From a98fe372fef63898970b61bd41c05cc43e1458a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: gcarron <>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2022 10:49:35 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] feat(form): Remove old form components

 src/app/app-routing.module.ts                 |   19 -
 src/app/app.module.ts                         |    2 -
 .../form/structure-form/form.component.html   | 1447 -----------------
 .../form/structure-form/form.component.scss   |  665 --------
 .../structure-form/form.component.spec.ts     |  131 --
 src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.ts | 1082 ------------
 src/app/form/structure-form/pageType.enum.ts  |   26 -
 7 files changed, 3372 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.html
 delete mode 100644 src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.scss
 delete mode 100644 src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.spec.ts
 delete mode 100644 src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.ts
 delete mode 100644 src/app/form/structure-form/pageType.enum.ts

diff --git a/src/app/app-routing.module.ts b/src/app/app-routing.module.ts
index 743bc6852..b31e4497f 100644
--- a/src/app/app-routing.module.ts
+++ b/src/app/app-routing.module.ts
@@ -5,11 +5,8 @@ import { ContactComponent } from './contact/contact.component';
 import { FooterComponent } from './footer/footer.component';
 import { StructureListPrintComponent } from './form/orientation-form/component/structure-list-print/structure-list-print.component';
 import { OrientationFormComponent } from './form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component';
-import { FormComponent } from './form/structure-form/form.component';
 import { AdminGuard } from './guards/admin.guard';
 import { AuthGuard } from './guards/auth.guard';
-import { DeactivateGuard } from './guards/deactivate.guard';
-import { RoleGuard } from './guards/role.guard';
 import { LegalNoticeComponent } from './legal-notice/legal-notice.component';
 import { LoginComponent } from './login/login.component';
 import { NewsletterSubscriptionComponent } from './newsletter-subscription/newsletter-subscription.component';
@@ -18,9 +15,7 @@ import { EditComponent } from './profile/edit/edit.component';
 import { ResetEmailComponent } from './reset-email/reset-email.component';
 import { ResetPasswordComponent } from './reset-password/reset-password.component';
 import { StructureResolver } from './resolvers/structure.resolver';
-import { TempUserResolver } from './resolvers/temp-user.resolver';
 import { PasswordFormComponent } from './shared/components';
-import { RouteRole } from './shared/enum/routeRole.enum';
 import { StructureJoinComponent } from './structure-join/structure-join.component';
 import { StructureDetailsComponent } from './structure-list/components/structure-details/structure-details.component';
 import { StructureListComponent } from './structure-list/structure-list.component';
@@ -126,20 +121,6 @@ const routes: Routes = [
-  {
-    path: 'register',
-    children: [
-      {
-        path: '',
-        component: FormComponent,
-        canDeactivate: [DeactivateGuard],
-        resolve: {
-          user: TempUserResolver,
-        },
-      },
-      footerOutletRoute,
-    ],
-  },
     path: 'change-email/:id',
     children: [
diff --git a/src/app/app.module.ts b/src/app/app.module.ts
index ad9e60d69..22058ee5b 100644
--- a/src/app/app.module.ts
+++ b/src/app/app.module.ts
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import { ModalFilterComponent } from './structure-list/components/modal-filter/m
 import { LegalNoticeComponent } from './legal-notice/legal-notice.component';
 import { PageComponent } from './page/page.component';
 import { ContactComponent } from './contact/contact.component';
-import { FormComponent } from './form/structure-form/form.component';
 import { AuthGuard } from './guards/auth.guard';
 import { CustomHttpInterceptor } from './config/http-interceptor';
 import { ResetEmailComponent } from './reset-email/reset-email.component';
@@ -62,7 +61,6 @@ import { LoginComponent } from './login/login.component';
-    FormComponent,
diff --git a/src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.html b/src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b6aea90ed..000000000
--- a/src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1447 +0,0 @@
-<div class="form" fxLayout="column">
-  <app-modal-confirmation
-    [openned]="showConfirmationModal"
-    [content]="'Il vous faudra de nouveau remplir le formulaire si vous quittez maintenant'"
-    [customConfirmationText]="'Quitter quand même'"
-    (closed)="hasRedirectionAccepted($event)"
-  ></app-modal-confirmation>
-  <div class="content" *ngIf="!isLoading" [ngClass]="{ editMode: isEditMode }">
-    <div class="headerEditMode" *ngIf="isEditMode" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="space-between center">
-      <h2 class="no-margin">Modification de {{ editForm.get('structureName').value }}</h2>
-      <app-structure-options-modal
-        [structure]="structureWithOwners"
-        [isEditFormView]="true"
-        (closed)="structureDeleted()"
-      ></app-structure-options-modal>
-    </div>
-    <div class="returnBtnSection" *ngIf="isEditMode && currentPage != 0">
-      <button class="btn-primary previous" (click)="goToSpecificPage(0, false)">
-        <div class="rowBtn" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="center center">
-          <svg class="chevronLeft" aria-hidden="true">
-            <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#chevronLeft'"></use>
-          </svg>
-          Retour
-        </div>
-      </button>
-    </div>
-    <div class="progressBar" *ngIf="currentPage != 0 && !isEditMode">
-      <p>Création de compte</p>
-      <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="space-between center" fxLayoutGap="20px">
-        <label [ngClass]="{ validate: currentPage == nbPagesForm }" for="progressForm"
-          >{{ progressStatus | number: '1.0-0' }}%
-        </label>
-        <progress
-          id="progressForm"
-          [ngClass]="{ validate: currentPage == nbPagesForm }"
-          max="100"
-          [value]="progressStatus"
-        ></progress>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    <div *ngIf="displayAddStructure()" class="home page" fxLayout="column" fxLayoutAlign="center center">
-      <h2>Ajouter votre structure</h2>
-      <img src="../../assets/form/schedule.svg" alt="logo schedule" />
-      <div>
-        <p class="titleDesc">Cela va prendre une quinzaine de minutes</p>
-        <p>Une fois réalisé cela vous permettra d'être référencé sur la platefome</p>
-      </div>
-      <app-footer-form
-        class="btnStart"
-        [btnName]="['Précédent', 'C\'est parti']"
-        (previousPage)="previousUrl()"
-        (nextPage)="nextPage()"
-        [isValid]="isPageValid"
-      ></app-footer-form>
-    </div>
-    <div
-      *ngIf="displayClaimStructure()"
-      class="home page"
-      fxLayout="column"
-      fxLayoutAlign="space-between center"
-    >
-      <h2>
-        {{ isJoinMode ? 'Rejoindre' : 'Revendiquer' }} la structure <span>{{ claimStructure.structureName }}</span>
-      </h2>
-      <div>
-        <p>Une fois réalisé cela vous permettra de devenir propriétaire de cette structure</p>
-      </div>
-      <app-footer-form
-        class="btnStart"
-        [btnName]="['Précédent', 'C\'est parti']"
-        (previousPage)="previousUrl()"
-        (nextPage)="nextPage()"
-        [isValid]="isPageValid"
-      ></app-footer-form>
-    </div>
-    <!-- ICIIIIIIIIIIII -->
-    <div
-      *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.summary && isEditMode"
-      class="editHome page"
-      fxLayout="column"
-      fxLayoutAlign="space-between"
-    >
-      <div class="summary" *ngFor="let page of pagesValidation; let index = index">
-        <div
-          class="itemSummary"
-          [ngClass]="{ last: index == lastPage }"
-          fxLayout="row"
-          fxLayoutAlign="space-between center"
-          *ngIf=" && shouldDisplayPage(index)"
-          (click)="goToSpecificPage(index, false)"
-        >
-          {{ }}
-          <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="space-between center">
-            <app-svg-icon
-              *ngIf="!updatePageValid(index, page)"
-              [iconClass]="'validation'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'notValidate'"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-            <svg class="chevronRight" aria-hidden="true">
-              <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#chevronRight'"></use>
-            </svg>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    <div *ngIf="currentPage ==" class="informations page" fxLayout="column" fxLayoutGap="28px">
-      <h3>De quelles informations faut-il vous munir&nbsp;?</h3>
-      <img src="../../assets/form/factures.svg" alt="logo factures" />
-      <div>
-        <ul>
-          <li><span>les coordonnées de votre structure</span></li>
-          <li><span>les horaires d’ouverture</span></li>
-          <li><span>la liste des ateliers que vous dispensez (optionnel)</span></li>
-        </ul>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    <form
-      [formGroup]="accountForm"
-      *ngIf="accountForm && !profile"
-      (keyup.enter)="isPageValid && !isEditMode ? nextPage() : null"
-    >
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.accountInfo" class="page">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>Qui êtes-vous&nbsp;?</h3>
-          <p>Vous pourrez choisir de rendre visibles ces informations sur votre profil public</p>
-        </div>
-        <div *ngIf="!isClaimMode" class="title">
-          <h4>
-            Vous possédez déja un compte&nbsp;?<br />
-            Connectez-vous :
-          </h4>
-          <button class="btn-primary small next" *ngIf="!isLoggedIn" (click)="isPopUpOpen = !isPopUpOpen">
-            Se connecter
-          </button>
-          <h4>Sinon, inscrivez-vous en suivant le formulaire ci-dessous :</h4>
-        </div>
-        <div class="form-group" fxLayout="column">
-          <label for="name">Prénom</label>
-          <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="13px">
-            <input type="text" (input)="setValidationsForm()" formControlName="name" class="form-input" />
-            <app-svg-icon
-              *ngIf="accountForm.get('name').valid"
-              [iconClass]="'validation'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'validate'"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-            <app-svg-icon
-              *ngIf="accountForm.get('name').invalid && accountForm.get('name').value"
-              [iconClass]="'validation'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'notValidate'"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-        <div class="form-group" fxLayout="column">
-          <label for="surname">Nom</label>
-          <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="13px">
-            <input type="text" (input)="setValidationsForm()" formControlName="surname" class="form-input" />
-            <app-svg-icon
-              *ngIf="accountForm.get('surname').valid"
-              [iconClass]="'validation'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'validate'"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-            <app-svg-icon
-              *ngIf="accountForm.get('surname').invalid && accountForm.get('surname').value"
-              [iconClass]="'validation'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'notValidate'"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-        <div class="form-group" fxLayout="column">
-          <label for="phone">Téléphone</label>
-          <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="13px">
-            <input
-              type="text"
-              formControlName="phone"
-              class="form-input phone"
-              (input)="utils.modifyPhoneInput(accountForm, 'phone', $; setValidationsForm()"
-            />
-            <app-svg-icon
-              *ngIf="accountForm.get('phone').valid"
-              [iconClass]="'validation'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'validate'"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-            <app-svg-icon
-              *ngIf="accountForm.get('phone').invalid && accountForm.get('phone').value"
-              [iconClass]="'validation'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'notValidate'"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.accountCredentials" class="page">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>Quels identifiants utiliserez-vous pour vous connecter&nbsp;?</h3>
-        </div>
-        <div class="form-group" fxLayout="column">
-          <label for="email">Email du compte</label>
-          <p class="special invalid" *ngIf="this.accountForm.get('email').hasError('alreadyExist')">
-            L'email est déja utilisé.
