[Lettre mensuelle - BackOffice] Ajout de la page Défis pour ajout dans partie Edition
Nécessité de faire des liens entre la lettre mensuelle et le service. Il manque la page Défis :)
Ajouter dans les choix possibles d'éditions
- la page "Défis" (écrite comme ça)
- La page "Consommation d'électricité"
- La page "Consommation de gaz"
- La page "Consommation d'eau"
Attendre ecolyo#637 (closed) pour tester avant mise en production.
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- Marion BERTHOLON changed milestone to %[Ecolyo] v2.8.0 - Réajustements divers & variés
changed milestone to %[Ecolyo] v2.8.0 - Réajustements divers & variés
added Status: Ideation Value: Medium [Story Type] Changes labels
- Marion BERTHOLON changed title from [Lettre mensuelle - BackOffice] to [Lettre mensuelle - BackOffice] Ajout de la page Défis pour ajout dans partie Edition
changed title from [Lettre mensuelle - BackOffice] to [Lettre mensuelle - BackOffice] Ajout de la page Défis pour ajout dans partie Edition
- Marion BERTHOLON changed the description
changed the description
- Marion BERTHOLON removed Status: Ideation label
removed Status: Ideation label
- Marion BERTHOLON added Status: Ready label
added Status: Ready label
- Marion BERTHOLON changed milestone to %[Ecolyo] 3.1 Analyse, lettre mensuelle & Dette technique
changed milestone to %[Ecolyo] 3.1 Analyse, lettre mensuelle & Dette technique
- Bastien DUMONT assigned to @bdumont
assigned to @bdumont
- Bastien DUMONT unassigned @bdumont
unassigned @bdumont
- Ghost User assigned to @alakhdar
assigned to @alakhdar
- A deleted user removed Status: Ready label
removed Status: Ready label
- A deleted user added Status: In Dev label
added Status: In Dev label
- Ghost User created branch
to address this issuecreated branch
to address this issue - Ghost User mentioned in merge request !147 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !147 (merged)
- A deleted user removed Status: In Dev label
removed Status: In Dev label
- Ghost User marked the checklist item la page "Défis" (écrite comme ça) as completed
marked the checklist item la page "Défis" (écrite comme ça) as completed
- Ghost User marked the checklist item La page "Consommation d'électricité" as completed
marked the checklist item La page "Consommation d'électricité" as completed
- Ghost User marked the checklist item La page "Consommation de gaz" as completed
marked the checklist item La page "Consommation de gaz" as completed
- Ghost User marked the checklist item La page "Consommation d'eau" as completed
marked the checklist item La page "Consommation d'eau" as completed
- A deleted user added Status: In QA label
added Status: In QA label
- Ghost User assigned to @mbertholon and unassigned @alakhdar
assigned to @mbertholon and unassigned @alakhdar
- Author Owner
Collapse replies - Contributor
On ne peut pas encore envoyer de mails sur alpha suite à ecolyo#637 (closed), pas vraiment d'autres moyen de tester malheureusement @mbertholon
- Author Owner
Ok ! Je la change de statut, et la lie à ecolyo#637 (closed) et on la mettra en prod quand ecolyo#637 (closed) sera faite. Merci de l'info.
- Marion BERTHOLON unassigned @mbertholon
unassigned @mbertholon
- Marion BERTHOLON marked this issue as related to ecolyo#637 (closed)
marked this issue as related to ecolyo#637 (closed)
- Marion BERTHOLON changed the description
changed the description
- Marion BERTHOLON removed Status: In QA label
removed Status: In QA label
- Marion BERTHOLON added Status: Stuck label
added Status: Stuck label
- Bastien DUMONT removed Status: Stuck label
removed Status: Stuck label
- Bastien DUMONT added Status: In QA label
added Status: In QA label
- Bastien DUMONT assigned to @mbertholon
assigned to @mbertholon
- Marion BERTHOLON removed Status: In QA label
removed Status: In QA label
- Marion BERTHOLON unassigned @mbertholon
unassigned @mbertholon
- Marion BERTHOLON closed