fix(deps): update ag-grid monorepo to v30 (major)
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This MR contains the following updates:
Package | Type | Update | Change |
ag-grid-community (source) | dependencies | major | ^27.1.0 -> ^30.0.0 |
ag-grid-react (source) | dependencies | major | ^27.1.0 -> ^30.0.0 |
Release Notes
ag-grid/ag-grid (ag-grid-community)
Release 30.1.0
Key | Issue Type | Summary |
AG‑9151 | Task | [Column Filters] Allow formatting the filter model value to display in the number filter input when using the numberParser |
AG‑9146 | Bug | [SSRM] When header checkbox is checked, and the user scrolls to load a new block of rows, newly loaded unselectable rows are also selected |
AG‑9096 | Task | [React] Display warning message when setting detailCellRendererParams.template in React saying this isn't supported |
AG‑9080 | Bug | Guard VirtualList against error when model not yet set |
AG‑9068 | Bug | When using unbalanced groups, the Set Filter Tree List does not display all groups |
AG‑9065 | Bug | [Docs] Install with NPM React link leads to empty page |
AG‑9051 | Task | [Layout & Styling] Add a Figma Design System to design & customise AG Grid |
AG‑9048 | Task | [Column Filters] Add a source parameter to the filterChanged event to indicate the type of filter that fired it |
AG‑9031 | Bug | Changelog for v30.0 misspells rowNode.setSelected method name |
AG‑9013 | Bug | When using React, changing the height of the grid while calling autoSizeAllColumns truncates a column unnecessarily |
AG‑8967 | Bug | When using React and Viewport Row Model with rapid updates, calling flashCell throws an exception |
AG‑8958 | Bug | When providing a set filter model with empty string, it doesn't filter records with empty strings |
AG‑8949 | Bug | [Columns] When removing a pivot/row group/aggregation the wrong column is provided to the events |
AG‑8945 | Bug | [Cell Rendering] When using groupRowRenderer and checkboxes in Angular, checked row groups are hidden unless hovered over |
AG‑8924 | Bug | When using React and calling the api to start editing a cell from the context menu (that was opened from a different cell), editing does not start |
AG‑8921 | Bug | [Selection][SSRM] Pressing SPACE key triggers onRowSelected event even when row wasn't selectable |
AG‑8898 | Bug | [Regression] When sorting by one of the group columns by clicking the pill in the row group panel, leaf values shown in the row group column are sorted as well and the group column is showing a sort direction instead of mixed direction |
AG‑8870 | Bug | [Column Sizing] Column width does not retain when flex enabled and Group Column set as row group |
AG‑8824 | Bug | When calling api.refreshServerSide with purge=false and there are fewer groups than previously loaded, an infinite reload loop can occur |
AG‑8817 | Bug | When calling api.sizeColumnsToFit() it doesn't grow column width if it has a minWidth set and the grid's width is less than 1400px |
AG‑8802 | Bug | [SSRM] When maxConcurrentRequests=-1 (no limit), refreshing the rows loads cache blocks one at a time still using a limit for the number of requests |
AG‑8775 | Task | [Column Filters] Allow Advanced Column Filtering with filtering expression support |
AG‑8657 | Task | [Row Grouping] Allow ungrouping via the column menu item on auto-grouped columns |
AG‑8585 | Bug | When crossfiltering an integrated chart to a blank value, blank entries are not shown in grid |
AG‑8559 | Bug | [Performance] When initiating a grid with a large number of columns (thousands), the UI freezes |
AG‑8243 | Task | [Column Filters] Disable auto-fill prompts for floating filter inputs by default and add a filterParams property to optionally enable them |
AG‑8061 | Task | [Pivoting] Allow setting the default expanded level of pivot columns (similar to the groupDefaultExpanded property for the expanded row group level) |
AG‑7921 | Task | [SSRM] Allow users to modify the value aggregation function from a secondary column when using SSRM and pivoting and improve secondary column workflow when pivoting |
AG‑7724 | Bug | When calling redrawRows API method, pinned rows are always redrawn regardless of the parameters |
AG‑7712 | Task | [SSRM] Allow postSortRows callback to fire when using SSRM |
AG‑6278 | Bug | When pivoting and updating a state variable in React, secondary column order is reset |
AG‑4461 | Bug | When showing long options in a agRichSelectCellEditor they are clipped instead of truncated |
AG‑3757 | Bug | When calling api.resetRowHeights, footer row heights aren't updated |
AG‑3523 | Task | [Tooltip] Allow interactive tooltips which remain visible as long as the mouse hovers the tooltip |
AG‑2655 | Task | [Cell Editing] Improve rich cell editor rendering, customization, CSS variable support, popup sizing matching column width |
AG‑2278 | Task | Allow automatically creating pivot result columns (secondary columns) with SSRM |
AG‑2211 | Task | [Cell Editing] Allow agRichSelectCellEditor to automatically shrink vertically if the options provided aren't high enough to fill the default height |
AG‑2037 | Task | [Cell Editing] Allow automatically fitting agRichSelectCellEditor width to column width |
Release 30.0.6
Key | Issue Type | Summary |
AG‑8998 | Task | [Build] Default AG Grid Packages to use CommonJS |
Release 30.0.5
Key | Issue Type | Summary |
AG‑8916 | Bug | When using cell data types, columns are incorrectly inferred as dateString if text partially contains a date |
AG‑8914 | Bug | [Regression] Vertical scroll position is wrong after calling api.ensureNodeVisible |
AG‑8894 | Bug | SSRM refresh inconsistently persists group state |
AG‑8879 | Bug | [Regression] When scrolling Master Detail grid horizontally with the mousepad the main grid prevents scrolling |
AG‑8875 | Bug | [Regression] When using row grouping with groupSelectsFiltered = true, indeterminate selection checkboxes cannot be unchecked |
AG‑8857 | Bug | [Regression] When setting filter model and applying column state with pinned columns and animate rows, an error is thrown |
AG‑8851 | Bug | [Regression] Calling setRowData with Immutable Data and FullWidthRow throws an error |
AG‑8848 | Bug | [Regression] When updating a parent node with master detail, the detail grid is not refreshed the first time |
AG‑8846 | Task | [Charts] Allow disabling collision avoidance on pie callout labels |
AG‑8845 | Bug | [Charts] Scatter series labels appear bolder on series highlight |
AG‑8843 | Bug | [Regression] When using server-side row model FULL, client-side sorting prevents range row selection |
AG‑8836 | Bug | When long column header names are shown in the columns tool panel or column menu columns tab, they're clipped instead of truncated |
AG‑8835 | Bug | [Regression] When setting a React state variable, any custom filters applied are reset |
AG‑8831 | Bug | [Excel Export] - ProcessRowGroupCallback is not called for (Blank) groups |
AG‑8830 | Bug | MouseMove fires angular change detection impacting profiling DX |
AG‑8829 | Bug | [Regression] When working with non-string value columns, filterParams do not work if set inside defaultColDefs |
AG‑8827 | Task | React Suspense ColumnModel Issue |
AG‑8825 | Bug | Rename ariaDropZoneColumnComponentAggFuncSeperator to ariaDropZoneColumnComponentAggFuncSeparator |
AG‑8823 | Task | [Types] Improve Support for Discriminated Union Types as TData |
AG‑8819 | Bug | When using a set filter cell renderer without a refresh method, the renderer is not recreated on refresh |
AG‑8816 | Bug | [Regression] SuppressScrollWhenPopupsAreOpen doesn't work with Column Menus |
AG‑8813 | Bug | [Regression] When calling api.getColumnDefs API method, column groups aren't returned |
AG‑8809 | Bug | Aligned Grids feature does not work with RTL |
AG‑8801 | Bug | [Filtering] When using closeOnApply with accordion filter displays the column menu does not close |
AG‑8797 | Bug | [Charts] Time-axis behaving inconsistently with non-London TZ |
AG‑8788 | Bug | [Regression] When using React with full-width rows and setting new row data with the same row id for a full-width row that was previously used by a non-full-width row, flushSync exception is thrown |
AG‑8786 | Bug | When enableRtl=true, floating filter popup cannot be resized horizontally or popup moves to incorrect place |
AG‑8784 | Bug | [Regression] When using groupIncludeFooter or groupIncludeTotalFooter, for columns with aggFunc='count' the footer row cells display the row count, not the sum of aggregated values |
AG‑8781 | Bug | [Regression] When applying column state before setting row data with cell data types, the column state is overwritten |
AG‑8780 | Bug | [Regression] When using frameworks and importing modules on the master grid (instead of globally), no detail grids are shown |
AG‑8772 | Bug | When setting a tabindex on the grid, not all components are respecting the property |
AG‑8746 | Bug | When moving focus away from the aggregation function popup via keyboard, the popup remains open |
AG‑8742 | Bug | [Charts] Repeated ticks with time-axis using a single Date value errors |
AG‑8730 | Bug | DragAndDrop Ghost gets wrong position when ShadowDOM has offset |
AG‑8693 | Bug | [Regression] domLayout='Auto' can no longer be used with SSRM even with small dataset |
AG‑8545 | Bug | [Charts] BarSeries with time-axis using a single Date value errors |
AG‑8527 | Bug | When using Safari and dragging a row or column to the top of of the page, content above the grid is highlighted |
AG‑8518 | Bug | [Regression] When calling api.autoSizeColumns on a grid, this is much slower when there are other grids shown on page |
AG‑8415 | Bug | [SSRM] Console error when synchronously applying column state with pinned column after setting filters |
AG‑8357 | Task | [Bundle Size Reduction] Reduce license header being repeated in all generated files |
AG‑8339 | Bug | [Charts] setting showInLegend=false on one series is affecting all series previous to it |