-          </p>
-          <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="13px">
-            <input
-              type="text"
-              (input)="setValidationsForm()"
-              (keyup)="verifyUserExist($"
-              formControlName="email"
-              placeholder="exemple:"
-              class="form-input email-placeholder"
-              [readonly]="isAccountMode"
-              [ngClass]="{ disabled: isAccountMode }"
-            />
-            <app-svg-icon
-              *ngIf="accountForm.get('email').valid"
-              [iconClass]="'validation'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'validate'"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-            <app-svg-icon
-              *ngIf="accountForm.get('email').invalid && accountForm.get('email').value"
-              [iconClass]="'validation'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'notValidate'"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-        <div class="form-group" fxLayout="column">
-          <label for="password">Création de mot de passe</label>
-          <p
-            class="special"
-            [ngClass]="{ invalid: accountForm.get('password').invalid && accountForm.get('password').value }"
-          ></p>
-          <span class="passwordInfo">Le mot de passe doit contenir au minimum</span>
-          <ul>
-            <li
-              [ngClass]="{
-                invalid: accountForm.get('password').value.length < 8,
-                valid: accountForm.get('password').value.length >= 8
-              }"
-              class=""
-            >
-              <app-svg-icon
-                *ngIf="accountForm.get('password').value.length >= 8"
-                [iconClass]="'icon-16'"
-                [type]="'form'"
-                [icon]="'validate'"
-              ></app-svg-icon>
-              <app-svg-icon
-                *ngIf="accountForm.get('password').value.length < 8"
-                [iconClass]="'icon-16'"
-                [type]="'form'"
-                [icon]="'notValidate'"
-              ></app-svg-icon>
-              <p>8 caractères</p>
-            </li>
-            <li
-              [ngClass]="{
-                invalid: !checkIfPasswordHasSpecialChar(accountForm.get('password').value),
-                valid: checkIfPasswordHasSpecialChar(accountForm.get('password').value)
-              }"
-            >
-              <app-svg-icon
-                *ngIf="checkIfPasswordHasSpecialChar(accountForm.get('password').value)"
-                [iconClass]="'icon-16'"
-                [type]="'form'"
-                [icon]="'validate'"
-              ></app-svg-icon>
-              <app-svg-icon
-                *ngIf="!checkIfPasswordHasSpecialChar(accountForm.get('password').value)"
-                [iconClass]="'icon-16'"
-                [type]="'form'"
-                [icon]="'notValidate'"
-              ></app-svg-icon>
-              <p>un caractère spécial</p>
-            </li>
-            <li
-              [ngClass]="{
-                invalid: !checkIfPasswordHasLowerCase(accountForm.get('password').value),
-                valid: checkIfPasswordHasLowerCase(accountForm.get('password').value)
-              }"
-            >
-              <app-svg-icon
-                *ngIf="checkIfPasswordHasLowerCase(accountForm.get('password').value)"
-                [iconClass]="'icon-16'"
-                [type]="'form'"
-                [icon]="'validate'"
-              ></app-svg-icon>
-              <app-svg-icon
-                *ngIf="!checkIfPasswordHasLowerCase(accountForm.get('password').value); s"
-                [iconClass]="'icon-16'"
-                [type]="'form'"
-                [icon]="'notValidate'"
-              ></app-svg-icon>
-              <p>un caractère en minuscule</p>
-            </li>
-            <li
-              [ngClass]="{
-                invalid: !checkIfPasswordHasUpperCase(accountForm.get('password').value),
-                valid: checkIfPasswordHasUpperCase(accountForm.get('password').value)
-              }"
-            >
-              <app-svg-icon
-                *ngIf="checkIfPasswordHasUpperCase(accountForm.get('password').value)"
-                [iconClass]="'icon-16'"
-                [type]="'form'"
-                [icon]="'validate'"
-              ></app-svg-icon>
-              <app-svg-icon
-                *ngIf="!checkIfPasswordHasUpperCase(accountForm.get('password').value); s"
-                [iconClass]="'icon-16'"
-                [type]="'form'"
-                [icon]="'notValidate'"
-              ></app-svg-icon>
-              <p>un caractère en majuscule</p>
-            </li>
-            <li
-              [ngClass]="{
-                invalid: !checkIfPasswordHasDigit(accountForm.get('password').value),
-                valid: checkIfPasswordHasDigit(accountForm.get('password').value)
-              }"
-            >
-              <app-svg-icon
-                *ngIf="checkIfPasswordHasDigit(accountForm.get('password').value)"
-                [iconClass]="'icon-16'"
-                [type]="'form'"
-                [icon]="'validate'"
-              ></app-svg-icon>
-              <app-svg-icon
-                *ngIf="!checkIfPasswordHasDigit(accountForm.get('password').value)"
-                [iconClass]="'icon-16'"
-                [type]="'form'"
-                [icon]="'notValidate'"
-              ></app-svg-icon>
-              <p>un chiffre</p>
-            </li>
-          </ul>
-          <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="none center" fxLayoutGap="13px">
-            <input
-              [type]="isShowPassword ? 'text' : 'password'"
-              formControlName="password"
-              class="form-input password"
-              (input)="setValidationsForm()"
-              autocomplete="on"
-            />
-            <app-svg-icon
-              [iconClass]="'validation grey hover'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'eyePassword'"
-              (click)="showPassword()"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-            <app-svg-icon
-              *ngIf="accountForm.get('password').valid"
-              [iconClass]="'validation'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'validate'"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-            <app-svg-icon
-              *ngIf="accountForm.get('password').invalid && accountForm.get('password').value"
-              [iconClass]="'validation'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'notValidate'"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-        <div class="form-group" fxLayout="column">
-          <label for="confirmPassword">Vérification du mot de passe</label>
-          <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="none center" fxLayoutGap="13px">
-            <input
-              [type]="isShowConfirmPassword ? 'text' : 'password'"
-              formControlName="confirmPassword"
-              class="form-input password"
-              (input)="setValidationsForm()"
-              autocomplete="on"
-            />
-            <app-svg-icon
-              [iconClass]="'validation grey hover'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'eyePassword'"
-              (click)="showConfirmPassword()"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-            <app-svg-icon
-              *ngIf="accountForm.get('confirmPassword').valid && accountForm.get('confirmPassword').value"
-              [iconClass]="'validation'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'validate'"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-            <app-svg-icon
-              *ngIf="accountForm.get('confirmPassword').invalid && accountForm.get('confirmPassword').value"
-              [iconClass]="'validation'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'notValidate'"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </form>
-    <form
-      [formGroup]="structureForm"
-      *ngIf="structureForm"
-      (keyup.enter)="isPageValid && !isEditMode ? nextPage() : null"
-    >
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structureNameAndAddress" class="page">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>Quelle structure voulez-vous référencer&nbsp;?</h3>
-        </div>
-        <p
-          class="missing-information"
-          *ngIf="isEditMode && (!getStructureControl('structureName').valid || !getStructureControl('address').valid)"
-        >
-          <app-svg-icon
-            [iconClass]="'validation'"
-            [type]="'form'"
-            [icon]="'notValidate'"
-            class="validationIcon"
-          ></app-svg-icon>
-          <span>Il faut renseigner tous les champs</span>
-        </p>
-        <div class="form-group" fxLayout="column">
-          <label for="structureName">Nom de la structure</label>
-          <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="13px">
-            <input
-              type="text"
-              (input)="setValidationsForm()"
-              formControlName="structureName"
-              class="form-input structureName"
-            />
-            <app-svg-icon
-              *ngIf="getStructureControl('structureName').valid"
-              [iconClass]="'validation'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'validate'"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-        <div class="form-group" fxLayout="column">
-          <label for="address">Adresse de la structure</label>
-          <div class="addressRow" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="13px">
-            <app-address-autocomplete
-              [address]="getStructureControl('address').valid ? getStructureControl('address').value : null"
-              (inputAddress)="setAddressStructure()"
-              (selectedAddress)="setAddressStructure($event)"
-            ></app-address-autocomplete>
-            <app-svg-icon
-              *ngIf="getStructureControl('address').valid"
-              [iconClass]="'validation'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'validate'"
-              class="validateIcon"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structurePhone" class="page">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>Comment joindre votre structure&nbsp;?</h3>
-        </div>
-        <p
-          class="missing-information"
-          *ngIf="
-            isEditMode && (!getStructureControl('contactPhone').valid || !getStructureControl('contactMail').valid)
-          "
-        >
-          <app-svg-icon
-            [iconClass]="'validation'"
-            [type]="'form'"
-            [icon]="'notValidate'"
-            class="validationIcon"
-          ></app-svg-icon>
-          <span>Il faut renseigner tous les champs</span>
-        </p>
-        <div class="form-group" fxLayout="column">
-          <label for="contactPhone">Téléphone de la structure</label>
-          <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="13px">
-            <input
-              type="text"
-              formControlName="contactPhone"
-              class="form-input"
-              (input)="utils.modifyPhoneInput(structureForm, 'contactPhone', $; setValidationsForm()"
-            />
-            <app-svg-icon
-              *ngIf="getStructureControl('contactPhone').valid"
-              [iconClass]="'validation'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'validate'"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-            <app-svg-icon
-              *ngIf="getStructureControl('contactPhone').invalid && getStructureControl('contactPhone').value"
-              [iconClass]="'validation'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'notValidate'"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-        <div class="form-group" fxLayout="column">
-          <label for="structureName">Email de la structure</label>
-          <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="13px">
-            <input type="text" (input)="setValidationsForm()" formControlName="contactMail" class="form-input" />
-            <app-svg-icon
-              *ngIf="getStructureControl('contactMail').valid"
-              [iconClass]="'validation'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'validate'"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-            <app-svg-icon
-              *ngIf="getStructureControl('contactMail').invalid && getStructureControl('contactMail').value"
-              [iconClass]="'validation'"
-              [type]="'form'"
-              [icon]="'notValidate'"
-            ></app-svg-icon>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structureType" class="page" fxLayout="column">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>Quel type de structure&nbsp;?</h3>
-          <p>1 seul choix possible</p>
-        </div>
-        <p class="missing-information" *ngIf="isEditMode && !getStructureControl('structureType').valid">
-          <app-svg-icon
-            [iconClass]="'validation'"
-            [type]="'form'"
-            [icon]="'notValidate'"
-            class="validationIcon"
-          ></app-svg-icon>
-          <span>Il faut renseigner un champ</span>
-        </p>
-        <div class="type-picker">
-          <app-structure-type-picker
-            [pickedChoice]="
-              getStructureControl('structureType').valid ? getStructureControl('structureType').value : null
-            "
-            (selectedType)="setTypeStructure($event)"
-          ></app-structure-type-picker>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structureAccessModality" class="page">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>Quelles sont les modalités d'accueil de la structure&nbsp;?</h3>
-          <p>Plusieurs choix possibles</p>
-        </div>
-        <p class="missing-information" *ngIf="isEditMode && !getStructureControl('accessModality').valid">
-          <app-svg-icon
-            [iconClass]="'validation'"
-            [type]="'form'"
-            [icon]="'notValidate'"
-            class="validationIcon"
-          ></app-svg-icon>
-          <span>Il faut renseigner au moins un champ</span>
-        </p>
-        <div
-          *ngIf="accessModality"
-          fxLayout="row wrap"
-          fxLayoutGap="16px"
-          fxLayoutAlign="flex-start"
-          class="welcomingTerms"
-        >
-          <app-checkbox-form
-            *ngFor="let module of accessModality.modules"
-            [isChecked]="isInArray(,"
-            [text]="module.text"
-            [iconSvg]=""
-            (checkEvent)="onCheckChange($event,,"
-          >
-          </app-checkbox-form>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structureHours" class="page">
-        <div class="section">
-          <div class="title">
-            <h3>Quels sont les horaires d'ouverture de la structure&nbsp;?</h3>
-            <p class="notRequired">Facultatif</p>
-          </div>
-          <app-hour-picker
-            *ngIf="hoursForm"
-            (updateForm)="updateHours($event)"
-            (updateFormError)="setHoursError()"
-            [structureInput]="hoursForm"
-          ></app-hour-picker>
-        </div>
-        <div>
-          <div class="title">
-            <h3>Avez-vous des précisions à apporter sur les horaires&nbsp;?</h3>
-            <p class="notRequired">Facultatif</p>
-          </div>
-          <div class="textareaBlock" fxLayout="column">
-            <textarea
-              rows="8"
-              placeholder="Exemple : nous ne sommes ouvert que le 1er mercredi du mois."
-              maxlength="500"
-              formControlName="exceptionalClosures"
-            ></textarea>
-            <p>
-              {{
-                getStructureControl('exceptionalClosures').value
-                  ? getStructureControl('exceptionalClosures').value.length
-                  : 0
-              }}&nbsp;/&nbsp;500
-            </p>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structurePmr" class="page">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>La structure est-elle accessible pour les personnes à mobilité réduite&nbsp;?</h3>
-        </div>
-        <p class="missing-information" *ngIf="isEditMode && !getStructureControl('pmrAccess').valid">
-          <app-svg-icon
-            [iconClass]="'validation'"
-            [type]="'form'"
-            [icon]="'notValidate'"
-            class="validationIcon"
-          ></app-svg-icon>
-          <span>Il faut renseigner un champ</span>
-        </p>
-        <app-radio-form
-          [selectedOption]="getStructureControl('pmrAccess').value"
-          (selectedEvent)="onRadioBtnChange('pmrAccess', $event)"
-        >
-        </app-radio-form>
-      </div>
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structureWebAndSocialNetwork" class="page">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>Comment vous trouver la structure sur internet&nbsp;?</h3>
-          <p class="notRequired">Facultatif</p>
-        </div>
-        <div class="collapse" [ngClass]="{ notCollapsed: !showWebsite }">
-          <div fxLayout="column">
-            <div class="collapseHeader" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign=" center" (click)="toggleWebSite()">
-              <div class="titleCollapse">
-                <p [ngClass]="{ show: showWebsite, hide: !showWebsite }" class="no-margin">J'ajoute un site web</p>
-                <p [ngClass]="{ show: !showWebsite, hide: showWebsite }" class="no-margin">Je retire un site web</p>
-              </div>
-              <div class="logo">
-                <svg class="show" aria-hidden="true">
-                  <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#show'"></use>
-                </svg>
-                <svg class="hide" aria-hidden="true">
-                  <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#hide'"></use>
-                </svg>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            <div *ngIf="showWebsite" class="inputSection">
-              <div class="form-group website" fxLayout="column">
-                <label for="website">Adresse du site web</label>
-                <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="7px">
-                  <input
-                    type="text"
-                    placeholder=""
-                    (input)="setValidationsForm()"
-                    formControlName="website"
-                    class="form-input"
-                  />
-                  <app-svg-icon
-                    *ngIf="getStructureControl('website').valid && getStructureControl('website').value"
-                    [iconClass]="'icon-26'"
-                    [type]="'form'"
-                    [icon]="'validate'"
-                    class="validationIcon"
-                  ></app-svg-icon>
-                  <app-svg-icon
-                    *ngIf="getStructureControl('website').invalid"
-                    [iconClass]="'icon-26'"
-                    [type]="'form'"
-                    [icon]="'notValidate'"
-                    class="validationIcon"
-                  ></app-svg-icon>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-        <div class="collapse" [ngClass]="{ notCollapsed: !showSocialNetwork }">
-          <div fxLayout="column">
-            <div class="collapseHeader" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign=" center" (click)="toggleSocialNetwork()">
-              <div class="titleCollapse">
-                <p [ngClass]="{ show: showSocialNetwork, hide: !showSocialNetwork }" class="no-margin">
-                  J’ajoute les réseaux sociaux
-                </p>
-                <p [ngClass]="{ show: !showSocialNetwork, hide: showSocialNetwork }" class="no-margin">
-                  Je retire des réseaux sociaux
-                </p>
-              </div>
-              <div class="logo">
-                <svg class="show" aria-hidden="true">
-                  <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#show'"></use>
-                </svg>
-                <svg class="hide" aria-hidden="true">
-                  <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#hide'"></use>
-                </svg>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            <div *ngIf="showSocialNetwork" class="inputSection">
-              <div class="form-group facebook">
-                <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="7px">
-                  <svg class="facebook" aria-hidden="true">
-                    <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#facebook'"></use>
-                  </svg>
-                  <input
-                    type="text"
-                    (input)="setValidationsForm()"
-                    placeholder=""
-                    formControlName="facebook"
-                    class="form-input withIcon"
-                  />
-                  <app-svg-icon
-                    *ngIf="
-                      getStructureControl('facebook').valid &&
-                      getStructureControl('facebook').value != null &&
-                      getStructureControl('facebook').value != ''
-                    "
-                    [iconClass]="'icon-26'"
-                    [type]="'form'"
-                    [icon]="'validate'"
-                    class="validationIcon"
-                  ></app-svg-icon>
-                  <app-svg-icon
-                    *ngIf="getStructureControl('facebook').invalid"
-                    [iconClass]="'icon-26'"
-                    [type]="'form'"
-                    [icon]="'notValidate'"
-                    class="validationIcon"
-                  ></app-svg-icon>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group twitter">
-                <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="7px">
-                  <svg class="twitter" aria-hidden="true">
-                    <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#twitter'"></use>
-                  </svg>
-                  <input
-                    type="text"
