes.length) {
+    if (this.equipmentsAndServices.length) {
       return true;
     return false;
diff --git a/src/app/services/structure-list.service.spec.ts b/src/app/services/structure.service.spec.ts
similarity index 97%
rename from src/app/services/structure-list.service.spec.ts
rename to src/app/services/structure.service.spec.ts
index fa4b0f4eb574066e2a7d22e038db56f7501bb35d..66488d0f224f627b172edc8596d7008cbca2c692 100644
--- a/src/app/services/structure-list.service.spec.ts
+++ b/src/app/services/structure.service.spec.ts
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { Day } from '../models/day.model';
 import { Structure } from '../models/structure.model';
 import { Time } from '../models/time.model';
 import { Week } from '../models/week.model';
-import { StructureService } from './structure-list.service';
+import { StructureService } from './structure.service';
 const { DateTime } = require('luxon');
 describe('StructureService', () => {
diff --git a/src/app/services/structure-list.service.ts b/src/app/services/structure.service.ts
similarity index 92%
rename from src/app/services/structure-list.service.ts
rename to src/app/services/structure.service.ts
index 3224f378ae072c1eabb1c65a71dacb6336229379..f881eb0a6875a6b3ebbff59e81880a2b39f15d9a 100644
--- a/src/app/services/structure-list.service.ts
+++ b/src/app/services/structure.service.ts
@@ -18,6 +18,14 @@ import { Filter } from '../structure-list/models/filter.model';
 export class StructureService {
   constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}
+  public postStructure(id: number, structure: Structure): Observable<Structure> {
+    structure.updatedAt = new Date().toString();
+    return this.http.post('/api/structures/' + id, structure).pipe(map((item: Structure) => new Structure(item)));
+  }
+  public getStructure(id: number): Observable<Structure> {
+    return this.http.get('/api/structures/' + id).pipe(map((item: any) => new Structure(item)));
+  }
   public getStructures(filters: Filter[]): Observable<Structure[]> {
     if (filters && filters.length > 0) {
       let requestUrl = '/api/structures/search';
diff --git a/src/app/shared/components/index.ts b/src/app/shared/components/index.ts
index 4c62240127832104c3ac9dee13a1364a9386f9f3..7eb5744bb6cefd8c4740e69c8534260bfb563ef5 100644
--- a/src/app/shared/components/index.ts
+++ b/src/app/shared/components/index.ts
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { ModalComponent } from './modal/modal.component';
 import { SignUpModalComponent } from './signup-modal/signup-modal.component';
 import { SignInModalComponent } from './signin-modal/signin-modal.component';
 import { SvgIconComponent } from './svg-icon/svg-icon.component';
+import { ValidatorFormComponent } from './validator-form/validator-form.component';
 // tslint:disable-next-line: max-line-length
 export {
@@ -11,6 +12,7 @@ export {
+  ValidatorFormComponent,
@@ -20,7 +22,8 @@ export const SharedComponents = [
+  ButtonComponent,
+  ValidatorFormComponent,
-  ButtonComponent,
diff --git a/src/app/shared/components/logo-card/logo-card.component.html b/src/app/shared/components/logo-card/logo-card.component.html
index 1ca5994277262cbede562652752548b0646a1dcf..16f8be1cdd236bcce7f5f41b3ea5c96454b0abb2 100644
--- a/src/app/shared/components/logo-card/logo-card.component.html
+++ b/src/app/shared/components/logo-card/logo-card.component.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 <div fxLayout="column" fxLayoutAlign="center center" *ngIf="name">
-  <img [src]="'assets/logos/' + getLogoKey(name) + '.svg'" [alt]="'logo ' + name" />
+  <img [src]="'assets/logos/' + name + '.svg'" [alt]="'logo ' + name" />
   <p>{{ getName(name) }}</p>
diff --git a/src/app/shared/components/logo-card/logo-card.component.ts b/src/app/shared/components/logo-card/logo-card.component.ts
index 874d23679a152895a06448b72f3301cbe5a069ac..8428530d32d64b12a90f2f906a8ebddf9bb79129 100644
--- a/src/app/shared/components/logo-card/logo-card.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/shared/components/logo-card/logo-card.component.ts
@@ -10,58 +10,16 @@ import { Labels } from '../../enum/labels.emum';
 export class LogoCardComponent implements OnInit {
   @Input() public logoPath: string;
   @Input() public name: string;
-  public demarches = Demarches;
-  public labels = Labels;
   constructor() {}
   ngOnInit(): void {}
-  // Get the custom or default name from a demarche.
