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fix(deps): update dependency react-toastify to v9

Merged Renovate-Bot requested to merge renovate/react-toastify-9.x into dev

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
react-toastify dependencies major ^7.0.4 -> ^9.0.0

Release Notes



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Release note

  • Add support for RSC (next app router): #​951
  • Partially address Toast is undefined || Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'content') #​858 #​952
  • Bump dependencies


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Release notes

Mainly bug fixes as I'm working on the next major release.



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Release notes

:rocket: Features

  • toast.promise let you type data for each state. This is useful when rendering something based on the response.

For example:

interface Success {
  username: string

interface Error {
  err: string

toast.promise<Success,Error>(myPromise, {
  success: {
    render({ data }) {
      return data.username;
  error: {
    render({ data }) {
      return data.err;
  • toast.update accepts a generic as well to specify the data type
interface TData {
  username: string

toast.update<TData>(id, {
  data: payload,
  render({ data }) {
    return `hello ${data.username}`

:spider: Bugfixes

  • fix progress countdown stops on mobile #​580
  • prevent clash with ios native gesture #​397
  • fix toast when a word is too long #​864
  • fix missing types declarations in exports #​843
  • fix toast.done not dismissing toast #​853
  • fix cursor when close on click is false #​839

:rotating_light: Deprecated API

Added deprecation notice for the API below. They will be removed in the next major release

API Why Alternative
onClick Not used that much, it's increasing the API surface for nothing Can easily be implemented in userland. Just render a react component and attach the handler to it. toast(<div onClick={doSomething}>hello</div>)
onOpen Does not play well with useEffect behavior in react18 (runs twice in dev mode) see #​741 A better approach is to use toast.onChange see
onClose Does not play well with useEffect behavior in react18 (runs twice in dev mode) see #​741 A better approach is to use toast.onChange see
toast.POSITION Reduce bundle size :) Thanks to typescript, we now have autocomplete
toast.TYPE Reduce bundle size :) Thanks to typescript, we now have autocomplete

:gear:️ Chore

  • bump dependencies
  • refactor internal


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Release notes


  • fix draggable in strict mode #​752
  • fix sass import #​771
  • fix progress bar overflow for WebKit browser(safari, ios...) #​791
  • fix dismissed toasts while the container is unmounted still appear when the container is mounted #​811
  • fix AutoClose doesn't work on update #​810 #​782 #​720


  • master branch renamed to main :sparkling_heart:


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Release note



  • build artifacts are no longer minified. This was causing issues with some bundlers like vitejs #​797


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Release note


  • fix missing generic in useNotificationCenter typing #​796


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Release note

:spider: Bugfix

  • inject-style has now the correct file-name in bundle #​779


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Release note

This release does not work with CRA v4(2 years old) due to the lack of support for es modules. I strongly advise to upgrade to lastest CRA if possible. Alternative solution:



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Release notes

:spider: Bugfix

  • Fix icon not updating after calling toast.update #​770


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Release notes

Thanks to @​Rambatino, @​grit96, @​Vl3oss, @​eolme for this release

:spider: Bug fixes

  • typo #​764
  • pass toast styles through #​763
  • add function type in icon prop #​761
  • closeButton/icon types/rendering #​758
  • fix empty data object in NotificationCenter #​757


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Release note

:rocket: What is new in v9

Say hello to addons! What are addons? So, addons are like DLCs in video games but for react-toastify :laughing:. More seriously, you can think of it as utilities built around react-toastify. For example, custom theme, hooks, components etc...


The first addon that I would like to introduce is the useNotificationCenter headless hook! As the name suggests, it let you build your notification center on top of react-toastify. See for yourself :point_down:

Another example using MUI.

Edit mui-notification-center Check the documentation for more details.

Stacked toasts

This second addon will be released later. There are a bunch of details that I need to cover and I don't want to release something too buggy. Nevertheless, I'm really excited about it and I think it's worth showcasing anyway.

I call it StackedContainer for now, it's an alternative to the ToastContainer component.


:boom: Breaking changes

There are 2 breaking changes. The API change for toast.onChange and the removal of toast.configure.


The previous API was returning the numberOfToastDisplayed and the containerId. Honestly, this API seems to be incomplete.

For example, with the old API, if I wanted to do some logging this would be very difficult because I don't have enough data to log.

toast.onChange((numberOfToastDisplayed, containerId) => {"nothing useful to log, ...")

The new API offers more possibilities. The callback will receive a ToastItem. The item provides a bunch of useful properties status, content, id, data, etc...

interface ToastItem<Data = {}> {
    id: Id;
    content: React.ReactNode;
    theme?: Theme;
    type?: TypeOptions;
    isLoading?: boolean;
    containerId?: Id;
    data: Data;
    icon?: React.ReactNode | false;
    status: "added" | "removed" | "updated" 

const unsubscribe = toast.onChange((payload: ToastItem) => {
  switch (payload.status) {
    case "added":
      // new toast added
    case "updated":
      // toast updated
    case "removed":
      // toast has been removed

For example, if I want to log something every time there is a new error notification, with the new API it's trivial

toast.onChange(payload => {
  if(payload.status === "added" && payload.type === toast.TYPE.ERROR) {
      content: payload.content,
toast.configure removal

toast.configure works fine for most cases but the current implementation has one main issue. It does not work with react context because it creates a new react tree. That being said, having 2 APIs to do the same thing is a bad thing.

