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@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
   height: calc(100vh - #{$header-height} - #{$footer-height});
   @media #{$tablet} {
     padding: 0;
-    height: calc(100vh - #{$header-height});
+    height: 100%;
 .btnSwitch {
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--- a/src/app/form/footer-form/footer-form.component.html
+++ b/src/app/form/footer-form/footer-form.component.html
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="10px" fxLayoutAlign="center center">
-  <button *ngIf="displayPreviousButton" class="btn-primary small previous" (click)="goToPreviousPage()">
+  <button class="btn-primary small previous" (click)="goToPreviousPage()">
     <div class="rowBtn" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="center center">
       <svg class="chevronLeft" aria-hidden="true">
         <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#chevronLeft'"></use>
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--- a/src/app/form/footer-form/footer-form.component.scss
+++ b/src/app/form/footer-form/footer-form.component.scss
@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
 .btn-primary {
   &.previous {
-    background-color: $white;
+    background-color: initial;
     color: $grey-2;
-    border: solid $grey-4 1px;
   &.next {
     .rowBtn {
@@ -26,6 +25,6 @@
 .chevronRight {
   height: 24px;
   width: 24px;
-  // stroke: inherit;
+  stroke: inherit;
   margin-left: 10px;
diff --git a/src/app/form/footer-form/footer-form.component.ts b/src/app/form/footer-form/footer-form.component.ts
index 12736e3ac8cd64297026e0e71e6a8d279f09edf4..15a5456ff32156d608f712a4c9cf4ae4a9cefd42 100644
--- a/src/app/form/footer-form/footer-form.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/form/footer-form/footer-form.component.ts
@@ -5,17 +5,18 @@ import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnInit, Output } from '@angular/core';
   templateUrl: './footer-form.component.html',
   styleUrls: ['./footer-form.component.scss'],
-export class FooterFormComponent {
+export class FooterFormComponent implements OnInit {
   @Input() isValid: boolean;
   @Input() btnName: string[];
-  @Input() displayPreviousButton: boolean = true;
   @Output() nextPage = new EventEmitter<any>();
   @Output() previousPage = new EventEmitter<any>();
+  constructor() {}
+  ngOnInit(): void {}
   public goToNextPage(): void {
   public goToPreviousPage(): void {
diff --git a/src/app/form/orientation-form/component/structure-detail-print/structure-detail-print.component.html b/src/app/form/orientation-form/component/structure-detail-print/structure-detail-print.component.html
index 7d7ed3c9e2fc7b40febcc863fbe9198fea2bd11f..b6e5929554c2048fb14fa11bdf3e15825df6f743 100644
--- a/src/app/form/orientation-form/component/structure-detail-print/structure-detail-print.component.html
+++ b/src/app/form/orientation-form/component/structure-detail-print/structure-detail-print.component.html
@@ -3,7 +3,12 @@
   <div fxLayout="row" class="structure-details-block" fxLayoutAlign="baseline baseline" fxLayoutGap="8px">
     <div fxLayout="column" fxLayoutGap="10px" fxFlex="100%">
       <div fxLayout="column" class="no-margin" fxLayoutAlign="space-between start">
-        <h3 class="bold">{{ structure.structureName }}</h3>
+        <h2 class="bold">{{ structure.structureName }}</h2>
+      </div>
+      <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="space-between center">
+        <div class="typeInformationHeader" fxLayout="column">
+          <h3>{{ structure.getLabelTypeStructure() }}</h3>
+        </div>
       <div class="mobile-column">
         <div fxLayout="column" fxFlex="50%">
@@ -11,10 +16,63 @@
             <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'adress'" [title]="'Adresse'"></app-svg-icon>
             <p>{{ structure.address.numero }} {{ structure.address.street }}, {{ structure.address.commune }}</p>
+          <div *ngIf="structure.website" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="none flex-end" fxLayoutGap="13px">
+            <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'web'" [title]="'Site web'"></app-svg-icon>
+            <a
+              target="_blank"
+              class="custom-link"
+              rel="noopener noreferrer"
+              [href]="structure.website.includes('http') ? structure.website : 'http://' + structure.website"
+              >{{ structure.website | url }}</a
+            >
+          </div>
+          <div *ngIf="structure.hasSocialNetwork()" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="none baseline" fxLayoutGap="13px">
+            <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'network'"></app-svg-icon>
+            <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="none baseline" fxLayoutGap="8px">
+              <a
+                *ngIf="structure.facebook"
+                target="_blank"
+                class="custom-link"
+                rel="noopener noreferrer"
+                [href]="'http://' + structure.facebook"
+              >
+                <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'facebook'" [title]="'Facebook'"></app-svg-icon
+              ></a>
+              <a
+                *ngIf="structure.twitter"
+                target="_blank"
+                class="custom-link"
+                rel="noopener noreferrer"
+                [href]="'http://' + structure.twitter"
+              >
+                <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'twitter'" [title]="'Twitter'"></app-svg-icon
+              ></a>
+              <a
+                *ngIf="structure.instagram"
+                target="_blank"
+                class="custom-link"
+                rel="noopener noreferrer"
+                [href]="'http://' + structure.instagram"
+              >
+                <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'instagram'" [title]="'Instagram'"></app-svg-icon
+              ></a>
+              <a
+                *ngIf="structure.linkedin"
+                target="_blank"
+                class="custom-link"
+                rel="noopener noreferrer"
+                [href]="'http://' + structure.linkedin"
+              >
+                <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'linkedin'" [title]="'Linkedin'"></app-svg-icon
+              ></a>
+            </div>
+          </div>
           <div *ngIf="structure.contactPhone" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="none flex-end" fxLayoutGap="13px">
             <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'tel'" [title]="'Téléphone'"></app-svg-icon>
             <p>{{ structure.contactPhone | phone }}</p>
+        </div>
+        <div fxLayout="column" fxFlex="50%">
             *ngIf="structure.contactMail && structure.contactMail !== 'unknown@unknown.com'"
@@ -24,8 +82,23 @@
             <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [iconClass]="'grey-1'" [icon]="'email'" [title]="'Email'"></app-svg-icon>
             <p>{{ structure.contactMail }}</p>
+          <div *ngIf="structure.hasPassNumeric()" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="none center" fxLayoutGap="13px">
+            <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'pass'" [title]="'Pass numérique'"></app-svg-icon>
+            <p>agréé Pass Numérique</p>
+          </div>
+          <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="none flex-end" fxLayoutGap="13px">
+            <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'calendar'"></app-svg-icon>
+            <p>Mise à jour le {{ structure.updatedAt | date: 'mediumDate' }}</p>
+          </div>
+      <div>
+        {{ structure.description }}
+      </div>
+      <div class="info">
+        {{ structure.lockdownActivity }}
+      </div>
   <!-- Accueil -->
@@ -46,9 +119,7 @@
               <h4>{{ day.key | day }}</h4>
               <div class="opening-time" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="none flex-end">
                 <div *ngFor="let timeRange of day.value.time; let isFirst = first">
-                  <p *ngIf="isFirst && timeRange.opening">
-                    de {{ timeRange.formatOpeningDate() }} à {{ timeRange.formatClosingDate() }}
-                  </p>
+                  <p *ngIf="isFirst && timeRange.opening">de {{ timeRange.formatOpeningDate() }} à {{ timeRange.formatClosingDate() }}</p>
                   <p *ngIf="!isFirst && timeRange.opening">
                     et de {{ timeRange.formatOpeningDate() }} à {{ timeRange.formatClosingDate() }}
diff --git a/src/app/form/orientation-form/component/structure-detail-print/structure-detail-print.component.scss b/src/app/form/orientation-form/component/structure-detail-print/structure-detail-print.component.scss
index 1555660703b5c41827595451d64446174f9a6687..8e3d713f56d01ddf9364710bc9634e373594c4ca 100644
--- a/src/app/form/orientation-form/component/structure-detail-print/structure-detail-print.component.scss
+++ b/src/app/form/orientation-form/component/structure-detail-print/structure-detail-print.component.scss
@@ -10,10 +10,15 @@ a {
 .structrue-details-container {
+  border-right: solid 1px $grey-4;
+  page-break-after: always;
+  background-color: $white;
+  top: 0;
+  left: 0;
   max-width: 980px;
-  width: 64%;
-  margin-top: 1%;
-  float: right;
+  width: 100%;
+  margin-bottom: 50px;
+  padding: 10px 24px;
   @media #{$tablet} {
     width: calc(100% - 2 * 24px);
     position: inherit;
@@ -29,6 +34,7 @@ a {
 .structrue-details-container > .structure-details-block {
   padding: 0px 0px 24px 0;
+  border-bottom: 1px dashed $grey-2;
   .subtitle {
     text-transform: uppercase;
     @include cn-bold-16;
@@ -126,7 +132,7 @@ p,
   height: 25px;
   border-radius: 20px;
   padding: 5px 15px;
-  color: $white;
+  color: white;
   border-style: none;
   margin-top: 15px;
   background: #348899;
diff --git a/src/app/form/orientation-form/component/structure-print-header/structure-print-header.component.html b/src/app/form/orientation-form/component/structure-print-header/structure-print-header.component.html
index 616b544b13babf138cab476b3e1790a72d68146a..b1c83faf20514cedd941fe0526457082fe65eedc 100644
--- a/src/app/form/orientation-form/component/structure-print-header/structure-print-header.component.html
+++ b/src/app/form/orientation-form/component/structure-print-header/structure-print-header.component.html
@@ -1,77 +1,67 @@
 <div class="print-header" fxLayout="column">
-  <div class="header-print">
-    <div class="header-infos">
-      <svg aria-hidden="true" aria-hidden="true">
-        <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#grandLyonLaMetropole'"></use>
-      </svg>
-      <div class="header-title">
-        <div>RES’IN : Réseau des acteurs de l'inclusion numérique de la Métropole de Lyon</div>
-        <h3>Fiche d'orientation</h3>
-      </div>
+  <div class="header-print" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="space-between center">
+    <h3>Fiche d'orientation</h3>
+    <h4 class="typeInformationHeader">{{ date }}</h4>
+  </div>
+  <!-- Name -->
+  <div *ngIf="beneficiaryName">
+    <p class="bold">{{ beneficiaryName }}</p>
+  </div>
+  <!-- Accompaniment -->
+  <div *ngIf="structureAccompaniment">
+    <div class="typeInformationHeader">Orienté par</div>
+    <div class="contactAccompaniment" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="space-between center">
+      <div class="bold">{{ structureAccompaniment }}</div>
+      <!-- Contact -->
+      <div class="bold" *ngIf="contactAccompaniment">{{ contactAccompaniment }}</div>
-    <p class="typeInformationHeader date">{{ date }}</p>
-  <div class="informations">
