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fix(deps): update ag-grid monorepo to v28 (major)

Renovate-Bot requested to merge renovate/major-ag-grid-monorepo into V2.0

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
ag-grid-angular dependencies major ^26.2.0 -> ^28.0.0
ag-grid-community (source) dependencies major ^26.2.1 -> ^28.0.0

Release Notes

ag-grid/ag-grid (ag-grid-angular)


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Release 28.2.0

Key Issue Type Summary
AG‑7327 Bug [React] Auto Height does not refresh the row height after edit
AG‑7319 Bug When using Safari iOS, tapping on a header checkbox doesn't check it
AG‑7313 Task [Charts] Allow displaying pie labels inside pie/doughnut chart sectors
AG‑7304 Bug When populating cells using the fill handle and a complex object, editing a cell throws an exception
AG‑7298 Task [Charts] Add support to TimeAxis for {min,max} properties
AG‑7296 Bug [SSRM] When pivoting without column groups, creating a pivot charting throws an exception
AG‑7295 Bug [Undo/Redo] Undo action on complex objects is not converted to string value
AG‑7294 Task [Row Grouping] Allow suppression of sort click event and indicator in row group panel and side bar
AG‑7278 Bug [Charts] When using cross-filtering, pie chart tooltip of filtered and un-filtered segment display the same values
AG‑7276 Bug Incorrect group column value is copied when using row grouping with GroupHideOpenParents=true
AG‑7263 Bug [Charts] Stacked area missing values from one series not handled correctly
AG‑7262 Bug When row order changes sorting is not applied inside row groups
AG‑7259 Bug When pivoting, the column menu value aggregation submenu doesn't display a check next to the selected aggregation function
AG‑7249 Task Provide support for Vue 3 urlql
AG‑7244 Bug When clicking above or below a checkbox, the clicked row isn't selected
AG‑7243 Bug [React] Exception thrown when aggregating a group column
AG‑7242 Bug When using Windows and not displaying a horizontal scrollbar, no mouse events are fired for the bottom half of the bottom row in the grid viewport
AG‑7235 Task [Typings] React - Expose ChangeDetectionStrategyType enum
AG‑7234 Bug [Charts] When displaying a histogram, the bins property overrides the binCount property (it shouldn't)
AG‑7230 Bug [ServerSide] Refresh method is called and fails when serverSideRowModel is not active
AG‑7222 Task Add Post Processing of CSS for CRA 3.x/4.x Compatibility
AG‑7221 Task Tighten peer dependencies for patch releases
AG‑7218 Bug [Rendering] ModelUpdatedEvent is raised too often - raised per row change
AG‑7217 Task Add support for SolidJS
AG‑7212 Bug No spacing between set filter apply and cancel buttons in the material theme
AG‑7211 Bug Column header appears blank when the column pinning direction is changed
AG‑7210 Bug [Filters] When using multiple filtering conditions, floating filter displays displayKey instead of displayName
AG‑7206 Task [Row Dragging] Allow displaying the text returned in rowDragText when dragging entire row
AG‑7200 Task [Charts] Allow 0px padding between bars in a bar series
AG‑7199 Bug When double-clicking a non-editable grid cell, row editing events are still fired
AG‑7198 Bug When moving/hiding non-group columns, the group column position is reset
AG‑7187 Bug [Columns Tool Panel] Not possible to update column name on the Columns Tool Panel using the grid context (React)
AG‑7183 Bug [Regression] When pivoting, processPivotResultColGroupDef callback no longer called for pivotRowTotals
AG‑7176 Task [Tool Panel] Add event to be fired when tool panel is resized
AG‑7147 Bug Builds are failing using Vue3, Vite and Typescript
AG‑7110 Task [Chart] Allow changing the name of the histogram series in integrated charts
AG‑7107 Bug When using enableCellChangeFlash with some aggregations, changing a cell in a different column triggers a flash
AG‑6899 Task [Chart] Allow showing chart configuration panel as open by default
AG‑6879 Task [Chart] Allow exporting standalone chart as an image
AG‑6637 Bug When auto-sizing a column via the column menu, the horizontal scrollbar position is reset to show the focused cell
AG‑5434 Task [Chart] Add API to call the chart toolbar buttons (open menu/download/unlink chart)
AG‑5220 Task [Charts] Add a tile formatter to treemap series
AG‑5198 Task [Charts] Allow coloring the middle of the doughnut chart and placing text inside
AG‑5026 Task [Integrated] Allow customizing the list of available series types in the settings tab of the chart toolbar (to allow some series types to be hidden)
AG‑4875 Task [Chart] Allow displaying chart toolbar buttons by default (currently only displayed when hovered)
AG‑4801 Bug When selecting a cell range and pressing the Delete key on Windows (and Backspace on Mac), selected cell values don't get cleared
AG‑4460 Task [Integrated] Allow setting the size of the exported image when saving chart as an image (fixed-size image)
AG‑1924 Task [Excel Export] Allow providing different styles for different column headers when exporting to Excel
AG‑302 Task [Export] Allow exporting rows in a filtered grid even if they don't match the filter


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Release 28.1.1

Key Issue Type Summary
AG‑7177 Bug [Charts] When using a time axis spanning more than a year, an additional tick is added to mark the new year meaning the axis ticks are not evenly spaced out
AG‑7175 Bug In VMRM, keyboard selection is limited to virtual row count
AG‑7170 Bug Cell edits that result in row height changes (AutoHeight) incorrectly clears the cell edit undo / redo stack
AG‑7159 Bug [Charts] AgPieSeriesTooltipRendererParams parameters are missing JSDocs
AG‑7157 Bug When grouping columns via the Column Header Context Menu or the Side Bar Column Context Menu, the columns are never hidden
AG‑7149 Bug When setting ensureDomOrder=true, scrolling the grid causes focus to be lost
AG‑7148 Task [Row Grouping] Allow sorting row groups when using row grouping displayType=groupRows when sorting the group column
AG‑7146 Bug When using React 18, dragging the fill handle down so the viewport is scrolled throws an exception and doesn't enter new values in the cells in the fill handle range
AG‑7141 Bug When using server-side row model, modifying the auto group column filter does not filter the data
AG‑7130 Bug [Regression] When using pinned rows, and copying a grid cell or cell range, cell values from pinned rows are also copied
AG‑7129 Bug When editing a cell using a custom editor, the fill handle is still available (it shouldn't be)
AG‑7127 Bug When using master-detail with the server-side row model, the detail row does not get refreshed when a parent row is updated via transaction
AG‑7123 Bug [Charts] When defining a chart legend label formatter an exception is thrown and the chart is not rendered
AG‑7122 Bug [Charts] When using charts clicking a legend item, in the event params for the legendItemClick event the itemId is undefined for non-polar charts
AG‑7118 Bug [Regression] When using full row edit, the same row cannot be edited twice
AG‑7109 Task Update peer dependencies to add React 18 for AG Charts
AG‑7106 Bug When calling setAutoGroupColumnDef() after the initial render, the auto-group column is not updated
AG‑7105 Bug When pivoting using multiple group columns, changing group column order changes the row grouping hierarchy but doesn't change the column order
AG‑7101 Bug [Charts] Combination chart markers which overlap columns/bars can't be selected/highlighted
AG‑7093 Bug When using a larger number of columns and setting autoHeaderHeight=true, vertically scrolling the grid renders cell values after a delay
AG‑7078 Bug When editing an integrated chart title, multiple renderings of the title are displayed behind the input editing the title
AG‑7076 Bug When setting popupParent to a container of the grid that's offset from the body element, the context menu is displayed at an offset from the cursor location
AG‑7069 Bug [Regression] When using stacked area charts, individual series labels are rendered underneath other stacks and are hidden
AG‑7053 Bug [Charts] When hovering a grouped/stacked column series item in a combination chart, line/area series get rendered over the non-hovered column series but behind the hovered columns
AG‑7051 Bug When exporting to Excel, processRowGroupCallback is only invoked if the group column is the left-most column
AG‑6914 Bug When using a time axis with nice=false, there's a mix of weekday and month values
AG‑6911 Bug [Regression] When using domLayout='autoHeight', checkboxSelection=true and setting a smaller than default row height, the column header is not aligned from the column cells in a pinned column on the other side of the grid
AG‑6870 Bug When using React with pivotMode=true, changing the value of groupDisplayType isn't reflected in the group columns
AG‑6138 Bug [Integrated Charts] Clicking a bubble in the cross-filtering chart example hides it
AG‑5464 Task [Column Sizing] Allow setting column minWidth to be used only when calling sizeColumnsToFit API (this minWidth will not apply when resizing manually)
AG‑3211 Task [SSRM] Add event to fire when using server-side row model after data loaded and rendered (as onFirstDataRendered only works reliably with client-side row model and fires before data is rendered when using SSRM)
AG‑2299 Task [API] Add grid context to all grid event parameters, change docs accordingly
AG‑2225 Task [React] Allow changing cacheBlockSize dynamically (either via API or making it a reactive property)