AG‑8023 | Task | [Typing] Type the location property in callbacks |
AG‑7933 | Bug | [Charts] Cannot specify per-series options for multiple bar/column/area series |
AG‑7651 | Task | [Charts] Allow complex object for data and and datum keys to be property paths (xKey/yKey/etc) |
AG‑7629 | Bug | [IRM] Excessive component initialisation and destroy |
AG‑7375 | Bug | When using ReactUI, calling the setDataValue API method to update a cell value causes cell focus to be lost |
AG‑7258 | Bug | When sticky group rows are used with pagination on non-first page, scrolling down causes group column cell values to disappear |
AG‑6523 | Bug | When using a custom aggregation function, integrated charts line and area series can't be plotted for cells showing a complex aggregation object |
Release 30.0.3
Key | Issue Type | Summary |
AG‑8839 | Task | Update AG distributable for easier user consumption |
Release 30.0.2
Key | Issue Type | Summary |
AG‑8756 | Bug | [Regression] ag-grid-community/ag-grid-enterprise with Next: Cannot use import statement outside a module |
Release 30.0.1
Key | Issue Type | Summary |
AG-8793 | Bug | Fix incorrect ESM bundling / Decrease bundle sizes |
Release 30.0.0
Key | Issue Type | Summary |
AG‑8718 | Task | [Cell Editing] Add a built-in checkbox cell editor |
AG‑8698 | Bug | Regression - chart order changes between initial load and mouse-over |
AG‑8691 | Bug | When viewing a docs page with a short video, two play buttons are displayed |
AG‑8684 | Bug | [Regression] Column Group Headers with marryChildren: true cannot be moved after a column group header child is hidden |
AG‑8683 | Bug | [Regression] When using transactions with row grouping/tree data and full-width rows with agGroupCellRenderer.checkbox=true, grid becomes slow/crashes |
AG‑8679 | Bug | CellStyles with !important are not applied to grid cells |
AG‑8674 | Task | Default to use ES Modules in main field of package.json |
AG‑8673 | Bug | [SSRM] Master Detail with groupRowsSticky crashes the grid |
AG‑8671 | Task | [Quick Filter] Update quick filter to exclude values in hidden columns by default |
AG‑8669 | Bug | [SSRM] Refreshing a successfully loaded row, where the refresh request fails will continue to refresh until successful |
AG‑8660 | Bug | [Regression] When using row grouping and setting enableGroupEdit=true, pasting a copied range of values skips group row cells |
AG‑8655 | Task | [Clipboard] Add API method to paste from clipboard into the grid |
AG‑8639 | Bug | When using RTL, with sticky group rows, expanding a row group and scrolling renders the group name on the left |
AG‑8633 | Bug | [Regression] When using agMultiColumnFilter or agGroupColumnFilter opening the column menu scrolls the grid back to the top |
AG‑8630 | Task | [Column Filters] Ignore filterParams.defaultToNothingSelected=true when filterParams.excelMode is used |
AG‑8629 | Task | [Column Headers] Make column group header cells span multiple rows by default when other groups have more levels |
AG‑8625 | Bug | [Regression] When setting groupDisplayType property, grid crashes |
AG‑8613 | Bug | [SSRM] rows do not render when rowHeight is decimal |
AG‑8612 | Bug | [React] Browser Hangs Calling api after unmount when there are columnGroups |
AG‑8600 | Task | [Aggregation] Refining top level and root level aggregation logic |
AG‑8588 | Bug | [Clipboard] When copying a value with quotation marks, paste does not paste the quotation marks |
AG‑8587 | Bug | [Charts] Grouped Category axis not redrawn correctly after data update |
AG‑8570 | Bug | React Hooks custom editor example with Mood editor doesn't select correct value when pressing ENTER key |
AG‑8567 | Bug | Grid shows error ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded |
AG‑8553 | Bug | [Sorting] When moving sorted column group column gets re-triggered as secondary sort |
AG‑8543 | Bug | [Charts] When adding a series to an integrated pie chart created without series, an exception is thrown |
AG‑8542 | Bug | [Accessibility] When using buttons on filterParams for column filters, the tab key does not navigate to them |
AG‑8541 | Task | [Accessibility] Add extra aria properties to elements in sidebar and toolpanel tabs |
AG‑8520 | Bug | [Export] When exporting to Excel a BigInt value, grid throws an exception |
AG‑8516 | Bug | When using a custom filter in a multi filter as an accordion, the wrong container is passed to the afterGuiAttached method |
AG‑8510 | Task | [API] Removal of v27 deprecations in v30 release |
AG‑8509 | Bug | When exporting to Excel, number formats that contain quotes are not encoded properly |
AG‑8506 | Bug | [Charts] Remove global typescript definitions in zoom & tootlip |
AG‑8504 | Bug | [Regression] When running WAVE, each column header has a missing aria label error when not using headerCheckboxSelection=true |
AG‑8496 | Bug | [Charts] Remove redundant AgAxisCategoryTickOptions.maxSpacing option |
AG‑8495 | Bug | row-id and row-business-key are out of sync with grid's content after gridApi.refreshInfiniteCache() call |
AG‑8494 | Bug | [Clipboard] When using the browser's edit menu user cannot cut, copy or paste |
AG‑8476 | Bug | [Charts] Formatters maybe called several times per (re)render |
AG‑8474 | Bug | When a simple filter has only one option, the dropdown is not disabled |
AG‑8472 | Bug | [Regression] When selecting and unselecting checkboxes, NVDA does not read the correct prompt |
AG‑8464 | Task | [Integrated] Allow updating a chart via the Grid API |
AG‑8452 | Bug | [Regression] When selecting a range of cells with objects with empty string values, all AggFuncs are shown in status bar instead of just the applicable ones |
AG‑8451 | Task | [Charts] Attempt to remove use of eval() due to increasing build tooling noise |
AG‑8435 | Bug | When pivoting, quick filter doesn't filter the pivoted data |
AG‑8422 | Bug | [Regression] When pivoting and client-side sorting, clicking a group column header doesn't sort the grid rows |
AG‑8418 | Bug | [Charts] Toggling between Pie and Donut in ChartToolPanel causes getSeriesRect error |
AG‑8417 | Bug | [Charts] Scatter point not visible when having the same X or Y |
AG‑8415 | Bug | [SSRM] Console error when synchronously applying column state with pinned column after setting filters |
AG‑8408 | Task | v30 Remove Angular Legacy From Codebase |
AG‑8406 | Bug | Auto Size Columns causes group column headers to be stuck with ag-column-resizing class |
AG‑8370 | Bug | [Regression] When using SSRM and setting serverSideInitialRowCount, grid shows correct rows but vertical scrollbar thumb is still in top position |
AG‑8358 | Bug | [Charts] Not possible to correctly set y-axis titles in integrated combination charts |
AG‑8351 | Task | [Column Group] Make horizontal sticky group column header default behavior |
AG‑8349 | Bug | When using groupHideOpenParents, if a group column filter has been instantiated and the group is then removed, an error is thrown |
AG‑8347 | Task | [Row Grouping] Make group rows sticky default in row grouping, tree data and master detail |
AG‑8331 | Bug | Clicking the floating filter input in Firefox does not open the Set Filter |
AG‑8328 | Task | [Excel Export] Allow suppressing outline for rows and columns when exporting |
AG‑8325 | Task | [Charts] Disable legend by default for single series cartesian charts |
AG‑8294 | Bug | [Charts] Integrated chart subscription for series click events not working - regression from 29.1 |
AG‑8234 | Task | [Cell Editing] Add cell data types and cell data type inference |
AG‑8220 | Bug | Grid Throws an Error when used within React Suspense Component |
AG‑8166 | Bug | Treemap truncating labels prematurely |
AG‑8110 | Task | [Charts] Allow synchronising duplicate legend items to apply click action to both |
AG‑8096 | Task | [Events] Add events to fire at the start and end of cell range delete operations |
AG‑8095 | Task | [Events] Add events to fire at the start and end of cut operations (onCutStart/onCutEnd) |
AG‑8067 | Bug |
rowUngroup menu item does not remove grouping when on an autoGroupColumn |
AG‑8050 | Task | [Charts] Allow Title, Subtitle and footnote to handle long text by truncating/wrapping |
AG‑8005 | Task | [Cell Editing] Allow default cell editor to use the valueFormatter if its value isn't coercible to string |
AG‑7948 | Task | [Side Bar] Enhance toolPanelVisibleChanged event to provide more information |
AG‑7920 | Bug | When using React with ag-grid-enterprise packages, destroying the grid is slow |
AG‑7895 | Task | [Clipboard] Allow copy down to support complex objects |
AG‑7894 | Task | [Clipboard] Allow fallback to valueFormatter/valueParser if no custom copy function provided to better support complex objects |
AG‑7892 | Task | [Fill Handle] Allow horizontal fill handle to better support columns with complex objects |
AG‑7883 | Task | [Column Filter] Add support for HTML5 number inputs in non-Chrome-based browsers |
AG‑7513 | Task | [Charts] Add grid API to call the chart link/unlink |
AG‑7413 | Task | [Cell Editing] Add a built-in numeric editor in the grid |
AG‑7228 | Bug | [Selection] When setting suppressFinishActions=true in the call to row.setSelected API method, rowSelection='single' is not respected and multiple rows are selected |
AG‑7227 | Bug | [Column Filters] Filter and floating filter cannot be enabled/changed retrospectively |
AG‑7112 | Task | [Charts] Add a formatter for charts axis title |
AG‑6947 | Task | [Typings] Allow ColDef field property to use TData |
AG‑6809 | Task | [Charts] Add a label formatter to scatter, pie, treemap series |
AG‑6399 | Bug | When row grouping, column menu items named "Expand All" and "Collapse All" are misleading |
AG‑5719 | Task | [Excel Export] Allow exporting row groups to Excel preserving their collapsed/expanded state |
AG‑5695 | Task | [Chart] Allow wrapping treemap label values so they fit inside treemap tiles |