-  public getName(demarche: string): string {
-    if (demarche === Demarches.caf) {
-      return 'Caf';
+  public getName(key: string): string {
+    if (Labels[key]) {
+      return Labels[key];
     } else {
-      return demarche;
-    }
-  }
-  public getLogoKey(demarche: string): string {
-    switch (demarche) {
-      case Demarches.caf:
-        return 'caf';
-      case Demarches.carsat:
-        return 'carsat';
-      case Demarches.cpam:
-        return 'cpam';
-      case Demarches.epn:
-        return 'epn';
-      case Demarches.impots:
-        return 'impots';
-      case Demarches.logements:
-        return 'logement';
-      case Demarches.gd_lyon:
-        return 'lyon';
-      case Demarches.pole_emploi:
-        return 'pole';
-      case Demarches.other:
-        return 'other';
-      default:
-        return this.getLabelKey(demarche);
-    }
-  }
-  private getLabelKey(demarche: string): string {
-    switch (demarche) {
-      case Labels.aidants_connect:
-        return 'aidants';
-      case Labels.maison_france_service:
-        return 'franceservices';
-      case Labels.pass_numerique:
-        return 'pass';
-      case Labels.territoire:
-        return 'territoire';
-      default:
-        throw new Error(`${demarche} is not handled by getLabelKey and getLogoKey`);
+      return Demarches[key];
diff --git a/src/app/shared/components/validator-form/validator-form.component.html b/src/app/shared/components/validator-form/validator-form.component.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a1494a2dfb91c000c20e94498600e958b07a8b9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/shared/components/validator-form/validator-form.component.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<div *ngIf="control.invalid" class="alert">
+  <div *ngIf="control.errors.required">Champ obligatoire</div>
+  <div *ngIf="control.errors.pattern">Champ mal renseigné</div>
diff --git a/src/app/shared/components/validator-form/validator-form.component.scss b/src/app/shared/components/validator-form/validator-form.component.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..425065fba366ed1753c84b0469bca4ed8a0f16ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/shared/components/validator-form/validator-form.component.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+@import '../../../../assets/scss/color';
+.alert {
+  color: $red-metro;
diff --git a/src/app/shared/components/validator-form/validator-form.component.spec.ts b/src/app/shared/components/validator-form/validator-form.component.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e5ecc4cb7aa019ebbac7e6de0a7281b09879651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/shared/components/validator-form/validator-form.component.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
+import { ValidatorFormComponent } from './validator-form.component';
+describe('button', () => {
+  let component: ValidatorFormComponent;
+  let fixture: ComponentFixture<ValidatorFormComponent>;
+  beforeEach(async () => {
+    await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
+      declarations: [ValidatorFormComponent],
+    }).compileComponents();
+  });
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ValidatorFormComponent);
+    component = fixture.componentInstance;
+    fixture.detectChanges();
+  });
+  it('should create', () => {
+    expect(component).toBeTruthy();
+  });
diff --git a/src/app/shared/components/validator-form/validator-form.component.ts b/src/app/shared/components/validator-form/validator-form.component.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f226ca915a93341d4a919bbba57013a73c2f491c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/shared/components/validator-form/validator-form.component.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnInit, Output } from '@angular/core';
+import { FormControl, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms';
+  selector: 'app-validator-form',
+  templateUrl: './validator-form.component.html',
+  styleUrls: ['./validator-form.component.scss'],
+export class ValidatorFormComponent {
+  @Input() public control: FormControl;
+  constructor() {}
diff --git a/src/app/shared/enum/category.enum.ts b/src/app/shared/enum/category.enum.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c3c05dd1dc092c1d426692bf1e12e273fbd86d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/shared/enum/category.enum.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export enum CategoryEnum {
+  publics = 'publics',
+  labelsQualifications = 'labelsQualifications',
+  accessModality = 'accessModality',
+  publicsAccompaniment = 'publicsAccompaniment',
+  equipmentsAndServices = 'equipmentsAndServices',
diff --git a/src/app/shared/enum/demarches.enum.ts b/src/app/shared/enum/demarches.enum.ts
index 662046e3b37d4a25faae1821a980474a52628da1..cfd2558a92c7d838a82d200577b4575c43299774 100644
--- a/src/app/shared/enum/demarches.enum.ts
+++ b/src/app/shared/enum/demarches.enum.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
 export enum Demarches {
-  caf = 'accompagnantCaf',
-  carsat = 'carsat',
-  cpam = 'cpam',
-  epn = 'espacePublicNumeriqueepn',
-  impots = 'impots',
-  logements = 'logement',
-  gd_lyon = 'Grand lyon',
-  pole_emploi = 'poleEmploi',
-  other = 'autres',
+  accompagnantCaf = 'Caf',
+  carsat = 'Carsat',
+  cpam = 'Cpam',
+  espacePublicNumeriqueepn = 'Espace public Numérique (EPN)',
+  impots = 'Impôts',
+  logement = 'Logements',
+  poleEmploi = 'Pôle Emploi',
+  autres = 'Autres',