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Release 28.1.0

Key Issue Type Summary
AG‑7095 Bug [Integrated Charts] Aggregated object values are not charted
AG‑7094 Bug [Integrated Charts] Not possible to disable axes titles in Combination Charts
AG‑7062 Bug When series highlighting enabled and series item hovered bar-series labels are hidden
AG‑7060 Task [Chart] Allow cross line for a single item of a category axis
AG‑7055 Bug When using integrated combination chart without displaying any series, an exception is thrown
AG‑7052 Bug When using stacked column/area series, legend items are in reverse order
AG‑7049 Bug When dragging column headers to the row group panel, the initial hover over the row group panel applies an incorrect group order
AG‑7047 Bug New sorting localisation fields not included in localization key dictionary in docs
AG‑7046 Bug When the left-most header cell receives focus and the LEFT ARROW key is pressed, the navigateToNextHeader event is not called
AG‑7039 Bug When zooming in using the navigator, hovering the chart area displays chart points and tooltips in their original (not zoomed) locations
AG‑7037 Bug Fix Vue 3 Declarative Columns
AG‑7036 Bug When using server-side row model the onFirstDataRendered event fires before data is loaded into the grid rows
AG‑7032 Bug When returning string values as the row id in getRowId callback, the order of rows selected by pressing the SHIFT key is different from the selected row order in the grid
AG‑7029 Bug Memory leak in Filters Tool Panel when adding columns via setColumnDefs()
AG‑7018 Bug When using React 18, the firstDataRendered event is fired before all column headers are displayed and calling autoSizeAllColumns doesn't auto-size columns
AG‑7017 Bug [Regression] When dragging a grouped column from the group panel into the grid, it is displayed in the column header row
AG‑7011 Bug When using React and a component is rendered with createRoot, column header keyboard navigation is broken
AG‑7009 Bug When using floating date filter with in-range operator, the floating filter input shows the dates in format yyyy-mm-dd instead of according to the browser locale
AG‑7008 Bug [Regression] When column sort is removed sortIndex is not set to null
AG‑7006 Bug When rendering an area chart with numeric axes on Mac, an exception is thrown and the chart isn't rendered
AG‑7005 Bug [Regression] When using a touch device, dragging a column header into the row group panel throws a console exception
AG‑7003 Bug [Regression] When using cell editor components, setting editType=fullRow and stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus=true editing a cell doesn't focus it and ending the edit throws a console exception
AG‑7002 Bug When using sticky group rows with tree data, scrolling down throws an exception
AG‑7000 Bug [Regression] When editing cells in some columns in the website demo, pressing ENTER key doesn't complete the edit
AG‑6998 Bug [Regression] When using React, falsy values are displayed as empty cell values
AG‑6997 Bug [Regression] When using resizing a column with autoHeight=true, scrolling causes the grid to freeze
AG‑6996 Bug When using cross-filter integrated charts, theme override series fills and strokes settings are ignored
AG‑6995 Bug [Regression] When setting enableCellTextSelection=true and dragging a row, cell values below the dragged row are selected
AG‑6992 Bug [Regression] When displaying the row group panel and dragging a column with enableRowGroup=true up and out of the grid, the column briefly displays the icon showing it will be hidden, but it is not
AG‑6991 Bug When dragging a grid column header, touchEvent.preventDefault() causes warning on header#onTouchEnd
AG‑6989 Bug When using row grouping with sticky group rows, calling setGroupRemoveSingleChildren API method displays empty row groups and throws an exception
AG‑6988 Bug When using groupDisplayType=groupRows, selecting a cell range, expanding and collapsing row groups doesn't clear the selected cell range and displays a different set of cells as selected
AG‑6987 Bug When using React and calling setRowData and startEditingCell API methods, an exception is thrown and the cell is not in edit mode
AG‑6982 Bug [Regression] When using React with enableCellTextSelection=true or autoHeight=true, editing a cell displays its value in the cell below
AG‑6981 Bug When using React 18 with stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus=true, editing a cell and pressing TAB key causes editing to stop and focus to be lost
AG‑6980 Bug [Regression] When copying a large number of cells a console exception is thrown and the selected cell range isn't copied
AG‑6979 Bug [Regression] When using Firefox, charts don't display tooltips when hovering a chart series marker
AG‑6974 Bug [Charts] Typings for seriesNodeClick are incorrect
AG‑6973 Bug [Regression] When using custom header templates and sorting, sort order icons and sort index are not displayed
AG‑6969 Bug [Charts] Angular 13+ build issue - OffscreenCanvas typings missing.
AG‑6968 Bug [Charts] Charts code won't execute in environments with CSP and without unsafe-eval set
AG‑6965 Bug When setting suppressClipboardApi=true, copying a value and holding CTRL+V key to paste the value in a grid cell, the copied value gets pasted multiple times in the same cell
AG‑6959 Bug [Regression] When using editType='fullRow', stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus=true and a custom cell editor, editing an agSelectCellEditor and pressing ESCAPE key onCellValueChanged and onRowValueChanged events to be fired
AG‑6956 Bug [Regression] When focusing/selecting a cell in the group or total footer rows, copying it to clipboard copies an empty value
AG‑6949 Bug When using rowDrag=true, dragging a row and accessing rowNodes inside the rowDragText callback throws an exception
AG‑6944 Bug [Regression] When using editType=fullRow and stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus=true, editing a row with only null values and focusing away from it throws an exception
AG‑6897 Bug [Charts] Resolve options series[].highlightStyle.series.enabled options vs. implementation discrepancy
AG‑6873 Task [Row Selection] Allow displaying disabled (read-only) checkboxes instead of no checkboxes when the row is not selectable
AG‑6847 Bug [Regression] When starting an edit with agSelectCellEditor the valueFormatter is not called and console warnings are displayed
AG‑6829 Bug When changing the visibility of a column by toggling the column checkbox in the columns tool panel, onGridColumnsChanged event is fired (it shouldn't be fired)
AG‑6825 Bug [Regression] When using set filter with suppressSorting=true, set filter values are still sorted
AG‑6758 Bug [Regression] When using Firefox, the horizontal scrollbar doesn't appear when hovered
AG‑6708 Bug When using standalone chart with time x-axis with a custom and a series without any data points with valid time values, the x-axis reverts to using year-based scale
AG‑6594 Bug When setting treemap series tile label visibility to false, tile labels aren't hidden
AG‑6562 Bug [Regression][Vue] When using Vue, dynamically changing components using the components property and grid throws exception
AG‑6289 Task [Chart] Allow adding horizontal/vertical shaded regions inside the chart
AG‑6137 Bug [Integrated Charts] Changes to the Series Fill Opacity are not reflected in the Legend
AG‑6133 Bug When all chart series are hidden via the legend, the entire chart area disappears
AG‑5738 Bug When showing a single line series in the chart and using item highlighting, the marker nearest to the pointer (in x,y space) gets highlighted, causing some markers to not be highlighted even though the pointer is at the same x-value
AG‑5320 Bug When using histogram and setting the bin count, fewer or more bins are actually shown
AG‑5105 Task [Chart] Allow adding crossing lines - vertical lines at specific X-axis values or horizontal lines at specific Y-axis values
AG‑5103 Bug [Framework] In onGridReady the setState() callback hook gets called before the row data is set, preventing the application of an initial filter model
AG‑4251 Bug [React] Memory leak when updating React cell renderers
AG‑1063 Task [SSRM] Allow setting the initial page and scroll position to a particular row index