-                    (input)="setValidationsForm()"
-                    placeholder=""
-                    formControlName="twitter"
-                    class="form-input withIcon"
-                  />
-                  <app-svg-icon
-                    *ngIf="
-                      getStructureControl('twitter').valid &&
-                      getStructureControl('twitter').value != null &&
-                      getStructureControl('twitter').value != ''
-                    "
-                    [iconClass]="'icon-26'"
-                    [type]="'form'"
-                    [icon]="'validate'"
-                    class="validationIcon"
-                  ></app-svg-icon>
-                  <app-svg-icon
-                    *ngIf="getStructureControl('twitter').invalid"
-                    [iconClass]="'icon-26'"
-                    [type]="'form'"
-                    [icon]="'notValidate'"
-                    class="validationIcon"
-                  ></app-svg-icon>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group instagram">
-                <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="7px">
-                  <svg class="instagram" aria-hidden="true">
-                    <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#instagram'"></use>
-                  </svg>
-                  <input
-                    type="text"
-                    (input)="setValidationsForm()"
-                    formControlName="instagram"
-                    placeholder=""
-                    class="form-input withIcon"
-                  />
-                  <app-svg-icon
-                    *ngIf="
-                      getStructureControl('instagram').valid &&
-                      getStructureControl('instagram').value != null &&
-                      getStructureControl('instagram').value != ''
-                    "
-                    [iconClass]="'icon-26'"
-                    [type]="'form'"
-                    [icon]="'validate'"
-                    class="validationIcon"
-                  ></app-svg-icon>
-                  <app-svg-icon
-                    *ngIf="getStructureControl('instagram').invalid"
-                    [iconClass]="'icon-26'"
-                    [type]="'form'"
-                    [icon]="'notValidate'"
-                    class="validationIcon"
-                  ></app-svg-icon>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div class="form-group linkedin">
-                <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="7px">
-                  <svg class="linkedin" aria-hidden="true">
-                    <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#linkedin'"></use>
-                  </svg>
-                  <input
-                    type="text"
-                    (input)="setValidationsForm()"
-                    formControlName="linkedin"
-                    placeholder=""
-                    class="form-input withIcon"
-                  />
-                  <app-svg-icon
-                    *ngIf="
-                      getStructureControl('linkedin').valid &&
-                      getStructureControl('linkedin').value != null &&
-                      getStructureControl('linkedin').value != ''
-                    "
-                    [iconClass]="'icon-26'"
-                    [type]="'form'"
-                    [icon]="'validate'"
-                    class="validationIcon"
-                  ></app-svg-icon>
-                  <app-svg-icon
-                    *ngIf="getStructureControl('linkedin').invalid"
-                    [iconClass]="'icon-26'"
-                    [type]="'form'"
-                    [icon]="'notValidate'"
-                    class="validationIcon"
-                  ></app-svg-icon>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structurePublicTarget" class="page">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>Quel public peut être accueilli dans cette structure&nbsp;?</h3>
-          <p>Plusieurs choix possibles</p>
-        </div>
-        <p class="missing-information" *ngIf="isEditMode && !getStructureControl('publics').valid">
-          <app-svg-icon
-            [iconClass]="'validation'"
-            [type]="'form'"
-            [icon]="'notValidate'"
-            class="validationIcon"
-          ></app-svg-icon>
-          <span>Il faut renseigner au moins un champ</span>
-        </p>
-        <div class="tags" *ngIf="publics">
-          <button
-            *ngFor="let choice of publics.modules"
-            (click)="updateChoice(, 'publics')"
-            [ngClass]="{ selectedChoice: isInArray(, 'publics') }"
-          >
-            <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="center">
-              <svg class="validate" aria-hidden="true">
-                <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#checkVector'"></use>
-              </svg>
-              <div class="textBtn">
-                {{ choice.text }}
-              </div>
-            </div>
-          </button>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structureAccompaniment" class="page">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>Quel(s) accompagnement(s) proposez-vous&nbsp;?</h3>
-          <p class="notRequired">Facultatif</p>
-        </div>
-        <div class="collapse" [ngClass]="{ notCollapsed: !showProceduresAccompaniment }">
-          <div fxLayout="column">
-            <div
-              class="collapseHeader"
-              fxLayout="row"
-              fxLayoutGap="20px"
-              fxLayoutAlign=" center"
-              (click)="toggleProceduresAccompaniment()"
-            >
-              <div class="titleCollapse">Démarches en ligne</div>
-              <div class="logo">
-                <svg class="show" aria-hidden="true">
-                  <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#show'"></use>
-                </svg>
-                <svg class="hide" aria-hidden="true">
-                  <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#hide'"></use>
-                </svg>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            <div *ngIf="showProceduresAccompaniment && publics" class="tags">
-              <button
-                *ngFor="let choice of proceduresAccompaniment.modules"
-                (click)="updateChoice(, 'proceduresAccompaniment')"
-                [ngClass]="{ selectedChoice: isInArray(, 'proceduresAccompaniment') }"
-              >
-                <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign=" center">
-                  <svg class="validate" aria-hidden="true">
-                    <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#checkVector'"></use>
-                  </svg>
-                  <div class="textBtn">
-                    {{ choice.text }}
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </button>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-        <div class="collapse" [ngClass]="{ notCollapsed: !showPublicsAccompaniment }">
-          <div fxLayout="column">
-            <div
-              class="collapseHeader"
-              fxLayout="row"
-              fxLayoutGap="20px"
-              fxLayoutAlign=" center"
-              (click)="togglePublicsAccompaniment()"
-            >
-              <div class="titleCollapse">Publics spécifiques (handicap...)&nbsp;?</div>
-              <div class="logo">
-                <svg class="show" aria-hidden="true">
-                  <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#show'"></use>
-                </svg>
-                <svg class="hide" aria-hidden="true">
-                  <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#hide'"></use>
-                </svg>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            <div *ngIf="showPublicsAccompaniment && publics" class="tags">
-              <button
-                *ngFor="let choice of publicsAccompaniment.modules"
-                (click)="updateChoice(, 'publicsAccompaniment')"
-                [ngClass]="{ selectedChoice: isInArray(, 'publicsAccompaniment') }"
-              >
-                <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign=" center">
-                  <svg class="validate" aria-hidden="true">
-                    <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#checkVector'"></use>
-                  </svg>
-                  <div class="textBtn">
-                    {{ choice.text }}
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </button>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structureOtherAccompaniment" class="page">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>Quelles sont les autres démarches&nbsp;?</h3>
-        </div>
-        <div class="textareaBlock procedureContainer" fxLayout="column">
-          <textarea
-            rows="8"
-            placeholder="Exemple : tout ce qui est en lien avec la création d'entreprise..."
-            maxlength="500"
-            formControlName="otherDescription"
-            (input)="setValidationsForm()"
-          ></textarea>
-          <p>
-            {{
-              getStructureControl('otherDescription').value ? getStructureControl('otherDescription').value.length : 0
-            }}
-            &nbsp;/&nbsp;500
-          </p>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structureRemoteAccompaniment" class="page">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>Proposez vous un accompagnement à distance&nbsp;?</h3>
-        </div>
-        <p class="missing-information" *ngIf="isEditMode && !getStructureControl('remoteAccompaniment').valid">
-          <app-svg-icon
-            [iconClass]="'validation'"
-            [type]="'form'"
-            [icon]="'notValidate'"
-            class="validationIcon"
-          ></app-svg-icon>
-          <span>Il faut renseigner un champ</span>
-        </p>
-        <app-radio-form
-          [selectedOption]="getStructureControl('remoteAccompaniment').value"
-          (selectedEvent)="onRadioBtnChange('remoteAccompaniment', $event)"
-        >
-        </app-radio-form>
-      </div>
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structureWorkshop" class="page">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>Quelles formations au numérique sont proposées&nbsp;?</h3>
-          <p class="notRequired">Facultatif</p>
-        </div>
-        <div class="collapse" *ngFor="let categ of trainingCategories" [ngClass]="{ notCollapsed: !categ.openned }">
-          <div fxLayout="column">
-            <div
-              class="collapseHeader"
-              fxLayout="row"
-              fxLayoutGap="20px"
-              fxLayoutAlign=" center"
-              (click)="toggleTrainingCategories(categ)"
-            >
-              <div class="titleCollapse">{{ }}</div>
-              <div class="logo">
-                <svg class="show" aria-hidden="true">
-                  <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#show'"></use>
-                </svg>
-                <svg class="hide" aria-hidden="true">
-                  <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#hide'"></use>
-                </svg>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            <div *ngIf="categ.openned" class="tags">
-              <button
-                *ngFor="let choice of categ.category.modules"
-                (click)="updateChoice(,"
-                [ngClass]="{ selectedChoice: isInArray(, }"
-              >
-                <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign=" center">
-                  <svg class="validate" aria-hidden="true">
-                    <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#checkVector'"></use>
-                  </svg>
-                  <div class="textBtn">
-                    {{ choice.text }}
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </button>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structureWorkshopPrice" class="page">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>Ces ateliers sont-ils gratuits&nbsp;?</h3>
-        </div>
-        <app-radio-form
-          [selectedOption]="getStructureControl('freeWorkShop').value"
-          (selectedEvent)="onRadioBtnChange('freeWorkShop', $event)"
-        >
-        </app-radio-form>
-      </div>
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structureWifi" class="page">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>Le wifi est-il proposé en accès libre&nbsp;?</h3>
-        </div>
-        <app-radio-form
-          [selectedOption]="isEditMode ? isInArray('wifiEnAccesLibre', 'equipmentsAndServices') : null"
-          (selectedEvent)="onCheckChange($event, 'equipmentsAndServices', 'wifiEnAccesLibre')"
-        >
-        </app-radio-form>
-      </div>
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structureEquipments" class="page">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>Quel matériel est mis à disposition par la structure&nbsp;?</h3>
-          <p class="notRequired">Facultatif</p>
-        </div>
-        <ng-container *ngFor="let equipment of equipmentsAndServices">
-          <div
-            class="controller equipments"
-            *ngIf="
-              ['ordinateurs', 'tablettes', 'bornesNumeriques', 'imprimantes', 'scanners'].includes(
-            "
-          >
-            <div fxLayout="column">
-              <div class="contorllerHeader" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="space-between center">
-                <div class="flex-item">
-                  <p class="no-margin">Nombre de {{ equipment.module.text | lowercase }}</p>
-                </div>
-                <div class="inputSection flex-item equipments" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="center center">
-                  <ng-container *ngIf=" == 'ordinateurs'">
-                    <svg
-                      class="hide"
-                      aria-hidden="true"
-                      (click)="changeValueHandler(, -1)"
-                      [ngClass]="{ disabled: structureForm.value.nbComputers === 0 }"
-                    >
-                      <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#minus'"></use>
-                    </svg>
-                    <input
-                      type="number"
-                      (input)="setValidationsForm()"
-                      formControlName="nbComputers"
-                      min="0"
-                      class="form-input nbEquipment"
-                      [(value)]="structureForm.value.nbComputers"
-                    />
-                  </ng-container>
-                  <ng-container *ngIf=" == 'tablettes'">
-                    <svg
-                      class="hide"
-                      aria-hidden="true"
-                      (click)="changeValueHandler(, -1)"
-                      [ngClass]="{ disabled: structureForm.value.nbTablets === 0 }"
-                    >
-                      <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#minus'"></use>
-                    </svg>
-                    <input
-                      type="number"
-                      (input)="setValidationsForm()"
-                      formControlName="nbTablets"
-                      min="0"
-                      class="form-input nbEquipment"
-                      [(value)]="structureForm.value.nbTablets"
-                    />
-                  </ng-container>
-                  <ng-container *ngIf=" == 'imprimantes'">
-                    <svg
-                      class="hide"
-                      aria-hidden="true"
-                      (click)="changeValueHandler(, -1)"
-                      [ngClass]="{ disabled: structureForm.value.nbPrinters === 0 }"
-                    >
-                      <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#minus'"></use>
-                    </svg>
-                    <input
-                      type="number"
-                      (input)="setValidationsForm()"
-                      formControlName="nbPrinters"
-                      min="0"
-                      class="form-input nbEquipment"
-                      [(value)]="structureForm.value.nbPrinters"
-                    />
-                  </ng-container>
-                  <ng-container *ngIf=" == 'bornesNumeriques'">
-                    <svg
-                      class="hide"
-                      aria-hidden="true"
-                      (click)="changeValueHandler(, -1)"
-                      [ngClass]="{ disabled: structureForm.value.nbNumericTerminal === 0 }"
-                    >
-                      <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#minus'"></use>
-                    </svg>
-                    <input
-                      type="number"
-                      (input)="setValidationsForm()"
-                      formControlName="nbNumericTerminal"
-                      min="0"
-                      class="form-input nbEquipment"
-                      [(value)]="structureForm.value.nbNumericTerminal"
-                    />
-                  </ng-container>
-                  <ng-container *ngIf=" == 'scanners'">
-                    <svg
-                      class="hide"
-                      aria-hidden="true"
-                      (click)="changeValueHandler(, -1)"
-                      [ngClass]="{ disabled: structureForm.value.nbScanners === 0 }"
-                    >
-                      <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#minus'"></use>
-                    </svg>
-                    <input
-                      type="number"
-                      (input)="setValidationsForm()"
-                      formControlName="nbScanners"
-                      min="0"
-                      class="form-input nbEquipment"
-                      [(value)]="structureForm.value.nbScanners"
-                    />
-                  </ng-container>
-                  <svg class="show" aria-hidden="true" (click)="changeValueHandler(, 1)">
-                    <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#plus'"></use>
-                  </svg>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </ng-container>
-      </div>
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structureLabels" class="page">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>La sturcture est labellisée&nbsp;?</h3>
-          <p class="notRequired">Facultatif</p>
-        </div>
-        <div class="labelsQualifications" *ngIf="labelsQualifications" fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutAlign="flex-start">
-          <app-checkbox-form
-            *ngFor="let module of labelsQualifications.modules"
-            [isChecked]="isInArray(,"
-            [text]="module.text"
-            [iconSvg]=""
-            [iconType]="'labels'"
-            (checkEvent)="onCheckChange($event,,"
-          >
-          </app-checkbox-form>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structureOtherServices" class="page">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>Quels autres services sont proposées par la structure&nbsp;?</h3>
-          <p class="notRequired">Facultatif</p>
-        </div>
-        <div
-          *ngIf="labelsQualifications"
-          fxLayout="row wrap"
-          fxLayoutGap="16px"
-          fxLayoutAlign="flex-start"
-          class="otherServices"
-        >
-          <ng-container *ngFor="let equipment of equipmentsAndServices">
-            <app-checkbox-form
-              *ngIf="
-                [
-                  'donDeMateriels',
-                  'reconditionnementsDeMateriel',
-                  'accesLivresInformatiques',
-                  'venteMaterielPrixSolidaire'
-                ].includes(
-              "
-              [isChecked]="isInArray(, 'equipmentsAndServices')"
-              [text]="equipment.module.text"
-              [iconSvg]=""
-              (checkEvent)="onCheckChange($event, 'equipmentsAndServices',"
-            >
-            </app-checkbox-form>
-          </ng-container>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structureDescription" class="page">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>Pouvez-vous présentez votre structure en quelques mots&nbsp;?</h3>
-          <p class="notRequired">Facultatif</p>
-        </div>
-        <div class="textareaBlock introduceStructure" fxLayout="column">
-          <textarea
-            rows="8"
-            placeholder="Exemple : nous sommes une équipe de 7 bénévoles qui orientons les personnes pour qui le numérique est une langue étrangère"
-            maxlength="500"
-            formControlName="description"
-          ></textarea>
-          <p>
-            {{
-              getStructureControl('description').value ? getStructureControl('description').value.length : 0
-            }}&nbsp;/&nbsp;500
-          </p>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.structureCovidInfo" class="page">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>Y a-t-il des informations spécifiques à la période COVID&nbsp;?</h3>
-          <p class="notRequired">Facultatif</p>
-        </div>
-        <div class="textareaBlock" fxLayout="column">
-          <textarea
-            rows="8"
-            placeholder="Exemple : nous ne sommes joignables que par visio"
-            maxlength="500"
-            formControlName="lockdownActivity"
-          ></textarea>
-          <p>
-            {{
-              getStructureControl('lockdownActivity').value ? getStructureControl('lockdownActivity').value.length : 0
-            }}&nbsp;/&nbsp;500
-          </p>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </form>
-    <form>
-      <div *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.cgu" class="page cgu">
-        <div class="section" *ngIf="!isEditMode">
-          <div class="title">
-            <h3>
-              Acceptez-vous que les informations saisies soient enregistrées par la Métropole de Lyon<span
-                class="asterisk"
-                >*</span
-              >
-              ?