AG‑5568 | Task | [Charts] Allow to toggle axis labels on and off (instead of label formatters) |
AG‑5525 | Task | [Modules] Allow AG Grid module registration on a per-grid basis |
AG‑5429 | Task | [Cell Editing] Allow correctly parsing a numeric value following a cell edit |
AG‑4763 | Task | [API] Allow identifying grid instances via a unique id |
AG‑4371 | Task | [Charts] Allow displaying crosshairs (horizontal/vertical lines spanning the chart area) when hovering over the chart |
AG‑4037 | Task | [Cell Editing] Add a Date picker cell editor |
AG‑3473 | Task | [API] Allow introducing column/editor/renderer type information in typescript |
AG‑3427 | Task | [Excel Export] Allow exporting the formatted cell value instead of the underlying cell value |
AG‑2396 | Task | [Clipboard] Allow the formatted cell value to be used with copy/fill handle/copy range down |
AG‑1900 | Task | [Clipboard] Allow Value Parser to run on paste/fill handle/copy range down |
AG‑1826 | Task | [Keyboard Navigation] Allow enterMovesDown and enterMovesDownAfterEdit to focus the cell above when pressing SHIFT + ENTER |
AG‑687 | Task | [SSRM] Add support for group footer row when using server-side row model |
Release 29.3.5
Key | Issue Type | Summary |
AG‑8538 | Bug | getCacheBlockState incorrectly returns 'loaded' if block exists before request is made |
AG‑8475 | Bug | [Regression] When using SSRM with paging, changing from last to previous page index or last page to first doesn't load the correct blocks |
Release 29.3.4
Key | Issue Type | Summary |
AG‑8444 | Bug | [Regression] When using Tree Data, the auto column can't be sorted |
AG‑8428 | Bug | [Regression] When using SSRM and pagination domLayout='autoHeight' is ignored |
AG‑8420 | Bug | [Regression] When using SSRM with group pagination, expanding the top row group hides the group row |
AG‑8458 | Bug | [Regression] Avoid FlushSync warnings |
Release 29.3.3
Key | Issue Type | Summary |
AG‑8424 | Bug | Multiple flushSync console warning messages shown after upgrading to v29.3.2 |
Release 29.3.0
Key | Issue Type | Summary |
AG‑8356 | Bug | Reintroduce support for requirejs |
AG‑8352 | Bug | When using row AutoHeight=true with Custom Cell Renderers, toggling Keyboard Mode resets Row Heights |
AG‑8348 | Bug | Tabbing does not flow correctly between aligned grids |
AG‑8346 | Bug | [Regression] When setting a large value for cacheBlockSize, loading data is slow and becomes slower for each new cache block |
AG‑8343 | Bug | When using excludeHiddenColumnsFromQuickFilter, Quick Filter excludes row group values if the grouped column is hidden |
AG‑8341 | Bug | [Safari] Text within elements that should not allow selection is still selectable |
AG‑8327 | Bug | [Sparklines] Sparkline tooltip renderer is not isolated to a single column |
AG‑8297 | Bug | ColumnToolPanel can enter infinite loop if child group given groupId 0 |
AG‑8287 | Bug | [Charts] Pie breaks when data count increases |
AG‑8283 | Bug | [Regression] When using SSRM, setting maxBlocksInCache causes too many rows to be retained instead of reloaded from the data source |
AG‑8282 | Bug | Some icons throw exceptions when created as SVG |
AG‑8281 | Bug | [Excel Export] Footer row is not exported to Excel when using groupHideOpenParents=true |
AG‑8280 | Bug | [Excel Export] Exporting custom content with Text + Image throws an error |
AG‑8275 | Bug | When pressing SPACE key to expand/collapse column groups, the page scrolls |
AG‑8273 | Bug | [Regression] When using the set filter, clicking the CANCEL button doesn't reset unapplied changes and doesn't close the filter popup when using excel-windows mode |
AG‑8272 | Bug | When using AG Grid Enterprise, there's no way to show ag-grid-community column menu tabs |
AG‑8270 | Bug | Cannot expand group rows with double click when enableGroupEdit=true |
AG‑8266 | Bug | When opening the chart tool panel via API call, the affected chart is scrolled into view |
AG‑8242 | Bug | When removing a column from the row group panel, the columns list in the columns tool panel is scrolled to the bottom |
AG‑8241 | Bug | [Regression] When popup parent has a height larger than the browser, the column menu displays with zero height |
AG‑8235 | Bug | [Regression] headerCheckboxSelectionFilteredOnly is not reversible |
AG‑8232 | Bug | [Regression] When selecting grid rows, status bar selection count doesn't take into account de-selected rows |
AG‑8229 | Bug | [Regression] When using Mac and showing scrollbars "only when scrolling", full width row bounds exceeds grid viewport |
AG‑8226 | Bug | [SSRM] refreshServerSide(purge: false) does not load rows if grid empty |
AG‑8225 | Bug | [SSRM] Calling api.setRowCount does not correctly unset store length |
AG‑8216 | Task | [SSRM] Fire an event when a SSRM refresh has fully completed |
AG‑8213 | Bug | AgGrid ColumnResizeEvent emitted with incorrect source property when calling api |
AG‑8141 | Bug | api.resetColumnState() breaks columns with aggFuncs supplied as functions |
AG‑8139 | Bug | [Regression] When setting popupParent option, opening the column column menu popup scrolls down the HTML body |
AG‑8064 | Task | [API] Display a warning in console when using domLayout="autoHeight" and rowModelType="serverSide" or "infinite" and ignore domLayout="autoHeight" |
AG‑7996 | Bug | When using pivoting and enableGroupEdit=true, editing a group row cell an exception is thrown |
AG‑7888 | Bug | paginationGoToLastPage() goes to wrong page when paginationAutoPageSize:true |
AG‑7541 | Bug | When using SSRM, full width rows don't update after a SSRM refresh |
AG‑7523 | Bug | When a column with autoHeight & wrapText=true spans into another column with autoHeight & wrapText=true, the row has default instead of auto-height and the cell value appears on a single row instead of wrapped |
AG‑7368 | Task | [Charts] Add node / pointer tooltip position types |
AG‑7080 | Task | [Master/Detail] Add support for sticky rows for master rows when using a master/detail grid |
AG‑7013 | Task | [SSRM] Add support for sticky group rows |
AG‑6984 | Task | [Pivoting] Allow aggregating the values of multiple pivot columns and rows in a single aggregation value |
AG‑6880 | Task | [Tree Data] Add support for sticky group rows and tree data |
AG‑6846 | Task | [API] Add to API docs the currently undocumented Column.isCellEditable(RowNode) API method |
AG‑6716 | Task | [Sparklines] Allow per-column sparkline tooltip instances |
AG‑6260 | Task | [SSRM] Allow displaying "Loading..." instead of "?" in the pagination panel when paging while still loading records (when using SSRM Pagination) |
AG‑6181 | Task | [Chart] Allow custom tooltips to remain visible to allow interacting with tooltip content for accessibility users |
AG‑4989 | Task | Allow AG Grid to work from inside a Shadow DOM |
AG‑3890 | Task | [Charts] Improve layout of pie chart callout labels to avoid overlapping chart or other labels |
AG‑3227 | Task | [Charts] Allow configuring tooltip position offset |
AG‑2720 | Task | [Column Groups] Allow horizontal sticky group column headers |
Release 29.2.0
Key | Issue Type | Summary |
AG‑8205 | Bug | When using React 18 and calling autoSize from firstDataRendered event handler and a column group header is just out of view an error is thrown |
AG‑8195 | Bug | [Charts] Line chart not implementing z index of series correctly |
AG‑8189 | Bug | When scrolling the viewport to the right edge, up or paging, cell values are rendered from the bottom row up instead of from the top row down |
AG‑8164 | Bug | autoGroupColumn sortIndex incorrect |
AG‑8153 | Bug | When using tree data and groupIncludeFooter=true, grid throws exception and shows no rows |
AG‑8151 | Bug | When pivoting, column sort indexes should omit sorts with no impact |
AG‑8133 | Bug | [Column Filters] When entering non-numeric characters in number filters with allowedCharPattern set, filter value of NaN is applied |
AG‑8124 | Bug | [Integrated Charts] Chart Tool Panel is not destroyed correctly leading to exceptions being thrown |
AG‑8106 | Bug | [Column Filters] When using join operator OR in the filter tool panel, entering a value floating filter input resets the join operator to AND |
AG‑8104 | Bug | When enabling masterDetail on group column without a field, 'undefined' is shown instead of empty cell |
AG‑8103 | Task | [SSRM] Allow row selection across multiple group levels |
AG‑8102 | Bug | SSRM - Old datasource requests still fired when datasource changed |
AG‑8091 | Bug | [Column Filters] When setting a single model on a simple filter component, multiple filterModified events are fired |
AG‑8086 | Bug | When using React with group columns with a sibling column that's not a group, calling setColumnDefs causes column groups headers to flicker |
AG‑8085 | Task | [Accessibility] Avoid duplicated announcements for cells with auto-height / selection checkbox / drag and drop / row drag without using aria-hidden attribute |
AG‑8081 | Bug | When using React, applying new column state doesn't animate column headers |
AG‑8079 | Bug | [Regression] When using SSRM, after calling setColumnDefs() any new sort model not applied anymore and grid cannot be sorted |
AG‑8075 | Bug | [Regression] When opening a column filter and unmounting/hiding the grid, the page freezes and becomes unresponsive |
AG‑8073 | Bug | When using readOnlyEdit and editing a group cell value, the group row allLeafChildren property excludes the edited child row |
AG‑8070 | Bug | [Column Filters] Copy/paste using keyboard shortcuts does not work in Number Filter using Safari |
AG‑8065 | Bug | When using React 18, dragging a column only animates the first time |
AG‑8063 | Task | [Clipboard] Allow suppressing cut (CTRL+X) operation |
AG‑8062 | Bug | When using multi-line column header text with type=rightAligned, the header text isn't aligned to the right edge of the header cell |
AG‑8059 | Bug | When sparkline data changes, tooltip values don't update |
AG‑8058 | Task | [Charts] Add click near a point detection |