Compare Source

Release 28.0.0

Key Issue Type Summary
AG‑6948 Task Remove @​ag-grid-community/all-modules and @​ag-grid-enterprise/all-modules
AG‑6915 Task [Row Sorting] Rename colDef.comparator parameter isInverted to isDescending
AG‑6903 Bug When using Windows-style overlay scrolling in Edge, the horizontal scrollbar doesn't appear when hovered and cannot be dragged
AG‑6900 Bug When enableRangeSelection=true the rangeSelectionChanged event is fired twice instead of once on mousedown
AG‑6898 Task [Charts] Add Legend Item click listener
AG‑6887 Task [Charts] Series highlight z-order improvements
AG‑6884 Bug [Regression] When setting groupHideOpenParents=true, collapsed group row cell values cannot be copied
AG‑6883 Bug When calling setColumnDefs with colDefs with a column that's locked on the left but isn't first in the array or locked to the right but isn't the last, the locked column isn't rendered on the correct side of the grid
AG‑6878 Bug [Regression] When using integrated line/area/scatter charts both x and y axis labels are clipped
AG‑6874 Task Improve the way Cell Class is handled to avoid React’s memory leak
AG‑6858 Task [SSRM] Simplify SSRM by removing Store concept
AG‑6857 Bug When dragging the fill handle in a pinned column, the fill area dashed border isn't shown in the border between the pinned and unpinned columns
AG‑6856 Bug When focusing agNumberColumnFilter, entering a number and turning the mouse wheel increases/decreases the value
AG‑6852 Task [Chart] Allow setting maxWidth for chart legend items
AG‑6848 Task [SSRM] Allow Server-Side Sorting & Filtering when using server-side row model without Infinite Scroll
AG‑6836 Bug [Regression] When using non-QWERTY keyboards (French/German/etc), keyboard shortcuts CTRL+Z/Y don't work
AG‑6832 Bug When using tree data with group selection but not all rows are selectable, the top-level checkbox is indeterminate state and cannot be un-selected
AG‑6826 Bug [Regression] When using React and setting a filter model, filtered rows are rendered with incorrect heights
AG‑6824 Bug When rowSelected event is fired, its event property (storing the browser event) is always undefined
AG‑6815 Bug [Charts] Navigator Initial rendering different after clicking 'show navigator' in docs example
AG‑6812 Bug When destroying grid while the Column Menu Tab of the Column Menu is open, an exception is thrown
AG‑6806 Bug [Regression] When enableRangeSelection=true, clicking a grid cell fires dragStopped event unnecessarily
AG‑6805 Bug When using React, applying column state and then filter model produces empty lines inside the grid rows
AG‑6801 Task [Accessibility] Allow row group, values, pivot areas in columns tool panel to comply with accessibility standards (currently using aria-role attribute instead of role attribute)
AG‑6795 Bug When using row grouping, selecting all rows with header checkbox selection, expanding a row group and dragging a row, console exceptions are thrown
AG‑6771 Bug When using Chrome on Windows with a grid with big number of rows (>50,000) and multiple levels of row grouping, pressing the DOWN ARROW button to scroll the grid, the viewport doesn't keep up and renders with a delay
AG‑6765 Bug [Regression] When using Windows, enabling range selection and suppressing row and column virtualization, using the arrow keys to scroll the viewport, focused cell freezes and doesn't change for a few seconds at a time
AG‑6759 Task Create prod build that doesn't generate source maps
AG‑6757 Bug When dragging a row from a grid into another grid which is partly displayed over the source grid, the row can only be dropped into the target grid part that's not over the source grid
AG‑6754 Bug When using SSRM and setting the aria-rowcount property, its value gets reset each time the grid is scrolled
AG‑6731 Task [Accessibility] Allow row group panel to use correct accessibility attribute (role instead of aria-role)
AG‑6707 Task [Events] Remove rowDataChanged event in favor of rowDataUpdated event, and call filter.onNewRoadsLoaded consitently
AG‑6706 Bug When removing a column from the row group panel, onColumnVisible event isn't fired even though the column visibility changes
AG‑6703 Bug [Regression] When using external filtering and changing the external filter, isExternalFilterPresent callback is called multiple times instead of just once
AG‑6680 Bug [Charts] Series flash when yName property changed
AG‑6678 Bug [Charts] Series items flash in top left corner when toggling via the legend
AG‑6660 Bug When pivoting, reordering secondary columns and then expanding a secondary column resets the secondary column order
AG‑6601 Bug When using Angular 13 and importing AG Grid, a compiler warning is output when building codebase
AG‑6587 Task [Row Grouping] Allow sorting different group columns separately by clicking the grouped column items in the row group panel
AG‑6539 Task [Pivoting] Rename Secondary Columns to Pivot Columns (API members) and update documentation
AG‑6370 Task [Themes] Extend CSS variables in themes
AG‑6149 Task [Frameworks] Publish fully compatible Angular Ivy package
AG‑5859 Task [Chart] Improve chart series and tooltip rendering speed when using column/line series with a large number of data points
AG‑5740 Bug When adding a new series to the chart, it is added as hidden with JavaScript but visible with Angular/React/Vue
AG‑5611 Bug [Regression] When using axis label formatting there are multiple axis labels with the same value
AG‑5203 Task [Aggregation] Improve performance of column aggregation calculation
AG‑5160 Task [Chart] Allow setting maxLength of legend items in characters (followed by ellipsis '...') and displaying a tooltip with the full legend item value when hovering the legend item
AG‑5000 Bug Memory leak when using custom cell renderer component built on CellRendererFramework, pinnedRowCellRendererFramework
AG‑4953 Bug Memory leak when using custom header component built on HeaderComponentFramework
AG‑4912 Task [Row Grouping] Allow column to be hidden when grouping by dragging from the grid header and from the columns tool panel list
AG‑4807 Task [Typings] Add Generics to row data and cell value
AG‑4229 Task [Range Selection] Allow deselecting cells from the selected cell range by CTRL+click a cell or SHIFT+drag to a cell (just like in Excel)
AG‑3838 Task [Chart] Allow Bar/Column series types to support number and time axis
AG‑3069 Task [Excel Export] Allow exporting row groups and tree data to Excel so that you can expand/collapse them in Excel
AG‑2609 Task [Row Selection] Allow isRowSelectable callback to be invoked after cell value edit (currently only called once on initial render)
AG‑1555 Task [Column Headers] Allow column headers to support word wrapping for multi-line text and auto-height
AG‑463 Task [Row Grouping] Allow the group row for the expanded row group to float/stick at the top of the viewport while scrolling through its child rows