-    <div class="helper">
-      <!-- Accompaniment -->
-      <div *ngIf="structureAccompaniment">
-        <div class="typeInformationHeader">{{ 'Orienté par' | uppercase }}</div>
-        <p class="bold">{{ structureAccompaniment }}</p>
-        <!-- Contact -->
-        <p class="bold" *ngIf="contactAccompaniment">{{ contactAccompaniment }}</p>
-        <p class="bold" *ngIf="contactAccompanimentPhone">{{ contactAccompanimentPhone }}</p>
+  <!-- Needs -->
+  <div *ngIf="equipments.length > 0">
+    <p class="typeInformationHeader">Besoins en matériel</p>
+    <div fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutGap="16px">
+      <div *ngFor="let equipmentTag of equipments" class="tags-cloud" fxLayout="row">
+        {{ equipmentTag.text ? equipmentTag.text : equipmentTag.value }}
-    <div class="beneficiary">
-      <div class="typeInformationHeader">{{ 'Bénéficiaire' | uppercase }}</div>
-      <!-- Name -->
-      <table>
-        <tr>
-          <td class="typeInformationHeader">Nom</td>
-          <td class="bold">{{ beneficiaryName }}</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr *ngIf="equipments.length > 0">
-          <td class="typeInformationHeader">Besoin(s) en matériel</td>
-          <td class="bold">
-            <div *ngFor="let equipmentTag of equipments">
-              {{ equipmentTag.text ? equipmentTag.text : equipmentTag.value }}
-            </div>
-          </td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr *ngIf="formations.length > 0">
-          <td class="typeInformationHeader">Besoin(s) en formation</td>
-          <td class="bold">
-            <div *ngFor="let formationTag of formations">
-              {{ formationTag.text ? formationTag.text : formationTag.value }}
-            </div>
-          </td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr *ngIf="assistances.length > 0">
-          <td class="typeInformationHeader">Besoin(s) d'accompagnement</td>
-          <td class="bold">
-            <div *ngFor="let assistanceTag of assistances">
-              {{ assistanceTag.text ? assistanceTag.text : assistanceTag.value }}
-            </div>
-          </td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr *ngIf="specificNeeds.length > 0">
-          <td class="typeInformationHeader">Besoin(s) spécifiques</td>
-          <td class="bold">
-            <div *ngFor="let specificNeed of specificNeeds">
-              {{ specificNeed.text ? specificNeed.text : specificNeed.value }}
-            </div>
-          </td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr *ngIf="beneficiaryPassNumeric">
-          <td class="typeInformationHeader">Pass Numérique</td>
-          <td class="bold">Oui</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr *ngIf="beneficiaryNeedCommentary">
-          <td class="typeInformationHeader">Informations</td>
-          <td class="bold">{{ beneficiaryNeedCommentary }}</td>
-        </tr>
-      </table>
+  </div>
+  <div *ngIf="formations.length > 0">
+    <p class="typeInformationHeader">Besoins en formation</p>
+    <div fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutGap="16px">
+      <div *ngFor="let formationTag of formations" class="tags-cloud" fxLayout="row">
+        {{ formationTag.text ? formationTag.text : formationTag.value }}
+      </div>
+  <div *ngIf="assistances.length > 0">
+    <p class="typeInformationHeader">Besoins d'accompagnement</p>
+    <div fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutGap="16px">
+      <div *ngFor="let assistanceTag of assistances" class="tags-cloud" fxLayout="row">
+        {{ assistanceTag.text ? assistanceTag.text : assistanceTag.value }}
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div *ngIf="specificNeeds.length > 0">
+    <div class="typeInformationHeader">Besoins spécifiques'</div>
+    <div fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutGap="16px">
+      <div *ngFor="let specificNeed of specificNeeds" class="tags-cloud" fxLayout="row">
+        {{ specificNeed.text ? specificNeed.text : specificNeed.value }}
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <!-- Pass Numeric -->
+  <div *ngIf="beneficiaryPassNumeric" class="inputRow" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="13px">
+    <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'passNumeric'"></app-svg-icon>
+    <p class="bold">Pass Numérique</p>
+  </div>
+  <!-- Comments -->
+  <div *ngIf="beneficiaryNeedCommentary">
+    <div class="typeInformationHeader">Informations à destination de la structure</div>
+    <p>{{ beneficiaryNeedCommentary }}</p>
+  </div>
diff --git a/src/app/form/orientation-form/component/structure-print-header/structure-print-header.component.scss b/src/app/form/orientation-form/component/structure-print-header/structure-print-header.component.scss
index b9cce0c617266f91ec45030f927398f972fdefd4..0c9a98b49fafadf2d5a3437ce62e37d26ff2786e 100644
--- a/src/app/form/orientation-form/component/structure-print-header/structure-print-header.component.scss
+++ b/src/app/form/orientation-form/component/structure-print-header/structure-print-header.component.scss
@@ -9,30 +9,6 @@
   margin-top: 20px;
   margin-bottom: 20px;
   width: 100%;
-  border-bottom: solid black 1px;
-.header-infos {
-  height: 80px;
-  display: flex;
-  .header-title {
-    width: 70%;
-    float: left;
-  }
-  h3 {
-    margin-top: 3px;
-  }
-  svg {
-    max-width: fit-content;
-    width: 30%;
-  }
-.date {
-  float: right;
 .print-header {
@@ -44,10 +20,6 @@
   @include cn-bold-16;
   margin-bottom: 5px;
   color: $grey-3;
-  &.date {
-    color: $grey-3;
-    font-style: italic;
-  }
 .contactAccompaniment {
@@ -61,7 +33,7 @@
   height: 28px;
   border-radius: 20px;
   padding: 5px 15px;
-  color: $white;
+  color: white;
   border-style: none;
   margin-top: 5px;
   background: #348899;
@@ -86,22 +58,3 @@
     text-align: right;
-.informations {
-  width: 100%;
-  display: flex;
-  .helper {
-    max-height: 300px;
-    background-color: $grey-6;
-    width: 30%;
-    height: fit-content;
-    padding: 2%;
-  }
-  .beneficiary {
-    background-color: $grey-6;
-    margin-left: 2%;
-    padding: 2%;
-    width: 70%;
-  }
diff --git a/src/app/form/orientation-form/component/structure-print-header/structure-print-header.component.ts b/src/app/form/orientation-form/component/structure-print-header/structure-print-header.component.ts
index ee7b51cf1d9c8a0327cac110d73303a0fdadef44..20c827dec9dac2a4ce7f091ed254cea05685aac9 100644
--- a/src/app/form/orientation-form/component/structure-print-header/structure-print-header.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/form/orientation-form/component/structure-print-header/structure-print-header.component.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 import { Component, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
+import { Structure } from '../../../../models/structure.model';
 import * as _ from 'lodash';
 import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';
 import { PrintService } from '../../../../shared/service/print.service';
+import Module from 'module';
 import { Filter } from '../../../../structure-list/models/filter.model';
   selector: 'app-structure-print-header',
@@ -14,7 +16,6 @@ export class StructurePrintHeaderComponent implements OnInit {
   @Input() public structureAccompaniment: string;
   @Input() public beneficiaryPassNumeric: boolean;
   @Input() public contactAccompaniment: string | null;
-  @Input() public contactAccompanimentPhone: string | null;
   @Input() public filters: Filter[];
   public date: string;
diff --git a/src/app/form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component.html b/src/app/form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component.html
index 04a8a050013b526ccbd348fe5d0c86367f4a26b6..02e379de356b8ee287989f4d09fe319b15ed7719 100644
--- a/src/app/form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component.html
+++ b/src/app/form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component.html
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-<div id="body" *ngIf="!multiPrint" class="form" fxLayout="column">
+<div *ngIf="!multiPrint" class="form" fxLayout="column">
     [content]="'Il vous faudra de nouveau remplir le formulaire si vous quittez'"
-  <div class="progress-container">
+  <div class="content">
     <div class="progressBar" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="space-between center" fxLayoutGap="20px">
       <label [ngClass]="{ validate: currentPage == nbPagesForm }" for="progressForm"
         >{{ progressStatus | number: '1.0-0' }}%
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
-  </div>
-  <div class="content" *ngIf="currentPage != pageTypeEnum.structuresSelection">
     <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.beneficiaryNeed" class="page">
       <div class="titleInfo">
@@ -25,7 +23,7 @@
         Merci de remplir ces quelques questions qui vous permettront d'identifier le lieu à proximité le plus adapté.
       <div class="title">
-        <h3>Quels sont les besoins du bénéficiaire ?</h3>
+        <h3>De quoi le bénéficiaire a-t-il besoin ?</h3>
       <div class="collapse" [ngClass]="{ notCollapsed: !showEquipments }">
         <div fxLayout="column">
@@ -121,8 +119,73 @@
           <div *ngIf="showFormation" class="tags">
+            <p class="titleCateg">{{ baseSkillssReferentiel.name }}</p>
+            <button
+              *ngFor="let choice of baseSkillssReferentiel.modules"
+              (click)="updateChoice(choice.id, 'formation')"
+              [ngClass]="{ selectedChoice: isInArray(choice.id, 'formation') }"
+            >
+              <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign=" center">
+                <svg class="validate" aria-hidden="true">
+                  <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#checkVector'"></use>
+                </svg>
+                <div class="textBtn">
+                  {{ choice.text }}
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </button>
+            <p class="titleCateg">{{ accessRightsReferentiel.name }}</p>
+            <button
+              *ngFor="let choice of accessRightsReferentiel.modules"
+              (click)="updateChoice(choice.id, 'formation')"
+              [ngClass]="{ selectedChoice: isInArray(choice.id, 'formation') }"
+            >
+              <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign=" center">
+                <svg class="validate" aria-hidden="true">
+                  <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#checkVector'"></use>
+                </svg>
+                <div class="textBtn">
+                  {{ choice.text }}
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </button>
+            <p class="titleCateg">{{ digitalCultureSecuritysReferentiel.name }}</p>
+            <button
+              *ngFor="let choice of digitalCultureSecuritysReferentiel.modules"
+              (click)="updateChoice(choice.id, 'formation')"
+              [ngClass]="{ selectedChoice: isInArray(choice.id, 'formation') }"
+            >
+              <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign=" center">
+                <svg class="validate" aria-hidden="true">
+                  <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#checkVector'"></use>
+                </svg>
+                <div class="textBtn">
+                  {{ choice.text }}
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </button>
+            <p class="titleCateg">{{ parentingHelpsReferentiel.name }}</p>
+            <button
+              *ngFor="let choice of parentingHelpsReferentiel.modules"
+              (click)="updateChoice(choice.id, 'formation')"