diff --git a/src/app/shared/enum/equipmentAccess.enum.ts b/src/app/shared/enum/equipmentAccess.enum.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f46bf39106272a6cd18c7121fb103d1c036c5dc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/shared/enum/equipmentAccess.enum.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export enum EquipmentAccess {
+  freeAccess = 'En accès libre',
+  supportAccess = 'En accès accompagné',
diff --git a/src/app/shared/enum/fonctionContact.enum.ts b/src/app/shared/enum/fonctionContact.enum.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..77aaf2abb39028a00b4cce8e96aa9f932a3a7fb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/shared/enum/fonctionContact.enum.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export enum FonctionContactEnum {
+  volunteer = 'Bénévole',
+  digitalMediator = 'Médiateur numérique',
+  president = "Président de l'association",
+  director = 'Directeur',
+  other = 'Autres',
diff --git a/src/app/shared/enum/labels.emum.ts b/src/app/shared/enum/labels.emum.ts
index 00a7661102e05272132a12c19a1f338725c5e5f2..c8a2030d5e221f737b19f1654c321596f92c2c60 100644
--- a/src/app/shared/enum/labels.emum.ts
+++ b/src/app/shared/enum/labels.emum.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 export enum Labels {
-  pass_numerique = 'passNumerique',
-  maison_france_service = 'maisonFranceService',
-  aidants_connect = 'aidantsConnect',
-  territoire = 'fabriqueDeTerritoire',
+  passNumerique = 'Pass numérique',
+  maisonFranceService = 'Maison france service',
+  aidantsConnect = 'Aidants connect',
+  fabriqueDeTerritoire = 'Fabrique de territoire',
diff --git a/src/app/shared/enum/typeStructure.enum.ts b/src/app/shared/enum/typeStructure.enum.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e21c7cb40812286b8a490a5cad92bfbf74aad12c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/shared/enum/typeStructure.enum.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+export enum typeStructureEnum {
+  associationCaritative = 'Association caritative',
+  centreSocio = 'Centre socio-culturel',
+  cyber = 'Cyberbase / Cybercentre',
+  coworking = 'Espace de coworking',
+  fablab = 'Fablab',
+  grandOrganismePublic = 'Grand organisme public (CAF, CARSAT, Pôle emploi...)',
+  mairie = 'Mairie',
+  mdm = 'Maison de la Métropole (MDM)',
+  mediatheque = 'Médiathèque / Bibliothèque',
+  missionsLocales = 'Missions locales',
+  mjc = 'MJC',
+  pimms = 'Pimms',
+  ressourcerie = 'Ressourcerie (matériel moindre coût / recyclé)',
+  associationQuartier = 'Structure associative de quartier',
+  formation = 'Structure de formation',
+  insertion = "Structure d'insertion",
+  sij = 'Structure information jeunesse (SIJ)',
diff --git a/src/app/shared/enum/weekDay.enum.ts b/src/app/shared/enum/weekDay.enum.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6935e53dbeaf5ec32e04d463c00848107ffe6a34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/shared/enum/weekDay.enum.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+export enum WeekDayEnum {
+  monday = 'lundi',
+  tuesday = 'mardi',
+  wednesday = 'mercredi',
+  thursday = 'jeudi',
+  friday = 'vendredi',
+  saturday = 'samedi',
+  sunday = 'dimanche',
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/components/card/card.component.html b/src/app/structure-list/components/card/card.component.html
index d3e08f7aae28886324dbc9c729ac5238c197efa5..8bdf90e4eb8bfa75f6fe5f981c940db8c55e56d1 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/components/card/card.component.html
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/components/card/card.component.html
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <div class="structure" fxLayout="column" (click)="cardClicked()" (mouseover)="cardHover()">
   <div class="headerStructure" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="space-between center" fxLayoutGap="16px">
-    <span class="nomStructure">{{ structure.nomDeVotreStructure }}</span>
+    <span class="nomStructure">{{ structure.structureName }}</span>
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-  <span class="typeStructure">{{ structure.typeDeStructure }}</span>
+  <span class="typeStructure">{{ getLabelTypeStructure(structure.structureType) }}</span>
   <br />
   <app-structure-opening-status [structure]="structure"></app-structure-opening-status>
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/components/card/card.component.spec.ts b/src/app/structure-list/components/card/card.component.spec.ts
index afcb110c06f6a09854b375d276e040855e4a6630..37156feec2e79471944a97882e17adfbeceaec3f 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/components/card/card.component.spec.ts
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/components/card/card.component.spec.ts
@@ -22,36 +22,34 @@ describe('CardComponent', () => {
     structure = new Structure({
       id: 1,
       numero: '26-63',
-      dateDeCreation: '2020-10-08T15:17:00.000Z',
-      derniereModification: '2020-10-08T15:17:00.000Z',
+      updatedAt: '2020-10-08T15:17:00.000Z',
       nomDeLusager: 'Erwan Le luron',
-      votreStructureEstElle: 'Un établissement principal (siège social)',
-      nomDeVotreStructure: 'Régie de Quartier Armstrong',
-      typeDeStructure: 'Tiers-lieu & coworking, FabLab',
+      structureRepresentation: 'Un établissement principal (siège social)',
+      structureName: 'Régie de Quartier Armstrong',
+      structureType: 'Tiers-lieu & coworking, FabLab',
       description: "Association loi 1901 dont l'objet est l'insertion par l'économie social et solidaire",
       n: 2,
-      voie: 21356,
-      telephone: '04 72 21 03 07',
-      courriel: 'sguillet@rqa.fr',
-      siteWeb: '',
+      adressWay: 21356,
+      contactPhone: '04 72 21 03 07',
+      contactMail: 'sguillet@rqa.fr',
+      website: '',