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Release 27.3.0

Key Issue Type Summary
AG‑6772 Bug [Charts] When restoring integrated charts, an exception is thrown because of a version parsing issue
AG‑6762 Task [Row Selection] Allow copying selected rows when using range selection and only a single cell is selected
AG‑6760 Bug When using row grouping and groupSelectsChildren=true or tree data and selecting a child row, its parent rows are also unnecessarily selected
AG‑6755 Bug When handling the cellValueChanged event on the column definition and pasting values inside grid cells, the pasteEnd event gets fired before the cellValueChanged event defined in the column definition
AG‑6752 Bug When using row grouping and getRowId callback producing unbalanced groups, setting grid data via rowData property or via setRowData API method produces different row order
AG‑6749 Bug When using row selection and setting enableRangeSelection=true, selecting a single cell copies the row instead
AG‑6746 Bug When using integrated cross-filtering charts, using a valueGetter for a column prevents multiple selection in the chart
AG‑6743 Bug [Regression] When using React, ag-full-width-container DOM element is set incorrect aria role="rowgroup"
AG‑6739 Bug When using SSRM and providing an undefined/null/not an array data source to setServerSideDatasource API method, focusing a column header cell and pressing DOWN ARROW key throws an exception
AG‑6738 Bug When using autoHeight and wrapText in print layout, scrolling causes cell content to shift and resize as they are rendered
AG‑6737 Bug [Regression] When using React, expanding a group row briefly displays chevrons on the left side of child rows
AG‑6736 Bug [Regression] When using tree data, leaf rows display child count number
AG‑6735 Bug [Regression] When using tree data, group row children count represents leaf rows instead of all rows
AG‑6733 Bug [Regression] When pivoting with multiple value columns, the value column totals are incorrect
AG‑6730 Bug When using multiple row selection and setting suppressRowDeselection=true, pressing SHIFT it's still possible to de-select rows
AG‑6723 Task [Updating Data] Add a new property, so that rowData updates never uses immutable data
AG‑6709 Bug [Regression] When using React with custom filters in columns which are out of view, custom filter value is reset to initial value
AG‑6704 Bug When using master-detail grid with groupHideOpenParents=true, expanding a master row hides it
AG‑6700 Bug When using React and setting rowClass via state, this doesn't cause a re-rendering of the rows with the new rowClass value
AG‑6698 Bug [Regression] When using React with autoHeight and wrapText=true scrolling up from the bottom causes rows to jump up and down
AG‑6693 Bug When using area/pie/doughnut charts and hiding some/all series, hovering the chart area still displays tooltips for the hidden series
AG‑6688 Bug When onRowGroupOpened event is fired, its event property is always undefined (it should contain the browser event)
AG‑6668 Bug [Regression] When using range selection, focusing a cell that's initially scrolled out of view horizontally, holding SHIFT key pressed and pressing LEFT ARROW key a few times, only some of the cells are selected
AG‑6647 Bug [Charts] Pie charts render initially with the wrong dimensions and then re-render with the correct dimensions
AG‑6641 Bug [Regression] When using Windows with a non-Latin keyboard layout, keyboard shortcuts CTRL+C and CTRL+V to copy and paste grid cell values no longer work
AG‑6609 Task [Column State] Allow keeping currently selected cell range (range selection) when new Column Definitions are loaded
AG‑6524 Bug When showing a grid with data and a loading overlay, calling setColumnDefs to add columns hides the loading overlay
AG‑6492 Task [Events] Add source to sortChanged event
AG‑6367 Bug [Regression] When using custom theme colors in the integrated chart and saving state, the custom theme colors aren't restored when state is reloaded
AG‑6239 Bug [Regression] When using deltaSort=true and updating cells via a transaction, the rows are not reordered according to the sort, and an exception is thrown
AG‑6207 Task [Chart] Allow adjusting the number of axis labels displayed for all continuous axis types (default category, number, time) to prevent axis labels collisions
AG‑6119 Bug When hovering integrated chart legend items, the mouse pointer type remains an arrow instead of a hand pointer
AG‑5629 Bug [Regression] When using deltaSort=true and adding rows via a transaction, an exception is thrown
AG‑5263 Task [Aggregation] Allow defining a defaultAggFunc for a column to be used when the column is used as a value column
AG‑5243 Task [Charts] Allow setting axis label auto rotate to avoid axis label collisions automatically for category/number/time axes
AG‑4392 Task [Accessibility] Add aria-label on a column header to announce the keyboard shortcuts for column menu/sorting if column has column menu or is sortable
AG‑4273 Task [Accessibility] Allow announcing the expanded/collapsed state of group and master rows (add the ARIA-expanded attribute)
AG‑4223 Task [Master/Detail] Allow keyboard navigation in and out of the detail grid (place the detail grid in the DOM order after the master node)
AG‑3559 Task [Chart] Allow group category axis labels to be dropped to avoid axis label collisions in integrated and standalone charting
AG‑3241 Task [Tree Data] Allow tri-state checkbox group selection in tree data
AG‑2923 Task [SSRM] Add the grid context to the IServerSideGetRowsParams in the server-side row model getRows callback
AG‑2883 Task [Pivoting] Add option to remove the value header column row if only adding one value to pivoting
AG‑2377 Task [Clipboard] Allow copying the focused cell instead of the selected rows
AG‑2174 Task [Range Selection] Allow pressing CTRL + SHIFT+ ARROW key to select all cells in the direction of the ARROW key press (just like Excel)


Compare Source

Release 27.2.1

Key Issue Type Summary
AG‑6663 Bug When using React 18 with StrictMode in development mode an exception is thrown