+              [ngClass]="{ selectedChoice: isInArray(choice.id, 'formation') }"
+            >
+              <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign=" center">
+                <svg class="validate" aria-hidden="true">
+                  <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#checkVector'"></use>
+                </svg>
+                <div class="textBtn">
+                  {{ choice.text }}
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </button>
+            <p class="titleCateg">{{ socialAndProfessionalsReferentiel.name }}</p>
-              *ngFor="let choice of formations"
+              *ngFor="let choice of socialAndProfessionalsReferentiel.modules"
               (click)="updateChoice(choice.id, 'formation')"
               [ngClass]="{ selectedChoice: isInArray(choice.id, 'formation') }"
@@ -130,62 +193,139 @@
                 <svg class="validate" aria-hidden="true">
                   <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#checkVector'"></use>
-                <div class="textBtn">{{ choice.name }} ({{ choice.surname }}...)</div>
+                <div class="textBtn">
+                  {{ choice.text }}
+                </div>
+    <!-- NUMERIC PASS -->
+    <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.beneficiaryPassNumeric" class="page">
+      <div class="title">
+        <h3>Le bénéficiaire possède-t-il un Pass numérique ?</h3>
+      </div>
+      <app-radio-form
+        [selectedOption]="getOrientationControl('passNumeric').value"
+        [horizontal]="true"
+        (selectedEvent)="onRadioBtnChange('passNumeric', $event)"
+      >
+      </app-radio-form>
+    </div>
     <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.beneficiaryInfo" class="page">
       <div class="title">
-        <h3>Quel est le profil du bénéficiaire ?</h3>
+        <h3>Autour de quelle adresse chercher une structure ?</h3>
-      <div class="section">
-        <label>Nom</label>
+      <div class="form-group" fxLayout="column">
+        <label for="address">Adresse</label>
         <div class="inputRow" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="13px">
-          <input
-            type="text"
-            [value]="getOrientationControl('beneficiaryName').value"
-            (input)="setBeneficiaryName($event.target.value)"
-            class="form-input"
-          />
+          <app-address-autocomplete
+            [address]="getOrientationControl('address').valid ? getOrientationControl('address').value : null"
+            (inputAddress)="setAddressBeneficiary()"
+            (selectedAddress)="setAddressBeneficiary($event)"
+          ></app-address-autocomplete>
+          <app-svg-icon
+            *ngIf="getOrientationControl('address').valid && !isLoading"
+            [iconClass]="'validation'"
+            [type]="'form'"
+            [icon]="'validate'"
+            class="validateIcon"
+          ></app-svg-icon>
+          <div *ngIf="!getOrientationControl('address').valid && !isLoading" (click)="getAddress()">
+            <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'locateMe'" class="markerIcon"></app-svg-icon>
+          </div>
+          <div *ngIf="isLoading">
+            <img class="loader-gif" src="/assets/gif/loader_circle.gif" alt />
+          </div>
-      <div class="section">
-        <label>Possède-t-il un Pass numérique ?</label>
-        <app-radio-form [horizontal]="true" (selectedEvent)="onRadioBtnChange('passNumeric', $event)"> </app-radio-form>
+      <div class="title">
+        <h3>Le bénéficiaire a-t-il un profil spécifique ?</h3>
+        <p class="notRequired">facultatif</p>
-      <div class="section">
-        <label>A-t-il un profil spécifique ?</label>
-        <div class="tags">
-          <button
-            (click)="updateChoice(null, 'specificProfile')"
-            [ngClass]="{ selectedChoice: isEmpty('specificProfile') }"
-          >
-            <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign=" center">
-              <svg class="validate" aria-hidden="true">
-                <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#checkVector'"></use>
-              </svg>
-              <div class="textBtn">Aucun</div>
-            </div>
-          </button>
-          <button
-            *ngFor="let choice of specificProfile.modules"
-            (click)="updateChoice(choice.id, 'specificProfile')"
-            [ngClass]="{ selectedChoice: isInArray(choice.id, 'specificProfile') }"
-          >
-            <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign=" center">
-              <svg class="validate" aria-hidden="true">
-                <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#checkVector'"></use>
-              </svg>
-              <div class="textBtn">
-                {{ choice.text }}
-              </div>
+      <div class="tags">
+        <button
+          *ngFor="let choice of specificProfile.modules"
+          (click)="updateChoice(choice.id, 'specificProfile')"
+          [ngClass]="{ selectedChoice: isInArray(choice.id, 'specificProfile') }"
+        >
+          <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign=" center">
+            <svg class="validate" aria-hidden="true">
+              <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#checkVector'"></use>
+            </svg>
+            <div class="textBtn">
+              {{ choice.text }}
-          </button>
+          </div>
+        </button>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <!-- STRUCTURE SEARCH -->
+    <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structuresSelection" class="page">
+      Filtres séléctionnés
+      <div fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutGap="16px">
+        <div *ngFor="let filter of filters" class="tags-cloud" fxLayout="row" (click)="removeFilter(filter)">
+          {{ filter.text ? filter.text : filter.value }}
+          <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'delete'" [iconColor]="'white'"></app-svg-icon>
+        </div>
+        <div
+          *ngFor="let uncheckedFilter of uncheckedFilters"
+          class="tags-cloud unchecked"
+          fxLayout="row"
+          (click)="restoreFilter(uncheckedFilter)"
+        >
+          {{ uncheckedFilter.text ? uncheckedFilter.text : uncheckedFilter.value }}
+          <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'validate'" [iconColor]="'white'"></app-svg-icon>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div fxLayout="row" class="content-container">
+        <div class="nbStructure-panel left-pane" [ngClass]="{ mapPhone: isMapPhone == true }">
+          <div class="nbStructuresLabel" [ngPlural]="structuresList.length">
+            <ng-template ngPluralCase="0">0 structure trouvée</ng-template>
+            <ng-template ngPluralCase="1">1 structure trouvée</ng-template>
+            <ng-template ngPluralCase="other">{{ structuresList.length }} structures trouvées</ng-template>
+          </div>
+          <div id="listCard" (mouseleave)="mouseLeave()">
+            <app-card
+              *ngFor="let structure of structuresList"
+              [structure]="structure"
+              [isOrientation]="true"
+              [isSelected]="isInPrintList(structure._id)"
+              (addToList)="addToList($event, structure)"
+              (hover)="handleCardHover($event)"
+              (showDetails)="showDetails($event)"
+            ></app-card>
+            <p *ngIf="structureList && structureList.length <= 0">
+              Il n'y a aucune réponse correspondant à votre recherche
+            </p>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div class="btnSwitch">
+          <app-button
+            [style]="'roundedButton'"
+            [text]="isMapPhone ? 'Liste' : 'Carte'"
+            [iconBtn]="isMapPhone ? 'liste' : 'map-marker'"
+            (action)="switchMapList()"
+          ></app-button>
+        <app-map
+          [structures]="structuresList"
+          [structuresToPrint]="structuresToPrint"
+          [toogleToolTipId]="displayMapMarkerId"
+          [selectedMarkerId]="selectedMarkerId"
+          [locate]="locate"
+          (locatationTrigger)="locatationTrigger($event)"
+          (selectedStructure)="showDetails($event)"
+          [isMapPhone]="isMapPhone"
+          [searchedValue]="searchedValue"
+          class="right-pane deep-map"
+          [ngClass]="{ mapPhone: isMapPhone == true }"
+        ></app-map>
@@ -193,95 +333,59 @@
       <div class="title">
         <h3>Qui oriente le bénéficiaire ?</h3>
-      <div class="section">
-        <label>De quelle structure êtes-vous ? (MDM, Caf, Pôle Emploi...)</label>
-        <div class="inputRow" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="13px">
-          <input
-            type="text"
-            [value]="getOrientationControl('structureAccompaniment').value"
-            (input)="setStructureAccompaniment($event.target.value)"
-            class="form-input"
-          />
-        </div>
+      <label>Votre structure (MDM, Caf, Pôle Emploi...)</label>
+      <div class="inputRow" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="13px">
+        <input
+          type="text"
+          [value]="getOrientationControl('structureAccompaniment').value"
+          (input)="setStructureAccompaniment($event.target.value)"
+          class="form-input"
+        />
-      <div class="section">
-        <label>Courriel de votre structure</label>
+      <div class="title">
+        <h3>Comment contacter cette structure ?</h3>
         <p class="notRequired">facultatif</p>
-        <div class="inputRow" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="13px">
-          <input
-            type="text"
-            [value]="getOrientationControl('contactAccompanimentEmail').value"
-            placeholder="exemple: prenom.nom@grandlyon.com"
-            (input)="setContactAccompanimentEmail($event.target.value)"
-            class="form-input"
-          />
-          <app-svg-icon
-            *ngIf="
-              getOrientationControl('contactAccompanimentEmail').valid &&
-              getOrientationControl('contactAccompanimentEmail').value
-            "
-            [iconClass]="'validation'"
-            [type]="'form'"
-            [icon]="'validate'"
-          ></app-svg-icon>
-          <app-svg-icon
-            *ngIf="
-              getOrientationControl('contactAccompanimentEmail').invalid &&
-              getOrientationControl('contactAccompanimentEmail').value
-            "
-            [iconClass]="'validation'"
-            [type]="'form'"
-            [icon]="'notValidate'"
-          ></app-svg-icon>
-        </div>
-      <div class="section">
-        <label>Téléphone de votre structure</label>
+      <label>Contact (email ou n° de téléphone)</label>
+      <div class="inputRow" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="13px">
+        <input
+          type="text"
+          [value]="getOrientationControl('contactAccompaniment').value"
+          (input)="setContactAccompaniment($event.target.value)"
+          class="form-input"
+        />
+      </div>
+      <div class="title">
+        <h3>Qui est le bénéficiaire ?</h3>
         <p class="notRequired">facultatif</p>
-        <div class="inputRow" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="13px">
-          <input
-            type="text"
-            [value]="getOrientationControl('contactAccompanimentPhone').value"
-            (input)="setContactAccompanimentPhone($event.target.value)"
-            class="form-input"
-          />
-          <app-svg-icon
-            *ngIf="
