chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7 (major)
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This MR contains the following updates:
Package | Type | Update | Change |
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin (source) | devDependencies | major | ^6.1.0 -> ^7.0.0 |
@typescript-eslint/parser (source) | devDependencies | major | ^6.1.0 -> ^7.0.0 |
Release Notes
typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin)


eslint-plugin: replace

️ Thank You

- Dave
- Josh Goldberg
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


- bump npm dependency ranges

️ Thank You

- Abraham Guo
- auvred
- Brad Zacher
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
🩹 Fixes
eslint-plugin: [no-floating-promises] handle TaggedTemplateExpression
eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] handle exactOptionalPropertyTypes compiler option

️ Thank You

- Brad Zacher
- Kim Sang Du
- Mark de Dios
- Naru
- YeonJuan
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-imports] ignore files with decorators, experimentalDecorators, and emitDecoratorMetadata
eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-arguments] handle tagged templates
eslint-plugin: deprecate no-throw-literal and add a renamed only-throw-error
🩹 Fixes
eslint-plugin: [prefer-optional-chain] address multipart nullish checks false positive
eslint-plugin: [prefer-optional-chain] properly disambiguate between
eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] avoid remove const casting on template literals with expressions inside

️ Thank You

- Abraham Guo
- Brad Zacher
- Josh Goldberg
- Kim Sang Du
- Kirk Waiblinger
- Marco Pasqualetti
- YeonJuan
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
🩹 Fixes
- eslint-plugin: [no-floating-promises] revert disable of ignoreVoid in strict config

️ Thank You

- Josh Goldberg
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


eslint-plugin: [restrict-template-expressions] add
option -
eslint-plugin: add setting for strict config options
eslint-plugin: add rule
eslint-plugin: [prefer-reduce-type-parameter] supports tuple, union, intersection
🩹 Fixes
constraints inpackage.json
eslint-plugin: [unbound-method] check method definition in object literal using longhand form
eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-imports] handle imports without specifiers
eslint-plugin: [no-redundant-type-constituents] incorrectly marks & string as redundant
eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-qualifier] handle merge namespace with enum
eslint-plugin: [no-unused-expressions] false negatives when using assertions
eslint-plugin: [ban-ts-comment] more accurate handling of multiline comments
eslint-plugin: [explicit-function-return-type, explicit-module-boundary-types] improved checking for allowHigherOrderFunctions option
eslint-plugin: [class-literal-property-style] ignore property assigned in constructor
eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] fix false negative for const variable declarations

️ Thank You

- Abraham Guo
- Alexu
- Arka Pratim Chaudhuri
- auvred
- Derrick Isaacson
- fnx
- Josh Goldberg
- Kirk Waiblinger
- Marta Cardoso
- Michaël De Boey
- Tristan Rasmussen
- YeonJuan
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


support TS 5.4
eslint-plugin: [prefer-string-starts-ends-with] add allowSingleElementEquality option
🩹 Fixes
eslint-plugin: expose *-type-checked-only configs for extension
eslint-plugin: [member-ordering] report alphabetical sorting for all groups instead of just the first failing group
eslint-plugin: [no-var-requires, no-require-imports] support template literal
eslint-plugin: [no-useless-template-literals] detect TemplateLiteral
eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] handle union array and tuple type
eslint-plugin: [prefer-find] support ternary branches in prefer-find

️ Thank You

- Arka Pratim Chaudhuri
- auvred
- Chris Plummer
- Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos
- Josh Goldberg
- Kirk Waiblinger
- Wayne Zhang
- YeonJuan
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
This was a version bump only for eslint-plugin to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


eslint-plugin: add *-type-checked-only configs
eslint-plugin: [naming-convention] support the auto-accessor syntax
eslint-plugin: [consistent-return] add new rule
🩹 Fixes
eslint-plugin: [prefer-optional-chan] allow typeof for avoiding reference error
eslint-plugin: [no-misused-promises] improve check union types
eslint-plugin: [no-use-before-define] fix false positive type reference in as, satisfies

️ Thank You

- Arka Pratim Chaudhuri
- Josh Goldberg
- YeonJuan
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
🩹 Fixes
- fix tsconfig-less check errors, fix
incompatibilities, add tests

️ Thank You

- Brad Zacher
- Gareth Jones
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
🩹 Fixes
- eslint-plugin: update peer dep for parser

️ Thank You

- Tim Dorr
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


️ bump ESLint, NodeJS, and TS minimum version requirements -
add support for flat configs
🩹 Fixes
- eslint-plugin: [prefer-find] stop throwing type errors when converting symbols to numbers