Compare Source

Release 27.2.0

Key Issue Type Summary
AG‑6674 Bug [Sparkline] Sparklines label fontSize property type is string instead of number
AG‑6638 Bug [Regression] When using React, rendering a grid with many columns is slower than when using legacy React
AG‑6636 Bug When using server-side row model-partial with a hidden column with autoHeight: true, and setting a column filter value, filtered rows are shown in reduced or stretched height
AG‑6632 Bug [Regression] When using enableRangeSelection=true, selecting a cell range and holding the mouse button pressed moving mouse pointer below the grid, the grid doesn't scroll anymore
AG‑6622 Bug [Regression] When using getRowId callback and calling setRowData API method, onRowDataChanged event not fired
AG‑6621 Bug [Regression] When using master-detail with enableRangeSelection=true and embedFullWidthRows=true and enableCellTextSelection=true on the detail level, detail-level cells text cannot be selected
AG‑6614 Bug [Regression] When using Mac and AG Grid row autoHeight=true, scrolling the viewport down quickly some rows remain at default height and auto-height isn't calculated and cell text displayed in a single line
AG‑6611 Bug [Regression] When using row autoHeight=true, focusing a cell near the bottom of the viewport and holding the PAGE DOWN key, the viewport scrolls but the cell focus is lost and scrolling stops
AG‑6610 Bug When using React and row grouping, the autogroup column cells flicker on each call to setDefaultColDef with a valueSetter, valueGetter, cellRenderer, headerName, sort update
AG‑6607 Bug When calling setDefaultColDef API method, auto-group column menu popup closes
AG‑6606 Bug When calling setDefaultColDef API method, grid auto-group column cells lose focus
AG‑6605 Bug [Regression] When groupMaintainOrder=true and sorting a non-grouped column, group row order is not maintained
AG‑6598 Bug When using pivoting with multi-level grouping (groupHideOpenParents=true) and pagination, expanding all row groups from the group column menu displays an empty grid with no rows
AG‑6597 Bug When filtering a grouped column, modifying the grouped columns (reorder, remove, add a group column), the previously filtered grouped column no longer appears as filtered and changing the filter values doesn't update the floating filter anymore
AG‑6592 Bug When using SSRM-partial, focusing a grid cell and pressing the END key doesn't focus the last row grid cell
AG‑6590 Bug When resizing a column down and clicking the resize handle of a column 2 columns left, the middle column cell values render over the right-most column's cell values
AG‑6589 Bug [Regression] When using SSRM-partial, filtering on a grouped column then ungrouping that column causes two calls to getRows instead of one
AG‑6584 Bug When using localization, aria labels of values and column labels areas in the columns tool panel are incorrect
AG‑6583 Bug When using localization, right-clicking a column with enableValue=true in the columns tool panel, displays ${variable} instead of the column name in the context menu
AG‑6578 Bug When using a pie chart and calling AgChart.update(), an exception is thrown
AG‑6577 Task [Plunker] Add package.json file to Typescript examples to enable autocompletion and type checking
AG‑6571 Bug [Regression] When using tree data with autoHeight=true on a column, row height values returned by getRowHeight for parent rows are ignored and parent rows are set to default row height
AG‑6565 Task [Pivoting] Preserve Pivot State when toggling Pivot Mode
AG‑6564 Bug [Regression] When using React with immutable data and a custom cellRenderer, an exception is thrown
AG‑6563 Bug [Regression] When using headerClass or cellClass to provide multiple CSS classes inside the same string, an exception is thrown and the grid isn't rendered
AG‑6561 Task [Pivoting] Preserve secondary columns expanded state when inserting data that adds a new secondary columns
AG‑6558 Bug When creating multiple integrated charts via API, modifying the series order of the first chart, the series order of the chart created second cannot be changed
AG‑6557 Bug When exporting to Excel, using '&' (ampersand) character in sheetName exports a corrupt file
AG‑6556 Bug [Regression] When using autoHeight=true, cell content does not fill the entire width of the cell
AG‑6554 Bug [Regression] When using React, applying filter model to a custom filter component the grid doesn't render and throws an exception
AG‑6545 Bug When providing duplicate row ids in getRowId callback, the console warning incorrectly refers to the old getRowNodeId callback instead
AG‑6542 Bug [Regression] When using React with a custom sidebar component, a re-render of the grid throws an exception in the console
AG‑6527 Bug [Regression] When enableRangeSelection=true, content in the edited cell cannot be selected
AG‑6518 Bug When using tabToNextCell and navigateToNextCell callbacks, params.previousCellPosition.rowPinned is undefined when it should be null
AG‑6512 Bug [Filtering] SetFilter Excel Mode filter-list behaviour inconsistent with mini-filter behaviour
AG‑6500 Bug [Regression] When setting headerStyle in defaultColGroupDef, having an empty column group cell has incorrect CSS class and all subsequent column group cells to have an incorrect CSS classes set
AG‑6498 Bug When using server-side row model (SSRM) partial, returning non-unique ids via getRowNodeId causes grid to display loading indicators for all rows
AG‑6440 Task [Charts] Improve API reference pages
AG‑6375 Bug [Regression] When using React, building the application code produces a lot of warnings about missing source maps
AG‑6303 Bug When pivoting a string-type column, column filtering resets secondary column state (column width, order, pinning, etc)
AG‑6231 Bug When using tree data, calling applyTransaction to insert new rows at the lower levels (not root) adds the new row at addIndex-1, not at the addIndex value
AG‑6130 Task [Typing] ITooltipParams the apis are optional
AG‑5837 Bug When displaying an area series with missing values, the missing values are plotted as 0 values
AG‑5824 Bug When a datum with null/undefined/NaN X-value is provided to a chart using time axis, a point to represent this datum is still rendered (it shouldn't be rendered)
AG‑5421 Task [Row Sorting] Add multi-column sorting option to always sort on multiple columns without pressing shift key
AG‑4571 Task [Pivoting] Allow saving and restoring ColumnState with Primary/Secondary Columns in pivot mode
AG‑3353 Task [API] Standardize all callbacks so that they all receive a params object with gridApi / columnApi / context etc..
AG‑3326 Task [Column Pinning] Allow columns to be 'locked' to the RHS of the grid
AG‑2168 Task [Pivoting] Allow filtering in secondary columns when pivoting
AG‑1228 Task [Column Filtering] Allow filtering on aggregated group level values