       facebook: '',
       twitter: '@rqainfo69',
       instagram: '',
-      civilite: 'Madame',
-      nom: 'GUILLET',
-      prenom: 'Séverine',
+      gender: 'Madame',
+      contactName: 'GUILLET',
+      contactSurname: 'Séverine',
       fonction: 'Autres',
-      accessibilitePersonnesAMobiliteReduitePmr: '',
+      pmrAccess: '',
       choixMultiples: 'Tout public',
-      fermeturesExceptionnelles: '',
-      jaccompagneLesUsagersDansLeursDemarchesEnLigne: 'True',
-      accompagnementDesDemarches: 'Accompagnant CAF',
+      exceptionalClosures: '',
+      proceduresAccompaniment: 'Accompagnant CAF',
       autresAccompagnements: '',
-      lesCompetencesDeBase: 260,
-      accesAuxDroits: 176,
-      insertionSocialeEtProfessionnelle: 254,
-      aideALaParentalite: '',
-      cultureEtSecuriteNumerique: 264,
+      baseSkills: 260,
+      accessRight: 176,
+      socialAndProfessional: 254,
+      parentingHelp: '',
+      digitalCultureSecurity: 264,
       wifiEnAccesLibre: 'True',
       nbComputers: '',
       nombre: '',
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/components/card/card.component.ts b/src/app/structure-list/components/card/card.component.ts
index 6af5fbd47a47ef2b3fa39d769bdfb545e87e0eff..ade585e5d8d4753dfb28d46ac6c6b0e15bcddb59 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/components/card/card.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/components/card/card.component.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 import { Component, Input, Output, OnInit, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
 import { Structure } from '../../../models/structure.model';
 import { GeojsonService } from '../../../services/geojson.service';
+import { typeStructureEnum } from '../../../shared/enum/typeStructure.enum';
   selector: 'app-card',
   templateUrl: './card.component.html',
@@ -29,6 +31,16 @@ export class CardComponent implements OnInit {
+  public getLabelTypeStructure(typeStructure: string[]): string {
+    let label = '';
+    typeStructure.forEach((type) => {
+      if (label) {
+        label += ', ';
+      }
+      label += typeStructureEnum[type];
+    });
+    return label;
+  }
   public cardHover(): void {
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/components/modal-filter/modal-filter.component.html b/src/app/structure-list/components/modal-filter/modal-filter.component.html
index fe0b096e2c42f7e6d8b3f586362b23f1e861b748..fded0262501356c495114186e2b3c2f3b0a27018 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/components/modal-filter/modal-filter.component.html
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/components/modal-filter/modal-filter.component.html
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
-                    [checked]="searchService.getIndex(checkedModules, module.id, c.name) > -1"
+                    [checked]="searchService.getIndex(checkedModules, module.id, c.id) > -1"
-                    (change)="onCheckboxChange($event, c.name)"
+                    (change)="onCheckboxChange($event, c.id)"
                   <span class="customCheck"></span>
                   <div class="label">{{ module.text }}</div>
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/components/modal-filter/modal-filter.component.ts b/src/app/structure-list/components/modal-filter/modal-filter.component.ts
index 0cb812448388d84dd827703014b6b1f1625f77a9..a7df06d0544ba88a61c959686408beebab205075 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/components/modal-filter/modal-filter.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/components/modal-filter/modal-filter.component.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnInit, Output } from '@angular/core';
-import { FormBuilder, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms';
 import { TypeModal } from '../../enum/typeModal.enum';
 import { Category } from '../../models/category.model';
 import { Module } from '../../models/module.model';
@@ -11,11 +10,7 @@ import { SearchService } from '../../services/search.service';
   styleUrls: ['./modal-filter.component.scss'],
 export class ModalFilterComponent implements OnInit {
-  constructor(private fb: FormBuilder, public searchService: SearchService) {
-    this.searchForm = this.fb.group({
-      searchTerm: '',
-    });
-  }
+  constructor(public searchService: SearchService) {}
   @Input() public modalType: TypeModal;
   @Input() public categories: Category[];
   @Input() public modules: Module[] = [];
@@ -23,8 +18,6 @@ export class ModalFilterComponent implements OnInit {
   @Output() closeEvent = new EventEmitter();
   // Checkbox variable
   public checkedModules: Module[] = [];
-  // Form search input
-  private searchForm: FormGroup;
   ngOnInit(): void {
     // Manage checkbox
     this.checkedModules = this.modules.slice();
@@ -36,7 +29,7 @@ export class ModalFilterComponent implements OnInit {
     if (event.target.checked) {
       this.checkedModules.push(new Module(checkValue, categ));
     } else {
-      // Check if the unchecked module is present in the list and remove it
+      // Check if the module is present in the list and remove it
       if (this.searchService.getIndex(this.checkedModules, checkValue, categ) > -1) {
         this.checkedModules.splice(this.searchService.getIndex(this.checkedModules, checkValue, categ), 1);
@@ -46,12 +39,9 @@ export class ModalFilterComponent implements OnInit {
   public clearFilters(): void {
     this.categories.forEach((categ: Category) => {
       categ.modules.forEach((module: Module) => {
-        const index = this.searchService.getIndex(this.checkedModules, module.id, categ.name);
