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Commit 2f1ee51c authored by Yoan VALLET's avatar Yoan VALLET
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Merge branch 'features/US162-feedback-MVP' into 'dev'

Features/us162 feedback mvp

Closes #3, #12, and #7

See merge request web-et-numerique/llle_project/ecolyo!37
parents f1726f9f 68754882
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2 merge requests!39Merge DEV to MASTER,!37Features/us162 feedback mvp
with 205 additions and 47 deletions
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<div className="legal-card-content-title">
export default translate()(LegalContainer)
...@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import ChallengeManager from 'services/challengeDataManagerService' ...@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import ChallengeManager from 'services/challengeDataManagerService'
import { Client, withClient } from 'cozy-client' import { Client, withClient } from 'cozy-client'
import StyledButtonValid from 'components/CommonKit/Button/StyledButtonValid' import StyledButtonValid from 'components/CommonKit/Button/StyledButtonValid'
import { ScreenType } from 'enum/screen.enum' import { ScreenType } from 'enum/screen.enum'
import AvailableChallengeIcon from 'assets/png/badges/available.png' import AvailableChallengeIcon from 'assets/png/badges/available-big.png'
interface AvailableChallengeDetailsViewProps { interface AvailableChallengeDetailsViewProps {
location: any location: any
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import CozyBar from 'components/ContainerComponents/CozyBar/CozyBar'
import Header from 'components/ContainerComponents/Header/Header'
import Content from 'components/ContainerComponents/Content/Content'
const LegalViewContainer: React.FC = () => {
const [headerHeight, setHeaderHeight] = useState<number>(0)
const defineHeaderHeight = (height: number) => {
return (
<CozyBar titleKey={'COMMON.APP_LEGAL_TITLE'} displayBackArrow={true} />
<Content height={headerHeight}>
<p>Mentions légales à venir</p>
export default LegalViewContainer
...@@ -124,14 +124,18 @@ const OngoingChallengeDetailsViewContainer: React.FC<OngoingChallengeDetailsView ...@@ -124,14 +124,18 @@ const OngoingChallengeDetailsViewContainer: React.FC<OngoingChallengeDetailsView
? null ? null
: formatCompareChallengeDate(challenge)} : formatCompareChallengeDate(challenge)}
</div> </div>
<div className="cp-valid --ongoing"> {challenge.challengeType &&
<StyledStopButton challenge.challengeType.type !==
color="secondary" TypeChallenge.ACHIEVEMENT && (
onClick={() => stopChallenge(challenge)} <div className="cp-valid --ongoing">
> <StyledStopButton
{t('CHALLENGE.STOP')} color="secondary"
</StyledStopButton> onClick={() => stopChallenge(challenge)}
</div> >
</div> </div>
<div className="cp-bottom"> <div className="cp-bottom">
<div className="cp-eg-content"> <div className="cp-eg-content">
...@@ -152,11 +156,14 @@ const OngoingChallengeDetailsViewContainer: React.FC<OngoingChallengeDetailsView ...@@ -152,11 +156,14 @@ const OngoingChallengeDetailsViewContainer: React.FC<OngoingChallengeDetailsView
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<EcogestureModal {openEcogestureModal && (
opened={openEcogestureModal} <EcogestureModal
ecogesture={challenge.selectedEcogestures[challengeEcogesture]} opened={openEcogestureModal}
handleCloseClick={handleCloseClick} ecogesture={challenge.selectedEcogestures[challengeEcogesture]}
/> handleCloseClick={handleCloseClick}
</> </>
)} )}
</Content> </Content>
...@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Header from 'components/ContainerComponents/Header/Header' ...@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Header from 'components/ContainerComponents/Header/Header'
import Content from 'components/ContainerComponents/Content/Content' import Content from 'components/ContainerComponents/Content/Content'
import KonnectorViewerContainer from 'components/ContainerComponents/KonnectorViewerContainer/KonnectorViewerContainer' import KonnectorViewerContainer from 'components/ContainerComponents/KonnectorViewerContainer/KonnectorViewerContainer'
import FAQContainer from 'components/ContainerComponents/FAQContainer/FAQContainer' import FAQContainer from 'components/ContainerComponents/FAQContainer/FAQContainer'