AG‑8057 | Bug | [Charts] Formatting incorrect for negative comma-grouped values |
AG‑8051 | Task | [Charts] Add ability to include chart footnotes |
AG‑8048 | Task | [Charts] Allow multi-line title and subtitle |
AG‑8042 | Bug | When using autoHeight=true, computed cell height is incorrect because it doesn't include the cell border size |
AG‑8040 | Bug | [Docs] Localisation for Ctrl+X string missing from localisation docs |
AG‑8032 | Task | [API] Deprecate the undocumented functionsPassive property and related event callbacks |
AG‑8021 | Bug | [Column Filters] When using tree list with tree data or grouping, the floating filter value formatter is passed the wrong value |
AG‑8016 | Bug | When setting rowHeight grid property, cell editor height doesn't match the row height |
AG‑8008 | Bug | onFirstDataRendered event should not be fired for pinned rows. |
AG‑8001 | Bug | [Sparklines] Tooltip position is incorrect after scrolling the grid |
AG‑7992 | Task | [Column Filters] Allow limiting floating filter inputs of numeric filters to numeric values only |
AG‑7937 | Task | [Charts] Allow option for padding at min and max of all axis types |
AG‑7916 | Bug | [Charts] When setting tick.width to a large number, gridlines are rendered outside the series area |
AG‑7564 | Bug | groupMaintainOrder prevents sort being unset |
AG‑7560 | Bug | [Column Filters] Read-Only Floating Filters don't work with Multi Filters by default |
AG‑7522 | Task | Provide Generic Type for Context |
AG‑7429 | Bug | When using React 18, adding new rows and scrolling down causes cell values to flicker |
AG‑7121 | Task | [Charts] Add double-click detection for event handlers |
AG‑6926 | Task | [Charts] Allow displaying stacked and unstacked column series together in the same column group in charts |
AG‑5750 | Task | [Chart] Allow chart overlays to display "No Series" or "No Data" messages over the chart area |
AG‑5384 | Bug | [Column Filter] When there are two filter conditions in a simple filter and the first filter condition is removed, the second filter condition disappears |
AG‑3354 | Task | [SSRM] Add support for tri-state checkbox group selection |
AG‑3072 | Task | [Column Headers] Allow column group header cell to span multiple rows when other groups have more levels |
AG‑2558 | Task | [Column Filters] Allow more than two conditions in the column filters |
AG‑2223 | Task | [SSRM] Allow select all / deselect all via header checkbox selection |
Release 29.1.0
Key | Issue Type | Summary |
AG‑8017 | Task | [React] Make gridOptions property columnTypes reactive |
AG‑8007 | Bug | postProcessPopup gets overridden if popup changes its size asynchronously |
AG‑7995 | Bug | Transactions cause focused cell to be lost when row is moved |
AG‑7978 | Bug | [Regression] When suppressAnimationFrame=true, scrolling by dragging the vertical scrollbar thumb displays white areas in grid viewport |
AG‑7971 | Bug | [VMRM] Setting a new datasource with row count 0 does not clear the viewport |
AG‑7970 | Bug | [SSRM] setRowCount should work for SSRM when not using grouping. |
AG‑7965 | Task | [Column Filters] Allow tree list filter to support complex objects in the tree data group field |
AG‑7958 | Bug | Export RedrawRowsParams publicly |
AG‑7955 | Bug | [Regression] When using a touch device, grid columns cannot be resized by touch |
AG‑7952 | Bug | [Sparklines] Tooltip position is incorrect when enclosing viewport is scrolled |
AG‑7946 | Bug | Context Menu with SubMenus leak references to configuration object |
AG‑7944 | Bug | [Column Filter] When using multi-filter and applying filter model to a set filter with asynchronous values, floating filter input does not update |
AG‑7942 | Bug | When sorting a grouped column, the auto column state does not correctly update |
AG‑7938 | Task | [SSRM] Allow tracking changes for the existing grid rows in the backend dataset |
AG‑7934 | Bug | [Regression] When using MacOS with Scrollbars displayed “When Scrolling”, horizontal scrollbar is still shown after calling api.sizeColumnsToFit method |
AG‑7931 | Bug | [Filter Tool Panel] Changing column definitions via api.setColumnDefs method resets filter tool panel expansion state |
AG‑7922 | Bug | agRichSelectCellEditor fuzzy search does not use displayed values if refData / formatValue is used |
AG‑7919 | Bug | When entering an empty string in agLargeTextCellEditor, it incorrectly changes it to undefined |
AG‑7917 | Bug | When null value passed in cellStyle, the grid breaks |
AG‑7915 | Task | [Clipboard] Allow cutting cell values via keyboard shortcut CTRL+X and in context menu |
AG‑7905 | Bug | [Charts] Changing chart type drops listeners |
AG‑7903 | Bug | [Regression] When using a cellStyle with numeric values an exception is thrown |
AG‑7893 | Bug | event.composedPath() is not equivalent to deprecated event.path on Chrome due to async handling |
AG‑7885 | Bug | When expanding/collapsing a column group, the onCellFocused event fires unnecessarily |
AG‑7878 | Bug | When setting Sass variables to "none", "false" or "true", theme fails to build |
AG‑7872 | Task | [SSRM] Allow not requesting rows from the datasource when removing a column with an aggregation |
AG‑7852 | Bug | [SSRM] Sorting group column in SSRM needlessly refreshes rows |
AG‑7845 | Bug | [Regression] When using complex objects, the undo service and fill handle are converting values to strings instead of maintaining the complex objects |
AG‑7844 | Bug | [Regression] headerHeight, pivotGroupHeaderHeight properties value is ignored, column header row always shown with default height |
AG‑7836 | Bug | [SSRM] getServerSideGroupLevelState missing properties |
AG‑7829 | Bug | [Regression] When typing in the Set Filter Mini Filter in Excel Mode, the Select All item name does not update |
AG‑7821 | Bug | When using React and importing AG Grid with packages, pressing SHIFT+TAB key doesn't return focus to last grid cell from paging panel |
AG‑7806 | Bug | [Column Filters] Filter in Filters Tool Panel is unusable when destroyed |
AG‑7783 | Task | [Charts] Switch legend item tooltips to use HTML tooltips |
AG‑7782 | Bug | When using master/detail and the master row group column has null value, expansion chevron is not displayed so detail cannot be viewed |
AG‑7768 | Bug | [Cell Editing] When focusing an editable cell and pressing Delete key in readOnlyEdit mode, cellEditRequest event is not fired |
AG‑7767 | Bug | [Regression] addIndex parameter in applyTransaction API method does not work when sorting is applied |
AG‑7740 | Bug | [Regression] When pressing Tab when editing master grid with expanded detail, an uncaught TypeError is shown in console |
AG‑7681 | Bug | [SSRM] When copying multiple rows, copied row order follows rowId rather than displayed order |
AG‑7671 | Bug | When calling api.resetRowHeights method root node doesn't get reset |
AG‑7667 | Task | [Layout & Styling] Allow grid row height to respond to changes in CSS variable values |
AG‑7664 | Task | [Quick Filter] Add option to ignore cells in hidden columns when using quick filter |
AG‑7648 | Bug | When hiding second pivot column after filtering grouped rows an exception is thrown and column header borders are misaligned |
AG‑7549 | Bug | When calling getCellRendererInstances method, it doesn't return an instance for the detail row |
AG‑7521 | Task | [Fill Handle] Allow firing onCellEditRequest event when readOnlyEdit=true and using paste or fill handle |
AG‑7167 | Task | [Pivoting] Add API method to expand a specific path of pivot column levels |
AG‑7151 | Task | [Pivoting] Add API methods to expand and collapse all pivot columns levels |
AG‑7124 | Task | [Column Filter] Allow displaying date picker for Safari browser |
AG‑7030 | Task | [Clipboard] Allow clipboard paste to only fire an event instead of updating data (so it can support readOnlyEdit mode) |
AG‑7021 | Task | [Fill Handle] Allow Fill Handle and Copy Range Down to only fire cellEditRequest events instead of updating affected cell values (so it can support readOnlyEdit mode) |
AG‑6834 | Task | [Charts] Allow forcing the use of user-provided chart axis tick count settings |
AG‑6387 | Bug | When using the date filter with browserDatePicker=true on Safari, typing in the filter input produces a console exception |
AG‑6050 | Task | [Undo/Redo] Add new API onUndoStart, onUndoEnd and onRedoStart, onRedoEnd events to fire before and after the undo/redo operation execution |
AG‑5522 | Bug | When using Windows Excel-style filtering with multiple columns, updating a cell value reduces the column filter conditions |
AG‑4958 | Task | [Column Filter] Provide a built-in generic way to filter group columns by selecting the group field |
AG‑4406 | Task | [Column Filters] Add API to get the quick filter value to allow the use of custom component for quick filter |
AG‑4309 | Task | [Row Grouping] Add API method to expand the entire node path to a child node |
AG‑3859 | Task | [Row Selection] Allow HeaderCheckboxSelection to select all the rows shown on the current page after filter and sort |
AG‑2571 | Task | [SSRM] Allow cell editing in group rows when using tree data SSRM |
Release 29.0.0
Key | Issue Type | Summary |
AG‑7779 | Task | [SSRM] Allow displaying a single loading row when filtering instead of all grid rows as loading rows |
AG‑7752 | Task | [Charts] Allow chart title and subtitle to apply chart padding from the outside edge, not between titles and chart area |
AG‑7750 | Task | [Charts] Allow legend to apply chart padding from the outside edge, not between legend and chart |
AG‑7744 | Task | [Charts] Allow turning off axis label skipping |
AG‑7736 | Bug | When using camel case in getRowStyle, style not applied correctly |
AG‑7731 | Bug | [Regression] Filter popups only resize when opened for the first time |
AG‑7726 | Bug | [Column Filters] When searching in Set Filter Mini Filter, raw values are matched as well as formatted values |