-            </h3>
-          </div>
-          <app-checkbox-form
-            [isChecked]="userAcceptSavedDate"
-            [text]="'J\'accepte'"
-            (checkEvent)="acceptDataBeSaved($event)"
-          >
-          </app-checkbox-form>
-        </div>
-        <div class="section">
-          <div class="title">
-            <h3>
-              Acceptez-vous que les informations de votre structure soient mises à disposition sur la plateforme
-    <span class="asterisk" *ngIf="!isEditMode">**</span
-              ><span class="asterisk" *ngIf="isEditMode">*</span> ?
-            </h3>
-            <p class="notRequired" *ngIf="!isEditMode">Facultatif</p>
-          </div>
-          <app-checkbox-form
-            *ngIf="!isEditMode"
-            [text]="'J\'accepte'"
-            (checkEvent)="acceptOpenData($event)"
-          ></app-checkbox-form>
-          <div class="dataShareConsent">
-            <app-radio-form
-              *ngIf="isEditMode"
-              name="{{ getStructureControl('structureName').value }}"
-              horizontal="true"
-              [selectedOption]="getStructureControl('dataShareConsentDate').value === null ? false : true"
-              (selectedEvent)="onRadioBtnChange('dataShareConsentDate', $event)"
-            >
-            </app-radio-form>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-        <div *ngIf="!profile">
-          <div class="title">
-            <h3>Souhaitez-vous vous abonner à la lettre d’information de Res'in&nbsp;?</h3>
-            <p class="notRequired" *ngIf="!isEditMode">Facultatif</p>
-          </div>
-          <app-checkbox-form
-            [isChecked]="userAcceptNewsletter"
-            [text]="'J\'accepte'"
-            (checkEvent)="acceptReceiveNewsletter($event)"
-          >
-          </app-checkbox-form>
-        </div>
-        <p *ngIf="!isEditMode" class="informationEndForm">
-          <span class="asterisk">*</span> Les informations recueillies sont enregistrées dans un fichier par la
-          Métropole de Lyon en vue de l'animation du réseau des acteurs de la médiation numérique. Elles sont conservées
-          pendant 24 mois et sont destinées aux seuls intervenants habilités de la Métropole de Lyon.<br />
-          Vos données personnelles sont traitées dans ce cadre aux fins de recensement des actions de médiation
-          numérique sur le territoire de la métropole. Conformément à la loi 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée relative à
-          l'information, aux fichiers et aux libertés, et au Règlement Général européen à la Protection des Données,
-          vous avez la possibilité d’exercer vos droits d’accès, de rectification, d’effacement, d’opposition, de
-          limitation du traitement et de révocation de votre consentement. Afin d'exercer vos droits, vous pouvez vous
-          adresser : <br />
-          - par courrier postal à : Métropole de Lyon - Direction des Affaires Juridiques et de la Commande Publique -
-          20, rue du Lac - BP 33569 - 69505 Lyon Cedex<br />
-          - par courrier électronique en remplissant le formulaire dédié sur Toodego, le site des services et démarches
-          en ligne dans la Métropole de Lyon
-        </p>
-        <p class="informationEndForm" *ngIf="currentPage == pageTypeEnum.cgu">
-          <span class="asterisk" *ngIf="!isEditMode">**</span><span class="asterisk" *ngIf="isEditMode">*</span> La
-          Métropole de Lyon, engagée pour la transparence de l’action publique et la valorisation de ses partenaires,
-          encourage l’ouverture des données. Les données de votre structure seront publiées sur la plateforme
-          <a href="" target="_blank"></a> sous la licence ouverte
-          (open data) et seront donc librement accessibles et réutilisables. Vous pourrez modifier votre choix à tout
-          moment, exercer vos droits d’accès et de modification, en le signifiant, par tout moyen à votre convenance,
-          auprès de vos interlocuteurs de la Métropole de Lyon.
-        </p>
-      </div>
-    </form>
-    <div
-      *ngIf="currentPage == nbPagesForm && !profile"
-      class="page"
-      fxLayout="column"
-      fxLayoutAlign="center center"
-      fxLayoutGap="69px"
-    >
-      <img src="../../assets/form/emailVerification.svg" alt="Image de validation du courriel" />
-      <h3>Un courriel vous a été envoyé afin de valider votre inscription</h3>
-    </div>
-    <div *ngIf="currentPage == nbPagesForm && profile && !isEditMode" class="lastPage">
-      <div class="lastPage">
-        <div class="title">
-          <h3>
-            Bravo !<br />
-            Votre structure a bien été référencée.
-          </h3>
-        </div>
-        <div class="structureInfoBlock" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="center">
-          <div class="structureInfoContent" fxLayout="column">
-            {{ getStructureControl('structureName').value }}
-            <span>{{ getStructureControl('structureType').value }}</span>
-          </div>
-          <div class="validateSvg">
-            <svg class="validate" aria-hidden="true">
-              <use [attr.xlink:href]="'assets/form/sprite.svg#checkVector'"></use>
-            </svg>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    <div *ngIf="currentPage != 0" class="footer desktop">
-      <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="center center" *ngIf="currentPage != nbPagesForm && !isEditMode">
-        <app-footer-form
-          [btnName]="['Précédent', 'Suivant']"
-          (previousPage)="previousPage()"
-          (nextPage)="nextPage()"
-          [isValid]="isPageValid"
-        ></app-footer-form>
-      </div>
-      <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="center center" *ngIf="isEditMode">
-        <button
-          class="btn-primary"
-          [ngClass]="{ invalid: !isPageValid }"
-          [disabled]="!isPageValid"
-          (click)="goToSpecificPage(0, true)"
-        >
-          Valider
-        </button>
-      </div>
-      <button
-        *ngIf="currentPage == nbPagesForm && !profile"
-        class="btn-primary validate unique"
-        routerLink="/acteurs"
-        [routerLinkActive]="'active'"
-      >
-        Ok
-      </button>
-      <button
-        *ngIf="currentPage == nbPagesForm && profile && !isEditMode"
-        class="btn-primary unique"
-        routerLink="/acteurs"
-        [queryParams]="{ id: createdStructure._id }"
-        [state]="{ data: createdStructure }"
-      >
-        Voir ma structure
-      </button>
-    </div>
-    <div *ngIf="isEditMode && currentPage == 0" class="footerEditMode">
-      <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="center center">
-        <button class="btn-primary unique" (click)="closeEditMode()">Terminer</button>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div *ngIf="currentPage != 0" class="footer phone">
-    <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="center center" *ngIf="currentPage != nbPagesForm && !isEditMode">
-      <app-footer-form
-        [btnName]="['Précédent', 'Suivant']"
-        (previousPage)="previousPage()"
-        (nextPage)="nextPage()"
-        [isValid]="isPageValid"
-      ></app-footer-form>
-    </div>
-    <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="center center" *ngIf="isEditMode">
-      <button
-        class="btn-primary"
-        [ngClass]="{ invalid: !isPageValid }"
-        [disabled]="!isPageValid"
-        (click)="goToSpecificPage(0, true)"
-      >
-        Valider
-      </button>
-    </div>
-    <button
-      *ngIf="currentPage == nbPagesForm && !profile"
-      class="btn-primary validate unique"
-      routerLink="/acteurs"
-      [routerLinkActive]="'active'"
-    >
-      Ok
-    </button>
-    <button
-      *ngIf="currentPage == nbPagesForm && profile"
-      class="btn-primary unique"
-      routerLink="/acteurs"
-      [queryParams]="{ id: createdStructure._id }"
-      [state]="{ data: createdStructure }"
-    >
-      Voir ma structure
-    </button>
-  </div>
diff --git a/src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.scss b/src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index b9e9e2ff6..000000000
--- a/src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.scss
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-    &.home {
-      .btnStart {
-        margin-top: 90px;
-        margin-bottom: 10px;
-        text-align: center;
-      }
-    }
-    &.informations {
-      ul {
-        padding-left: 24px;
-        li::marker {
-          color: $primary-color;
-          font-size: 26px;
-        }
-        li > * {
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-    .title {
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-    .nextTitle {
-      margin-bottom: 10px;
-      margin-top: 10px;
-    }
-    .type-picker {
-      height: 100%;
-    }
-    .welcomingTerms,
-    .procedureContainer,
-    .otherServices,
-    .textareaBlock {
-      max-width: 600px;
-    }
-    .labelsQualifications {
-      gap: 0 8px;
-    }
-  }
-  .titleDesc {
-    @include lato-bold-20;
-    margin-bottom: 20px;
-  }
-  p {
-    color: $grey-1;
-    @include lato-regular-14;
-    margin: 7px 0 0 0;
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-      margin-top: 4px;
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-    &.informationEndForm {
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-      a {
-        color: $default-link-color;
-        text-decoration: underline;
-        font-weight: bold;
-      }
-    }
-    &.notRequired {
-      @include lato-regular-18;
-      color: $grey-3;
-      font-style: italic;
-      margin-top: 4px;
-    }
-  }
-  .passwordInfo {
-    @include lato-regular-14;
-    font-style: italic;
-    color: $grey-3;
-  }
-  .textareaBlock {
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-  &.twitter,
-  &.instagram,
-  &.linkedin,
-  &.website,
-  &.equipments {
-    div {
-      height: 52px;
-      .validationIcon {
-        margin-right: -53px;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  div {
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-      &.invalid {
-        color: $orange-warning;
-        p {
-          color: $orange-warning;
-        }
-      }
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-  .addressRow {
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-    .validateIcon {
-      height: 38px !important;
-    }
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-  &.phone {
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-  &.password {
-    width: 256px;
-  }
-  &.structureName {
-    width: 250px;
-  }
-img {
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-  &.eyePassword {
-    cursor: pointer;
-    &:hover {
-      opacity: 0.8;
-    }
-  }
-//section equipments controller
-.controller {
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-      width: 32px;
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diff --git a/src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.spec.ts b/src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.spec.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 24041eeed..000000000
--- a/src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.spec.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-import { HttpClientTestingModule } from '@angular/common/http/testing';
-import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
-import { FormArray, FormControl, FormGroup, FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
-import { SharedModule } from '../../shared/shared.module';
-import { FormComponent } from './form.component';
-describe('FormComponent', () => {
-  let component: FormComponent;
-  let fixture: ComponentFixture<FormComponent>;
-  beforeEach(async () => {
-    await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
-      declarations: [FormComponent],
-      imports: [HttpClientTestingModule, FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule, SharedModule],
-    }).compileComponents();
-  });
-  beforeEach(() => {
-    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(FormComponent);
-    component = fixture.componentInstance;
-    fixture.detectChanges();
-    component.structureForm = new FormGroup({
-      structureType: new FormArray([new FormControl('mediatheque'), new FormControl('cyber')]),
-      structureName: new FormControl('structure.structureName', Validators.required),
-      structureRepresentation: new FormControl('structure.structureRepresentation', Validators.required),
-      description: new FormControl('structure.description'),
-      lockdownActivity: new FormControl('structure.lockdownActivity'),
-      address: new FormGroup({
-        numero: new FormControl('structure.address.numero'),
-        street: new FormControl('structure.address.street', Validators.required),
-        commune: new FormControl('structure.address.commune', Validators.required),
-      }),
-      contactPhone: new FormControl('structure.contactPhone', Validators.required),
-      contactMail: new FormControl('structure.contactMail', Validators.required),
-      website: new FormControl(''),
-      facebook: new FormControl('structure.facebook'),
-      twitter: new FormControl('structure.twitter'),
-      instagram: new FormControl('structure.instagram'),
-      gender: new FormControl('structure.gender'),
-      contactName: new FormControl('structure.contactName'),
-      contactSurname: new FormControl('structure.contactSurname'),
-      fonction: new FormControl('structure.fonction'),
-      pmrAccess: new FormControl('structure.pmrAccess'),
-      hours: new FormGroup({
-        monday: new FormGroup({
-          open: new FormControl(true, Validators.required),
-          time: new FormArray([
-            new FormGroup({
-              opening: new FormControl(900, Validators.required),
-              closing: new FormControl(1200, Validators.required),
-            }),
-          ]),
-        }),
-        tuesday: new FormGroup({
-          open: new FormControl(true, Validators.required),
-          time: new FormArray([]),
-        }),
-        wednesday: new FormGroup({
-          open: new FormControl(true, Validators.required),
-          time: new FormArray([]),
-        }),
-        thursday: new FormGroup({
-          open: new FormControl(true, Validators.required),
-          time: new FormArray([]),
-        }),
-        friday: new FormGroup({
-          open: new FormControl(true, Validators.required),
-          time: new FormArray([]),
-        }),
-        saturday: new FormGroup({
-          open: new FormControl(false, Validators.required),
-          time: new FormArray([]),
-        }),
-        sunday: new FormGroup({
-          open: new FormControl(false, Validators.required),
-          time: new FormArray([]),
-        }),
-      }),
-      exceptionalClosures: new FormControl('structure.exceptionalClosures'),
-      labelsQualifications: new FormControl([]),
-      accessModality: new FormControl([]),
-      publicsAccompaniment: new FormControl([]),
-      equipmentsAndServices: new FormControl([]),
-      publics: new FormControl([]),
-      baseSkills: new FormControl([]),
-      accessRight: new FormControl([]),
-      parentingHelp: new FormControl([]),
-      socialAndProfessional: new FormControl([]),
-      digitalCultureSecurity: new FormControl([]),
-      nbComputers: new FormControl('structure.nbComputers'),