Compare Source


Compare Source

Release 27.1.0

Key Issue Type Summary
AG‑6490 Task [API] Deprecate PopupTextCellEditor and PopupSelectCellEditor
AG‑6488 Bug [Regression] When using React, hovering over a custom header removes CSS classes from it
AG‑6478 Bug [Regression] When setting a column filter (either on a per-instance level of via applying a filterModel) in onGridReady, the filter is not applied
AG‑6474 Bug [Regression] When filtering grouped data and checking a group header row checkbox, it cannot be unchecked
AG‑6473 Bug When editing a grid cell by double-clicking or pressing F2 key, the onCellEditingStarted params event property should hold the browser event but it is always null
AG‑6470 Bug [Regression] When using React, the status bar components agTotalRowCountComponent, agTotalAndFilteredRowCountComponent, agFilteredRowCountComponent don't display the correct number of rows
AG‑6469 Bug When using master/detail with legacy React with a hook in the custom cell renderer, a React exception is thrown
AG‑6459 Bug [Regression] When using master-detail with Angular & Vue, Framework Components aren't supported in the detail grid
AG‑6458 Bug [Regression] When using React, setting ensureDomOrder=true doesn't order the elements in the DOM
AG‑6457 Bug [Regression] When using React, setting enableCellTextSelection=true, cells in columns with type=numericColumn align values to the left instead the right
AG‑6456 Task [Cell Editing] Allow cellEditorPopup and cellEditorPopupPosition to be dynamic
AG‑6455 Bug When using unmanaged row dragging (rowDragManaged=false), the nodes property is undefined inside the params of the grid events onRowDragEnter, onRowDragMove,onRowDragLeave,onRowDragEnd
AG‑6453 Bug [Regression] When using React, custom Cell Editor props (ICellEditorParams) don't allow accessing key property value due to naming conflict with React
AG‑6449 Bug [Regression] When editing a cell in a column with autoHeight=true which has a larger height, the editor slowly shrinks in height down to default row height
AG‑6448 Bug [Regression] When using master-detail with React/Angular/Vue, providing a custom header component on a detail grid level using the components property throws an exception
AG‑6447 Bug [Regression] When focusing a partially-visible floating filter and pressing TAB, headers are scrolled horizontally but the rows viewport aren't
AG‑6446 Bug [Regression] When using master/detail with custom cell renderer in the detail grid, expanding a row throws an exception
AG‑6437 Bug [Regression] When using ReactUI with SSRM, calling api.setFilterModel method for a custom filter before opening the custom filter via UI throws an exception
AG‑6435 Bug When setting tooltipShowDelay, the delay only applies for the first cell the tooltip is displayed for
AG‑6434 Task [Frameworks][Vue] Add support for v-model to @​ag-grid-community/vue3 / ag-grid-vue3
AG‑6432 Bug [Regression] When entering a non-numeric value in the floating filter input for a numeric column, the floating filter displays 'equals' instead of 'NaN'
AG‑6431 Bug [Regression] When ungrouping all grouped columns, opening the column menu and resetting columns the auto-group column is rendered as the right-most column
AG‑6427 Task [API] MenuItemDef submenu should not have IComponent exposed publicly
AG‑6426 Bug When using theme ag-grid-material or ag-grid-balham, checkboxes of grouped columns in the columns tool panel are displayed to the left of remaining checkboxes on the same level
AG‑6425 Bug When using a full-width cell renderer, calling refreshCells() API method, doesn't call the full-width cell renderer refresh() method
AG‑6415 Bug [Regression] When importing AG Grid on a page, console warning is displayed about missing source map
AG‑6413 Bug When using ReactUI with autoHeight=true and a JavaScript class renderer, the column cells display empty values
AG‑6411 Bug When using ReactUI with server-side row model (SSRM), activating pivot mode by calling columnApi.setPivotMode() throws an exception and leaves the pivot mode switch off
AG‑6405 Bug When using ReactUI rendering with column autoHeight=true, setting column definition type:'rightAligned', or type:'numericColumn' aligns cell values to left instead of to the right
AG‑6403 Bug When using ReactUI rendering, column reordering is slower due to rendering lag
AG‑6402 Bug [Regression] When rendering cells without values, checkbox and row drag elements inside these cells are aligned to the top of the cell instead of centered in the middle
AG‑6397 Bug Update afterGuiAttached typing and documentation to reflect it is called for every framework
AG‑6395 Task [Cell Editing] Allow suppressing grid editing from changing data
AG‑6394 Task Replace getRowNodeId() with getRowId() to make a) immutable data the default and b) provide more info in params
AG‑6393 Bug [Regression] When returning an empty string in cellClass, an exception is thrown and no grid rows are displayed
AG‑6388 Bug [Regression] When using React with master-detail and editing a master cell with cellEditorPopup=true, entering a new value in the cell editor is not then displayed in the cell after editing finishes
AG‑6385 Bug When calling columnApi.getColumnState() API method, in the returned ColumnState, colId can't be null
AG‑6376 Bug [Regression] When using agTextColumnFilter, agNumberColumnFilter, agDateColumnFilter there's no way to keep filter state after refreshing the data by calling setRowData()
AG‑6369 Bug [Regression] When using a compact theme and returning a small height from getRowHeight(), cell values get rendered outside of the rows
AG‑6364 Bug When using React and setting column definitions via state on a grouped grid with groupDisplayType='groupRows' (full-width group rows), an exception is thrown
AG‑6361 Bug When displaying a chart with a time x-axis with data with the same X-value, using axis label format %H:%M displays 00:00 for all x-axis labels
AG‑6360 Bug When using line/scatter chart with data that only has Y=0 values, the Y-axis is not displayed
AG‑6359 Bug [Regression] When setting a column as lockPosition=true, its drag handle is disabled in the columns tool panel and it cannot be dragged to the row groups panel
AG‑6349 Bug When using React with row grouping and groupHideOpenParents=true, expanding all the row groups and sorting on a non-group column, the top row values don't include the group names anymore
AG‑6331 Bug [Regression] When filtering using the number filter, entering a decimal fraction value displays a validation error
AG‑6330 Bug When using React with server-side row model with column grouping, calling columnApi.resetColumnState() API method doesn't clear the grouped column from the row group panel and shows an error in console
AG‑6326 Bug [Regression] When using ReactUI and filtering using the floating filter, scrolling the filtered column out and then back into view clears its floating filter input value
AG‑6318 Bug [Regression] When using chart line series with a time axis, displaying a series with a single data point compresses the x-range of all other series to a single value
AG‑6317 Bug When using column filtering and reordering columns, the filter tool panel no longer displays filtered icons for the filtered columns
AG‑6316 Bug [Regression] When using agNumberColumnFilter, setting allowedCharPattern is ignored and all user input is entered as valid in the filter input
AG‑6306 Bug When using a Mac with setting show scrollbars="When scrolling" or "Automatically based on mouse or track", scrolling the grid right displays two horizontal scrollbars on Chrome, Firefox and Safari
AG‑6304 Bug When dragging multiple rows from the grid, an untranslated string is used for 'rows'
AG‑6298 Bug [Changelog] When providing the version number as a parameter in the URL, the version isn't set in the dropdown or the grid
AG‑6295 Bug When the focused cell is in edit mode, calling tabToNextCell/tabToPreviousCell which returns a non-editable cell, the grid freezes with an infinite loop
AG‑6276 Bug [Docs] Aggregation function example using a cell value that's a complex object with a toString method, throws an exception when exporting to CSV
AG‑6263 Bug When using the theme icon "none" as a tool panel icon, the grid can't load it and doesn't display it
AG‑6261 Bug When using pagination and changing the page size, the row styles don't get reapplied
AG‑6015 Bug Create isolated version of ESM bundles
AG‑5728 Bug When hovering over a line/area segment of a zoomed in chart, the tooltip of the points rendered off-screen are still displayed
AG‑4030 Task [Column State] Allow defaultColDef to be reactive, and provide api.setDefaultColDef() for when not using a framework