AG‑7719 | Bug | [Column Filters] Set Filter List "no matches" text is not updated when other filters change |
AG‑7714 | Bug | Floating filters of multi-filter ignore filter params because multi Filter params not passed properly to underlying floating filters |
AG‑7713 | Bug | [Regression] When using React, setting column group groupId property, changing column visibility via state throws an exception and doesn't render the grid |
AG‑7710 | Task | [Typings] Type columnGroupShow to open |
AG‑7701 | Bug | RichSelectCellEditor doesn't select correct values when typing repeated letter |
AG‑7700 | Bug | When using floating column filters, frequent row updates prevent typing in the floating filter input |
AG‑7691 | Bug | Memory leak in the ProvidedColumnGroup causes the onColumnVisibilityChanged event to be called before the new ColumnGroups are created |
AG‑7685 | Bug | [Charts] When using Log-axis, switching between base values, not all ticks have labels |
AG‑7682 | Bug | When opening a popup, postProcessPopup callback gets overridden and popup gets returned to original position |
AG‑7675 | Task | [SSRM] Change default SSRM behaviour to Infinite Scroll |
AG‑7674 | Task | [API] Deprecate getCacheBlockState() API method |
AG‑7673 | Bug | Grid columns cannot be moved via drag and drop when AG Grid is contained in a Shadow DOM |
AG‑7666 | Bug | [Regression] getRowStyle does not add CSS variables as properties |
AG‑7662 | Bug | [Charts] Treemap throws an exception when changing options object |
AG‑7661 | Bug | [Regression] When suppressFilterSearch=true in toolPanelParams the Filter Search is still displayed in the filters tool panel |
AG‑7659 | Task | [Typings] Export Provided CellEditor params interfaces |
AG‑7658 | Task | [Layout & Styling] Allow correctly rendering cell values when using row border greater than 1px |
AG‑7630 | Bug | [Charts] Series labels become corrupt in several scenarios. |
AG‑7624 | Bug | [Charts] Out of memory issues in React with Safari on iOS |
AG‑7620 | Task | [API] Remove deprecated property padding from IGroupCellRendererParams |
AG‑7619 | Task | [API] Remove deprecated suppressRefresh, autoHeight from IDetailCellRendererParams |
AG‑7618 | Task | [API] Remove deprecated addRowCompListener property from ICellRendererParams |
AG‑7612 | Task | [Column Menu] Reorder the pin submenu items to place "No Pin" as first item |
AG‑7604 | Task | [Layout & Styling] Remove deprecated legacy SASS styles |
AG‑7588 | Task | [Charts] Add Treemap cell value label formatter |
AG‑7578 | Task | [Integrated] Allow customizing the chart tool panel DATA Tab items |
AG‑7577 | Task | [API] Pass through source property value when updating DefaultColDefs |
AG‑7575 | Bug | Set filter list doesn't show a (Blanks) item to represent an empty array cell value in the column |
AG‑7565 | Task | [website] Changelog/Pipeline grid - some columns are too wide and use up valuable space |
AG‑7562 | Bug | [Regression] When enableRtl=true, unpinned column headers don't show resize handles |
AG‑7561 | Bug | When opening filters displayed in the Filter Tool Panel event.eGui is an empty div for the filterOpened event |
AG‑7558 | Bug | When clicking checkbox or pressing SPACE key to select a row, onRowSelected params event property is always null |
AG‑7556 | Bug |
isServerSideGroup callback is not reevaluated after transaction update |
AG‑7554 | Bug | When using React 18, editing a grid cell and calling api.stopEditing() to end the editing causes the editor to flash briefly |
AG‑7552 | Bug | SolidJS Example isn't loading |
AG‑7550 | Bug | [Regression][Chart] Cross-filtering Pie chart tooltip.renderer not applied when set |
AG‑7546 | Task | [Charts] Add support for applying a delta options update and retrieving current options state |
AG‑7534 | Task | [API] Remove deprecated API methods from the Column object |
AG‑7533 | Task | [API] Remove the deprecated defaultGroupComparator API member |
AG‑7530 | Bug | [Charts] When navigator scrolled custom markers change size |
AG‑7529 | Bug | [Charts] When secondary axis visibility is toggled, it's rendered over the legend |
AG‑7520 | Task | [React] Remove React ChangeDetectionStrategyType.DeepValueCheck |
AG‑7518 | Bug | [React v18] Calling columnApi.autoSizeColumns(false) within onFirstDataRendered incorrectly ignores header cell width |
AG‑7505 | Bug | Tooltip background-color cannot be modified by CSS variable |
AG‑7504 | Bug | When using ReactUI and a column with wrapText, autoHeight=true, switching to print layout causes the grid's rows to flicker |
AG‑7501 | Bug | [Integrated] ChartOptionsChangedEvent should be called when combination series types are changed |
AG‑7492 | Bug | [Chart] Automatically pad pie/doughnut chart so callout labels aren't clipped |
AG‑7487 | Bug | When using React and VoiceOver, cell content is announced twice when using checkboxSelection, rowDrag, autoHeight, enableCellTextSelection=true |
AG‑7485 | Bug | When using React typing in an editor component enters the first character of an invalid value in the cell |
AG‑7481 | Task | [Angular] Upgrade Legacy Project to Angular v10 |
AG‑7473 | Task | [API] Remove legacy deprecated properties from GridOptions and ColDefs |
AG‑7472 | Task | [Integrated] Enable Chart Tool Panels Button by default |
AG‑7439 | Task | [Accessibility] Remove from the DOM unused row/column pinned containers and unused empty rows |
AG‑7430 | Bug | [Regression] When using domLayout="autoHeight" and dragging a cell range to the right/left edges of the viewport, it doesn't scroll horizontally |
AG‑7414 | Bug | When rowData=null the loading overlay is displayed but calling setRowData(null) displays the empty overlay instead |
AG‑7403 | Task | [API] Remove deprecated ag-grid-column components |
AG‑7395 | Bug | When using group rows with empty keys, row rendering breaks |
AG‑7381 | Bug | When using case-insensitive set filter, items with the same value but a different case are unchecked unnecessarily |
AG‑7352 | Task | [API] Introduce IRowNode to show the public facing interface instead of the internal object RowNode |
AG‑7330 | Task | [Aggregations] Allow removing column aggregation function from the column menu |
AG‑7267 | Task | [Frameworks] Upgrade Typescript Version to 4.0.8 |
AG‑7264 | Task | [API] Remove legacy deprecated methods from gridApi and columnApi |
AG‑7213 | Bug | [ReactUI] When a set column filter with cell renderers changes, filter list cell renderers are refreshed and flash |
AG‑7091 | Bug | [Integrated] Chart padding not working consistently with supplied container |
AG‑6994 | Task | [Column Filters] Investigate potential performance improvements when updating set filters with many items |
AG‑6958 | Task | [Column Filter] Update set filter codebase to avoid searching through entire list to improve performance when using many set filter items |
AG‑6955 | Task | [Charts] Remove legacy deprecated chart API members |
AG‑6692 | Task | [API] Remove deprecated "key" property from ICellEditorParams |
AG‑6662 | Bug | [Regression] When using set filter with ExcelMode=Windows and no items in the set filter are selected, the OK button is still enabled |
AG‑6424 | Task | [Chart] Allow disabling legend item click |
AG‑6396 | Task | [Column Filter] Allow Set Filter values to be displayed in a hierarchical list |
AG‑6300 | Bug | [Regression] When displaying set filter item values wider than the dialog width, they're not truncated with ellipsis |
AG‑6296 | Bug | When setting multiple column filters, subsequently applied column filters update the number of unique values shown in the set filter UI, but don't update the set filter filterModel which still contains the original values when the set filter was applied |
AG‑6114 | Task | [Clipboard] Allow including the column header text just once before multiple cell range values in case all the copied cell ranges include exactly the same columns |
AG‑5882 | Task | [Scrolling] Prevent temporary blank area rendered when quickly scrolling by dragging the vertical scrollbar thumb |
AG‑5724 | Task | [Row Grouping] Make unbalanced row groups an optional behavior |
AG‑5238 | Task | [Column Moving] Add a finished property in the columnMoved event arguments so it can identify the final place the column was dropped |
AG‑5221 | Task | [Chart] Allow using color values directly from the data for the treemap series |
AG‑5124 | Task | [React] Make gridOptions property suppressModelUpdateAfterUpdateTransaction reactive |
AG‑5117 | Task | [Integrated] Allow integrated charts to customize settings for pie chart sector labels via the format panel |
AG‑5068 | Task | [Chart] Allow configuration of the arrangement of the legend items to override smart auto arrangement |
AG‑4835 | Task | [Charts] Allow legend items to be a paginated when chart area is too small |
AG‑4680 | Bug | When opening a dialog and changing grid cell values, there's a memory leak |
AG‑4008 | Task | [Column Filters] Allow set filter to interpret and group date values in a hierarchy of week/month/quarter/year |
AG‑3591 | Task | [Column Menu] Allow custom column layouts in the column menu columns |
AG‑3258 | Task | [Keyboard Navigation] Link in custom cell renderer not accessible via Keyboard ENTER key |
AG‑2461 | Task | [React] Make animateRows a reactive property |
AG‑1896 | Task | [API] Add a source property to rowSelected and selectionChanged events to help distinguish between user and API-driven selection changes |
AG‑1282 | Task | [React] Allow pagination properties to be reactive - pagination, paginationPageSize |
AG‑145 | Task | [Excel Export] Allow exporting row group footers (group subtotal rows and grand total row) to Excel/CSV |
AG‑129 | Task | [Column Filters] Allow set filter to support complex objects as provided set filter values |
Release 28.2.1
Key | Issue Type | Summary |
AG‑7465 | Bug | When using the fill handle to populate cells with null values, undoing the change, then redo throws an exception |