import LegalContainer from 'components/ContainerComponents/LegalContainer/LegalContainer'
const ParametersViewContainer: React.FC = () => { const ParametersViewContainer: React.FC = () => {
const [headerHeight, setHeaderHeight] = useState<number>(0) const [headerHeight, setHeaderHeight] = useState<number>(0)
...@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ const ParametersViewContainer: React.FC = () => { ...@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ const ParametersViewContainer: React.FC = () => {
<Content height={headerHeight}> <Content height={headerHeight}>
<FAQContainer /> <FAQContainer />
<KonnectorViewerContainer isParam={true} /> <KonnectorViewerContainer isParam={true} />
<LegalContainer />
</Content> </Content>
</React.Fragment> </React.Fragment>
) )
import React, { useState } from 'react' import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import StyledSpinner from 'components/CommonKit/Spinner/StyledSpinner' import StyledSpinner from 'components/CommonKit/Spinner/StyledSpinner'
import CozyBar from 'components/ContainerComponents/CozyBar/CozyBar' import CozyBar from 'components/ContainerComponents/CozyBar/CozyBar'
import Header from 'components/ContainerComponents/Header/Header' import Header from 'components/ContainerComponents/Header/Header'
import Content from 'components/ContainerComponents/Content/Content' import Content from 'components/ContainerComponents/Content/Content'
import FluidContainer from 'components/ContainerComponents/FluidChartContainer/FluidChartContainer' import FluidChartContainer from 'components/ContainerComponents/FluidChartContainer/FluidChartContainer'
import { FluidType } from 'enum/fluid.enum' import { FluidType } from 'enum/fluid.enum'
import { TimeStep } from 'services/dataConsumptionContracts' import { TimeStep } from 'services/dataConsumptionContracts'
import ConsumptionNavigator from 'components/ContentComponents/ConsumptionNavigator/ConsumptionNavigator' import ConsumptionNavigator from 'components/ContentComponents/ConsumptionNavigator/ConsumptionNavigator'
...@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ const SingleFluidViewContainer: React.FC<SingleFluidViewContainerProps> = ({ ...@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ const SingleFluidViewContainer: React.FC<SingleFluidViewContainerProps> = ({
const defineHeaderHeight = (height: number) => { const defineHeaderHeight = (height: number) => {
setHeaderHeight(height) setHeaderHeight(height)
} }
useEffect(() => {
console.log('chart', isChartLoading, 'in', isIndicatorsLoading)
}, [isChartLoading, isIndicatorsLoading])
return ( return (
<> <>
...@@ -68,19 +71,25 @@ const SingleFluidViewContainer: React.FC<SingleFluidViewContainerProps> = ({ ...@@ -68,19 +71,25 @@ const SingleFluidViewContainer: React.FC<SingleFluidViewContainerProps> = ({
<StyledSpinner size="5em" fluidTypes={fluidTypes} /> <StyledSpinner size="5em" fluidTypes={fluidTypes} />
</div> </div>
)} )}
<FluidContainer <div
timeStep={timeStep} className={`${
fluidTypes={fluidTypes} isChartLoading ? 'chart-indicator-none' : 'chart-indicator-display'
resetReferenceDate={resetRefenceDate} }`}
multiFluid={false} >
handleClickTimeStep={handleClickTimeStepForFluidContainer} <FluidChartContainer
setChartLoaded={setChartLoaded} timeStep={timeStep}
/> fluidTypes={fluidTypes}
<SingleFluidIndicatorsContainer resetReferenceDate={resetRefenceDate}
timeStep={timeStep} multiFluid={false}
setIndicatorsLoaded={setIndicatorsLoaded} handleClickTimeStep={handleClickTimeStepForFluidContainer}
fluidTypes={fluidTypes} setChartLoaded={setChartLoaded}
/> />
</Content> </Content>
</> </>
) )
...@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import OngoingChallengeDetailsViewContainer from './OngoingChallengeDetailsViewC ...@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import OngoingChallengeDetailsViewContainer from './OngoingChallengeDetailsViewC
import LockedChallengeDetailsViewContainer from './LockedChallengeDetailsViewContainer' import LockedChallengeDetailsViewContainer from './LockedChallengeDetailsViewContainer'
import AvailableChallengeDetailsViewContainer from './AvailableChallengeDetailsViewContainer' import AvailableChallengeDetailsViewContainer from './AvailableChallengeDetailsViewContainer'
import SplashContainer from 'components/ContainerComponents/SplashContainer/SplashContainer' import SplashContainer from 'components/ContainerComponents/SplashContainer/SplashContainer'