-        const indexSpecial = this.searchService.getIndex(this.checkedModules, 'True', module.id);
+        const index = this.searchService.getIndex(this.checkedModules, module.id, categ.id);
         if (index > -1) {
           this.checkedModules.splice(index, 1);
-        } else if (indexSpecial > -1) {
-          this.checkedModules.splice(indexSpecial, 1);
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/components/search/search.component.html b/src/app/structure-list/components/search/search.component.html
index 8043a3348a14ee421d26bf029a9ec686b0dc32c6..53f03986dcb07cbeab37b58953e6ed84634a38bd 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/components/search/search.component.html
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/components/search/search.component.html
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@
-          [checked]="searchService.getIndex(checkedModulesFilter, 'passNumerique', 'Labels et qualifications') > -1"
-          (change)="numericPassCheck($event, 'Labels et qualifications')"
+          [checked]="searchService.getIndex(checkedModulesFilter, 'passNumerique', 'labelsQualifications') > -1"
+          (change)="numericPassCheck($event, 'labelsQualifications')"
         <span class="customCheck"></span>
         <div class="label">Pass numérique</div>
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/components/search/search.component.ts b/src/app/structure-list/components/search/search.component.ts
index 5d3aa934eea5271b3ef0d71fc8605214d30fb746..d54028a50845dbe74dc8431d7e48c2c49d023d7c 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/components/search/search.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/components/search/search.component.ts
@@ -68,17 +68,12 @@ export class SearchComponent implements OnInit {
     // Add checked box filter
     this.checkedModulesFilter.forEach((cm) => {
-      filters.push(new Filter(this.fromStringToId(cm.text), this.mockApiNumber(cm.id)));
+      filters.push(new Filter(cm.text, cm.id));
     // Send filters
-  // Delete when getting back-end
-  private mockApiNumber(nb: string): string {
-    return nb.length < 3 ? ('00' + nb).slice(-3) : nb;
-  }
   public fetchResults(checkedModules: Module[]): void {
     const inputTerm = this.searchForm.get('searchTerm').value;
     // Check if some modules is checked in filters
@@ -131,7 +126,7 @@ export class SearchComponent implements OnInit {
     } else if (this.modalTypeOpened !== modalType) {
       this.modalTypeOpened = modalType;
-      this.fakeData(modalType);
+      this.getData(modalType);
@@ -139,18 +134,6 @@ export class SearchComponent implements OnInit {
     this.modalTypeOpened = undefined;
-  private fromStringToId(categ: string): string {
-    const splitStr = categ.toLowerCase().split(' ');
-    for (let i = 1; i < splitStr.length; i++) {
-      splitStr[i] = splitStr[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + splitStr[i].substring(1);
-    }
-    return splitStr
-      .join('')
-      .normalize('NFD')
-      .replace(/[\u0300-\u036f'’°()]/g, '')
-      .replace(/[\s-]/g, ' ')
-      .replace('?', '');
-  }
   // Get adress and put it in input
   public locateMe(): void {
     navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((position) => {
@@ -171,7 +154,7 @@ export class SearchComponent implements OnInit {
       this.checkedModulesFilter.push(new Module(checkValue, categ));
     } else {
-      // Check if the unchecked module is present in the list and remove it
+      // Check if the module is present in the list and remove it
       const index = this.checkedModulesFilter.findIndex((m: Module) => m.id === checkValue && m.text === categ);
       if (index > -1) {
         this.checkedModulesFilter.splice(index, 1);
@@ -185,7 +168,7 @@ export class SearchComponent implements OnInit {
   // Get the correct list of checkbox/modules depending on the type of modal.
-  private fakeData(option: TypeModal): void {
+  private getData(option: TypeModal): void {
     if (option === TypeModal.accompaniment) {
       forkJoin([this.searchService.getCategoriesAccompaniment(), this.searchService.getFakeCounterModule()]).subscribe(
         (res) => {
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component.html b/src/app/structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component.html
index b21461bce3911e459bc5f20c092de5df123c2b54..e188b4dc7946f92c58fe9e1346164aa24f59e839 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component.html
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component.html
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+  *ngIf="showForm"
+  [idStructure]="structure.id"
+  (closeEvent)="updateStructure($event)"
+  (clickOutside)="displayForm()"
 <div class="structrue-details-container" *ngIf="structure">
   <!-- Header info -->
   <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="end center">
@@ -7,8 +13,8 @@
     <div fxLayout="column" fxLayoutGap="10px" fxFlex="100%">
       <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="space-between start">
         <div fxLayout="column">
-          <h2 class="bold">{{ structure.nomDeVotreStructure }}</h2>
-          <h3>{{ structure.typeDeStructure }}</h3>
+          <h2 class="bold">{{ structure.structureName }}</h2>
+          <h3>{{ getLabelTypeStructure(structure.structureType) }}</h3>
         <div class="printButton" fxLayout="column" fxLayoutAlign="end">
@@ -30,32 +36,32 @@
-          <div *ngIf="structure.voie" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="none flex-end" fxLayoutGap="13px">
+          <div *ngIf="structure.adressWay" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="none flex-end" fxLayoutGap="13px">