-              getOrientationControl('contactAccompanimentPhone').value &&
-              getOrientationControl('contactAccompanimentPhone').valid
-            "
-            [iconClass]="'validation'"
-            [type]="'form'"
-            [icon]="'validate'"
-          ></app-svg-icon>
-          <app-svg-icon
-            *ngIf="
-              getOrientationControl('contactAccompanimentPhone').invalid &&
-              getOrientationControl('contactAccompanimentPhone').value
-            "
-            [iconClass]="'validation'"
-            [type]="'form'"
-            [icon]="'notValidate'"
-          ></app-svg-icon>
-        </div>
+      </div>
+      <label>Nom du bénéficiaire</label>
+      <div class="inputRow" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="13px">
+        <input
+          type="text"
+          [value]="getOrientationControl('beneficiaryName').value"
+          (input)="setBeneficiaryName($event.target.value)"
+          class="form-input"
+        />
     <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.beneficiaryNeedCommentary" class="page">
       <div class="title">
-        <h3>Avez-vous des précisions à apporter ?</h3>
-        <p class="notRequired lg">facultatif</p>
+        <h3>Précisez le besoin</h3>
+        <p class="notRequired">facultatif</p>
-      <label>Ces informations accompagneront la fiche d'orientation du bénéficiaire</label>
+      <label>Ces informations sont à destination de la structure</label>
       <div class="textareaBlock" fxLayout="column">
-          placeholder="Exemple: le bénéficiaire n'a pas d'adresse e-mail"
-        <p class="textarea-char">
+        <p>
               ? getOrientationControl('beneficiaryNeedCommentary').value.length
@@ -290,43 +394,15 @@
-    <!-- ADDRESS SEARCH -->
-    <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.beneficiaryAddress" class="page">
-      <div class="title">
-        <h3>Autour de quelle adresse chercher une structure ?</h3>
-        <p class="notRequired lg">facultatif</p>
-      </div>
-      <div class="form-group" fxLayout="column">
-        <div class="inputRow" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="13px">
-          <app-address-autocomplete
-            [address]="getOrientationControl('address').valid ? getOrientationControl('address').value : null"
-            (inputAddress)="setAddressBeneficiary()"
-            (selectedAddress)="setAddressBeneficiary($event)"
-          ></app-address-autocomplete>
-          <app-svg-icon
-            *ngIf="getOrientationControl('address').valid && !isLoading"
-            [iconClass]="'validation'"
-            [type]="'form'"
-            [icon]="'validate'"
-            class="validateIcon"
-          ></app-svg-icon>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </div>
     <!-- PRINT RESULTS -->
-    <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.printResults" class="last-page">
+    <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.printResults" class="page">
       <div class="title">
-          [beneficiaryNeedCommentary]="
-            getOrientationControl('beneficiaryNeedCommentary')
-              ? getOrientationControl('beneficiaryNeedCommentary').value
-              : ''
-          "
-          [beneficiaryName]="getOrientationControl('beneficiaryName')?.value"
-          [structureAccompaniment]="getOrientationControl('structureAccompaniment')?.value"
-          [beneficiaryPassNumeric]="getOrientationControl('passNumeric')?.value"
-          [contactAccompaniment]="getOrientationControl('contactAccompanimentEmail')?.value"
-          [contactAccompanimentPhone]="getOrientationControl('contactAccompanimentPhone')?.value"
+          [beneficiaryNeedCommentary]="getOrientationControl('beneficiaryNeedCommentary').value"
+          [beneficiaryName]="getOrientationControl('beneficiaryName').value"
+          [structureAccompaniment]="getOrientationControl('structureAccompaniment').value"
+          [beneficiaryPassNumeric]="getOrientationControl('passNumeric').value"
+          [contactAccompaniment]="getOrientationControl('contactAccompaniment').value"
@@ -337,94 +413,49 @@
-  <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structuresSelection" class="carto">
-    <div class="left-col" [ngClass]="{ mapPhone: isMapPhone == true }">
-      <div class="filters">
-        <span class="filters-title">Filtre(s) séléctionné(s)</span>
-        <div fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutGap="4px">
-          <div
-            class="tags-cloud"
-            *ngFor="let filter of filters"
-            [class.unchecked]="!filter.checked"
-            fxLayout="row"
-            (click)="checkFilter(filter)"
-          >
-            <app-svg-icon
-              *ngIf="filter.checked"
-              [type]="'ico'"
-              [icon]="'validate'"
-              [iconColor]="'white'"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-            <app-svg-icon *ngIf="!filter.checked" [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'delete'" [iconColor]="'white'"></app-svg-icon>
-            <div>{{ filter.text ? filter.text : filter.value }}</div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div class="nbStructuresLabel" [ngPlural]="structuresList.length">
-        <ng-template ngPluralCase="0">0 structure</ng-template>
-        <ng-template ngPluralCase="1">1 structure</ng-template>
-        <ng-template ngPluralCase="other">{{ structuresList.length }} structures</ng-template>
-      </div>
-      <div fxLayout="row" class="content-container">
-        <div class="nbStructure-panel left-pane">
-          <div id="listCard" (mouseleave)="mouseLeave()">
-            <app-card
-              *ngFor="let structure of structuresList"
-              [structure]="structure"
-              [isOrientation]="true"
-              [isSelected]="isInPrintList(structure._id)"
-              (addToList)="addToList($event, structure)"
-              (hover)="handleCardHover($event)"
-              (showDetails)="showDetails($event)"
-              class="structure-card"
-            ></app-card>
-            <p *ngIf="structureList && structureList.length <= 0">
-              Il n'y a aucune réponse correspondant à votre recherche
-            </p>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
+  <div *ngIf="currentPage == 0" class="footer desktop" fxLayout="column" fxLayoutAlign="space-between">
+    <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="center center">
+      <app-footer-form
+        [btnName]="['Précédent', 'Suivant']"
+        (previousPage)="previousUrl()"
+        (nextPage)="nextPage()"
+        [isValid]="isPageValid"
+      ></app-footer-form>
-    <div class="btnSwitch">
-      <app-button
-        [style]="'roundedButton'"
-        [text]="isMapPhone ? 'Liste' : 'Carte'"
-        [iconBtn]="isMapPhone ? 'liste' : 'map-marker'"
-        (action)="switchMapList()"
-      ></app-button>
+  </div>
+  <div *ngIf="currentPage != 0 && currentPage != pageTypeEnum.printResults" class="footer desktop">
+    <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="center center">
+      <app-footer-form
+        [btnName]="['Précédent', 'Suivant']"
+        (previousPage)="previousPage()"
+        (nextPage)="nextPage()"
+        [isValid]="isPageValid"
+      ></app-footer-form>
-    <div class="right-col" [ngClass]="{ mapPhone: isMapPhone == true }">
-      <app-map
-        [isOrientationForm]="true"
-        [structures]="structuresList"
-        [structuresToPrint]="structuresToPrint"
-        [toogleToolTipId]="displayMapMarkerId"
-        [selectedMarkerId]="selectedMarkerId"
-        [locate]="locate"
-        (locatationTrigger)="locatationTrigger($event)"
-        (selectedStructure)="showDetails($event)"
-        [isMapPhone]="isMapPhone"
-        [searchedValue]="userLocation"
-        (onOrientationButtonClick)="addToList($event, structure)"
-        class="right-pane deep-map"
-        [ngClass]="{ mapPhone: isMapPhone == true }"
-      ></app-map>
+  </div>
+  <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.printResults" class="footer desktop">
+    <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="center center">
+      <app-footer-form
+        [btnName]="['Précédent', 'Imprimer']"
+        (previousPage)="previousPage()"
+        (nextPage)="runMultiPrint(true)"
+        [isValid]="isPageValid"
+      ></app-footer-form>
-  <div *ngIf="currentPage != pageTypeEnum.printResults" class="form-footer">
+  <div *ngIf="currentPage != 0 && currentPage != pageTypeEnum.printResults" class="footer phone">
     <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="center center">
         [btnName]="['Précédent', 'Suivant']"
-        [displayPreviousButton]="currentPage !== pageTypeEnum.beneficiaryNeed"
-  <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.printResults" class="form-footer">
+  <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.printResults" class="footer phone">
     <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="center center">
         [btnName]="['Précédent', 'Imprimer']"
diff --git a/src/app/form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component.scss b/src/app/form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component.scss
index b83f7a12bf924f11e5cb5b47814bae8a9964aedf..dbeffc59d2c335187f455df2261603f35235f3c9 100644
--- a/src/app/form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component.scss
+++ b/src/app/form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component.scss
@@ -4,24 +4,61 @@
 @import '../../../assets/scss/color';
 @import '../../../assets/scss/typography';
+.title {
+  margin-top: 20px;
 .body-wrap {
   height: 400px;
+.left-pane {
+  width: 529px;
+  min-width: 500px;
+  height: 600px;
+  overflow: auto;
+  overflow-x: hidden;
+  padding: 0 25px 0 0;
+  @media #{$tablet} {
+    width: 100%;
+    min-width: unset;
+    &.mapPhone {
+      display: none !important;
+    }
+  }
+.right-pane {
+  width: 400px;
+  max-height: 400px;
+  padding: 0 16px;
+  @media #{$tablet} {
+    display: none;
+    &.mapPhone {
+      display: block;
+    }
+    width: 100%;
+    padding: 0;
+  }
+.deep-map ::ng-deep #map {
+  height: 380px;
 .tags-cloud {
-  cursor: pointer;
   font-style: normal;
   justify-content: center;
   align-items: center;
   height: 28px;
   border-radius: 20px;
-  padding: 4px 12px;
-  color: $white;
+  padding: 5px 15px;
+  color: white;
   border-style: none;
-  margin-top: 4px;
-  background: $blue;
+  margin-top: 15px;
+  background: #348899;
   &.unchecked {
-    background: $grey-4;
+    background: #bdbdbd;
@@ -52,38 +89,42 @@
 .nbStructuresLabel {
+  color: $white;
   @include cn-regular-16;
-  display: flex;
-  text-align: center;
+  display: grid;
+  align-items: center;
   height: 32px;
-  color: $grey-3;
+  background-color: $grey-4;
+  padding-left: 9px;
   width: 100%;
-  align-items: center;
-  @media #{$large-phone} {
-    padding-left: unset;
-  }
-.nbStructuresLabel::after {
-  border-top: 0.0625em solid;
-  content: '';
-  flex: 1;
-  margin: 0 0.5em;
-.form-footer {
+.footer {
   padding: 17px 0;
   width: 100%;
+  max-width: 960px;
+  margin: 20px auto;
   text-align: center;
-  z-index: calc($btn-phone-switch-map-list-z-index - 1);
-  background: $grey-6;
+  &.desktop {
+    @media #{$tablet} {
+      display: none;
+    }
+  }
+  &.phone {
+    display: none;
+    @media #{$tablet} {
+      margin: 0 auto;
+      border-top: 1px solid $grey-4;
+      display: block;
+    }
+  }
 .btnSwitch {
   position: fixed;
   left: 50%;
-  bottom: 0;
+  bottom: $footer-height + 5px;
   transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
   margin: 0 auto;
   display: none;