Compare Source

Release 27.0.0

Key Issue Type Summary
AG‑6319 Task [React] Remove isPopup() and getPopupPosition() API methods for Custom Cell Editors
AG‑6312 Bug [Regression] When using SSRM-partial and autoHeight=false, adding a new row reduces the heights of all visible rows
AG‑6311 Bug When using ReactUI, clicking on a grid cell removes the hovered style for the row
AG‑6309 Bug When using ReactUI=true and a custom cell editor with an input field firing an onBlur event, navigating away from the edited cell does not trigger the onBlur event
AG‑6308 Bug When using ReactUI with pivoting, adding a value column displays an error in console
AG‑6307 Bug When using ReactUI with master/detail detailRowAutoHeight=true, providing a custom detail cell renderer uses default height (300px) instead of correct auto-height
AG‑6305 Bug When using ReactUI with cellEditorPopup=true, focusing a cell editor and pressing TAB key takes focus out of the grid
AG‑6294 Bug When using ReactUI=true and valueGetter in the auto-group column, the grid throws an exception
AG‑6292 Bug When using ReactUI=true with pinned columns, a second set state causes the pinned column cells to not display any data (because the pinned column has lost its width)
AG‑6290 Bug When using ReactUI=true and agMultiColumnFilter as a floating filter, opening the floating filter or column menu and unmounting the grid throws an exception
AG‑6287 Task [Accessibility] Allow using the keyboard to move columns in the column tool panel to the row groups, values, column labels panels
AG‑6286 Bug [Regression] When setting enableCharts=true, initially rendering the grid in Chrome, multiple console warnings are output about non-passive touchstart and wheel event listeners being added
AG‑6279 Bug When using ReactUI and enableRangeSelection=true, adding a group column via API throws an exception and doesn't render the group column values
AG‑6274 Bug [Regression] When setting autoHeight=true on a column and using a custom cell background color, the horizontal borders between rows aren't displayed in the autoHeight=true column
AG‑6271 Bug When using ReactUI and selecting a cell range, setting new column definitions via a state variable throws an exception
AG‑6265 Bug When evaluating cellClassRules classes, this happens in O(n^2) instead of O(n)
AG‑6264 Bug React UI Regressions
AG‑6262 Bug When calling api.setQuickFilter with a non-string value, an exception in thrown
AG‑6257 Bug [Regression] When using integrated charts, updating a large amount of data in the grid causes chart to briefly disappear
AG‑6256 Bug [Regression] When getting the set filter instance for a column with filter=false, calling api.onFilterChanged throws an exception
AG‑6255 Bug [Regression] When using a custom header component inside a column group, the init method gets invoked for the custom header component even if the group is already removed
AG‑6251 Bug [Regression] When using master-detail, updating a master row sets its detailGridInfo to null
AG‑6250 Bug [Regression] When importing AG Grid with modules, using server-side row model-partial and setting a column filter value, result rows are stretched in height to occupy the total height of the unfiltered rows
AG‑6247 Bug [Regression] When pivoting and updating a state variable in React, secondary column header name isn't updated
AG‑6246 Bug [Regression] When setting autoHeight:true and wrapText:true and defining a style with a right cell border, for a row with a cell that's wrapped the border is not rendered in cells that don't have wrapped cell values
AG‑6245 Task [Accessibility] Allow announcing the filter operation select element as a combobox (it is currently simply announced as "clickable")
AG‑6238 Bug When using ReactUI=true, calling grid API methods while grid is first rendering is throwing an exception
AG‑6235 Bug [Regression] When setting cellClass for a column but not returning any value for some cells, an exception is thrown and cells without a style set aren't rendered
AG‑6233 Bug When using ReactUI=true and filterValueGetter on the group column, updating state throws an exception
AG‑6226 Task [Docs] Add a docs example showing how to build a progress bar using a bar sparkline
AG‑6223 Bug When providing row node ids via the getRowNodeId callback, providing a 0 value returns it as a number instead of a string
AG‑6222 Bug [Regression] When using agNumberColumnFilter, a filter model with value 0 for any filter operation cannot be restored
AG‑6220 Bug [Regression] When using automatic row height (autoHeight=true), the grid enters an infinite loop in measureHeight
AG‑6204 Task [Charts] Preserve scroll position when tabbing between integrated chart menu tabs
AG‑6192 Bug When displaying a stacked area series with negative data values normalised to 1 the Y-axis range includes positive values
AG‑6191 Bug When stacked area series is normalised to some values, it causes misplacement of a marker in the top left corner of the chart
AG‑6188 Bug [Regression] When using the integrated pivot chart with multiple line series, x-axis labels are repeated for every series
AG‑6187 Task [Typing] Correct Chart Options
AG‑6186 Task Allow Framework Components to be registered without xxxFramework
AG‑6185 Bug When using ReactUI=true and a JavaScript cell renderer component, updating the cell value appends multiple instances of the cell renderer output
AG‑6180 Task [Accessibility] Allow screen reader announcements of group column items in row group panel and keyboard navigation for enumerating and removing row group panel group column items
AG‑6178 Task [Excel Export] Allow exporting collapsible column groups in AG Grid as collapsible column groups in the Excel export
AG‑6172 Bug When using tree-data with server-side row model and calling refreshServerSideStore for a route with a leaf node which becomes a parent node, the row doesn't get refreshed
AG‑6169 Bug When using numeric x-values with category x-axis in combination charts, the x-axis labels repeat themselves and series are rendered side by side
AG‑6168 Bug Updating chart data for combination charts causes the x-axis to flicker
AG‑6167 Bug [Regression] When exporting grid data to XML format, the exported content format no longer includes style data in the header
AG‑6161 Bug [Regression] When using autoHeight=true and wrapText=true calling the api.resetRowHeights method sets rows height to default and renders the cell value wrapped text over the cells below
AG‑6155 Bug [Regression] When setting suppressAnimationFrame: true, console warnings are output
AG‑6143 Bug [Regression] When a column has autoHeight: true and rendering a null/undefined/empty cell value, the default cell renderer has no height and cannot be clicked
AG‑6142 Bug [Regression] When using provided set filter values including nulls and an empty string, the empty string is represented with a separate set filter item instead of included in the (Blanks) item
AG‑6140 Bug Type SortModel using string literals for sort direction and correct IHeaderParams setSort typing
AG‑6139 Bug [Docs] When printing using the printing documentation example, console errors are emitted
AG‑6135 Bug [Regression] When all bar series are hidden via the legend, the Y-axis disappears
AG‑6134 Bug When the chart navigator is zoomed in and the chart is updated, column items are rendered outside of chart area
AG‑6132 Bug When using ReactUI with tree data, quick-filtering and deleting the quick filter text throws an exception
AG‑6120 Bug When using ReactUI=true, providing column definition aggFunc values 'avg' or 'count' throws an exception
AG‑6116 Bug [Regression] React Example Repo - Redux Example Throws Exception
AG‑6115 Bug [Typing] Scatter Chart Paired config option does nothing
AG‑6113 Task [Typing] Typo in AgDropShadowOptions interface - "blue" property should be called "blur"
AG‑6111 Task [Integrated Charts] Change chartType to a string literal instead of enum type