import LegalViewContainer from './LegalViewContainer'
export const history = createBrowserHistory() export const history = createBrowserHistory()
...@@ -103,6 +104,10 @@ export const ViewContainer = () => { ...@@ -103,6 +104,10 @@ export const ViewContainer = () => {
path={`${url}/FAQ`} path={`${url}/FAQ`}
component={FAQViewContainer} component={FAQViewContainer}
/> />
<Route <Route
path={`${url}/`} path={`${url}/`}
component={ParametersViewContainer} component={ParametersViewContainer}
...@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ const OngoingChallengePile: React.FC<OngoingChallengePileProps> = ({ ...@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ const OngoingChallengePile: React.FC<OngoingChallengePileProps> = ({
return ( return (
<React.Fragment> <React.Fragment>
<div className="pile-energy-follow"> <div className={`pile-energy-follow ${small ? '--home' : null}`}>
<div className="pile-section"> <div className="pile-section">
<div <div
className="filter-pile" className="filter-pile"
...@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ const ChallengeListItem: React.FC<ChallengeListItemProps> = ({ ...@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ const ChallengeListItem: React.FC<ChallengeListItemProps> = ({
<img <img
className="cli-content-icon" className="cli-content-icon"
src={defineBadge() ? defineBadge() : DefaultChallengeIcon} src={defineBadge() ? defineBadge() : DefaultChallengeIcon}
></img> ></img>
<div className={`cli-content-title`}> <div className={`cli-content-title`}>
{challengeState === 'available' && ( {challengeState === 'available' && (
...@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { translate } from 'cozy-ui/react/I18n' ...@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { translate } from 'cozy-ui/react/I18n'
import { UserChallenge } from 'services/dataChallengeContracts' import { UserChallenge } from 'services/dataChallengeContracts'
import Modal from 'components/CommonKit/Modal/Modal' import Modal from 'components/CommonKit/Modal/Modal'
import StyledSpinner from 'components/CommonKit/Spinner/StyledSpinner' import StyledSpinner from 'components/CommonKit/Spinner/StyledSpinner'
import StarIcon from 'assets/png/challenge/star.png' import StarIcon from 'assets/icons/visu/challenge/star.svg'
import StyledButtonValid from 'components/CommonKit/Button/StyledButtonValid' import StyledButtonValid from 'components/CommonKit/Button/StyledButtonValid'
import StyledIcon from 'components/CommonKit/Icon/StyledIcon' import StyledIcon from 'components/CommonKit/Icon/StyledIcon'
import { formatNumberValues } from 'utils/utils' import { formatNumberValues } from 'utils/utils'
...@@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ const ChallengeModal: React.FC<ChallengeModalProps> = ({ ...@@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ const ChallengeModal: React.FC<ChallengeModalProps> = ({
src={badgeIcon} src={badgeIcon}
width={screenType === ScreenType.MOBILE ? 160 : 180} width={screenType === ScreenType.MOBILE ? 160 : 180}
></img> ></img>
<img <StyledIcon
className="cm-win-star" className="cm-win-star"
src={StarIcon} icon={StarIcon}
width={screenType === ScreenType.MOBILE ? 300 : 400} size={ScreenType.MOBILE ? 260 : 320}
></img> />
</div> </div>
<div className="cm-txt"> <div className="cm-txt">
{' '} {' '}
...@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ const Bar = (props: BarProps) => { ...@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ const Bar = (props: BarProps) => {
)}, -40)`} )}, -40)`}
> >
<rect <rect
x="0" x="0"
y="0" y="0"
width={showCompare ? getBandWidth() * 2 : getBandWidth()} width={showCompare ? getBandWidth() * 2 : getBandWidth()}
...@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import def from 'assets/icons/visu/ecogesture/default.svg' ...@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import def from 'assets/icons/visu/ecogesture/default.svg'
interface EcogestureModalProps { interface EcogestureModalProps {
opened: boolean opened: boolean
ecogesture: EcogestureType ecogesture: EcogestureType
unlockedEcogesture: boolean
t: Function t: Function
handleCloseClick: () => void handleCloseClick: () => void
handleStartClick: () => void handleStartClick: () => void