             <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'adress'"></app-svg-icon>
-            <p>{{ structure.n }} {{ structure.address }}</p>
+            <p>{{ structure.adressNumero }} {{ structure.address }}</p>
-          <div *ngIf="structure.siteWeb" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="none flex-end" fxLayoutGap="13px">
+          <div *ngIf="structure.website" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="none flex-end" fxLayoutGap="13px">
             <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'web'"></app-svg-icon>
               rel="noopener noreferrer"
-              [href]="structure.siteWeb.includes('http') ? structure.siteWeb : 'http://' + structure.siteWeb"
-              >{{ structure.siteWeb | url }}</a
+              [href]="structure.website.includes('http') ? structure.website : 'http://' + structure.website"
+              >{{ structure.website | url }}</a
-          <div *ngIf="structure.telephone" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="none flex-end" fxLayoutGap="13px">
+          <div *ngIf="structure.contactPhone" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="none flex-end" fxLayoutGap="13px">
             <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'tel'"></app-svg-icon>
-            <p>{{ structure.telephone | phone }}</p>
+            <p>{{ structure.contactPhone | phone }}</p>
         <div fxLayout="column" fxFlex="50%">
-          <div *ngIf="structure.courriel" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="none flex-end" fxLayoutGap="13px">
+          <div *ngIf="structure.contactMail" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="none flex-end" fxLayoutGap="13px">
             <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'email'"></app-svg-icon>
-            <a [href]="'mailto:' + structure.courriel">{{ structure.courriel }}</a>
+            <a [href]="'mailto:' + structure.contactMail">{{ structure.contactMail }}</a>
           <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="none flex-end" fxLayoutGap="13px">
             <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'calendar'"></app-svg-icon>
-            <p>Mise à jour le {{ structure.derniereModification | date: 'mediumDate' }}</p>
+            <p>Mise à jour le {{ structure.updatedAt | date: 'mediumDate' }}</p>
@@ -63,7 +69,7 @@
   <!-- Démarches -->
-    *ngIf="structure.accompagnementDesDemarches[0] !== ''"
+    *ngIf="structure.proceduresAccompaniment.length"
     fxLayoutAlign="baseline baseline"
@@ -75,8 +81,8 @@
     <div fxLayout="column">
       <div fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutGap="24px">
-        <div *ngFor="let accompagnement of structure.accompagnementDesDemarches">
-          <app-logo-card [name]="accompagnement"></app-logo-card>
+        <div *ngFor="let accompagnement of structure.proceduresAccompaniment">
+          <app-logo-card *ngIf="accompagnement != 'autres'" [name]="accompagnement"></app-logo-card>
       <p *ngIf="isOtherSection">
@@ -135,11 +141,11 @@
-      <!-- modalitesDacces -->
+      <!-- accessModality -->
       <div fxFlex="50%">
         <h3 class="subtitle">Accès</h3>
-          *ngFor="let acces of structure.modalitesDacces"
+          *ngFor="let acces of structure.accessModality"
           fxLayoutAlign="none flex-end"
@@ -165,18 +171,21 @@
       fxLayoutAlign="none flex-end"
-      *ngFor="let equipement of structure.equipementsEtServicesProposes"
+      *ngFor="let equipement of structure.equipmentsAndServices"
       <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="getEquipmentsIcon(equipement)"></app-svg-icon>
         {{ getEquipmentsLabel(equipement) }}
-        <span *ngIf="equipement == 'ordinateurs'; else otherEquipments"> : {{ structure.nbComputers }}</span>
+        <span *ngIf="equipement == 'ordinateurs'"> : {{ structure.nbComputers }}</span>
+        <span *ngIf="equipement == 'tablettes'"> : {{ structure.nbTablets }}</span>
+        <span *ngIf="equipement == 'bornesNumeriques'"> : {{ structure.nbNumericTerminal }}</span>
+        <span *ngIf="equipement == 'imprimantes'"> : {{ structure.nbPrinters }}</span>
   <!-- Labels -->
-    *ngIf="structure.labelsEtQualifications[0] !== ''"
+    *ngIf="structure.labelsQualifications.length"
     fxLayoutAlign="baseline baseline"
@@ -187,7 +196,7 @@
     <div fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutGap="24px">
-      <div *ngFor="let labels of structure.labelsEtQualifications">
+      <div *ngFor="let labels of structure.labelsQualifications">
         <app-logo-card [name]="labels"></app-logo-card>
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component.spec.ts b/src/app/structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component.spec.ts
index 0b7a461151dfc972c2245ea0dd5ee8f6a72c0fd8..6254b606ee48ec0d66260bf7ff820e3020cae453 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component.spec.ts
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component.spec.ts
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ describe('StructureDetailsComponent', () => {
     component = fixture.componentInstance;
     let structure: Structure = new Structure();
-    structure.lesCompetencesDeBase = ['123', '234', '817'];
+    structure.baseSkills = ['123', '234', '817'];
     component.structure = structure;
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ describe('StructureDetailsComponent', () => {
     accessRightsReferentiel.name = 'categ1';
     accessRightsReferentiel.modules = arrayModule;
     component.accessRightsReferentiel = accessRightsReferentiel;
-    component.structure.lesCompetencesDeBase = ['260', '261'];
-    component.structure.accesAuxDroits = ['145', '112'];