@@ -91,200 +132,25 @@
     display: block;
     opacity: 0.8;
     z-index: $btn-phone-switch-map-list-z-index;
-    margin-bottom: 60px;
-#body {
-  background-color: $grey-6;
-.content {
-  min-height: 450px;
-  background-color: $white;
-  margin-left: 25%;
-  margin-right: 24%;
-  @media #{$tablet} {
-    width: 100%;
-    height: 100vh !important;
-    margin: 0;
-    border-bottom: $grey-4 solid 1px;
-    min-height: unset;
-  }
-  p {
-    &.notRequired {
-      font-size: 14px;
-      margin-top: 0px;
-      font-style: italic;
-      color: $secondary-color;
-      &.lg {
-        font-size: 17px;
-      }
-    }
+  @media #{$large-phone} {
-.content-container {
-  width: 97%;
-  float: right;
-  height: 58vh;
-  padding: unset;
-  // height: 100%;
-  @media #{$tablet} {
-    height: 57vh !important;
-  }
+.loader-gif {
   @media #{$desktop} {
-    height: 100%;
-  }
-  ::ng-deep .structure-card .structure {
-    margin-right: 16px;
-  }
-  ::ng-deep .structure-card:last-child .structure {
-    border-bottom: unset !important;
+    width: 20%;
-::ng-deep #search-address {
-  width: 400px !important;
-  @media #{$phone} {
-    width: 250px !important;
-  }
-.progress-container {
-  margin-top: 1%;
-  margin-left: 25.5%;
-  width: 50%;
-  @media #{$tablet} {
-    margin: 0 16px;
-    width: calc(100% - 32px);
+  @media #{$large-desktop} {
+    width: 20%;
-  .progressBar {
-    height: #{$progressBar-height};
-    progress {
-      height: 6px;
-      border-radius: 7px;
-      &::-webkit-progress-bar {
-        background-color: $white-1;
-      }
-      &::-webkit-progress-value {
-        background-color: $secondary-color;
-        border-radius: 12px;
-      }
-      &.validate {
-        &::-webkit-progress-value {
-          background-color: $green-1;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-.title {
-  margin-top: 20px;
-  padding-bottom: 3%;
-.last-page {
-  width: 96%;
-  margin-left: 2%;
-.page {
-  float: left;
-  padding-top: 2%;
-  padding-bottom: 5%;
-  textarea {
-    margin-top: 1%;
-  }
-  .textarea-char {
-    font-style: italic;
-    color: $grey-3;
-  }
-  .section {
-    margin-top: 0.5%;
-  }
-  @media #{$tablet} {
-    width: calc(100vw - 32px);
-  }
-.left-pane {
-  width: 100%;
-  height: 100%;
-  overflow: auto;
-  overflow-x: hidden;
-  @media #{$tablet} {
+  @media #{$large-phone} {
     width: 100%;
-    min-width: unset;
-.carto {
-  display: flex;
-  float: left;
-  min-height: 500px;
-  width: 100%;
-  border-bottom: $grey-4 solid 1px;
-  @media #{$tablet} {
-    min-height: 50vh;
-  }
-  .left-col {
-    padding-left: 16px;
-    margin-left: 1%;
-    background-color: $white;
-    padding-right: 16px;
-    width: 30%;
-    @media #{$tablet} {
-      width: 100%;
-      min-width: unset;
-      height: 100vh;
-      &.mapPhone {
-        display: none !important;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  .right-col {
-    width: 67%;
-    padding-left: 2%;
-    padding-right: 2%;
-    margin-bottom: 2%;
-    @media #{$tablet} {
-      display: none;
-      height: 100vh;
-      &.mapPhone {
-        display: block;
-      }
-      width: 100%;
-      padding: 0;
-    }
-  }
-  .filters {
-    margin-bottom: 1%;
-    margin-top: 7%;
-    .filters-title {
-      color: $grey-3;
-    }
+  @media #{$small-phone} {
+    width: 100%;
-input {
-  width: 400px;
-  &.email-placeholder::placeholder {
-    color: $white-2;
-    font-style: italic;
+  @media #{$phone} {
+    width: 100%;
diff --git a/src/app/form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component.ts b/src/app/form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component.ts
index 7f6b8721d80e46732ea9c5c2ce8cf9739840769c..59b8b65137b2e06345282418d5c2f53b3434ec76 100644
--- a/src/app/form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component.ts
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ import { Filter } from '../../structure-list/models/filter.model';
 import { Module } from '../../structure-list/models/module.model';
 import { SearchService } from '../../structure-list/services/search.service';
 import { PageTypeEnum } from './pageType.enum';
-import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils';
-import { CustomRegExp } from '../../utils/CustomRegExp';
   selector: 'app-orientation-form',
@@ -32,9 +30,6 @@ export class OrientationFormComponent implements OnInit {
   public isMapPhone = false;
   public isLoading = false;
-  // Map auto locate with address
-  public userLocation = [];
   public orientationForm: FormGroup;
   // Page and progress var
@@ -57,11 +52,11 @@ export class OrientationFormComponent implements OnInit {
   public numberAssistanceChecked;
   public filters: Filter[] = [];
+  public uncheckedFilters: Filter[] = [];
   public equipments: Module[] = [];
   public assistance: Module[] = [];
   public formation: Module[] = [];
-  public selectedFormations: Category[] = [];
   public baseSkillssReferentiel: Category;
   public accessRightsReferentiel: Category;
   public digitalCultureSecuritysReferentiel: Category;
@@ -86,8 +81,7 @@ export class OrientationFormComponent implements OnInit {
     private searchService: SearchService,
     private structureService: StructureService,
     private geoJsonService: GeojsonService,
-    private meta: Meta,
-    public utils: Utils
+    private meta: Meta
   ) {}
   ngOnInit(): void {
@@ -108,7 +102,6 @@ export class OrientationFormComponent implements OnInit {
     const categs = await this.searchService.getCategoriesTraining().toPromise();
     categs.forEach((categ) => {
-      this.selectedFormations.push(categ);
       categ.modules.forEach((module) => {
@@ -164,15 +157,8 @@ export class OrientationFormComponent implements OnInit {
         commune: new FormControl('', Validators.required),
       structureAccompaniment: new FormControl(orientationFormFilters.structureAccompaniment, Validators.required),
-      contactAccompanimentPhone: new FormControl(
-        orientationFormFilters.contactAccompanimentPhone,
-        Validators.pattern(CustomRegExp.PHONE)
-      ),
-      contactAccompanimentEmail: new FormControl(
-        orientationFormFilters.contactAccompanimentEmail,
-        Validators.pattern(CustomRegExp.EMAIL)
-      ),
-      beneficiaryName: new FormControl(orientationFormFilters.beneficiaryName, Validators.required),
+      contactAccompaniment: new FormControl(orientationFormFilters.contactAccompaniment),
+      beneficiaryName: new FormControl(orientationFormFilters.beneficiaryName),
       beneficiaryNeedCommentary: new FormControl(orientationFormFilters.beneficiaryNeedCommentary),
@@ -190,18 +176,31 @@ export class OrientationFormComponent implements OnInit {
     if (this.currentPage === this.nbPagesForm - 1) {
     } else {
+      if (
+        this.currentPage === this.pageTypeEnum.beneficiaryNeed &&
+        this.orientationForm.get('assistance').value.length + this.orientationForm.get('formation').value.length == 0 &&
+        this.orientationForm.get('equipments').value.length > 0
+      ) {
+        this.noPassNumeric = true;
+        this.getOrientationControl('passNumeric').setValue(false);
+        this.currentPage++;
+        this.progressStatus += 100 / this.nbPagesForm;
+      }
       this.progressStatus += 100 / this.nbPagesForm;
-      document.getElementsByClassName('content')[0].scrollTo(0, 0);
   public previousPage(): void {
     // Check if going to the first page
     if (this.currentPage === 0) {
-      this.previousUrl();
+      //go back to home ? previous page
     } else {
+      if (this.currentPage === this.pageTypeEnum.beneficiaryInfo && this.noPassNumeric) {
+        this.currentPage--;
+      }
       this.progressStatus -= 100 / this.nbPagesForm;
@@ -232,24 +231,19 @@ export class OrientationFormComponent implements OnInit {
           this.orientationForm.get('formation').value.length >
-    this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.beneficiaryInfo] = {
-      valid:
-        this.getOrientationControl('passNumeric').value != null &&
-        this.getOrientationControl('beneficiaryName').value &&
-        this.getOrientationControl('beneficiaryName').value.length != 0,
+    this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.beneficiaryPassNumeric] = {
+      valid: this.getOrientationControl('passNumeric').valid,
+    this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.beneficiaryInfo] = { valid: this.orientationForm.get('address').valid };
     this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.beneficiaryAccompaniment] = {
         this.getOrientationControl('structureAccompaniment').valid &&
-        this.getOrientationControl('contactAccompanimentPhone').valid &&
-        this.getOrientationControl('contactAccompanimentEmail').valid,
+        this.getOrientationControl('contactAccompaniment').valid &&
+        this.getOrientationControl('beneficiaryName').valid,
     this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.beneficiaryNeedCommentary] = {
       valid: this.getOrientationControl('beneficiaryNeedCommentary').valid,
-    this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.beneficiaryAddress] = {
-      valid: true,
-    };
     this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.printResults] = { valid: true };
     this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.structuresSelection] = { valid: this.structuresToPrint.length > 0 };
@@ -298,18 +292,7 @@ export class OrientationFormComponent implements OnInit {
   public updateChoice(choice: string, controlName: string): void {
-    if (choice == null) this.unCheckAll(controlName);
-    else this.onCheckChange(!this.isInArray(choice, controlName), controlName, choice);
-  }
-  public isEmpty(formControlName: string): boolean {
-    const formArray: FormArray = this.orientationForm.get(formControlName) as FormArray;
-    return formArray.length < 1;
-  }
-  public unCheckAll(formControlName: string) {
-    const formArray: FormArray = this.orientationForm.get(formControlName) as FormArray;
-    formArray.clear();
+    this.onCheckChange(!this.isInArray(choice, controlName), controlName, choice);
   public onCheckChange(event: boolean, formControlName: string, value: string): void {
@@ -339,10 +322,8 @@ export class OrientationFormComponent implements OnInit {
-      this.userLocation = address.coordinates;
     } else {
-      this.userLocation = null;
@@ -352,13 +333,8 @@ export class OrientationFormComponent implements OnInit {
-  public setContactAccompanimentPhone(phone: string): void {
-    this.getOrientationControl('contactAccompanimentPhone').setValue(this.utils.modifyPhoneValue(phone));
-    this.setValidationsForm();
-  }
-  public setContactAccompanimentEmail(email: string): void {
-    this.getOrientationControl('contactAccompanimentEmail').setValue(email);
+  public setContactAccompaniment(contact: string): void {
+    this.getOrientationControl('contactAccompaniment').setValue(contact);
@@ -389,7 +365,7 @@ export class OrientationFormComponent implements OnInit {
       this.filters.push(new Filter('equipmentsAndServices', element, this.findEquipmentName(element)));
     this.orientationForm.get('formation').value.forEach((element) => {
-      this.findTrainingCategoryForSkill(element);
+      this.orientationForm.get('formation');
       // Put higher cat like accessRight and so on here
         new Filter(
@@ -399,6 +375,15 @@ export class OrientationFormComponent implements OnInit {
+    // todo - fix
+    this.removeDoublonFilters();
+  }
+  public removeDoublonFilters(): void {
+    this.uncheckedFilters.forEach((elem) => {
+      this.filters = this.filters.filter((filter) => filter.value != elem.value);
+    });