...@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ interface EcogestureModalProps { ...@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ interface EcogestureModalProps {
const EcogestureModal: React.FC<EcogestureModalProps> = ({ const EcogestureModal: React.FC<EcogestureModalProps> = ({
opened, opened,
ecogesture, ecogesture,
t, t,
handleCloseClick, handleCloseClick,
}: EcogestureModalProps) => { }: EcogestureModalProps) => {
...@@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ const EcogestureModal: React.FC<EcogestureModalProps> = ({ ...@@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ const EcogestureModal: React.FC<EcogestureModalProps> = ({
{ecogesture && ( {ecogesture && (
<Modal <Modal
open={opened} open={opened}
border={ecogesture.unlocked} border={ecogesture.unlocked || unlockedEcogesture}
handleCloseClick={handleCloseClick} handleCloseClick={handleCloseClick}
> >
<div className="em-header text-14-normal-uppercase"> <div className="em-header text-14-normal-uppercase">
...@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ const EcogestureModal: React.FC<EcogestureModalProps> = ({ ...@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ const EcogestureModal: React.FC<EcogestureModalProps> = ({
<div className="em-content-box"> <div className="em-content-box">
<div className="em-content-box-text"> <div className="em-content-box-text">
<div className="em-content-box-text-header"> <div className="em-content-box-text-header">
{ecogesture.unlocked && ecogestureIcon && ( {(ecogesture.unlocked || unlockedEcogesture) && ecogestureIcon && (
<div> <div>
<Icon className="icon" icon={ecogestureIcon} size={100} /> <Icon className="icon" icon={ecogestureIcon} size={100} />
</div> </div>
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react' import React, { useState, useEffect, useContext } from 'react'
import { translate } from 'cozy-ui/react/I18n' import { translate } from 'cozy-ui/react/I18n'
import { DateTime } from 'luxon' import { DateTime } from 'luxon'
import { import {
...@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ import ConsumptionVisualizer from 'components/ContentComponents/ConsumptionVisua ...@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ import ConsumptionVisualizer from 'components/ContentComponents/ConsumptionVisua
import StyledIcon from 'components/CommonKit/Icon/StyledIcon' import StyledIcon from 'components/CommonKit/Icon/StyledIcon'
import captionIcon from 'assets/icons/visu/challenge-caption-chart.svg' import captionIcon from 'assets/icons/visu/challenge-caption-chart.svg'
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom'
import { AppContext } from 'components/Contexts/AppContextProvider'
interface FluidChartContentProps { interface FluidChartContentProps {
fluidTypes: FluidType[] fluidTypes: FluidType[]
...@@ -59,6 +61,12 @@ const FluidChartContent: React.FC<FluidChartContentProps> = ({ ...@@ -59,6 +61,12 @@ const FluidChartContent: React.FC<FluidChartContentProps> = ({
>() >()
const [showCompare, setShowCompare] = useState<boolean>(false) const [showCompare, setShowCompare] = useState<boolean>(false)
const [isLoaded, setIsLoaded] = useState<boolean>(true) const [isLoaded, setIsLoaded] = useState<boolean>(true)
const { challengeNotification } = useContext(AppContext)
const challengesPath = 'challenges'
const challengeDetailPath = {
pathname: `challenges/ongoing`,
state: { challenge: currentChallenge },
const challengePeriod: ITimePeriod | null = const challengePeriod: ITimePeriod | null =
currentChallenge && currentChallenge &&
currentChallenge.startingDate && currentChallenge.startingDate &&
...@@ -172,9 +180,21 @@ const FluidChartContent: React.FC<FluidChartContentProps> = ({ ...@@ -172,9 +180,21 @@ const FluidChartContent: React.FC<FluidChartContentProps> = ({
) : challengePeriod ? ( ) : challengePeriod ? (
<div className="fv-footer"> <div className="fv-footer">
<div className="fv-footer-challenge text-15-normal"> <div className="fv-footer-challenge text-15-normal">
<StyledIcon icon={captionIcon} size={34} /> <NavLink
to={challengeNotification ? challengesPath : challengeDetailPath}
<StyledIcon icon={captionIcon} size={34} />
<span className="fv-footer-label-padding"> <span className="fv-footer-label-padding">
challengeNotification ? challengesPath : challengeDetailPath
</span> </span>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
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