-      nbPrinters: new FormControl('structure.nbPrinters'),
-      nbTablets: new FormControl('structure.nbTablets'),
-      nbNumericTerminal: new FormControl('structure.nbNumericTerminal'),
-      equipmentsDetails: new FormControl('structure.equipmentsDetails'),
-      personalOffers: new FormControl([]),
-    });
-  });
-  it('should return the correct Abstract Control', () => {
-    const nameControl = 'structureName';
-    const control = component.getStructureControl(nameControl);
-    const expectControl = component.structureForm.get(nameControl);
-    expect(control).toEqual(expectControl);
-  });
-  it('should return the correct Abstract Control from address', () => {
-    const nameControl = 'street';
-    const control = component.getAddressControl(nameControl);
-    const addressForm = component.structureForm.get('address').get(nameControl);
-    expect(control).toEqual(addressForm);
-  });
-  it('should return the correct Time from a specific day', () => {
-    // const day = 'monday';
-    // const control = component.getTime(day);
-    // const TimeForm = component.structureForm.get('hours').get(day).get('time');
-    // expect(control).toEqual(TimeForm);
-  });
-  it('should return true', () => {
-    // const day = 'monday';
-    // const control = component.isOpen(day);
-    // expect(control).toEqual(true);
-  });
-  it('should return check if value is in formArray', () => {
-    const nameControl = 'structureType';
-    const isInArray = component.isInArray('cyber', nameControl);
-    const isntInArray = component.isInArray('unknowType', nameControl);
-    expect(isInArray).toEqual(true);
-    expect(isntInArray).toEqual(false);
-  });
diff --git a/src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.ts b/src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index a9b1b0d95..000000000
--- a/src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1082 +0,0 @@
-import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
-import { AbstractControl, FormArray, FormControl, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
-import { Structure } from '../../models/structure.model';
-import { Time } from '../../models/time.model';
-import { Day } from '../../models/day.model';
-import { StructureService } from '../../services/structure.service';
-import { SearchService } from '../../structure-list/services/search.service';
-import { Category } from '../../structure-list/models/category.model';
-import { CategoryEnum } from '../../shared/enum/category.enum';
-import { ProfileService } from '../../profile/services/profile.service';
-import { User } from '../../models/user.model';
-import { MustMatch } from '../../shared/validator/form';
-import { Address } from '../../models/address.model';
-import { Module } from '../../structure-list/models/module.model';
-import { Equipment } from '../../structure-list/enum/equipment.enum';
-import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router';
-import { AuthService } from '../../services/auth.service';
-import { first } from 'rxjs/operators';
-import { PageTypeEnum } from './pageType.enum';
-import { CustomRegExp } from '../../utils/CustomRegExp';
-import { StructureWithOwners } from '../../models/structureWithOwners.model';
-import { RouterListenerService } from '../../services/routerListener.service';
-import { NewsletterService } from '../../services/newsletter.service';
-import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils';
-//TODO: Delete whole component when form refacto is done
-  selector: 'app-structure-form',
-  templateUrl: './form.component.html',
-  styleUrls: ['./form.component.scss'],
-export class FormComponent implements OnInit {
-  public profile: User;
-  public createdStructure: Structure;
-  // Form var
-  public structureForm: FormGroup;
-  public accountForm: FormGroup;
-  public hoursForm: FormGroup;
-  public editForm: FormGroup;
-  public labelsQualifications: Category;
-  public publics: Category;
-  public accessModality: Category;
-  public publicsAccompaniment: Category;
-  public proceduresAccompaniment: Category;
-  public equipmentsAndServices: { module: Module; openned: boolean }[] = [];
-  public trainingCategories: { category: Category; openned: boolean }[] = [];
-  public pageTypeEnum = PageTypeEnum;
-  public claimStructure: Structure = null;
-  public linkedStructureId: Array<string> = null;
-  // Page and progress var
-  public currentPage = 0; // Change this value to start on a different page for dev testing
-  public progressStatus = 0;
-  public nbPagesForm = 24;
-  public isPageValid: boolean;
-  public pagesValidation = [];
-  // Collapse var
-  public showWebsite: boolean;
-  public showSocialNetwork: boolean;
-  public showPublicsAccompaniment: boolean;
-  public showProceduresAccompaniment: boolean;
-  // ModalExit var
-  public showConfirmationModal = false;
-  private resolve: Function;
-  // Condition form
-  public isShowConfirmPassword = false;
-  public isShowPassword = false;
-  public userAcceptSavedDate = false;
-  public userAcceptNewsletter = false;
-  public showMenu = false;
-  public isEditMode = false;
-  public isClaimMode = false;
-  public isAccountMode = false;
-  public isJoinMode = false;
-  public isLoading = false;
-  public isWifiChoosen = null;
-  public structureWithOwners: StructureWithOwners;
-  public isPopUpOpen = false;
-  public displaySignUp = true;
-  // Structure id for edit mode
-  public structureId: string;
-  // last page for edit form
-  public lastPage = this.pageTypeEnum.cgu;
-  constructor(
-    private structureService: StructureService,
-    private searchService: SearchService,
-    private profileService: ProfileService,
-    private authService: AuthService,
-    private router: Router,
-    private route: ActivatedRoute,
-    private routerListener: RouterListenerService,
-    private newsletterService: NewsletterService,
-    public utils: Utils
-  ) {}
-  async ngOnInit(): Promise<void> {
-    this.isLoading = true;
-    this.profileService.getProfile().then((user: User) => {
-      this.profile = user;
-    });
-    await this.setCategories();
-    // Check if it's a new structure or edit structure
-    this.isLoading = false;
-    if (history.state.newUser) {
-      this.isClaimMode = true;
-      // Handle join structure, the case is very similar to claim
-      if (history.state.isJoin) {
-        this.isJoinMode = true;
-      }
-      this.createAccountForm();
-      this.claimStructure = history.state.newUser;
-      this.setValidationsForm();
-    } else {
-      this.initForm(new Structure());
-    }
-    // Handle account creation when pre-register
- => {
-      if (data.user) {
-        this.isAccountMode = true;
-        this.createAccountForm(;
-        this.linkedStructureId = data.user.pendingStructuresLink;
-        this.setValidationsForm();
-        this.currentPage = PageTypeEnum.accountInfo;
-      }
-      if (data.structure) {
-        this.isEditMode = true;
-        // this.isWifiChoosen = true;
-        const editStructure = new Structure(data.structure);
-        this.initForm(editStructure);
-        this.structureService.getStructureWithOwners(editStructure._id, this.profile).subscribe((s) => {
-          this.structureWithOwners = s;
-        });
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  public previousUrl(): void {
-    if (this.claimStructure) {
-      this.routerListener.goToPreviousUrl(this.claimStructure);
-    } else if (this.editForm) {
-      this.routerListener.goToPreviousUrl(this.editForm.value);
-    } else {
-      this.routerListener.goToPreviousUrl();
-    }
-  }
-  public closeSignUpModal(value: boolean): void {
-    if (!value) {
-      this.displaySignUp = false;
-    } else {
-      this.isPopUpOpen = false;
-    }
-    if (this.isLoggedIn) {
-      this.updateFormOnLogin();
-    }
-  }
-  public updateFormOnLogin(): void {
-    this.profileService.getProfile().then((user: User) => {
-      this.profile = user;
-      this.router.navigateByUrl('create-structure');
-      this.progressStatus += (100 / this.nbPagesForm) * 2;
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.accountInfo] = { valid: true };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.accountCredentials] = { valid: true };
-      this.currentPage = PageTypeEnum.structureNameAndAddress;
-    });
-  }
-  public get isLoggedIn(): boolean {
-    return this.authService.isLoggedIn();
-  }
-  async setCategories(): Promise<void> {
-    this.searchService.getCategoriesAccompaniment().subscribe((categories: Category[]) => {
-      this.proceduresAccompaniment = categories[0];
-    });
-    const equipmentsCategs = await this.searchService.getCategoriesOthers().toPromise();
-    equipmentsCategs.forEach((categ) => {
-      switch ( {
-        case CategoryEnum.accessModality: {
-          this.accessModality = categ;
-          break;
-        }
-        case CategoryEnum.equipmentsAndServices: {
-          categ.modules.forEach((c) => {
-            this.equipmentsAndServices.push({ module: c, openned: false });
-          });
-          break;
-        }
-        case CategoryEnum.labelsQualifications: {
-          this.labelsQualifications = categ;
-          break;
-        }
-        case CategoryEnum.publics: {
-          this.publics = categ;
-          break;
-        }
-        case CategoryEnum.publicsAccompaniment: {
-          this.publicsAccompaniment = categ;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    });
-    const categs = await this.searchService.getCategoriesTraining().toPromise();
-    categs.forEach((categ) => {
-      this.trainingCategories.push({ category: categ, openned: false });
-    });
-  }
-  private initForm(structure: Structure): void {
-    // Init account Form
-    this.createAccountForm();
-    // Init form
-    this.structureForm = this.createStructureForm(structure);
-    if (this.isEditMode) {
-      this.editForm = this.createStructureForm(structure);
-    }
-    // Init hours form
-    this.hoursForm = new FormGroup({
-      monday: this.createDay(structure.hours.monday),
-      tuesday: this.createDay(structure.hours.tuesday),
-      wednesday: this.createDay(structure.hours.wednesday),
-      thursday: this.createDay(structure.hours.thursday),
-      friday: this.createDay(structure.hours.friday),
-      saturday: this.createDay(structure.hours.saturday),
-      sunday: this.createDay(structure.hours.sunday),
-    });
-    if (this.isEditMode) {
-      this.showCollapse(structure);
-    }
-    this.setValidationsForm();
-  }
-  private createAccountForm(email?: string): void {
-    this.accountForm = new FormGroup(
-      {
-        email: new FormControl(email ? email : '', [Validators.required, Validators.pattern(CustomRegExp.EMAIL)]),
-        name: new FormControl('', [Validators.required, Validators.pattern(CustomRegExp.TEXT_WITHOUT_NUMBER)]),
-        surname: new FormControl('', [Validators.required, Validators.pattern(CustomRegExp.TEXT_WITHOUT_NUMBER)]),
-        phone: new FormControl('', [Validators.required, Validators.pattern(CustomRegExp.PHONE)]),
-        password: new FormControl('', [
-          Validators.required,
-          Validators.pattern(CustomRegExp.PASSWORD), //NOSONAR
-        ]),
-        confirmPassword: new FormControl(''),
-      },
-      [MustMatch('password', 'confirmPassword')]
-    );
-  }
-  private createStructureForm(structure): FormGroup {
-    return new FormGroup({
-      _id: new FormControl(structure._id),
-      coord: new FormControl(structure.coord),
-      structureType: new FormControl(structure.structureType, Validators.required),
-      structureName: new FormControl(structure.structureName, Validators.required),
-      description: new FormControl(structure.description),
-      lockdownActivity: new FormControl(structure.lockdownActivity),
-      address: new FormGroup({
-        numero: new FormControl(structure.address.numero),
-        street: new FormControl(structure.address.street, Validators.required),
-        commune: new FormControl(structure.address.commune, Validators.required),
-      }),
-      contactMail: new FormControl(structure.contactMail, [
-        Validators.required,
-        Validators.pattern(CustomRegExp.EMAIL),
-      ]),
-      contactPhone: new FormControl(structure.contactPhone, [
-        Validators.required,
-        Validators.pattern(CustomRegExp.PHONE),
-      ]),
-      website: new FormControl(, Validators.pattern(CustomRegExp.WEBSITE)),
-      facebook: new FormControl(structure.facebook, Validators.pattern(CustomRegExp.FACEBOOK)),
-      twitter: new FormControl(structure.twitter, Validators.pattern(CustomRegExp.TWITTER)),
-      instagram: new FormControl(structure.instagram, Validators.pattern(CustomRegExp.INSTAGRAM)),
-      linkedin: new FormControl(structure.linkedin, Validators.pattern(CustomRegExp.LINKEDIN)),
-      hours: new FormGroup({}),
-      pmrAccess: new FormControl(structure.pmrAccess, Validators.required),
-      exceptionalClosures: new FormControl(structure.exceptionalClosures),
-      labelsQualifications: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.labelsQualifications, false),
-      accessModality: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.accessModality, true),
-      publicsAccompaniment: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.publicsAccompaniment, false),
-      proceduresAccompaniment: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.proceduresAccompaniment, false),
-      remoteAccompaniment: new FormControl(structure.remoteAccompaniment, Validators.required),
-      otherDescription: new FormControl(structure.otherDescription),
-      equipmentsAndServices: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.equipmentsAndServices, false),
-      publics: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.publics, true),
-      baseSkills: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.baseSkills, false),
-      accessRight: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.accessRight, false),
-      parentingHelp: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.parentingHelp, false),
-      socialAndProfessional: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.socialAndProfessional, false),
-      digitalCultureSecurity: this.loadArrayForCheckbox(structure.digitalCultureSecurity, false),
-      nbComputers: new FormControl(
-        structure.equipmentsAndServices.includes('ordinateurs') ? structure.nbComputers : 0,
-        [Validators.required, Validators.pattern(CustomRegExp.NO_NEGATIVE_NUMBER), Validators.min(0)]
-      ),
-      nbPrinters: new FormControl(structure.equipmentsAndServices.includes('imprimantes') ? structure.nbPrinters : 0, [
-        Validators.required,
-        Validators.pattern(CustomRegExp.NO_NEGATIVE_NUMBER),
-        Validators.min(0),
-      ]),
-      nbTablets: new FormControl(structure.equipmentsAndServices.includes('tablettes') ? structure.nbTablets : 0, [
-        Validators.required,
-        Validators.pattern(CustomRegExp.NO_NEGATIVE_NUMBER),
-        Validators.min(0),
-      ]),
-      nbNumericTerminal: new FormControl(
-        structure.equipmentsAndServices.includes('bornesNumeriques') ? structure.nbNumericTerminal : 0,
-        [Validators.required, Validators.pattern(CustomRegExp.NO_NEGATIVE_NUMBER), Validators.min(0)]
-      ),
-      nbScanners: new FormControl(structure.equipmentsAndServices.includes('scanners') ? structure.nbScanners : 0, [
-        Validators.required,