@@ -425,10 +410,34 @@ export class OrientationFormComponent implements OnInit {
   public findTrainingCategoryForSkill(skill): any {
     let infos = { categ: '', name: '' };
-    this.selectedFormations.forEach((elem) => {
+    this.baseSkillssReferentiel.modules.forEach((elem) => {
       if (elem.id === skill) {
-        infos.categ = '';
-        infos.name = elem.name;
+        infos.categ = this.baseSkillssReferentiel.id;
+        infos.name = elem.text;
+      }
+    });
+    this.accessRightsReferentiel.modules.forEach((elem) => {
+      if (elem.id === skill) {
+        infos.categ = this.accessRightsReferentiel.id;
+        infos.name = elem.text;
+      }
+    });
+    this.parentingHelpsReferentiel.modules.forEach((elem) => {
+      if (elem.id === skill) {
+        infos.categ = this.parentingHelpsReferentiel.id;
+        infos.name = elem.text;
+      }
+    });
+    this.socialAndProfessionalsReferentiel.modules.forEach((elem) => {
+      if (elem.id === skill) {
+        infos.categ = this.socialAndProfessionalsReferentiel.id;
+        infos.name = elem.text;
+      }
+    });
+    this.digitalCultureSecuritysReferentiel.modules.forEach((elem) => {
+      if (elem.id === skill) {
+        infos.categ = this.digitalCultureSecuritysReferentiel.id;
+        infos.name = elem.text;
     return infos;
@@ -438,7 +447,7 @@ export class OrientationFormComponent implements OnInit {
       .getCoord(this.orientationForm.value.address.numero, this.orientationForm.value.address.street, '69000')
       .subscribe((res) => {
-        this.structureService.getStructures(this.filters.filter((elem) => elem.checked == true)).subscribe((data) => {
+        this.structureService.getStructures(this.filters).subscribe((data) => {
           data.map((structure) => {
             structure.distance = parseInt(
@@ -492,10 +501,15 @@ export class OrientationFormComponent implements OnInit {
     this.showStructureDetails = false;
-  public checkFilter(filter: Filter): void {
-    this.filters.forEach((element) => {
-      if (element == filter) element.checked = !element.checked;
-    });
+  public removeFilter(filter: Filter): void {
+    this.filters = this.filters.filter((elem) => elem != filter);
+    this.uncheckedFilters.push(filter);
+    this.setStructuresAndCoord();
+  }
+  public restoreFilter(filter: Filter): void {
+    this.uncheckedFilters = this.uncheckedFilters.filter((elem) => elem != filter);
+    this.filters.push(filter);
diff --git a/src/app/form/orientation-form/pageType.enum.ts b/src/app/form/orientation-form/pageType.enum.ts
index e7f68bb8e3d9a04acd053c992cbca8ea367ce55d..1a0fc933a378f3b45f4c73b2037cfde20983c050 100644
--- a/src/app/form/orientation-form/pageType.enum.ts
+++ b/src/app/form/orientation-form/pageType.enum.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 export enum PageTypeEnum {
+  beneficiaryPassNumeric,
+  structuresSelection,
-  beneficiaryAddress,
-  structuresSelection,
diff --git a/src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.scss b/src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.scss
index 1fabc2e2c2515cffee34567922f311566e0615b6..79d9304e1114bb5358e5b5f0a359acc905a4f8b4 100644
--- a/src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.scss
+++ b/src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.scss
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ h4 {
 .form {
-  background: $white;
+  background: white;
   width: 100vw;
   height: calc(var(--vh, 1vh) * 100 - #{$header-height} - #{$footer-height});
   top: #{$header-height};
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ h4 {
     display: none;
     @media #{$tablet} {
       margin: 0 auto;
-      //border-top: 1px solid $grey-4;
+      border-top: 1px solid $grey-4;
       display: block;
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ h4 {
     ) !important; // -1px because of header border
   @media #{$tablet} {
+    height: 100%;
     &.editMode {
       .page {
         height: calc(
@@ -130,6 +131,11 @@ h4 {
   .page {
     max-width: 960px;
     margin: auto;
+    @media #{$tablet} {
+      height: calc(
+        100vh - #{$header-height-phone} - #{$progressBar-height} - #{$footer-height-phone} - 1px
+      ); // -1px because of header border
+    }
     height: auto;
     color: $grey-1;
     &.home {
@@ -301,7 +307,7 @@ h4 {
 input {
   &.email-placeholder::placeholder {
-    color: $white-2;
+    color: #cacccb;
     font-style: italic;
   &.phone {
@@ -329,9 +335,6 @@ img {
   border: 1px solid $grey-4;
   border-radius: 4px;
   margin-bottom: 13px;
-  @media #{$small-phone} {
-    width: 95% !important;
-  }
   @media #{$tablet} {
     width: 296px;
diff --git a/src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.ts b/src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.ts
index d0b4d04ad4ca17c273a65e371e2b448155d36986..c454231a2b91d92d21b946726565a9f0cdd0bb84 100644
--- a/src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.ts
@@ -744,7 +744,6 @@ export class FormComponent implements OnInit {
       } else {
         this.progressStatus += 100 / this.nbPagesForm;
-        document.getElementsByClassName('content')[0].scrollTo(0, 0);
diff --git a/src/app/header/header.component.html b/src/app/header/header.component.html
index bdf85fe6b4ce7b1a56fe5aa84acc3bad622e24ca..51dd7c81d9695c5d7f2bc3509fe34efd52c77bac 100644
--- a/src/app/header/header.component.html
+++ b/src/app/header/header.component.html
@@ -38,12 +38,8 @@
       <div fxLayout="column" class="right-header" fxLayoutAlign="none baseline" fxLayoutGap="5vw">
         <a routerLink="/news" [routerLinkActive]="'active'" (click)="closeMenu()" i18n>Actualités</a>
         <a routerLink="/acteurs" [routerLinkActive]="'active'" (click)="closeMenu()" i18n>Cartographie de acteurs</a>
-        <a routerLink="/orientation" [routerLinkActive]="'active'" (click)="closeMenu()" i18n
-          >Orienter un bénéficiaire</a
-        >
-        <a routerLink="/page/qui-sommes-nous" [routerLinkActive]="'active'" (click)="closeMenu()" i18n
-          >Qui sommes-nous ?</a
-        >
+        <a routerLink="/orientation" [routerLinkActive]="'active'" i18n>Orienter un bénéficiaire</a>
+        <a routerLink="/page/qui-sommes-nous" [routerLinkActive]="'active'" i18n>Qui sommes-nous ?</a>
         <a *ngIf="isAdmin" routerLink="/admin" [routerLinkActive]="'active'" (click)="closeMenu()">Administration</a>
diff --git a/src/app/map/components/layers.enum.ts b/src/app/map/components/layers.enum.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 3878af93cdc11e780d3563cdeb364bc63b407b51..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/app/map/components/layers.enum.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-export enum Layers {
-  mdm = 'mdm',
-  user = 'user',
-  structure = 'structure',
diff --git a/src/app/map/components/map.component.html b/src/app/map/components/map.component.html
index 1c4483bc5a04111c5301c0cc5f970ba502216cb3..3af397dbb80481e93b5289f39a0bf16c72831435 100644
--- a/src/app/map/components/map.component.html
+++ b/src/app/map/components/map.component.html
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
 <div class="map-wrapper">
-  <div
-    id="map"
-    class="body-wrap"
-    [ngClass]="{ orientation: isOrientationForm }"
-    leaflet
-    [leafletOptions]="mapOptions"
-    (leafletMapReady)="onMapReady($event)"
-  ></div>
+  <div id="map" class="body-wrap" leaflet [leafletOptions]="mapOptions" (leafletMapReady)="onMapReady($event)"></div>
diff --git a/src/app/map/components/map.component.scss b/src/app/map/components/map.component.scss
index bac0c2f7f0776e9ebd7bb996cfcf759a61411f17..a78caaa5cd5cc7e7fe54c148fe6472fe4697060f 100644
--- a/src/app/map/components/map.component.scss
+++ b/src/app/map/components/map.component.scss
@@ -23,9 +23,6 @@
   @media #{$large-phone} {
     height: calc(100vh - #{$header-height} - 28px);
-  &.orientation {
-    height: calc(96vh - #{$header-height} - #{$footer-height} - 68px);
-  }
 ::ng-deep .leaflet-popup-close-button {
@@ -135,33 +132,15 @@
   .pop-up {
     text-align: center;
     padding-top: 20px;
-    &.orientation {
-      padding: 0;
-      text-align: -webkit-center;
-    }
     button {
       @include btn-search-filter;
       @include cn-bold-14;
       font-size: 16px;
-    .orientationButton {
-      display: flex;
-      padding: 10px 20px;
-      border-radius: 20px;
-      margin: 0 4px;
-      color: $black;
-      background-color: $white;
-      border: solid 1px $grey-3;
-      min-width: 120px;
-    }
   span {
-    margin-right: 4px;
-    &.eye {
-      margin-right: 11px;
-    }
+    display: inline-block;
 ::ng-deep .leaflet-popup-content-wrapper {
diff --git a/src/app/map/components/map.component.ts b/src/app/map/components/map.component.ts
index f844d5d6902c368c81a3777359ee7b4343f5d831..de19908091eb228988dcfe4f5861fe84c2010f51 100644
--- a/src/app/map/components/map.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/map/components/map.component.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { Component, EventEmitter, HostListener, Input, OnChanges, OnInit, Output, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core';
+import { Component, EventEmitter, HostListener, Input, OnChanges, Output, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core';
 import { latLng, MapOptions, geoJSON, tileLayer, Map, latLngBounds, layerGroup } from 'leaflet';
 import { Structure } from '../../models/structure.model';
 import { GeojsonService } from '../../services/geojson.service';
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import { MarkerType } from './markerType.enum';
 import metropole from '../../../assets/geojson/metropole.json';
 import L from 'leaflet';
 import 'leaflet.locatecontrol';
-import { ZoomLevel } from './zoomLevel.enum';
   selector: 'app-map',
@@ -17,16 +16,14 @@ import { ZoomLevel } from './zoomLevel.enum';
   styleUrls: ['./map.component.scss'],
 export class MapComponent implements OnChanges {
-  @Input() public isOrientationForm = false;
   @Input() public structures: Structure[] = [];
   @Input() public structuresToPrint: Structure[] = [];
   @Input() public toogleToolTipId: string;
   @Input() public selectedMarkerId: string;
   @Input() public isMapPhone: boolean;
   @Input() public locate = false;
-  @Input() public searchedValue: string | [number, number];
-  @Output() public selectedStructure: EventEmitter<Structure> = new EventEmitter<Structure>();
-  @Output() public onOrientationButtonClick: EventEmitter<Structure> = new EventEmitter<Structure>();
+  @Input() public searchedValue: string;
+  @Output() selectedStructure: EventEmitter<Structure> = new EventEmitter<Structure>();
   @Output() locatationTrigger: EventEmitter<boolean> = new EventEmitter<boolean>();
   private lc; // Locate control
   private currentStructure: Structure;
@@ -48,10 +45,6 @@ export class MapComponent implements OnChanges {
     if (event.target.classList.contains('btnShowDetails')) {
-    if (event.target.classList.contains('add')) {
-      this.onOrientationButtonClick.emit(this.currentStructure);
-      this.getStructuresPositions(this.structures);
-    }
   constructor(private mapService: MapService, private geoJsonService: GeojsonService) {
@@ -126,7 +119,7 @@ export class MapComponent implements OnChanges {
     if (changes.structuresToPrint) {
       if (changes.structuresToPrint.currentValue < changes.structuresToPrint.previousValue) {
-        this.mapService?.setUnactiveMarker(
+        this.mapService.setUnactiveMarker(
@@ -151,15 +144,6 @@ export class MapComponent implements OnChanges {
-  /**
-   * Create a user position marcker and center the map on it with a zoom level defined in ZoomLevel
-   * @param coords {[number, number]} Map center position
