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feat(ProfileType): Handling profileTypes modifications over time

Hugo NOUTS requested to merge feat/US586-set-profileType-history into dev

See US-586


ProfileTypes are now set on the 1st of the month. If 1st profileType is being completed, do not show calendar picking form. Before saving profiletype, check for other occurences on given time period.

  • If occurences are found, delete them.

Migration -> ProfileTypes start now at the begining of the month, no duplications can exist over the same month. Moved some profileTypeEntity related methods to the profileTypeFormEntity service.

COMMITS TASKS (ie icescrum)

  • Save profileType on 1st of the month, if no date is chosen use current month/year by default.
  • Method getAllProfileTypes(timeperiod?) look for all profileTypes or only those existing for the timeperiod given.
  • When saving for a given month, check if other profileTypes exist from the given month to present day, if so delete them.
  • Calendar Picking Form, 2 dropdown menus: month and year are being used to recompose a new date from isoString method.
  • Migration to prevent bugs, all profileTypes starts at 1st day of the month. All profileType sharing same month-year have been deleted and only the most recent one was kept.
  • profileType.service.spec tests were updated.
Edited by Hugo NOUTS

Merge request reports