AG‑7452 | Task | Investigate potential performance impact introduced by AG-7107 |
AG‑7426 | Task | [Integrated] Support migration during restore of pre-27.1.0 chart models. |
AG‑7419 | Bug | [Integrated] Format panel X axis configuration appears to be non-functional |
AG‑7412 | Task | [Column Filters] Allow providing custom column filter input and floating filter input placeholder text |
AG‑7411 | Task | [Cell Editing] Allow limiting value length in built-in text cell editor - agTextCellEditor |
AG‑7400 | Bug | [Regression] When grouping by a column, column order for the remaining columns is reset |
AG‑7399 | Bug | [Charts] When using primary and secondary axes and nice=false, primary axis doesn't honor its max value |
AG‑7398 | Bug | [Charts] Secondary axis gridlines don't take other axis widths into account |
AG‑7390 | Bug | [Regression] When using the alpine and balham dark themes and a loading overlay, the overlay is shown in a light gray color |
AG‑7387 | Bug | [Charts] Performance of non-trivial data-sets on AgChart.update() is slow |
AG‑7386 | Bug | When printing, there's whitespace on the right of the right-most column and the top row on every page doesn't have its top border shown |
AG‑7369 | Task | [Charts] Add tooltip movement animation to improve tooltip UX |
AG‑7358 | Bug | Legacy CSS themes render cell values misaligned, closer to the cell top edge instead of the middle |
AG‑7357 | Task | [Charts] Allow TimeAxis.{min,max} to support number values |
AG‑7356 | Bug | [Charts] Colour option validations should be case-insensitive |
AG‑7349 | Bug | [Regression] Changing the group column order in a multi column row grouping creates blank space on the left side of the table |
AG‑7347 | Bug | [React] When using ReactUI and having a column without a floating filter, clicking inside the empty space throws an exception |
AG‑7343 | Task | Provide support for Vue 3 Urlql & Vue Router |
AG‑7338 | Bug | Cells in pinned rows and pivot result columns behave differently when the pivot result column field contains a dot |
AG‑7334 | Bug | Failed server side loading string 'ERR' missing from localisation dictionary |
AG‑7322 | Bug | [Charts] Crosslines rendering outside series area when navigator enabled via options |
AG‑7320 | Bug | When showing a radio button in a custom cell renderer, calling columnApi.autoSizeAllColumns() API method clears the selected radio button |
AG‑7315 | Bug | When using domLayout='autoHeight' on Safari, editing with a popup editor and clicking any other cell scrolls the entire page down |
AG‑7290 | Task | [Charts] Rename PieSeries.label to PieSeries.calloutLabel and PieSeries.callout to PieSeries.calloutLine |
AG‑7247 | Bug | [React] When column definitions have a dependency on a state variable, changing the state variable value causes column group headers to flicker |
AG‑7237 | Task | [Accessibility] Allow the select all header checkbox to be announced by adding an aria-label attribute to it |
AG‑7233 | Bug | [Charts] Legend item markers don't match formatted series items |
AG‑7214 | Bug | When opening a custom popup editor in the last grid row, the popup is shown outside the bounds of the grid |
AG‑7205 | Bug | [Regression] When clicking the column header just above or below the column header text, column isn't sorted |
AG‑7192 | Bug | When using AG Grid on an iOS device (iPhone/iPad) displaying a grid with no rows, tapping and holding inside the grid doesn't open the custom context menu |
AG‑7185 | Bug | [Filters] Floating filter input doesn't respect localisation for Blank/Not Blank filter option |
AG‑7152 | Task | [Charts] Allow users to provide a custom seriesId to identify a series instead of using the auto-generated one |
AG‑7056 | Bug | When using a continuous axis, the last axis labels collide |
AG‑6602 | Task | [Chart] Add support for time axis in integrated combination charts |
AG‑5550 | Task | [Column Filters] Allow applying the current filter when ENTER key is pressed in a filter dialog |
AG‑3699 | Task | [Charts] Allow expanding specific groups inside the chart panel tabs by default |
AG‑3416 | Task | [React] Make rowGroupPanelShow a reactive property |
AG‑1685 | Task | [Docs] Add a docs example to show adding new rows dynamically if needed to fit all the pasted rows |
Release 28.2.0
Key | Issue Type | Summary |
AG‑7327 | Bug | [React] Auto Height does not refresh the row height after edit |
AG‑7319 | Bug | When using Safari iOS, tapping on a header checkbox doesn't check it |
AG‑7313 | Task | [Charts] Allow displaying pie labels inside pie/doughnut chart sectors |
AG‑7304 | Bug | When populating cells using the fill handle and a complex object, editing a cell throws an exception |
AG‑7298 | Task | [Charts] Add support to TimeAxis for {min,max} properties |
AG‑7296 | Bug | [SSRM] When pivoting without column groups, creating a pivot charting throws an exception |
AG‑7295 | Bug | [Undo/Redo] Undo action on complex objects is not converted to string value |
AG‑7294 | Task | [Row Grouping] Allow suppression of sort click event and indicator in row group panel and side bar |
AG‑7278 | Bug | [Charts] When using cross-filtering, pie chart tooltip of filtered and un-filtered segment display the same values |
AG‑7276 | Bug | Incorrect group column value is copied when using row grouping with GroupHideOpenParents=true |
AG‑7263 | Bug | [Charts] Stacked area missing values from one series not handled correctly |
AG‑7262 | Bug | When row order changes sorting is not applied inside row groups |
AG‑7259 | Bug | When pivoting, the column menu value aggregation submenu doesn't display a check next to the selected aggregation function |
AG‑7249 | Task | Provide support for Vue 3 urlql |
AG‑7244 | Bug | When clicking above or below a checkbox, the clicked row isn't selected |
AG‑7243 | Bug | [React] Exception thrown when aggregating a group column |
AG‑7242 | Bug | When using Windows and not displaying a horizontal scrollbar, no mouse events are fired for the bottom half of the bottom row in the grid viewport |
AG‑7235 | Task | [Typings] React - Expose ChangeDetectionStrategyType enum |
AG‑7234 | Bug | [Charts] When displaying a histogram, the bins property overrides the binCount property (it shouldn't) |
AG‑7230 | Bug | [ServerSide] Refresh method is called and fails when serverSideRowModel is not active |
AG‑7222 | Task | Add Post Processing of CSS for CRA 3.x/4.x Compatibility |
AG‑7221 | Task | Tighten peer dependencies for patch releases |
AG‑7218 | Bug | [Rendering] ModelUpdatedEvent is raised too often - raised per row change |
AG‑7217 | Task | Add support for SolidJS |
AG‑7212 | Bug | No spacing between set filter apply and cancel buttons in the material theme |
AG‑7211 | Bug | Column header appears blank when the column pinning direction is changed |
AG‑7210 | Bug | [Filters] When using multiple filtering conditions, floating filter displays displayKey instead of displayName |
AG‑7206 | Task | [Row Dragging] Allow displaying the text returned in rowDragText when dragging entire row |
AG‑7200 | Task | [Charts] Allow 0px padding between bars in a bar series |
AG‑7199 | Bug | When double-clicking a non-editable grid cell, row editing events are still fired |
AG‑7198 | Bug | When moving/hiding non-group columns, the group column position is reset |
AG‑7187 | Bug | [Columns Tool Panel] Not possible to update column name on the Columns Tool Panel using the grid context (React) |
AG‑7183 | Bug | [Regression] When pivoting, processPivotResultColGroupDef callback no longer called for pivotRowTotals |
AG‑7176 | Task | [Tool Panel] Add event to be fired when tool panel is resized |
AG‑7147 | Bug | Builds are failing using Vue3, Vite and Typescript |
AG‑7110 | Task | [Chart] Allow changing the name of the histogram series in integrated charts |
AG‑7107 | Bug | When using enableCellChangeFlash with some aggregations, changing a cell in a different column triggers a flash |
AG‑6899 | Task | [Chart] Allow showing chart configuration panel as open by default |
AG‑6879 | Task | [Chart] Allow exporting standalone chart as an image |
AG‑6637 | Bug | When auto-sizing a column via the column menu, the horizontal scrollbar position is reset to show the focused cell |
AG‑5434 | Task | [Chart] Add API to call the chart toolbar buttons (open menu/download/unlink chart) |
AG‑5220 | Task | [Charts] Add a tile formatter to treemap series |
AG‑5198 | Task | [Charts] Allow coloring the middle of the doughnut chart and placing text inside |
AG‑5026 | Task | [Integrated] Allow customizing the list of available series types in the settings tab of the chart toolbar (to allow some series types to be hidden) |
AG‑4875 | Task | [Chart] Allow displaying chart toolbar buttons by default (currently only displayed when hovered) |
AG‑4801 | Bug | When selecting a cell range and pressing the Delete key on Windows (and Backspace on Mac), selected cell values don't get cleared |
AG‑4460 | Task | [Integrated] Allow setting the size of the exported image when saving chart as an image (fixed-size image) |
AG‑1924 | Task | [Excel Export] Allow providing different styles for different column headers when exporting to Excel |
AG‑302 | Task | [Export] Allow exporting rows in a filtered grid even if they don't match the filter |
Release 28.1.1
Key | Issue Type | Summary |
AG‑7177 | Bug | [Charts] When using a time axis spanning more than a year, an additional tick is added to mark the new year meaning the axis ticks are not evenly spaced out |
AG‑7175 | Bug | In VMRM, keyboard selection is limited to virtual row count |
AG‑7170 | Bug | Cell edits that result in row height changes (AutoHeight) incorrectly clears the cell edit undo / redo stack |
AG‑7159 | Bug | [Charts] AgPieSeriesTooltipRendererParams parameters are missing JSDocs |
AG‑7157 | Bug | When grouping columns via the Column Header Context Menu or the Side Bar Column Context Menu, the columns are never hidden |