+    component.structure.baseSkills = ['260', '261'];
+    component.structure.accessRight = ['145', '112'];
     expect(component.baseSkills).toEqual([m1, m3]);
     expect(component.accessRights).toEqual([mo2, mo3]);
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component.ts b/src/app/structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component.ts
index cd0f92dc1654d77b7f10b61277d6883fce0b58d4..45a82e9562fbe192d0de5b31afb36931bdb0cbb1 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component.ts
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import * as _ from 'lodash';
 import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';
 import { PrintService } from '../../../shared/service/print.service';
 import { Equipment } from '../../enum/equipment.enum';
+import { typeStructureEnum } from '../../../shared/enum/typeStructure.enum';
   selector: 'app-structure-details',
   templateUrl: './structure-details.component.html',
@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ import { Equipment } from '../../enum/equipment.enum';
 export class StructureDetailsComponent implements OnInit {
   @Input() public structure: Structure;
   @Output() public closeDetails: EventEmitter<boolean> = new EventEmitter<boolean>();
+  @Output() public updatedStructure: EventEmitter<Structure> = new EventEmitter<Structure>();
   public accessModality = AccessModality;
   public baseSkillssReferentiel: Category;
@@ -24,6 +26,7 @@ export class StructureDetailsComponent implements OnInit {
   public accessRights: Module[];
   public printMode = false;
   public isOtherSection = false;
+  public showForm = false;
   constructor(route: ActivatedRoute, private printService: PrintService, private searchService: SearchService) {
     route.url.subscribe((url) => {
@@ -48,13 +51,24 @@ export class StructureDetailsComponent implements OnInit {
-    const index = this.structure.accompagnementDesDemarches.indexOf('autres');
+    const index = this.structure.proceduresAccompaniment.indexOf('autres');
     if (index > -1) {
-      this.structure.accompagnementDesDemarches.splice(index, 1);
+      this.structure.proceduresAccompaniment.splice(index, 1);
       this.isOtherSection = true;
+  public getLabelTypeStructure(typeStructure: string[]): string {
+    let label = '';
+    typeStructure.forEach((type) => {
+      if (label) {
+        label += ', ';
+      }
+      label += typeStructureEnum[type];
+    });
+    return label;
+  }
   public getEquipmentsIcon(equipment: Equipment): string {
     switch (equipment) {
       case Equipment.wifi:
@@ -97,6 +111,16 @@ export class StructureDetailsComponent implements OnInit {
     this.printService.printDocument('structure', this.structure);
+  // Show/hide editForm structure
+  public displayForm(): void {
+    this.showForm = !this.showForm;
+  }
+  public updateStructure(s: Structure): void {
+    this.structure = new Structure({ ...this.structure, ...s });
+    this.displayForm();
+    this.updatedStructure.emit(this.structure);
+  }
   public getAccessIcon(accessModality: AccessModality): string {
     switch (accessModality) {
       case AccessModality.free:
@@ -128,10 +152,10 @@ export class StructureDetailsComponent implements OnInit {
   public setServiceCategories(): void {
-    this.baseSkills = this.structure.lesCompetencesDeBase.map((skill) =>
+    this.baseSkills = this.structure.baseSkills.map((skill) =>
       _.find(this.baseSkillssReferentiel.modules, { id: skill })
-    this.accessRights = this.structure.accesAuxDroits.map((rights) =>
+    this.accessRights = this.structure.accessRight.map((rights) =>
       _.find(this.accessRightsReferentiel.modules, { id: rights })
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/enum/access-modality.enum.ts b/src/app/structure-list/enum/access-modality.enum.ts
index 41eacfdadfd824cbf8fde4297540d5cb019abc6b..81c7f7edd2811afdaa458731d89af3532bf1d7e2 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/enum/access-modality.enum.ts
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/enum/access-modality.enum.ts
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ export enum AccessModality {
   free = 'accesLibre',
   numeric = 'telephoneVisio',
   meetingOnly = 'uniquementSurRdv',
-  meeting = 'Sur RDV',
+  meeting = 'surRdv',
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/models/category.model.ts b/src/app/structure-list/models/category.model.ts
index 473e6e5d0ce523d25635a214749fd267e59c745d..e08e40a1507b5a5eda8de1b98503271759509df8 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/models/category.model.ts
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/models/category.model.ts
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import { Module } from './module.model';
 export class Category {
   name: string;
+  id: string;
   modules: Module[];
   constructor(obj?: any) {
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/structure-list.component.html b/src/app/structure-list/structure-list.component.html
index e70e20bda6e669bd60d07c2ea3034b627d8f2810..c865301ea7e2f5222b5ba7a431cc8f1b50ac7489 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/structure-list.component.html
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/structure-list.component.html
@@ -18,4 +18,5 @@
+  (updatedStructure)="emitUpdatedStructure($event)"
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/structure-list.component.spec.ts b/src/app/structure-list/structure-list.component.spec.ts
index 86f83cd7549aef89f9815a859567ed73a9dc7747..45ed7ac0e857548b415c9c2c16f90842b6ac47dc 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/structure-list.component.spec.ts