-        Validators.pattern(CustomRegExp.NO_NEGATIVE_NUMBER),
-        Validators.min(0),
-      ]),
-      freeWorkShop: new FormControl(structure.freeWorkShop, [Validators.required]),
-      dataShareConsentDate: new FormControl(structure.dataShareConsentDate),
-      personalOffers: new FormControl(structure.personalOffers),
-    });
-  }
-  private showCollapse(s: Structure): void {
-    if ( {
-      this.showWebsite = true;
-    }
-    if (s.facebook || s.twitter || s.instagram || s.linkedin) {
-      this.showSocialNetwork = true;
-    }
-    if (s.publicsAccompaniment.length) {
-      this.showPublicsAccompaniment = true;
-    }
-    if (s.proceduresAccompaniment.length) {
-      this.showProceduresAccompaniment = true;
-    }
-    this.trainingCategories.forEach((categ: { category: Category; openned: boolean }) => {
-      categ.openned = false;
-      switch ( {
-        case 'accessRight':
-          if (s.accessRight.length) {
-            categ.openned = true;
-          }
-          break;
-        case 'socialAndProfessional':
-          if (s.socialAndProfessional.length) {
-            categ.openned = true;
-          }
-          break;
-        case 'baseSkills':
-          if (s.baseSkills.length) {
-            categ.openned = true;
-          }
-          break;
-        case 'parentingHelp':
-          if (s.parentingHelp.length) {
-            categ.openned = true;
-          }
-          break;
-        case 'digitalCultureSecurity':
-          if (s.digitalCultureSecurity.length) {
-            categ.openned = true;
-          }
-          break;
-      }
-    });
-    this.equipmentsAndServices.forEach((equipment: { module: Module; openned: boolean }) => {
-      equipment.openned = false;
-      switch ( {
-        case 'ordinateurs':
-          if (s.equipmentsAndServices.includes('ordinateurs')) {
-            equipment.openned = true;
-          }
-          break;
-        case 'tablettes':
-          if (s.equipmentsAndServices.includes('tablettes')) {
-            equipment.openned = true;
-          }
-          break;
-        case 'bornesNumeriques':
-          if (s.equipmentsAndServices.includes('bornesNumeriques')) {
-            equipment.openned = true;
-          }
-          break;
-        case 'imprimantes':
-          if (s.equipmentsAndServices.includes('imprimantes')) {
-            equipment.openned = true;
-          }
-          break;
-        case 'scanners':
-          if (s.equipmentsAndServices.includes('scanners')) {
-            equipment.openned = true;
-          }
-          break;
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  private loadArrayForCheckbox(array: string[], isRequired: boolean): FormArray {
-    return new FormArray(
- => new FormControl(str)),
-      isRequired ? Validators.required : Validators.nullValidator
-    );
-  }
-  public getStructureControl(nameControl: string): AbstractControl {
-    return this.structureForm.get(nameControl);
-  }
-  public getAddressControl(nameControl: string): AbstractControl {
-    return this.structureForm.get('address').get(nameControl);
-  }
-  private createDay(day: Day): FormGroup {
-    return new FormGroup({
-      open: new FormControl(, Validators.required),
-      time: new FormArray( => this.createTime(oneTime))) as FormArray,
-    });
-  }
-  private createTime(time: Time): FormGroup {
-    return new FormGroup({
-      opening: new FormControl(time.opening),
-      closing: new FormControl(time.closing),
-    });
-  }
-  public onCheckChange(event: boolean, formControlName: string, value: string): void {
-    // if (value === 'wifiEnAccesLibre') {
-    //   this.isWifiChoosen = true;
-    // }
-    const formArray: FormArray = this.structureForm.get(formControlName) as FormArray;
-    if (event) {
-      // Add a new control in the arrayForm
-      formArray.push(new FormControl(value));
-    } else {
-      // Remove uncheck control in the arrayForm
-      const index = formArray.controls.findIndex((element) => element.value === value);
-      formArray.removeAt(index);
-    }
-    this.setValidationsForm();
-  }
-  // Check if a FormControl value is in FormArray
-  public isInArray(term: string, formControlName: string): boolean {
-    if (this.structureForm.controls[formControlName].value) {
-      return this.structureForm.controls[formControlName].value.includes(term);
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  public setValidationsForm(): void {
-    if (this.isClaimMode) {
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.summary] = { valid: true };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.accountInfo] = {
-        valid:
-          this.accountForm.get('surname').valid &&
-          this.accountForm.get('name').valid &&
-          this.accountForm.get('phone').valid,
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.accountCredentials] = {
-        valid:
-          this.accountForm.get('email').valid &&
-          this.accountForm.get('password').valid &&
-          this.accountForm.get('confirmPassword').valid,
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.cgu] = { valid: this.userAcceptSavedDate };
-      this.updatePageValid();
-    } else if (this.isAccountMode) {
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.accountInfo] = {
-        valid:
-          this.accountForm.get('surname').valid &&
-          this.accountForm.get('name').valid &&
-          this.accountForm.get('phone').valid,
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.accountCredentials] = {
-        valid:
-          this.accountForm.get('email').valid &&
-          this.accountForm.get('password').valid &&
-          this.accountForm.get('confirmPassword').valid,
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.cgu] = { valid: this.userAcceptSavedDate };
-      this.updatePageValid();
-    } else {
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.summary] = { valid: true };
-      this.pagesValidation[] = { valid: true };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.accountInfo] = {
-        valid:
-          this.accountForm.get('surname').valid &&
-          this.accountForm.get('name').valid &&
-          this.accountForm.get('phone').valid,
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.accountCredentials] = {
-        valid:
-          this.accountForm.get('email').valid &&
-          this.accountForm.get('password').valid &&
-          this.accountForm.get('confirmPassword').valid,
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.structureNameAndAddress] = {
-        valid: this.getStructureControl('structureName').valid && this.getStructureControl('address').valid,
-        name: 'Nom et adresse',
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.structurePhone] = {
-        valid: this.getStructureControl('contactMail').valid && this.getStructureControl('contactPhone').valid,
-        name: 'Contact structure',
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.structureType] = {
-        valid: this.getStructureControl('structureType').valid,
-        name: 'Type de structure',
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.structureAccessModality] = {
-        valid: this.getStructureControl('accessModality').valid,
-        name: "Modalités d'accueil",
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.structureHours] = {
-        valid: this.hoursForm.valid && this.getStructureControl('exceptionalClosures').valid,
-        name: "Horaires d'ouverture",
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.structurePmr] = {
-        valid: this.getStructureControl('pmrAccess').valid,
-        name: 'Accessibilité pour les personnes à mobilité réduite',
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.structureWebAndSocialNetwork] = {
-        valid:
-          (this.getStructureControl('website').valid || !this.showWebsite) &&
-          ((this.getStructureControl('facebook').valid &&
-            this.getStructureControl('twitter').valid &&
-            this.getStructureControl('instagram').valid) ||
-            !this.showSocialNetwork),
-        name: 'Présence sur internet',
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.structurePublicTarget] = {
-        valid: this.getStructureControl('publics').valid,
-        name: 'Public admis',
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.structureAccompaniment] = {
-        valid:
-          this.getStructureControl('publicsAccompaniment').valid &&
-          this.getStructureControl('proceduresAccompaniment').valid,
-        name: 'Accompagnements proposés',
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.structureOtherAccompaniment] = {
-        valid: this.getStructureControl('otherDescription').value,
-        name: 'Autres démarches proposés',
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.structureRemoteAccompaniment] = {
-        valid: this.getStructureControl('remoteAccompaniment').valid,
-        name: 'Accompagnement à distance',
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.structureWorkshop] = {
-        valid:
-          this.getStructureControl('accessRight').valid &&
-          this.getStructureControl('socialAndProfessional').valid &&
-          this.getStructureControl('baseSkills').valid &&
-          this.getStructureControl('parentingHelp').valid &&
-          this.getStructureControl('digitalCultureSecurity').valid,
-        name: 'Ateliers au numérique proposés',
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.structureWorkshopPrice] = {
-        valid: this.getStructureControl('freeWorkShop').valid,
-        name: 'Gratuité des ateliers',
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.structureWifi] = {
-        valid: this.getStructureControl('equipmentsAndServices').valid,
-        name: 'Gratuité du wifi',
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.structureEquipments] = {
-        valid:
-          this.getStructureControl('equipmentsAndServices').valid &&
-          this.getStructureControl('nbComputers').valid &&
-          this.getStructureControl('nbPrinters').valid &&
-          this.getStructureControl('nbTablets').valid &&
-          this.getStructureControl('nbNumericTerminal').valid &&
-          this.getStructureControl('nbScanners').valid,
-        name: 'Matériels mis à disposition',
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.structureLabels] = {
-        valid: this.getStructureControl('labelsQualifications').valid,
-        name: 'Labélisations proposées',
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.structureOtherServices] = {
-        valid: this.getStructureControl('equipmentsAndServices').valid,
-        name: 'Autres services proposés',
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.structureDescription] = {
-        valid: this.getStructureControl('description').valid,
-        name: 'Présentation de la structure',
-      };
-      this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.structureCovidInfo] = {
-        valid: this.getStructureControl('lockdownActivity').valid,
-        name: 'Informations spécifiques à la période COVID',
-      };
-      if (this.isEditMode) {
-        this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.cgu] = {
-          valid: this.getStructureControl('dataShareConsentDate').valid,
-          name: 'Partage de données sur',
-        };
-      } else {
-        this.pagesValidation[PageTypeEnum.cgu] = { valid: this.userAcceptSavedDate };
-      }
-      this.updatePageValid();
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Update valid page or return page validity of the given index
-   * @param {number} [index] - Page index
-   */
-  private updatePageValid(index?: number): boolean {
-    if (index) {
-      return this.pagesValidation[index].valid;
-    }
-    this.isPageValid = this.pagesValidation[this.currentPage].valid;
-    return this.isPageValid;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Page algo for claim structure case
-   */
-  public nextPageClaim(): void {
-    if (this.currentPage === this.nbPagesForm - 1) {
-      const user = new User(this.accountForm.value);
-      // Create user and claim structure
-      this.authService.register(user).subscribe(() => {
-        if (this.userAcceptNewsletter) {
-          this.newsletterService.newsletterSubscribe( => {});
-        }
-        // If joinMode, send join request, if not send claim request;
-        if (this.isJoinMode) {
-          this.structureService.joinStructure(this.claimStructure._id, => {
-            this.progressStatus = 100;
-          });
-        } else {
-          this.structureService.claimStructureWithAccount(this.claimStructure._id, => {
-            this.progressStatus = 100;
-          });
-        }
-      });
-    }
-    if (this.currentPage === PageTypeEnum.summary) {
-      this.currentPage = PageTypeEnum.accountInfo;
-      this.updatePageValid();
-    } else if (this.currentPage === PageTypeEnum.accountInfo) {
-      this.currentPage = PageTypeEnum.accountCredentials;
-      this.updatePageValid();
-    } else if (this.currentPage === PageTypeEnum.accountCredentials) {
-      this.currentPage = PageTypeEnum.cgu;
-      this.updatePageValid();
-    } else if (this.currentPage === PageTypeEnum.cgu) {
-      this.currentPage = this.nbPagesForm;
-    }
-    this.progressStatus += 25;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Page algo for create account case
-   */
-  public nextPageAccount(): void {
-    if (this.currentPage === this.nbPagesForm - 1) {
-      const user = new User(this.accountForm.value);
-      // Create user with structure
-      user.structuresLink = this.linkedStructureId;
-      this.authService.register(user).subscribe(() => {
-        this.progressStatus = 100;
-      });
-    }
-    if (this.currentPage === PageTypeEnum.accountInfo) {
-      this.currentPage = PageTypeEnum.accountCredentials;
-      this.updatePageValid();
-    } else if (this.currentPage === PageTypeEnum.accountCredentials) {
-      this.currentPage = PageTypeEnum.cgu;
-      this.updatePageValid();
-    } else if (this.currentPage === PageTypeEnum.cgu) {
-      this.currentPage = this.nbPagesForm;
-    }
-    this.progressStatus += 25;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Page algo for claim structure case
-   */
-  public previousPageClaim(): void {
-    if (this.currentPage === PageTypeEnum.accountInfo) {
-      this.currentPage = PageTypeEnum.summary;
-      this.updatePageValid();
-    } else if (this.currentPage === PageTypeEnum.accountCredentials) {
-      this.currentPage = PageTypeEnum.accountInfo;
-      this.updatePageValid();
-    } else if (this.currentPage === PageTypeEnum.cgu) {
-      this.currentPage = PageTypeEnum.accountCredentials;
-      this.updatePageValid();
-    }
-    this.progressStatus -= 25;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Page algo for claim structure case
-   */
-  public previousPageAccount(): void {
-    if (this.currentPage === PageTypeEnum.accountCredentials) {
-      this.currentPage = PageTypeEnum.accountInfo;
-      this.updatePageValid();
-    } else if (this.currentPage === PageTypeEnum.cgu) {
-      this.currentPage = PageTypeEnum.accountCredentials;
-      this.updatePageValid();
-    }
-    this.progressStatus -= 25;
-  }
-  public nextPage(): void {
-    if (this.isClaimMode) {
-      this.nextPageClaim();
-    } else if (this.isAccountMode) {
-      this.nextPageAccount();
-    } else {
-      // Check if user already connected to skip accountForm pages.