-   */
-  public centerOnCoordinates(coords: [number, number]): void {
-    this.mapService.createMarker(coords[1], coords[0], MarkerType.user, 'userLocation').addTo(this.map);
-    this.map.setView(new L.LatLng(coords[1], coords[0]), ZoomLevel.userPosition);
-  }
    * Get structures positions and add marker corresponding to those positons on the map
@@ -190,7 +174,7 @@ export class MapComponent implements OnChanges {
    * @returns {MarkerType}
   private getMarkerType(structure: Structure): MarkerType {
-    return structure?.labelsQualifications?.includes('conseillerNumFranceServices')
+    return structure.labelsQualifications.includes('conseillerNumFranceServices')
       ? MarkerType.conseillerFrance
       : MarkerType.structure;
@@ -246,18 +230,12 @@ export class MapComponent implements OnChanges {
       '</h1>' +
       '<p>' +
       structure.getLabelTypeStructure() +
-      '</p>' +
-      (this.isOrientationForm
-        ? ''
-        : '<div>' +
-          '<span class="ico-dot-' +
-          cssAvailabilityClass +
-          '"></span><span>' +
-          structure.openDisplay() +
-          '</span></div>') +
-      (this.isOrientationForm
-        ? '<div class="pop-up orientation"><button type="button" class="orientationButton btnShowDetails"><span class="ico-gg-eye-alt eye"></span>Voir</button></div>'
-        : '<div class="pop-up"><button type="button" class="btnShowDetails">Voir</button></div>')
+      '</p><div>' +
+      '<span class="ico-dot-' +
+      cssAvailabilityClass +
+      '"></span><span>' +
+      structure.openDisplay() +
+      '</span></div><div class="pop-up"><button type="button" class="btnShowDetails">Voir</button></div>'
@@ -276,12 +254,6 @@ export class MapComponent implements OnChanges {
     this.map.on('locationfound', () => {
-    if (this.searchedValue) {
-      if (Array.isArray(this.searchedValue)) {
-        this.centerOnCoordinates(this.searchedValue);
-      }
-    }
@@ -296,15 +268,15 @@ export class MapComponent implements OnChanges {
     const carteLayer = tileLayer('https://{s}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png', {
       attribution: '&copy; <a href="https://carto.com/attributions">CARTO</a>',
-      maxZoom: ZoomLevel.max,
+      maxZoom: 19,
     // Center is set on townhall
     // Zoom is blocked on 11 to prevent people to zoom out from metropole
     this.mapOptions = {
       center: latLng(45.764043, 4.835659),
-      maxZoom: ZoomLevel.max,
-      zoom: ZoomLevel.regular,
-      minZoom: ZoomLevel.min,
+      maxZoom: 19,
+      zoom: 12,
+      minZoom: 10,
       layers: [carteLayer],
diff --git a/src/app/map/components/markerType.enum.ts b/src/app/map/components/markerType.enum.ts
index ade600852dfb0fc14221e0b73e6e8efc8638dbff..9d6c395c7d5ad7d50a22fa3d664827da05c7c335 100644
--- a/src/app/map/components/markerType.enum.ts
+++ b/src/app/map/components/markerType.enum.ts
@@ -2,5 +2,4 @@ export enum MarkerType {
   structure = 0,
   mdm = 1,
   conseillerFrance = 2,
-  user = 3,
diff --git a/src/app/map/components/zoomLevel.enum.ts b/src/app/map/components/zoomLevel.enum.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index fe020b772f172ac8fc926271fe7d10bb4e035449..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/app/map/components/zoomLevel.enum.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-export enum ZoomLevel {
-  min = 10,
-  regular = 12,
-  userPosition = 15,
-  max = 19,
diff --git a/src/app/map/services/map.service.ts b/src/app/map/services/map.service.ts
index c65d925857a3a09c795e8bb28e1868a160ab939a..93b07319cb1cb6ea3eeacb19b68c231f4410f425 100644
--- a/src/app/map/services/map.service.ts
+++ b/src/app/map/services/map.service.ts
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
 import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
 import { DivIcon, divIcon, Map, Marker } from 'leaflet';
-import { Layers } from '../components/layers.enum';
 import { MarkerType } from '../components/markerType.enum';
 import {
+  markerIconFranceService,
+  markerIconFranceServiceActive,
+  markerIconFranceServiceAddedToList,
+  markerIconFranceServiceHover,
-  userLocationIcon,
 } from './marker';
   providedIn: 'root',
@@ -49,63 +51,51 @@ export class MapService {
   private getLayerAttributton(markerType: MarkerType): string {
     if (markerType === MarkerType.mdm) {
-      return Layers.mdm;
-    } else if (markerType === MarkerType.user) {
-      return Layers.user;
+      return 'mdm';
     } else {
-      return Layers.structure;
+      return 'structure';
   // Note: Marke IconFranceService has been removed temporarly on order to rework on buisness needs.
   // This comment is applied for the next 4 methods
   private getMarkerIcon(markerType: MarkerType): DivIcon {
-    switch (markerType) {
-      case MarkerType.mdm:
-        return markerIconMdm;
-      case MarkerType.conseillerFrance:
-        return markerIcon;
-      case MarkerType.user:
-        return userLocationIcon;
-      default:
-        return markerIcon;
+    if (markerType === MarkerType.mdm) {
+      return markerIconMdm;
+    } else if (markerType === MarkerType.conseillerFrance) {
+      // return markerIconFranceService;
+      return markerIcon;
+    } else {
+      return markerIcon;
   private getActiveMarkerIcon(markerType: MarkerType): DivIcon {
-    switch (markerType) {
-      case MarkerType.mdm:
-        return markerIconMdmActive;
-      case MarkerType.conseillerFrance:
-        // return markerIconFranceServiceActive;
-        return markerIconActive;
-      case MarkerType.user:
-        return userLocationIcon;
-      default:
-        return markerIconActive;
+    if (markerType === MarkerType.mdm) {
+      return markerIconMdmActive;
+    } else if (markerType === MarkerType.conseillerFrance) {
+      // return markerIconFranceServiceActive;
+      return markerIconActive;
+    } else {
+      return markerIconActive;
   private getAddedToListMarkerIcon(markerType: MarkerType): DivIcon {
-    switch (markerType) {
-      case MarkerType.conseillerFrance:
-        // return markerIconFranceServiceAddedToList;
-        return markerIconAddedToList;
-      case MarkerType.user:
-        return userLocationIcon;
-      default:
-        return markerIconAddedToList;
+    if (markerType === MarkerType.conseillerFrance) {
+      // return markerIconFranceServiceAddedToList;
+      return markerIconAddedToList;
+    } else {
+      return markerIconAddedToList;
   private getHoverMarkerIcon(markerType: MarkerType): DivIcon {
-    switch (markerType) {
-      case MarkerType.conseillerFrance:
-        return markerIconHover;
-      case MarkerType.user:
-        return userLocationIcon;
-      default:
-        return markerIconHover;
+    if (markerType === MarkerType.conseillerFrance) {
+      // return markerIconFranceServiceHover;
+      return markerIconHover;
+    } else {
+      return markerIconHover;
@@ -171,7 +161,7 @@ export class MapService {
     MapService.markersList = {};
     if (map) {
       map.eachLayer((layer) => {
-        if (layer instanceof Marker && layer.options.attribution == Layers.structure) {
+        if (layer instanceof Marker && layer.options.attribution !== 'mdm') {
diff --git a/src/app/map/services/marker.ts b/src/app/map/services/marker.ts
index e458b0b9d096a0f09a87a62721f80c16d37c6228..fb940ba4c2b51482b53730cd1116f9c8c21288b0 100644
--- a/src/app/map/services/marker.ts
+++ b/src/app/map/services/marker.ts
@@ -28,12 +28,6 @@ export const markerIconAddedToList = divIcon({
   iconAnchor: [24, 48],
   popupAnchor: [0, -48],
-export const userLocationIcon = divIcon({
-  className: null,
-  html: '<svg width="34" height="34"><use xlink:href="assets/ico/sprite.svg#user-location"></use></svg>',
-  iconSize: [34, 34],
-  iconAnchor: [17, 0],
 export const markerIconMdm = divIcon({
   className: null,
diff --git a/src/app/models/address.model.ts b/src/app/models/address.model.ts
index 0b30ddc1cfb70325d383260bd511831f61d8fcb8..d04d83abedde79b20dbf1d7ae484d34c5e4c4b57 100644
--- a/src/app/models/address.model.ts
+++ b/src/app/models/address.model.ts
@@ -2,5 +2,4 @@ export class Address {
   numero: string = null;
   street: string = null;
   commune: string = null;
-  coordinates? = [];
diff --git a/src/app/models/orientation-filter.object.ts b/src/app/models/orientation-filter.object.ts
index 49fe9ca54662b52e32c1a6fe7afc51396d1e5a2c..48a52e4acdcc4aab2dbff383d92d2c39ae3e880c 100644
--- a/src/app/models/orientation-filter.object.ts
+++ b/src/app/models/orientation-filter.object.ts
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ export class OrientationFormFilters {
   handicap: boolean;
   passNumeric: boolean;
   structureAccompaniment: string;
-  contactAccompanimentPhone: string;
-  contactAccompanimentEmail: string;
+  contactAccompaniment: string;
   beneficiaryName: string;
   beneficiaryNeedCommentary: string;
   address: Address;
diff --git a/src/app/newsletter-subscription/newsletter-subscription.component.scss b/src/app/newsletter-subscription/newsletter-subscription.component.scss
index f3c913b2c5ab4829e1c3c171b741d211cfb5f2a7..4bf4d917c132c8e05d6f45442a96b8d198ac0eae 100644
--- a/src/app/newsletter-subscription/newsletter-subscription.component.scss
+++ b/src/app/newsletter-subscription/newsletter-subscription.component.scss
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 .form-input {
-  background-color: $white;
+  background-color: white;
   width: 100%;
diff --git a/src/app/shared/components/address-autocomplete/address-autocomplete.component.ts b/src/app/shared/components/address-autocomplete/address-autocomplete.component.ts
index a1115c3acfb124518e39b3e1a87b538c1a048523..10f2efed1de1e07cdf8e838ab8bac1ba735fb01a 100644
--- a/src/app/shared/components/address-autocomplete/address-autocomplete.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/shared/components/address-autocomplete/address-autocomplete.component.ts
@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ export class AddressAutocompleteComponent implements OnInit {
     address.numero = hit.properties.housenumber ? hit.properties.housenumber : null;
     address.street = hit.properties.street;
     address.commune = hit.properties.city;
-    address.coordinates = hit.geometry.coordinates;
     const value = this.parseHitToAddress(hit);
     // Set input value
     this.searchAddress.nativeElement.value = value;
diff --git a/src/app/shared/components/svg-icon/svg-icon.component.scss b/src/app/shared/components/svg-icon/svg-icon.component.scss
index 0ce39a373506e5a1f2d12852c1194876db231904..bed7e3e0d741f9d08735c2df410fbda5c61eff4c 100644
--- a/src/app/shared/components/svg-icon/svg-icon.component.scss
+++ b/src/app/shared/components/svg-icon/svg-icon.component.scss
@@ -51,10 +51,6 @@
     fill: $grey-1;
     stroke: $grey-1;
-  &.green {
-    fill: $green-1;
-    stroke: $green-1;
-  }
 svg {
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/components/card/card.component.html b/src/app/structure-list/components/card/card.component.html
index eae83fda6712d15160c9faaeda89809be95405ed..bfe44fd1aa4821884d0784b90fa9fc3b415361bf 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/components/card/card.component.html
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/components/card/card.component.html
@@ -1,57 +1,42 @@
-  class="structure"
-  fxLayout="column"
-  (click)="cardClicked()"
-  (mouseenter)="cardHover()"
-  [ngClass]="{ orientation: isOrientation }"
-  <div class="left">
-    <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="space-between baseline" fxLayoutGap="16px">
-      <div fxLayout="column" fxLayoutAlign="end">
-        <span class="structure-name" [ngClass]="{ notClaimed: !isClaimed }">{{ structure.structureName }}</span>