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/structure-list.component.spec.ts
@@ -21,36 +21,34 @@ describe('StructureListComponent', () => {
     structure = new Structure({
       id: 1,
       numero: '26-63',
-      dateDeCreation: '2020-10-08T15:17:00.000Z',
-      derniereModification: '2020-10-08T15:17:00.000Z',
+      updatedAt: '2020-10-08T15:17:00.000Z',
       nomDeLusager: 'Erwan Le luron',
-      votreStructureEstElle: 'Un établissement principal (siège social)',
-      nomDeVotreStructure: 'Régie de Quartier Armstrong',
-      typeDeStructure: 'Tiers-lieu & coworking, FabLab',
+      structureRepresentation: 'Un établissement principal (siège social)',
+      structureName: 'Régie de Quartier Armstrong',
+      structureType: 'Tiers-lieu & coworking, FabLab',
       description: "Association loi 1901 dont l'objet est l'insertion par l'économie social et solidaire",
       n: 2,
-      voie: 21356,
-      telephone: '04 72 21 03 07',
-      courriel: 'sguillet@rqa.fr',
-      siteWeb: '',
+      adressWay: 21356,
+      contactPhone: '04 72 21 03 07',
+      contactMail: 'sguillet@rqa.fr',
+      website: '',
       facebook: '',
       twitter: '@rqainfo69',
       instagram: '',
-      civilite: 'Madame',
-      nom: 'GUILLET',
-      prenom: 'Séverine',
+      gender: 'Madame',
+      contactName: 'GUILLET',
+      contactSurname: 'Séverine',
       fonction: 'Autres',
-      accessibilitePersonnesAMobiliteReduitePmr: '',
+      pmrAccess: '',
       choixMultiples: 'Tout public',
-      fermeturesExceptionnelles: '',
-      jaccompagneLesUsagersDansLeursDemarchesEnLigne: 'True',
-      accompagnementDesDemarches: 'Accompagnant CAF',
+      exceptionalClosures: '',
+      proceduresAccompaniment: 'Accompagnant CAF',
       autresAccompagnements: '',
-      lesCompetencesDeBase: 260,
-      accesAuxDroits: 176,
-      insertionSocialeEtProfessionnelle: 254,
-      aideALaParentalite: '',
-      cultureEtSecuriteNumerique: 264,
+      baseSkills: 260,
+      accessRight: 176,
+      socialAndProfessional: 254,
+      parentingHelp: '',
+      digitalCultureSecurity: 264,
       wifiEnAccesLibre: 'True',
       nbComputers: '',
       nombre: '',
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/structure-list.component.ts b/src/app/structure-list/structure-list.component.ts
index fedd27acfa4334b060e851cd845ac01683c21052..2eeaab116a0eff0ba035c18cee94c7efb5efcf3e 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/structure-list.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/structure-list.component.ts
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ export class StructureListComponent implements OnChanges {
   @Output() public displayMapMarkerId: EventEmitter<Array<number>> = new EventEmitter<Array<number>>();
   @Output() public hoverOut: EventEmitter<Array<number>> = new EventEmitter<Array<number>>();
   @Output() public selectedMarkerId: EventEmitter<number> = new EventEmitter<number>();
+  @Output() public updatedStructure: EventEmitter<Structure> = new EventEmitter<Structure>();
   public showStructureDetails = false;
   public structure: Structure;
   public structuresListChunked: Structure[];
@@ -31,14 +33,7 @@ export class StructureListComponent implements OnChanges {
     if (changes.structureList) {
-      this.arrayChunked = [];
-      this.pageStructures = 0;
-      if (this.pageStructures == 0) {
-        for (let i = 0; i < this.structureList.length; i += this.chunck) {
-          this.arrayChunked.push(this.structureList.slice(i, i + this.chunck));
-        }
-      }
-      this.structuresListChunked = this.arrayChunked[0];
+      this.structuresListChunked = this.chunckAnArray(this.structureList);
   public fetchResults(filters: Filter[]): void {
@@ -63,6 +58,19 @@ export class StructureListComponent implements OnChanges {
+  public emitUpdatedStructure(s: Structure): void {
+    this.updatedStructure.emit(s);
+  }
+  private chunckAnArray(structures: Structure[]): Structure[] {
+    this.arrayChunked = [];
+    this.pageStructures = 0;
+    for (let i = 0; i < structures.length; i += this.chunck) {
+      this.arrayChunked.push(structures.slice(i, i + this.chunck));
+    }
+    return this.arrayChunked[0];
+  }
   public onScrollDown(event): void {
     if (event.target.offsetHeight + event.target.scrollTop >= event.target.scrollHeight - 50) {
diff --git a/src/assets/logos/caf.svg b/src/assets/logos/accompagnantCaf.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/logos/caf.svg
rename to src/assets/logos/accompagnantCaf.svg
diff --git a/src/assets/logos/aidants.svg b/src/assets/logos/aidantsConnect.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/logos/aidants.svg
rename to src/assets/logos/aidantsConnect.svg
diff --git a/src/assets/logos/epn.svg b/src/assets/logos/espacePublicNumeriqueepn.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/logos/epn.svg
rename to src/assets/logos/espacePublicNumeriqueepn.svg
diff --git a/src/assets/logos/territoire.svg b/src/assets/logos/fabriqueDeTerritoire.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/logos/territoire.svg
rename to src/assets/logos/fabriqueDeTerritoire.svg
diff --git a/src/assets/logos/franceservices.svg b/src/assets/logos/maisonFranceService.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/logos/franceservices.svg
rename to src/assets/logos/maisonFranceService.svg
diff --git a/src/assets/logos/pass.svg b/src/assets/logos/passNumerique.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/logos/pass.svg
rename to src/assets/logos/passNumerique.svg
diff --git a/src/assets/logos/pole.svg b/src/assets/logos/poleEmploi.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/logos/pole.svg
rename to src/assets/logos/poleEmploi.svg