-      if (this.currentPage === && this.profile) {
-        this.currentPage += 2; // Skip accountInfo pages from AccountForm
-        this.progressStatus += 2 * (100 / this.nbPagesForm);
-      }
-      // Check if "other" isn't check to hide "other description" page
-      if (
-        this.currentPage === PageTypeEnum.structureAccompaniment &&
-        !this.isInArray('autres', 'proceduresAccompaniment')
-      ) {
-        this.currentPage++; // page structureOtherAccompaniment skip and go to page structureWorkshop
-        this.progressStatus += 100 / this.nbPagesForm;
-      }
-      if (this.currentPage === PageTypeEnum.structureWorkshop) {
-        if (
-          !this.structureForm.get('baseSkills').value.length &&
-          !this.structureForm.get('accessRight').value.length &&
-          !this.structureForm.get('parentingHelp').value.length &&
-          !this.structureForm.get('socialAndProfessional').value.length &&
-          !this.structureForm.get('digitalCultureSecurity').value.length
-        ) {
-          this.getStructureControl('freeWorkShop').reset();
-          this.currentPage++;
-          this.progressStatus += 100 / this.nbPagesForm;
-        }
-      }
-      // Check if going to the last page to submit form and send email verification.
-      if (this.currentPage === this.nbPagesForm - 1) {
-        this.validateForm();
-      } else {
-        this.currentPage++;
-        this.progressStatus += 100 / this.nbPagesForm;
-        document.getElementsByClassName('content')[0].scrollTo(0, 0);
-        this.updatePageValid();
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  public previousPage(): void {
-    if (this.isClaimMode) {
-      this.previousPageClaim();
-    } else if (this.isAccountMode) {
-      this.previousPageAccount();
-    } else {
-      // Check if user already connected to skip accountForm pages.
-      if (this.currentPage === PageTypeEnum.structureNameAndAddress && this.profile) {
-        this.currentPage -= 2; // Skip 2 pages from AccountForm
-        this.progressStatus -= 2 * (100 / this.nbPagesForm);
-      }
-      // Check if "other" isn't check to hide "other description" page
-      if (
-        this.currentPage === PageTypeEnum.structureRemoteAccompaniment &&
-        !this.isInArray('autres', 'proceduresAccompaniment')
-      ) {
-        this.currentPage--; // page 14 skip and go to page 13
-        this.progressStatus -= 100 / this.nbPagesForm;
-      }
-      if (this.currentPage === PageTypeEnum.structureWifi) {
-        if (
-          !this.structureForm.get('baseSkills').value.length &&
-          !this.structureForm.get('accessRight').value.length &&
-          !this.structureForm.get('parentingHelp').value.length &&
-          !this.structureForm.get('socialAndProfessional').value.length &&
-          !this.structureForm.get('digitalCultureSecurity').value.length
-        ) {
-          this.currentPage--;
-          this.progressStatus -= 100 / this.nbPagesForm;
-        }
-      }
-      this.currentPage--;
-      this.progressStatus -= 100 / this.nbPagesForm;
-      this.updatePageValid();
-    }
-  }
-  public showPassword(): void {
-    this.isShowPassword = !this.isShowPassword;
-  }
-  public showConfirmPassword(): void {
-    this.isShowConfirmPassword = !this.isShowConfirmPassword;
-  }
-  public setAddressStructure(address?: Address): void {
-    if (address) {
-      this.getAddressControl('numero').setValue(address.numero);
-      this.getAddressControl('street').setValue(address.street);
-      this.getAddressControl('commune').setValue(address.commune);
-    } else {
-      this.structureForm.get('address').reset();
-    }
-    this.setValidationsForm();
-  }
-  public setTypeStructure(type?: string): void {
-    this.getStructureControl('structureType').setValue(type);
-    this.setValidationsForm();
-  }
-  public updateHours(form: FormGroup): void {
-    this.hoursForm = form;
-    this.setValidationsForm();
-  }
-  public setHoursError(): void {
-    this.hoursForm.setErrors({ formError: true });
-    this.setValidationsForm();
-  }
-  public onRadioBtnChange(controlName: string, bool: boolean): void {
-    this.getStructureControl(controlName).setValue(bool);
-    this.setValidationsForm();
-  }
-  public toggleWebSite(): void {
-    this.showWebsite = !this.showWebsite;
-    if (!this.showWebsite) {
-      this.getStructureControl('website').reset();
-    }
-    this.setValidationsForm();
-  }
-  public toggleSocialNetwork(): void {
-    this.showSocialNetwork = !this.showSocialNetwork;
-    if (!this.showSocialNetwork) {
-      this.getStructureControl('facebook').reset();
-      this.getStructureControl('twitter').reset();
-      this.getStructureControl('instagram').reset();
-    }
-    this.setValidationsForm();
-  }
-  public updateChoice(choice: string, controlName: string): void {
-    this.onCheckChange(!this.isInArray(choice, controlName), controlName, choice);
-  }
-  public togglePublicsAccompaniment(): void {
-    this.showPublicsAccompaniment = !this.showPublicsAccompaniment;
-    if (!this.showPublicsAccompaniment) {
-      this.getStructureControl('publicsAccompaniment').reset();
-    }
-    this.setValidationsForm();
-  }
-  public toggleProceduresAccompaniment(): void {
-    this.showProceduresAccompaniment = !this.showProceduresAccompaniment;
-    if (!this.showProceduresAccompaniment && !this.isEditMode) {
-      this.getStructureControl('proceduresAccompaniment').reset();
-    }
-    this.setValidationsForm();
-  }
-  public toggleTrainingCategories(categ: { category: Category; openned: boolean }): void {
-    this.trainingCategories.forEach((c: { category: Category; openned: boolean }) => {
-      if (categ === c) {
-        c.openned = !c.openned;
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  public toggleEquipmentsServices(equipment: { module: Module; openned: boolean }): void {
-    this.onCheckChange(!equipment.openned, 'equipmentsAndServices',;
-    this.equipmentsAndServices.forEach((e: { module: Module; openned: boolean }) => {
-      if (equipment === e) {
-        e.openned = !e.openned;
-        if (!equipment.openned) {
-          switch ( {
-            case {
-              this.getStructureControl('nbComputers').setValue(0);
-              break;
-            }
-            case Equipment.printer: {
-              this.getStructureControl('nbPrinters').setValue(0);
-              break;
-            }
-            case Equipment.tablet: {
-              this.getStructureControl('nbTablets').setValue(0);
-              break;
-            }
-            case Equipment.bornes: {
-              this.getStructureControl('nbNumericTerminal').setValue(0);
-              break;
-            }
-            case Equipment.scanner: {
-              this.getStructureControl('nbScanners').setValue(0);
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-          this.setValidationsForm();
-        }
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  public acceptDataBeSaved(isAccepted: boolean): void {
-    this.userAcceptSavedDate = isAccepted;
-    this.setValidationsForm();
-  }
-  public acceptOpenData(isAccepted: boolean): void {
-    let now = new Date().toString();
-    this.getStructureControl('dataShareConsentDate').setValue(now);
-    this.setValidationsForm();
-  }
-  public acceptReceiveNewsletter(isAccepted: boolean): void {
-    this.userAcceptNewsletter = isAccepted;
-  }
-  private changeValueHandler(equipment: string, value = 0): void {
-    let field = '';
-    if (equipment === 'ordinateurs') field = 'nbComputers';
-    if (equipment === 'tablettes') field = 'nbTablets';
-    if (equipment === 'scanners') field = 'nbScanners';
-    if (equipment === 'bornesNumeriques') field = 'nbNumericTerminal';
-    if (equipment === 'imprimantes') field = 'nbPrinters';
-    if (value === -1 && this.structureForm.value[field] === 0) return;
-    this.getStructureControl(field).setValue(this.structureForm.value[field] + value);
-  }
-  public validateForm(): void {
-    if (this.getStructureControl('freeWorkShop').value === null) {
-      this.getStructureControl('freeWorkShop').setValue(false);
-    }
-    let structure: Structure = this.structureForm.value;
-    structure.hours = this.hoursForm.value;
-    // Remove equipments if value is 0
-    structure.equipmentsAndServices = structure.equipmentsAndServices.filter((equipments) => {
-      if (equipments === 'ordinateurs' && structure.nbComputers === 0) return false;
-      if (equipments === 'tablettes' && structure.nbTablets === 0) return false;
-      if (equipments === 'scanners' && structure.nbScanners === 0) return false;
-      if (equipments === 'bornesNumeriques' && structure.nbNumericTerminal === 0) return false;
-      if (equipments === 'imprimantes' && structure.nbPrinters === 0) return false;
-      return true;
-    });
-    let user: User;
-    // If edit mode, update setbystep
-    if (this.isEditMode) {
-      this.structureService.editStructure(structure).subscribe((s: Structure) => {
-        this.editForm = this.createStructureForm(s);
-      });
-    } else {
-      if (this.structureForm.valid && this.hoursForm.valid) {
-        // For creation mode, check structure validity
-        if (this.profile) {
-          user = this.profile;
-          structure.accountVerified = true;
-          this.createStructure(structure, user);
-        } else {
-          if (this.accountForm.valid) {
-            user = new User(this.accountForm.value);
-            this.authService
-              .register(user)
-              .pipe(first())
-              .subscribe(() => {
-                this.createStructure(structure, user);
-              });
-            if (this.userAcceptNewsletter) {
-              this.newsletterService.newsletterSubscribe( => {});
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  private createStructure(structure: Structure, user: User): void {
-    this.structureService.createStructure(structure, user).subscribe((newStructure) => {
-      this.currentPage++;
-      this.progressStatus += 100 / this.nbPagesForm;
-      this.createdStructure = newStructure;
-    });
-  }
-  public toggleMenu(): void {
-    this.showMenu = !this.showMenu;
-  }
-  public closeMenu(): void {
-    this.showMenu = false;
-  }
-  public canExit(): Promise<boolean> {
-    // Avoid confirmation when user submit form and leave.