:spider: Bug fixes

  • #​725 the success toast on promise does not disappear when resolving too quickly
  • #​711 updated toast sometimes has wrong styles
  • #​700 generics are not used for toast.promise's result type if you use a custom render method


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Release note

  • add deprecation notice for toast.configure.
  • add deprecation notice for toast.onChange. API for this method will change in the next major release

:spider: Bugfixes

  • fix #​707 Promise toast does not close automatically if promise resolves too quickly

:gear:️ Chore

  • bump parcel to latest version


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Release notes

:spider: Bug fixes

  • fix #​702 autoClose duration start after the entrance animation finish
  • fix #​689 prevents promise without success to hang on to the pending state
  • fix #​645 and #​618 onClose now work as expected!
  • fix #​694 Fix error in Chrome: remove preventDefault from passive listener

:gear:️ Chore

  • #​703 the ToastPromiseParams is now exported
  • exit animation on safari are not conflicting with drag transition anymore

Thanks to @​03c, @​wilson-webdev, @​essential-randomness for their contributions


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Release notes

:rocket: Features

  • add support for optional stages in promise #​646


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Release notes

:beetle: Bugfixes

  • fix text-align has not effect on content #​657
  • fix disabling icon individually #​658
  • fix tree shaking #​641


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Release Notes


  • fix #​635 Icon on safari not displayed


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Release notes


  • toast.promise accept function that returns a promise.


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React-toastify has been around for 5 years(will turn five the 8 November :birthday:). Since the beginning, one of the goals was to provide a library that is highly customizable and also able to work out of the box. Every major release introduces breaking changes but this is for the best :ok_hand:.

React toastify

:rocket: Features

New look

Notifications of different types (, toast.error, toast.success, toast.warning) display an icon associated with the selected type. You can also notice that the progress bar color matches the type color.

v8-icons-light v8-icons-dark v8-icons-colored

Don't be afraid :scream:, if you don't like those icons you can use your own or remove them. This is what it looks like in practice.

toast("Default toast behavior is untouched, no icon to display");"Lorem ipsum dolor"); // same as toast(message, {type: "info"});
toast.error("Lorem ipsum dolor")
toast.success("Lorem ipsum dolor")
toast.warn("Lorem ipsum dolor")
toast.error("Without icon", {
  icon: false
toast.success("You can provide any string", {
  icon: "🚀"
// custom icons have access to the theme and the toast type
toast.success("And of course a component of your choice", {
  icon: MyIcon
toast.success("Even a function, given you return something that can be rendered", {
  icon: ({theme, type}) =>  <img src="url"/>
//Disable icons
<ToastContainer icon={false} />
Clear separation between type and theme

Prior to v8,, toast.error, etc... Would display respectively a blue notification, a red notification, etc... This is not the case anymore. There are 3 distinct themes: light, dark, colored. The theme can be applied globally or per notification.

//Set the theme globally 
<ToastContainer theme="dark" />

// define per toast"Display a dark notification of type info");"Display a light notification of type info", { theme: "light" });"Display a blue notification of type info", { theme: "colored" });

This separation will benefit theming in the future.

I promise this is new, I'll tell you if you await
v8-promise v8-promise-resolved

The library exposes a toast.promise function. Supply a promise and the notification will be updated if it resolves or fails. When the promise is pending a spinner is displayed. Again you hide it, I bet you already know how to:laughing:.

Let's start with a simple example

const resolveAfter3Sec = new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 3000));
      pending: 'Promise is pending',
      success: 'Promise resolved 👌',
      error: 'Promise rejected 🤯'

Displaying a simple message is what you would want to do in 90% of cases. But what if the message you want to display depends on the promise response, what if you want to change some options for the error notification? Rest assured, under the hood, the library uses toast.update. Thanks to this, you have full control over each notification.

const resolveWithSomeData = new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve("world"), 3000));
      pending: 'Promise is pending',
      success: {
          return `Hello ${data}`
        // other options
        icon: "🟢",
      error: {
          // When the promise reject, data will contains the error
          return <MyErrorComponent message={data.message} />

If you want to take care of each step yourself you can use toast.loading and update the notification yourself.

const id = toast.loading("Please wait...")
//do something else
toast.update(id, { render: "All is good", type: "success" });
Pass data even when you are not rendering a react component

One way to pass data to the notification was to use the context api or provide your own component. Starting v8 a data option is now available to make it easier.

toast(({data}) => `Hello ${data}`, {
  data: "world"
I just want to change few colors

Most of the time, users are ok with the default style, they just want to change some colors to match their brand. I think one way to improve the DX for all of us is to embrace CSS variables. That's why the library has switched to css variables! All you want is to change the color of the progress bar? No problem

  // this is the default value below
  --toastify-color-progress-light: linear-gradient(
    to right,

You can find the list of all exposed variables here

:boom: Breaking changes

There are few breaking changes.

  • The separation between theme and type. The type dark has been removed
// before v8
toast("hello", {
  type: "dark"
// toast.TYPE.DARK is no longer available

// in v8
toast("hello", {
  theme: "dark"
// or
  • Notifications of different types are not colored by default, but they look pretty by default now :laughing:. You can use the colored theme to get the same behavior as the previous version"hello", {
  theme: "colored"
// or apply the theme globally
<ToastContainer theme="colored" />
  • An icon is displayed by default for the notificaiton of type info, error, warning, success
// to opt-out gloablly from this behavior
<ToastContainer icon={false} />

// or per toast"hello", {
  icon: false
  • the following css classes has been removed
.Toastify__toast--dark {
.Toastify__toast--default {
.Toastify__toast--info {
.Toastify__toast--success {
.Toastify__toast--warning {
.Toastify__toast--error {

:gear:️ Chore

  • update all dependencies

That's it for this release. Thank you for using react-toastify and happy coding!


:date: Schedule: At any time (no schedule defined).

:vertical_traffic_light: Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

:recycle: Rebasing: Whenever MR is behind base branch, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

:no_bell: Ignore: Close this MR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

  • If you want to rebase/retry this MR, click this checkbox.

This MR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

Edited by Renovate-Bot

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