AG‑6109 Bug [Regression] When using a pinned column with row auto-height, the vertical separator between the pinned column and the rest of the columns doesn't extend the entire height of the cell
AG‑6107 Bug When using ReactUI=true and enableRtl=true, grid doesn't render and throws an exception
AG‑6105 Task [Docs] Clarify that registering a grid module makes it available to all grids
AG‑6104 Bug When using ReactUI=true, auto-sizing a column is significantly slower
AG‑6100 Bug When using ReactUI=true with pivoting, calling api.setFilerModel throws an exception
AG‑6089 Bug When filtering a grouped column and ungrouping/regrouping the column, modifying the group filter doesn't update the floating filter input values
AG‑6087 Bug When using React with ReactUI=true, complex row spanning example throws exception
AG‑6086 Bug [Regression] When setting an in-range filter with 0 as a lower bound, the filter is not applied
AG‑6085 Bug When the standalone chart data is updated, the current navigator position is reset
AG‑6084 Bug [Regression] When filtering boolean values using the set filter, no records are displayed in the grid
AG‑6083 Task [Typing] Create ISetFilter and IMultiFilter interface to type public methods
AG‑6079 Task [Typing] Allow tooltipValueGetter to return strings as well as custom objects (for use in custom tooltip components)
AG‑6078 Bug When using ReactUI, dragging a column resize handle is slow and not responsive
AG‑6068 Task [Typing] Excel Interior does not support undefined options
AG‑6066 Task [Typing] Support undefined refreshSeverSideStore params
AG‑6065 Bug getRowStyle API method typing incorrectly doesn't allow returning an 'undefined' value
AG‑6064 Bug [Regression] When cell editor popup is used it cannot be displayed under the edited cell (because getPopupPosition return value is ignored by editors)
AG‑6061 Task [Sparkline] Allow a crosshair (a horizontal and a vertical line crossing at the mouse pointer location) to displayed when hovering the sparkline area
AG‑6060 Task [Typing] Allow setPinnedTopRowData and setPinnedBottomRowData API methods to take undefined as an input parameter
AG‑6059 Bug When tabbing through floating filter inputs, tabbing into a column without a floating filter or without a floating filter button prevents focusing the next column floating filter input
AG‑6057 Bug [Regression] When using React with useEffect hook to load data in the grid, data is loaded twice
AG‑6056 Bug When providing grid data via a state variable, row dragging/dropping doesn't update the row data
AG‑6054 Bug Callbacks navigateToNextHeader, tabToNextHeader, navigateToNextCell, tabToNextCell) can't return a null value
AG‑6052 Bug [Regression] When using an agNumberColumnFilter to filter for values equal to 0, no values are returned
AG‑6051 Bug When using integrated charts to chart all rows in a grid, grand/group total footer rows shouldn't be included
AG‑6049 Task [Typing] HeaderClass type needs checking
AG‑6046 Bug [Regression] When de-selecting any non-blank set filter item, blank values also get filtered out from the grid even though the (blanks) set filter item is selected
AG‑6044 Bug When showing multiple series in a doughnut chart, chart segments are not sized correctly and only their right halves get displayed
AG‑6041 Bug [Regression] When re-ordering grid columns via drag and drop in Safari, all elements on the page are selected
AG‑6039 Task [Typing] Set header height types incorrect
AG‑6031 Bug [Regression] When using SSRM (partial and full store types) with master-detail, calling setExpanded on master rows throws an exception
AG‑6030 Bug When using React with TypeScript, error is displayed about the api object not being a member of AgGridReact
AG‑6029 Task [SSRM] Make getRowNodeId callback required when using SSRM and selection
AG‑6027 Bug When using ReactUI and not registering ClientSideRowModelModule, rendering the grid throws an exception
AG‑6026 Bug [React] When using ReactUI with enableRangeSelection=true, clicking a grid cell and then modifying a state variable throws an exception and the grid doesn't render anymore
AG‑6022 Task Rename 'Original Group' in Grid API
AG‑6014 Bug Remove dependency on vue-class-component for Vue 3 packages
AG‑5987 Bug [Regression] When enableBrowserTooltips=true, the displayed tooltip value is escaped twice
AG‑5974 Bug When using integrated charts to chart a column that doesn't have chartDataType: 'series' and has cell values including undefined/null, the chart displays a message 'No data available to be charted'
AG‑5969 Bug When exporting to Excel, the patternColor setting is not applied to the cells in the exported Excel file
AG‑5966 Bug When rows are narrow, clicking inside a selection checkbox doesn't check it
AG‑5953 Task [Keyboard Navigation] Deprecate suppressCellSelection and rename it to suppressCellFocus to better reflect its effect on cell focus, not selection
AG‑5948 Bug When setting suppressCellSelection: true, only cell focus styling is suppressed, not cell focus
AG‑5931 Bug [Regression] When setting autoHeight to a non-boolean value, grid rows are continuously resizing
AG‑5902 Task [Clipboard] Allow normalizing copied cell ranges and pasting copied values in the order they appear in the grid (just like Excel) instead of in the order they were selected
AG‑5899 Bug When using custom detail with autoHeight: true, expanding a master row causes flicker as detail row changes size
AG‑5865 Bug When using integrated charts with a grid with a bottom pinned row, the chart only renders an element to represent the first grid row, ignoring the remaining rows
AG‑5862 Bug When using an infinite row model or server-side row model (partial), the default value for maxConcurrentDatasourceRequests is not respected and AG Grid makes more concurrent requests than allowed
AG‑5836 Task [Sparkline] Allow displaying the sparkline tooltip at a custom offset from the mouse cursor location
AG‑5718 Bug refreshView API method is deprecated, but used in example code
AG‑5703 Bug [React] When opening grid instance in new window using React portal, grid doesn't respond to column resizing, context menu closing, cell copying
AG‑5681 Task [Layout & Styles] Allow reevaluating the rowClassRules without redrawing the entire row and recreating cellRenderers
AG‑5674 Bug When using stacked 100% chart type, having negative values in a stack causes its height to exceed 100%
AG‑5310 Bug When the column menu is opened via the column header cell, return focus to column header cell after the column menu is closed
AG‑5268 Task [Column Filter] Set Filter - make newRowsAction 'keep' by default
AG‑5169 Task [Column Filter] Use valueGetterParams in the filterParams valueGetter instead of just the node as param
AG‑5044 Task [Column Filters] Add more params to the textCustomComparator including rowNode, valueFormatter and actual value
AG‑4839 Task [Column Headers] Allow setting the horizontal position of the column (start,end,middle) when using ensureColumnVisible
AG‑4797 Task [Tooltip] Allow setting a custom hide tooltip timeout value
AG‑4734 Task [Column Filtering] Add a "non-blank" filter operation to all simple filters
AG‑4624 Task [Deprecation] KeyboardEvent.which and KeyboardEvent.keyCode should be deprecated
AG‑3565 Task [Column Sizing] Allow group column header values to be considered when performing column autosize
AG‑2824 Task [Clipboard] Allow the context menu "Copy with Column Headers" to work with multiple column header levels (column groups / secondary columns)
AG‑2733 Bug When focusing a cell whose height exceeds available viewport height, PAGE DOWN and PAGE UP keys don't scroll the viewport anymore
AG‑2358 Task [Status bar] Allow changing the title and formatting the number value of the default status bar components (avg, count, min, max and sum)
ag-grid/ag-grid (ag-grid-community)


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