-    if (this.currentPage === this.nbPagesForm || this.currentPage < 3 || this.isEditMode) {
-      return new Promise((resolve) => resolve(true));
-    } else {
-      return new Promise((resolve) => this.showModal(resolve));
-    }
-  }
-  private showModal(resolve: Function): void {
-    this.showConfirmationModal = true;
-    this.resolve = resolve;
-  }
-  public hasRedirectionAccepted(hasAccept: boolean): void {
-    this.resolve(hasAccept);
-    this.showConfirmationModal = false;
-  }
-  // Function for editMode only
-  public goToSpecificPage(numPage: number, isSave: boolean): void {
-    if (isSave) {
-      this.validateForm();
-    } else {
-      const structure = new Structure(this.editForm.value);
-      this.structureForm = this.createStructureForm(structure);
-      this.showCollapse(structure);
-    }
-    this.currentPage = numPage;
-    this.updatePageValid();
-  }
-  public closeEditMode(): void {
-    this.router.navigateByUrl('acteurs', { state: { data: this.createdStructure } });
-  }
-  public verifyUserExist(inputEmail): void {
-    if (this.accountForm.get('email').valid) {
-      this.profileService.isEmailAlreadyUsed(inputEmail).subscribe((isExist) => {
-        if (isExist) {
-          this.accountForm.get('email').setErrors({ alreadyExist: true });
-          this.setValidationsForm();
-        }
-      });
-    }
-  }
-  public displayAddStructure(): boolean {
-    return this.currentPage === this.pageTypeEnum.summary && !this.isEditMode && !this.isClaimMode;
-  }
-  public displayClaimStructure(): boolean {
-    return this.currentPage === this.pageTypeEnum.summary && !this.isEditMode && this.isClaimMode;
-  }
-  public structureDeleted(): void {
-    this.router.navigateByUrl('acteurs');
-  }
-  public shouldDisplayPage(index: number): boolean {
-    // handle OtherAccompaniment
-    if (index == this.pageTypeEnum.structureOtherAccompaniment) {
-      if (this.structureForm.value.proceduresAccompaniment.includes('autres')) return true;
-      else return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  public checkIfPasswordHasSpecialChar(password: string): boolean {
-    if (password.match(CustomRegExp.SPECHAR)) return true;
-    return false;
-  }
-  public checkIfPasswordHasDigit(password: string): boolean {
-    if (password.match(CustomRegExp.DIGIT)) return true;
-    return false;
-  }
-  public checkIfPasswordHasUpperCase(password: string): boolean {
-    if (password.match(CustomRegExp.UPPERCASE)) return true;
-    return false;
-  }
-  public checkIfPasswordHasLowerCase(password: string): boolean {
-    if (password.match(CustomRegExp.LOWERCASE)) return true;
-    return false;
-  }
diff --git a/src/app/form/structure-form/pageType.enum.ts b/src/app/form/structure-form/pageType.enum.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ce4cd632..000000000
--- a/src/app/form/structure-form/pageType.enum.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-export enum PageTypeEnum {
-  summary,
-  info,
-  accountInfo,
-  accountCredentials,
-  structureNameAndAddress,
-  structurePhone,
-  structureType,
-  structureAccessModality,
-  structureHours,
-  structurePmr,
-  structureWebAndSocialNetwork,
-  structurePublicTarget,
-  structureAccompaniment,
-  structureOtherAccompaniment,
-  structureRemoteAccompaniment,
-  structureWorkshop,
-  structureWorkshopPrice,
-  structureWifi,
-  structureEquipments,
-  structureLabels,
-  structureOtherServices,
-  structureDescription,
-  structureCovidInfo,
-  cgu,

From 37c1030ab4d3f5d70035463fc6f94c1479b34f7c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: gcarron <>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2022 11:23:32 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] fix orientation style

 .gitlab-ci.yml                                |   2 -
 .../orientation-form.component.scss           | 219 ++++++++++++++++--
 .../orientation-form.component.ts             |   2 +-
 3 files changed, 206 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 03d39d736..1cf373278 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -128,7 +128,6 @@ sonarqube:${SONAR_URL}
-      -Dsonar.cpd.exclusions=tests/**,src/**/*.spec.ts*,src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.ts,src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.html
@@ -153,5 +152,4 @@ sonarqube-mr:${SONAR_URL}
-      -Dsonar.cpd.exclusions=tests/**,src/**/*.spec.ts*,src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.ts,src/app/form/structure-form/form.component.html
diff --git a/src/app/form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component.scss b/src/app/form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component.scss
index 89ad7e410..03d833c99 100644
--- a/src/app/form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component.scss
+++ b/src/app/form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component.scss
@@ -5,15 +5,214 @@
 @import '../../../assets/scss/typography';
 @import '../../../assets/scss/buttons';
-.body-wrap {
-  height: 400px;
+h3 {
+  margin: 0;
-.titleCateg {
+h4 {
+  margin-bottom: 16px;
+.form {
+  background: $grey-7;
+  width: 100vw;
+  height: calc(var(--vh, 1vh) * 100 - #{$header-height});
+  top: #{$header-height};
+  z-index: $structure-details-z-index;
+  @media #{$tablet} {
+    height: calc(var(--vh, 1vh) * 100 - #{$header-height});
+    position: fixed; //Hide default header app.
+  }
+.content {
+  padding: 0 16px;
+  display: block;
+  overflow-y: auto;
+  height: auto;
+  h3 {
+    @include lato-bold-26;
+    @media #{$tablet} {
+      @include lato-bold-22;
+    }
+  }
+  .page {
+    max-width: 980px;
+    box-sizing: border-box;
+    margin: auto;
+    min-height: 450px;
+    max-height: 75vh;
+    overflow-y: auto;
+    color: $grey-1;
+    background: $white;
+    border-radius: 8px;
+    border: 1px solid $grey-6;
+    padding: 32px 24px 32px 48px;
+    .title {
+      margin-bottom: 16px;
+    }
+    .welcomingTerms,
+    .procedureContainer,
+    .otherServices,
+    .textareaBlock {
+      max-width: 600px;
+    }
+  }
+  p {
+    color: $grey-1;
+    @include lato-regular-14;
+    margin: 7px 0 0 0;
+  }
+  .textareaBlock {
+    @media #{$tablet} {
+      max-width: 90%;
+    }
+    p {
+      text-align: right;
+      @include lato-regular-14;
+      color: $grey-3;
+      font-style: italic;
+    }
+  }
+.form-group {
+  &.facebook,
+  &.twitter,
+  &.instagram,
+  &.linkedin,
+  &.website,
+  div {
+    height: 44px;
+  }
+img {
+  max-height: 340px;
+// collapse
+.collapse {
+  border: 1px solid $grey-5;
+  border-radius: 4px;
+  margin-bottom: 13px;
+  max-width: 600px;
+  @media #{$small-phone} {
+    width: 95% !important;
+  }
+  @media #{$tablet} {
+    width: 296px;
+  }
+  &.notCollapsed {
+    margin-bottom: 8px;
+    background: $grey-8;
+    .logo {
+      .hide {
+        display: none;
+      }
+      .show {
+        display: block;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  .form-group {
+    margin: 0;
+    color: $grey-2;
+    @include lato-regular-14;
+    &.website,
+    &.facebook,
+    &.twitter,
+    &.instagram,
+    &.linkedin {
+      svg {
+        height: 22px;
+        width: 22px;
+        padding: 6px;
+      }
+      &:focus-within {
+        input {
+          border-color: $grey-3;
+          fill: $primary-color;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    app-svg-icon {
+      padding-top: 12px;
+      margin-right: 0 !important;
+    }
+  }
+  .titleCollapse {
+    width: 100%;
+    @include lato-bold-16;
+    color: $grey-2;
+    p {
+      color: $grey-2;
+      @include lato-bold-16;
+    }
+  }
+  .collapseHeader {
+    height: 65px;
+    padding: 0 15px 0 12px;
+    cursor: pointer;
+  }
+  .logo {
+    height: 24px;
+    width: 24px;
+    svg {
+      width: 100%;
+      height: 100%;
+      fill: $grey-1;
+    }
+  }
+  .logo,
+  .titleCollapse {
+    .hide {
+      display: block;
+    }
+    .show {
+      display: none;
+    }
+  }
+.tags {
+  padding: 8px;
+  button {
+    background: $grey-8;
+    border-radius: 20px;
+    margin: 4px;
+    max-width: 100%;
+    height: 40px;
+    padding: 0 13px;
+    @include lato-bold-14;
+    outline: none;
+    border: none;
+    cursor: pointer;
+    &.selectedChoice {
+      background: $green-1 !important;
+      color: $white;
+    }
+  }
+  svg {
+    width: 20px;
+    height: 10px;
+    margin-right: 4px;
+    stroke: $grey-8;
+  }
+.textBtn {
+  overflow: hidden;
+  text-overflow: ellipsis;
+  -webkit-line-clamp: 2;
+  display: -webkit-box;
+  -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
   width: 100%;
-  @include lato-bold-16;
-  padding: 1.5em;
-  color: $grey-2;
+  margin-right: 12px;
+.section {
+  padding-bottom: 2rem;
 .titleInfo {
@@ -25,10 +224,6 @@
   .validateIcon {
     height: 38px !important;
-  .markerIcon {
-    height: 38px !important;
-    cursor: pointer;
-  }
 .nbStructure-panel {
@@ -56,10 +251,6 @@
   margin: 0 0.5em;
-.form-override {
-  height: unset !important;
 .form-footer {
   padding: 17px 0;
   width: 100%;
diff --git a/src/app/form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component.ts b/src/app/form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component.ts
index f7f6ee119..d65a19e12 100644
--- a/src/app/form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/form/orientation-form/orientation-form.component.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import { PageTypeEnum } from './pageType.enum';
   selector: 'app-orientation-form',
   templateUrl: './orientation-form.component.html',
-  styleUrls: ['./orientation-form.component.scss', '../structure-form/form.component.scss'],
+  styleUrls: ['./orientation-form.component.scss'],
 export class OrientationFormComponent implements OnInit {
   public displayMapMarkerId: string;

From a34a2da476eda6b0b39d0f943d8cddd43dd16ba4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: gcarron <>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2022 11:33:14 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] remove json server

 api/Dockerfile   |  15 -------
 api/package.json |  11 -----
 api/server.js    | 111 -----------------------------------------------
 package.json     |   4 +-
 4 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 140 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 api/Dockerfile
 delete mode 100644 api/package.json
 delete mode 100644 api/server.js

diff --git a/api/Dockerfile b/api/Dockerfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 8866e160e..000000000
--- a/api/Dockerfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# Based on Node.js
-FROM node:12.16
-# Copy the package.json file first in order to cache the modules
-COPY . .
-# Install npm dependencies
-RUN npm install
-# expose port 3000
-EXPOSE 3000
-CMD ["npm", "start"]
diff --git a/api/package.json b/api/package.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 997401923..000000000
--- a/api/package.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "pamn-mock-api",
-  "version": "0.1.0",
-  "scripts": {
-    "start": "node server.js"
-  },
-  "private": true,
-  "dependencies": {
-    "json-server": "^0.16.2"
-  }
diff --git a/api/server.js b/api/server.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 89878e701..000000000
--- a/api/server.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-const jsonServer = require('json-server');
-const server = jsonServer.create();
-const router = jsonServer.router('db.json');
-const routes = {
-  '/api/*': '/$1',
-const middlewares = [jsonServer.defaults(), jsonServer.rewriter(routes)];
-// Set default middlewares (logger, static, cors and no-cache)
-// Add custom routes before JSON Server router
-server.get('/structures/count', (req, res) => {
-  let structureCountTab = [];
-  // Compétences de base
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '260', count: 12 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '259', count: 10 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '261', count: 10 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '249', count: 9 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '222', count: 9 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '212', count: 8 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '186', count: 7 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '183', count: 6 });
-  // Accès aux droits
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '176', count: 6 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '175', count: 1 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '174', count: 2 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '173', count: 2 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '172', count: 2 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '171', count: 4 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '167', count: 3 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '165', count: 2 });
-  // Insertion sociale et professionnelle
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '254', count: 5 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '240', count: 4 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '194', count: 7 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '193', count: 7 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '192', count: 5 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '191', count: 7 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '262', count: 5 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '263', count: 3 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '3', count: 3 });
-  // Aide à la parentalité
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '257', count: 4 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '238', count: 1 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '178', count: 4 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '166', count: 2 });
-  // Culture et sécurité numérique
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '264', count: 5 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '255', count: 7 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '265', count: 2 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '232', count: 4 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '225', count: 5 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '221', count: 3 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '218', count: 2 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '209', count: 3 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '208', count: 4 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '206', count: 5 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '195', count: 5 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '164', count: 4 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '163', count: 2 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: '162', count: 3 });
-  // Accompagnement des démarches
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Accompagnant CAF', count: 7 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Pôle Emploi', count: 9 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'CPAM', count: 7 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Impôts', count: 6 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Logement', count: 5 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'CARSAT', count: 5 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Autres', count: 2 });
-  // Publics acceptés
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Tout public', count: 7 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Moins de 16 ans', count: 4 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Jeunes (16-25 ans)', count: 6 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Adultes', count: 9 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Séniors (+ de 65 ans)', count: 1 });
-  // Labels et qualifications
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Aidants Connect', count: 0 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Espace public numérique (EPN)', count: 2 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Fabrique de territoire', count: 3 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Maison France Service', count: 0 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Pass numérique', count: 4 });
-  // Modalités d'accès
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Uniquement sur RDV', count: 13 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Accès libre', count: 6 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Téléphone / Visio', count: 6 });
-  // Accompagnement des publics
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: "Personnes en situation d'illetrisme", count: 0 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Langue étrangère (anglais)', count: 0 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Langues étrangères (autres)', count: 0 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Surdité', count: 0 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Déficience visuelle', count: 0 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Handicap moteur', count: 0 });
-  // Équipements et services proposés
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Wifi en accès libre', count: 6 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Ordinateurs', count: 5 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Tablettes', count: 1 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Bornes numériques', count: 1 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Imprimantes', count: 5 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Prêt / don de matériels', count: 0 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Reconditionnements de matériel', count: 0 });
-  structureCountTab.push({ id: 'Accès à des revues ou livres informatiques et numériques', count: 0 });
-  return res.status(200).jsonp(structureCountTab);
-// Use default router
-server.listen(3000, () => {
-  console.log('JSON Server is running');
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index decbde6f7..93e6f82a0 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
     "lint": "ng lint",
     "e2e": "ng e2e",
     "release": "standard-version",
-    "translate": "ng xi18n --ivy --output-path src/locale --out-file messages.en.xlf",
-    "api": "json-server api/db.json --routes api/routes.json --no-cors=true"
+    "translate": "ng xi18n --ivy --output-path src/locale --out-file messages.en.xlf"
   "private": true,
   "dependencies": {
@@ -33,7 +32,6 @@
     "@ngx-translate/core": "^13.0.0",
     "ag-grid-angular": "^26.2.0",
     "ag-grid-community": "^26.2.1",
-    "json-server": "^0.17.0",
     "jwt-decode": "^3.1.2",
     "leaflet": "^1.7.1",
     "leaflet.locatecontrol": "^0.72.0",