AG‑7149 | Bug | When setting ensureDomOrder=true, scrolling the grid causes focus to be lost |
AG‑7148 | Task | [Row Grouping] Allow sorting row groups when using row grouping displayType=groupRows when sorting the group column |
AG‑7146 | Bug | When using React 18, dragging the fill handle down so the viewport is scrolled throws an exception and doesn't enter new values in the cells in the fill handle range |
AG‑7141 | Bug | When using server-side row model, modifying the auto group column filter does not filter the data |
AG‑7130 | Bug | [Regression] When using pinned rows, and copying a grid cell or cell range, cell values from pinned rows are also copied |
AG‑7129 | Bug | When editing a cell using a custom editor, the fill handle is still available (it shouldn't be) |
AG‑7127 | Bug | When using master-detail with the server-side row model, the detail row does not get refreshed when a parent row is updated via transaction |
AG‑7123 | Bug | [Charts] When defining a chart legend label formatter an exception is thrown and the chart is not rendered |
AG‑7122 | Bug | [Charts] When using charts clicking a legend item, in the event params for the legendItemClick event the itemId is undefined for non-polar charts |
AG‑7118 | Bug | [Regression] When using full row edit, the same row cannot be edited twice |
AG‑7109 | Task | Update peer dependencies to add React 18 for AG Charts |
AG‑7106 | Bug | When calling setAutoGroupColumnDef() after the initial render, the auto-group column is not updated |
AG‑7105 | Bug | When pivoting using multiple group columns, changing group column order changes the row grouping hierarchy but doesn't change the column order |
AG‑7101 | Bug | [Charts] Combination chart markers which overlap columns/bars can't be selected/highlighted |
AG‑7093 | Bug | When using a larger number of columns and setting autoHeaderHeight=true, vertically scrolling the grid renders cell values after a delay |
AG‑7078 | Bug | When editing an integrated chart title, multiple renderings of the title are displayed behind the input editing the title |
AG‑7076 | Bug | When setting popupParent to a container of the grid that's offset from the body element, the context menu is displayed at an offset from the cursor location |
AG‑7069 | Bug | [Regression] When using stacked area charts, individual series labels are rendered underneath other stacks and are hidden |
AG‑7053 | Bug | [Charts] When hovering a grouped/stacked column series item in a combination chart, line/area series get rendered over the non-hovered column series but behind the hovered columns |
AG‑7051 | Bug | When exporting to Excel, processRowGroupCallback is only invoked if the group column is the left-most column |
AG‑6914 | Bug | When using a time axis with nice=false, there's a mix of weekday and month values |
AG‑6911 | Bug | [Regression] When using domLayout='autoHeight', checkboxSelection=true and setting a smaller than default row height, the column header is not aligned from the column cells in a pinned column on the other side of the grid |
AG‑6870 | Bug | When using React with pivotMode=true, changing the value of groupDisplayType isn't reflected in the group columns |
AG‑6138 | Bug | [Integrated Charts] Clicking a bubble in the cross-filtering chart example hides it |
AG‑5464 | Task | [Column Sizing] Allow setting column minWidth to be used only when calling sizeColumnsToFit API (this minWidth will not apply when resizing manually) |
AG‑3211 | Task | [SSRM] Add event to fire when using server-side row model after data loaded and rendered (as onFirstDataRendered only works reliably with client-side row model and fires before data is rendered when using SSRM) |
AG‑2299 | Task | [API] Add grid context to all grid event parameters, change docs accordingly |
AG‑2225 | Task | [React] Allow changing cacheBlockSize dynamically (either via API or making it a reactive property) |
Release 28.1.0
Key | Issue Type | Summary |
AG‑7095 | Bug | [Integrated Charts] Aggregated object values are not charted |
AG‑7094 | Bug | [Integrated Charts] Not possible to disable axes titles in Combination Charts |
AG‑7062 | Bug | When series highlighting enabled and series item hovered bar-series labels are hidden |
AG‑7060 | Task | [Chart] Allow cross line for a single item of a category axis |
AG‑7055 | Bug | When using integrated combination chart without displaying any series, an exception is thrown |
AG‑7052 | Bug | When using stacked column/area series, legend items are in reverse order |
AG‑7049 | Bug | When dragging column headers to the row group panel, the initial hover over the row group panel applies an incorrect group order |
AG‑7047 | Bug | New sorting localisation fields not included in localization key dictionary in docs |
AG‑7046 | Bug | When the left-most header cell receives focus and the LEFT ARROW key is pressed, the navigateToNextHeader event is not called |
AG‑7039 | Bug | When zooming in using the navigator, hovering the chart area displays chart points and tooltips in their original (not zoomed) locations |
AG‑7037 | Bug | Fix Vue 3 Declarative Columns |
AG‑7036 | Bug | When using server-side row model the onFirstDataRendered event fires before data is loaded into the grid rows |
AG‑7032 | Bug | When returning string values as the row id in getRowId callback, the order of rows selected by pressing the SHIFT key is different from the selected row order in the grid |
AG‑7029 | Bug | Memory leak in Filters Tool Panel when adding columns via setColumnDefs() |
AG‑7018 | Bug | When using React 18, the firstDataRendered event is fired before all column headers are displayed and calling autoSizeAllColumns doesn't auto-size columns |
AG‑7017 | Bug | [Regression] When dragging a grouped column from the group panel into the grid, it is displayed in the column header row |
AG‑7011 | Bug | When using React and a component is rendered with createRoot , column header keyboard navigation is broken |
AG‑7009 | Bug | When using floating date filter with in-range operator, the floating filter input shows the dates in format yyyy-mm-dd instead of according to the browser locale |
AG‑7008 | Bug | [Regression] When column sort is removed sortIndex is not set to null |
AG‑7006 | Bug | When rendering an area chart with numeric axes on Mac, an exception is thrown and the chart isn't rendered |
AG‑7005 | Bug | [Regression] When using a touch device, dragging a column header into the row group panel throws a console exception |
AG‑7003 | Bug | [Regression] When using cell editor components, setting editType=fullRow and stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus=true editing a cell doesn't focus it and ending the edit throws a console exception |
AG‑7002 | Bug | When using sticky group rows with tree data, scrolling down throws an exception |
AG‑7000 | Bug | [Regression] When editing cells in some columns in the website demo, pressing ENTER key doesn't complete the edit |
AG‑6998 | Bug | [Regression] When using React, falsy values are displayed as empty cell values |
AG‑6997 | Bug | [Regression] When using resizing a column with autoHeight=true, scrolling causes the grid to freeze |
AG‑6996 | Bug | When using cross-filter integrated charts, theme override series fills and strokes settings are ignored |
AG‑6995 | Bug | [Regression] When setting enableCellTextSelection=true and dragging a row, cell values below the dragged row are selected |
AG‑6992 | Bug | [Regression] When displaying the row group panel and dragging a column with enableRowGroup=true up and out of the grid, the column briefly displays the icon showing it will be hidden, but it is not |
AG‑6991 | Bug | When dragging a grid column header, touchEvent.preventDefault() causes warning on header#onTouchEnd |
AG‑6989 | Bug | When using row grouping with sticky group rows, calling setGroupRemoveSingleChildren API method displays empty row groups and throws an exception |
AG‑6988 | Bug | When using groupDisplayType=groupRows, selecting a cell range, expanding and collapsing row groups doesn't clear the selected cell range and displays a different set of cells as selected |
AG‑6987 | Bug | When using React and calling setRowData and startEditingCell API methods, an exception is thrown and the cell is not in edit mode |
AG‑6982 | Bug | [Regression] When using React with enableCellTextSelection=true or autoHeight=true, editing a cell displays its value in the cell below |
AG‑6981 | Bug | When using React 18 with stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus=true, editing a cell and pressing TAB key causes editing to stop and focus to be lost |
AG‑6980 | Bug | [Regression] When copying a large number of cells a console exception is thrown and the selected cell range isn't copied |
AG‑6979 | Bug | [Regression] When using Firefox, charts don't display tooltips when hovering a chart series marker |
AG‑6974 | Bug | [Charts] Typings for seriesNodeClick are incorrect |
AG‑6973 | Bug | [Regression] When using custom header templates and sorting, sort order icons and sort index are not displayed |
AG‑6969 | Bug | [Charts] Angular 13+ build issue - OffscreenCanvas typings missing. |
AG‑6968 | Bug | [Charts] Charts code won't execute in environments with CSP and without unsafe-eval set |
AG‑6965 | Bug | When setting suppressClipboardApi=true, copying a value and holding CTRL+V key to paste the value in a grid cell, the copied value gets pasted multiple times in the same cell |
AG‑6959 | Bug | [Regression] When using editType='fullRow', stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus=true and a custom cell editor, editing an agSelectCellEditor and pressing ESCAPE key onCellValueChanged and onRowValueChanged events to be fired |
AG‑6956 | Bug | [Regression] When focusing/selecting a cell in the group or total footer rows, copying it to clipboard copies an empty value |
AG‑6949 | Bug | When using rowDrag=true, dragging a row and accessing rowNodes inside the rowDragText callback throws an exception |