️ Breaking Changes

️ bump ESLint, NodeJS, and TS minimum version requirements

️ Thank You

- Brad Zacher
- Kirk Waiblinger
- StyleShit
- YeonJuan
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
6.21.0 (2024-02-05)


export plugin metadata
parserOptions.project: false
eslint-plugin: add rule prefer-find
🩹 Fixes
eslint-plugin: [no-unused-vars] don't report on types referenced in export assignment expression
eslint-plugin: [switch-exhaustiveness-check] better support for intersections, infinite types, non-union values
eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-imports] dont report on types used in export assignment expressions
eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] handle left-hand optional with exactOptionalPropertyTypes option
eslint-plugin: [class-literal-property-style] allow getter when same key setter exists
eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] provide valid fixes for assertions with extra tokens before

️ Thank You

- auvred
- Brad Zacher
- Kirk Waiblinger
- Pete Gonzalez
- YeonJuan
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
6.20.0 (2024-01-29)


- eslint-plugin: [member-ordering] allow easy reuse of the default ordering
🩹 Fixes
eslint-plugin: [no-useless-template-literals] incorrect bigint autofix result
eslint-plugin: [prefer-nullish-coalescing] treat any/unknown as non-nullable
eslint-plugin: [no-useless-template-literals] report Infinity & NaN
eslint-plugin: [prefer-readonly] disable checking accessors

️ Thank You

- Alex Parloti
- auvred
- James Browning
- StyleShit
- YeonJuan
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
6.19.1 (2024-01-22)
🩹 Fixes
type-utils: preventing isUnsafeAssignment infinite recursive calls
eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] fix false positive for type variable

️ Thank You

- YeonJuan
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
6.19.0 (2024-01-15)


eslint-plugin: [prefer-promise-reject-errors] add rule
eslint-plugin: [no-array-delete] add new rule
eslint-plugin: [no-useless-template-literals] add fix suggestions
🩹 Fixes
eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] detect unnecessary non-null-assertion on a call expression
eslint-plugin: [no-unnecesary-type-assertion] treat unknown/any as nullable

️ Thank You

- auvred
- Brad Zacher
- Josh Goldberg
- Joshua Chen
- Steven
- StyleShit
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
6.18.1 (2024-01-08)
🩹 Fixes
eslint-plugin: [no-non-null-assertion] provide valid fix when member access is on next line
eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] improve checking optional callee
eslint-plugin: [prefer-readonly] support modifiers of unions and intersections
eslint-plugin: [switch-exhaustiveness-check] fix new allowDefaultCaseForExhaustiveSwitch option

️ Thank You

- auvred
- James
- Josh Goldberg
- YeonJuan
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
6.18.0 (2024-01-06)


typescript-estree: throw on invalid update expressions
eslint-plugin: [no-var-requires, no-require-imports] allow option

️ Thank You

- auvred
- Joshua Chen
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (@typescript-eslint/parser)
This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


- bump npm dependency ranges

️ Thank You

- Abraham Guo
- auvred
- Brad Zacher
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
🩹 Fixes
parser: disallow

️ Thank You

- Brad Zacher
- Kim Sang Du
- Mark de Dios
- Naru
- YeonJuan
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


- eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-imports] ignore files with decorators, experimentalDecorators, and emitDecoratorMetadata

️ Thank You

- Abraham Guo
- Brad Zacher
- Josh Goldberg
- Kim Sang Du
- Kirk Waiblinger
- Marco Pasqualetti
- YeonJuan
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
🩹 Fixes
- correct
constraints inpackage.json

️ Thank You

- Abraham Guo
- Alexu
- Arka Pratim Chaudhuri
- auvred
- Derrick Isaacson
- fnx
- Josh Goldberg
- Kirk Waiblinger
- Marta Cardoso
- Michaël De Boey
- Tristan Rasmussen
- YeonJuan
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


- support TS 5.4

️ Thank You

- Arka Pratim Chaudhuri
- auvred
- Chris Plummer
- Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos
- Josh Goldberg
- Kirk Waiblinger
- Wayne Zhang
- YeonJuan
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
🩹 Fixes
- fix tsconfig-less check errors, fix
incompatibilities, add tests

️ Thank You

- Brad Zacher
- Gareth Jones
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


️ bump ESLint, NodeJS, and TS minimum version requirements -
add support for flat configs

️ Breaking Changes

️ bump ESLint, NodeJS, and TS minimum version requirements

️ Thank You

- Brad Zacher
- Kirk Waiblinger
- StyleShit
- YeonJuan
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
6.21.0 (2024-02-05)


- allow
parserOptions.project: false

️ Thank You

- auvred
- Brad Zacher
- Kirk Waiblinger
- Pete Gonzalez
- YeonJuan
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
6.20.0 (2024-01-29)
This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
6.19.1 (2024-01-22)
This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
6.19.0 (2024-01-15)
This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
6.18.1 (2024-01-08)
This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
6.18.0 (2024-01-06)
This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.
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- Apr 16, 2024