-        <span class="typeStructure">{{ structure.getLabelTypeStructure() }}</span>
+<div class="structure" fxLayout="column" (click)="cardClicked()" (mouseenter)="cardHover()">
+  <div class="headerStructure" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="space-between baseline" fxLayoutGap="16px">
+    <div fxLayout="column" fxLayoutAlign="end">
+      <span class="structure-name" [ngClass]="{ notClaimed: !isClaimed }">{{ structure.structureName }}</span>
+      <span class="typeStructure">{{ structure.getLabelTypeStructure() }}</span>
+    </div>
+    <div class="distanceStructure" fxLayout="column" fxLayoutAlign="none end">
+      <div *ngIf="!isOrientation">
+        {{ this.structure.address.commune }}
-      <div class="distanceStructure" fxLayout="column" fxLayoutAlign="none end">
-        <div *ngIf="!isOrientation">
-          {{ this.structure.address.commune }}
-        </div>
+      <div
+        fxLayout="row"
+        *ngIf="isOrientation && !isSelected"
+        class="selection-button selected"
+        (click)="cardAddToList(); $event.stopPropagation()"
+      >
+        <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'add'" [iconColor]="'black'"></app-svg-icon>ajouter à la liste
+      </div>
+      <div
+        fxLayout="row"
+        *ngIf="isOrientation && isSelected"
+        class="selection-button to-select"
+        (click)="cardAddToList(); $event.stopPropagation()"
+      >
+        <app-svg-icon [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'validate'" [iconColor]="'white'"></app-svg-icon>
+        retirer de la liste
+      </div>
+      <div *ngIf="structure.distance">
+        {{ this.formatDistance() }}
-    </div>
-    <div
-      fxLayout="row"
-      fxLayoutAlign="none flex-end"
-      fxLayoutGap="7px"
-      *ngIf="structure.hasEquipments() && !isOrientation"
-    >
-      <app-svg-icon
-        *ngFor="let equipement of filterOnlyEquipments(structure.equipmentsAndServices)"
-        [type]="'ico'"
-        [iconColor]="'grey'"
-        [icon]="structure.getEquipmentsIcon(equipement)"
-        [title]="structure.getEquipmentsTitle(equipement)"
-      ></app-svg-icon>
-    </div>
-    <div class="distance" *ngIf="structure.distance">
-      {{ this.formatDistance() }}
-  <div class="actions right" *ngIf="isOrientation">
-    <div
-      fxLayout="row"
-      *ngIf="!isSelected"
-      class="selection-button selected"
-      (click)="cardAddToList(); $event.stopPropagation()"
-    >
-      <app-svg-icon class="add-icon" [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'add'" [iconColor]="'green'"></app-svg-icon>Ajouter
-    </div>
-    <div
-      fxLayout="row"
-      *ngIf="isSelected"
-      class="selection-button to-select"
-      (click)="cardAddToList(); $event.stopPropagation()"
-    >
-      <app-svg-icon class="add-icon" [type]="'ico'" [icon]="'validate'" [iconColor]="'white'"></app-svg-icon>
-      Ajouté
-    </div>
+  <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="none flex-end" fxLayoutGap="7px" *ngIf="structure.hasEquipments()">
+    <app-svg-icon
+      *ngFor="let equipement of filterOnlyEquipments(structure.equipmentsAndServices)"
+      [type]="'ico'"
+      [iconColor]="'grey'"
+      [icon]="structure.getEquipmentsIcon(equipement)"
+      [title]="structure.getEquipmentsTitle(equipement)"
+    ></app-svg-icon>
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/components/card/card.component.scss b/src/app/structure-list/components/card/card.component.scss
index 220adda5872c14700c31c9c628470945fd8f6ff4..7b5fb40ae91f94ee499af869a86bd2cbc5be9814 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/components/card/card.component.scss
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/components/card/card.component.scss
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
     color: $grey-3;
     width: 50%;
+  &:last-child {
+    border-bottom: none;
+  }
 .selection-button {
@@ -37,44 +40,22 @@
   font-weight: bold;
   justify-content: center;
   align-items: center;
-  min-width: 120px;
-  height: 40px;
+  min-width: 180px;
+  height: 30px;
   border-radius: 20px;
+  padding: 3px 10px;
+  margin-bottom: 10px;
 .selected {
-  border: solid 1px $grey-3;
+  border-style: solid;
+  border-width: 2px;
   background-color: $white;
+  border-color: $black;
   color: $black;
 .to-select {
-  color: $white;
+  color: white;
   border-style: none;
   background: #47c562;
-.distance {
-  color: $grey-3;
-.add-icon {
-  color: $green-1;
-.orientation {
-  flex-direction: row !important;
-  .left {
-    display: flex;
-    flex-direction: column;
-    justify-content: space-between;
-    width: 70%;
-  }
-  .right {
-    margin-top: 6%;
-    @media #{$large-phone} {
-      margin-left: unset;
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component.scss b/src/app/structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component.scss
index 2b5a439e1bff52c30b5e88c5bc51233f51dde5ff..de1fd0ab8c32a1deac7791a88c6ede405516a3dc 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component.scss
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component.scss
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ a {
   padding: 0px 24px;
   overflow: auto;
   @media #{$tablet} {
+    width: calc(100% - 2 * 24px);
+    position: inherit;
+    height: 100%;
+    overflow: unset;
     .printButton {
       display: none !important;
-    .ico-close {
-      margin-left: 16px;
-    }
   .printButton {
     margin-right: 75px;
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component.ts b/src/app/structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component.ts
index cae5b0b60b3aae1e9ac58aa95f6371ad76f6da7e..5ccbc64f40a8bfc410b34233d07bbc201da618bb 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component.ts
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ export class StructureDetailsComponent implements OnInit {
           this.socialAndProfessionalsReferentiel = referentiel;
+      this.setServiceCategories();
       if (this.printMode) {
@@ -249,6 +250,24 @@ export class StructureDetailsComponent implements OnInit {
+  public setServiceCategories(): void {
+    this.baseSkills = this.structure.baseSkills.map((skill) =>
+      _.find(this.baseSkillssReferentiel.modules, { id: skill })
+    );
+    this.accessRights = this.structure.accessRight.map((rights) =>
+      _.find(this.accessRightsReferentiel.modules, { id: rights })
+    );
+    this.parentingHelp = this.structure.parentingHelp.map((help) =>
+      _.find(this.parentingHelpsReferentiel.modules, { id: help })
+    );
+    this.socialAndProfessional = this.structure.socialAndProfessional.map((skill) =>
+      _.find(this.socialAndProfessionalsReferentiel.modules, { id: skill })
+    );
+    this.digitalCultureSecurity = this.structure.digitalCultureSecurity.map((skill) =>
+      _.find(this.digitalCultureSecuritysReferentiel.modules, { id: skill })
+    );
+  }
   public keepOriginalOrder = (a, b) => a.key;
   public isBaseSkills(): boolean {
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/models/category.model.ts b/src/app/structure-list/models/category.model.ts
index b130dc1337cd4025a75a758db57e6ec79e610bae..2aa78bbf3c1c2628005ce2c2fa5c5c829492e726 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/models/category.model.ts
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/models/category.model.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import { Module } from './module.model';
 export class Category {
   name: string;
-  surname: string;
   id: string;
   modules: Module[];
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/models/filter.model.ts b/src/app/structure-list/models/filter.model.ts
index 25d7ff8253cb742637510467035c853e8c7a77f0..9ca53612448c628b8a1b18cfe2514e5cd4e591e3 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/models/filter.model.ts
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/models/filter.model.ts
@@ -2,12 +2,10 @@ export class Filter {
   name: string;
   value: string;
   text?: string;
-  checked: boolean;
   constructor(name: string, value: any, text?: string) {
     this.name = name;
     this.value = value.toString();
     this.text = text;
-    this.checked = true;
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/structure-list.component.html b/src/app/structure-list/structure-list.component.html
index 9f2fc1b206a4a915a0d64697ccae0326f5b2de04..1b39ec645a918b527da515ed058348472ef6b30f 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/structure-list.component.html
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/structure-list.component.html
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
     (showDetails)="showDetails($event, filters)"
-    class="structure-card"
   <p *ngIf="structureList && structureList.length <= 0">Il n'y a aucune réponse correspondant à votre recherche</p>
diff --git a/src/app/structure-list/structure-list.component.scss b/src/app/structure-list/structure-list.component.scss
index 56305e76cfc58596f43f3dd1fcce6d26fa56d2dd..1817ffba9980908d95a4864559669e85be195863 100644
--- a/src/app/structure-list/structure-list.component.scss
+++ b/src/app/structure-list/structure-list.component.scss
@@ -12,16 +12,11 @@
   padding-left: 9px;
   margin: 0 16px;
 .listCard {
   overflow-y: auto;
   padding: 0 25px;
-::ng-deep .structure-card:last-child .structure {
-  border-bottom: unset !important;
 @media print {
   .listCard {
     display: none;
diff --git a/src/app/utils/utils.ts b/src/app/utils/utils.ts
index a949f40fd15cdf46fe384a456588812f97ef008b..e37ab99dd002bdcbe9cc54dd725e2f88e14349c3 100644
--- a/src/app/utils/utils.ts
+++ b/src/app/utils/utils.ts
@@ -14,15 +14,4 @@ export class Utils {
       form.get(controlName).setValue(phoneNoSpace.replace(/(?!^)(?=(?:\d{2})+$)/g, ' ')); //NOSONAR
-  public modifyPhoneValue(phoneNumber: string): string {
-    // Take length of phone number without spaces.
-    const phoneNoSpace = phoneNumber.replace(/\s/g, '');
-    // Check to refresh every 2 number.
-    if (phoneNoSpace.length % 2 === 0) {
-      // Add space every 2 number
-      return phoneNoSpace.replace(/(?!^)(?=(?:\d{2})+$)/g, ' '); //NOSONAR
-    }
-    return phoneNumber;
-  }
diff --git a/src/assets/form/sprite.svg b/src/assets/form/sprite.svg
index f159036d9887f022758e673369fe9394e5421571..356b83c16fc634ba7604cb491f44f0464d6f3d1a 100644
--- a/src/assets/form/sprite.svg
+++ b/src/assets/form/sprite.svg
@@ -382,35 +382,5 @@
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-  height: 14px;
-  top: 2px;
-  left: 6px;
-.gg-eye-alt {
-  position: relative;
-  display: block;
-  width: 18px;
-  height: 12px;
-  border-bottom-right-radius: 100px;
-  border-bottom-left-radius: 100px;
-  overflow: hidden;
-  box-sizing: border-box;
-.gg-eye-alt::before {
-  content: '';
-  display: block;
-  border-radius: 100px;
-  position: absolute;
-  box-sizing: border-box;
-.gg-eye-alt::after {
-  top: 2px;
-  box-shadow: inset 0 -8px 0 2px, inset 0 0 0 2px;
-  width: 18px;
-  height: 18px;
-.gg-eye-alt::before {
-  width: 2px;
-  height: 2px;
-  border: 2px solid black;
-  bottom: 3px;
-  left: 7px;
-  background-color: black;
-.ico-gg-check {
-  box-sizing: border-box;
-  position: relative;
-  display: block;
-  transform: scale(var(--ggs, 1));
-  width: 22px;
-  height: 22px;
-  border: 1px solid transparent;
-  border-radius: 100px;
-  color: $white;
-.ico-gg-check::after {
-  content: '';
-  display: block;
-  box-sizing: border-box;
-  position: absolute;
-  left: 5px;
-  top: -3px;
-  width: 7px;
-  height: 12px;
-  border-width: 0 2px 2px 0;
-  border-style: solid;
-  transform-origin: bottom left;
-  transform: rotate(45deg);
-  color: $white;