AG‑6944 | Bug | [Regression] When using editType=fullRow and stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus=true, editing a row with only null values and focusing away from it throws an exception |
AG‑6897 | Bug | [Charts] Resolve options series[].highlightStyle.series.enabled options vs. implementation discrepancy |
AG‑6873 | Task | [Row Selection] Allow displaying disabled (read-only) checkboxes instead of no checkboxes when the row is not selectable |
AG‑6847 | Bug | [Regression] When starting an edit with agSelectCellEditor the valueFormatter is not called and console warnings are displayed |
AG‑6829 | Bug | When changing the visibility of a column by toggling the column checkbox in the columns tool panel, onGridColumnsChanged event is fired (it shouldn't be fired) |
AG‑6825 | Bug | [Regression] When using set filter with suppressSorting=true, set filter values are still sorted |
AG‑6758 | Bug | [Regression] When using Firefox, the horizontal scrollbar doesn't appear when hovered |
AG‑6708 | Bug | When using standalone chart with time x-axis with a custom and a series without any data points with valid time values, the x-axis reverts to using year-based scale |
AG‑6594 | Bug | When setting treemap series tile label visibility to false, tile labels aren't hidden |
AG‑6562 | Bug | [Regression][Vue] When using Vue, dynamically changing components using the components property and grid throws exception |
AG‑6289 | Task | [Chart] Allow adding horizontal/vertical shaded regions inside the chart |
AG‑6137 | Bug | [Integrated Charts] Changes to the Series Fill Opacity are not reflected in the Legend |
AG‑6133 | Bug | When all chart series are hidden via the legend, the entire chart area disappears |
AG‑5738 | Bug | When showing a single line series in the chart and using item highlighting, the marker nearest to the pointer (in x,y space) gets highlighted, causing some markers to not be highlighted even though the pointer is at the same x-value |
AG‑5320 | Bug | When using histogram and setting the bin count, fewer or more bins are actually shown |
AG‑5105 | Task | [Chart] Allow adding crossing lines - vertical lines at specific X-axis values or horizontal lines at specific Y-axis values |
AG‑5103 | Bug | [Framework] In onGridReady the setState() callback hook gets called before the row data is set, preventing the application of an initial filter model |
AG‑4251 | Bug | [React] Memory leak when updating React cell renderers |
AG‑1063 | Task | [SSRM] Allow setting the initial page and scroll position to a particular row index |
Release 28.0.0
Key | Issue Type | Summary |
AG‑6948 | Task | Remove @ag-grid-community/all-modules and @ag-grid-enterprise/all-modules |
AG‑6915 | Task | [Row Sorting] Rename colDef.comparator parameter isInverted to isDescending |
AG‑6903 | Bug | When using Windows-style overlay scrolling in Edge, the horizontal scrollbar doesn't appear when hovered and cannot be dragged |
AG‑6900 | Bug | When enableRangeSelection=true the rangeSelectionChanged event is fired twice instead of once on mousedown |
AG‑6898 | Task | [Charts] Add Legend Item click listener |
AG‑6887 | Task | [Charts] Series highlight z-order improvements |
AG‑6884 | Bug | [Regression] When setting groupHideOpenParents=true, collapsed group row cell values cannot be copied |
AG‑6883 | Bug | When calling setColumnDefs with colDefs with a column that's locked on the left but isn't first in the array or locked to the right but isn't the last, the locked column isn't rendered on the correct side of the grid |
AG‑6878 | Bug | [Regression] When using integrated line/area/scatter charts both x and y axis labels are clipped |
AG‑6874 | Task | Improve the way Cell Class is handled to avoid React’s memory leak |
AG‑6858 | Task | [SSRM] Simplify SSRM by removing Store concept |
AG‑6857 | Bug | When dragging the fill handle in a pinned column, the fill area dashed border isn't shown in the border between the pinned and unpinned columns |
AG‑6856 | Bug | When focusing agNumberColumnFilter, entering a number and turning the mouse wheel increases/decreases the value |
AG‑6852 | Task | [Chart] Allow setting maxWidth for chart legend items |
AG‑6848 | Task | [SSRM] Allow Server-Side Sorting & Filtering when using server-side row model without Infinite Scroll |
AG‑6836 | Bug | [Regression] When using non-QWERTY keyboards (French/German/etc), keyboard shortcuts CTRL+Z/Y don't work |
AG‑6832 | Bug | When using tree data with group selection but not all rows are selectable, the top-level checkbox is indeterminate state and cannot be un-selected |
AG‑6826 | Bug | [Regression] When using React and setting a filter model, filtered rows are rendered with incorrect heights |
AG‑6824 | Bug | When rowSelected event is fired, its event property (storing the browser event) is always undefined |
AG‑6815 | Bug | [Charts] Navigator Initial rendering different after clicking 'show navigator' in docs example |
AG‑6812 | Bug | When destroying grid while the Column Menu Tab of the Column Menu is open, an exception is thrown |
AG‑6806 | Bug | [Regression] When enableRangeSelection=true, clicking a grid cell fires dragStopped event unnecessarily |
AG‑6805 | Bug | When using React, applying column state and then filter model produces empty lines inside the grid rows |
AG‑6801 | Task | [Accessibility] Allow row group, values, pivot areas in columns tool panel to comply with accessibility standards (currently using aria-role attribute instead of role attribute) |
AG‑6795 | Bug | When using row grouping, selecting all rows with header checkbox selection, expanding a row group and dragging a row, console exceptions are thrown |
AG‑6771 | Bug | When using Chrome on Windows with a grid with big number of rows (>50,000) and multiple levels of row grouping, pressing the DOWN ARROW button to scroll the grid, the viewport doesn't keep up and renders with a delay |
AG‑6765 | Bug | [Regression] When using Windows, enabling range selection and suppressing row and column virtualization, using the arrow keys to scroll the viewport, focused cell freezes and doesn't change for a few seconds at a time |
AG‑6759 | Task | Create prod build that doesn't generate source maps |
AG‑6757 | Bug | When dragging a row from a grid into another grid which is partly displayed over the source grid, the row can only be dropped into the target grid part that's not over the source grid |
AG‑6754 | Bug | When using SSRM and setting the aria-rowcount property, its value gets reset each time the grid is scrolled |
AG‑6731 | Task | [Accessibility] Allow row group panel to use correct accessibility attribute (role instead of aria-role) |
AG‑6707 | Task | [Events] Remove rowDataChanged event in favor of rowDataUpdated event, and call filter.onNewRoadsLoaded consitently |
AG‑6706 | Bug | When removing a column from the row group panel, onColumnVisible event isn't fired even though the column visibility changes |
AG‑6703 | Bug | [Regression] When using external filtering and changing the external filter, isExternalFilterPresent callback is called multiple times instead of just once |
AG‑6680 | Bug | [Charts] Series flash when yName property changed |
AG‑6678 | Bug | [Charts] Series items flash in top left corner when toggling via the legend |
AG‑6660 | Bug | When pivoting, reordering secondary columns and then expanding a secondary column resets the secondary column order |
AG‑6601 | Bug | When using Angular 13 and importing AG Grid, a compiler warning is output when building codebase |
AG‑6587 | Task | [Row Grouping] Allow sorting different group columns separately by clicking the grouped column items in the row group panel |
AG‑6539 | Task | [Pivoting] Rename Secondary Columns to Pivot Columns (API members) and update documentation |
AG‑6370 | Task | [Themes] Extend CSS variables in themes |
AG‑6149 | Task | [Frameworks] Publish fully compatible Angular Ivy package |
AG‑5859 | Task | [Chart] Improve chart series and tooltip rendering speed when using column/line series with a large number of data points |
AG‑5740 | Bug | When adding a new series to the chart, it is added as hidden with JavaScript but visible with Angular/React/Vue |
AG‑5611 | Bug | [Regression] When using axis label formatting there are multiple axis labels with the same value |
AG‑5203 | Task | [Aggregation] Improve performance of column aggregation calculation |
AG‑5160 | Task | [Chart] Allow setting maxLength of legend items in characters (followed by ellipsis '...') and displaying a tooltip with the full legend item value when hovering the legend item |
AG‑5000 | Bug | Memory leak when using custom cell renderer component built on CellRendererFramework, pinnedRowCellRendererFramework |
AG‑4953 | Bug | Memory leak when using custom header component built on HeaderComponentFramework |
AG‑4912 | Task | [Row Grouping] Allow column to be hidden when grouping by dragging from the grid header and from the columns tool panel list |
AG‑4807 | Task | [Typings] Add Generics to row data and cell value |
AG‑4229 | Task | [Range Selection] Allow deselecting cells from the selected cell range by CTRL+click a cell or SHIFT+drag to a cell (just like in Excel) |
AG‑3838 | Task | [Chart] Allow Bar/Column series types to support number and time axis |
AG‑3069 | Task | [Excel Export] Allow exporting row groups and tree data to Excel so that you can expand/collapse them in Excel |
AG‑2609 | Task | [Row Selection] Allow isRowSelectable callback to be invoked after cell value edit (currently only called once on initial render) |
AG‑1555 | Task | [Column Headers] Allow column headers to support word wrapping for multi-line text and auto-height |
AG‑463 | Task | [Row Grouping] Allow the group row for the expanded row group to float/stick at the top of the viewport while scrolling through its child rows |
ag-grid/ag-grid (ag-grid-react)
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