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chore: Update konnector to 1.0.3

Merged Guilhem CARRON requested to merge dev into master
4 files
+ 1063
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+ 42
@@ -18,8 +18,12 @@ const manualExecution =
process.env.COZY_JOB_MANUAL_EXECUTION === 'true' ? true : false
const startDate = manualExecution
? moment().subtract(1, 'year').format('MM/DD/YYYY')
: moment().subtract(3, 'year').format('MM/DD/YYYY')
? moment()
.subtract(1, 'year')
: moment()
.subtract(3, 'year')
const endDate = moment().format('MM/DD/YYYY')
// const timeRange = ['day', 'month', 'year']
@@ -45,8 +49,7 @@ module.exports = new BaseKonnector(start)
// the account information come from ./konnector-dev-config.json file
async function start(fields, cozyParameters) {
try {
// resetting data for demo only
// await resetData()
// Local debug data
// const baseUrl = fields.eglBaseURL
// const apiAuthKey = fields.eglAPIAuthKey
const baseUrl = cozyParameters.secret.eglBaseURL
@@ -149,30 +152,6 @@ async function buildAgregatedData(data, doctype) {
return agregatedData
// async function processData(timeStep, response, baseUrl, apiAuthKey) {
// const doctype = rangeDate[timeStep].doctype;
// const loadProfile = await getData(response, baseUrl, apiAuthKey);
// log("info", "Saving data to Cozy");
// if (doctype === {
// await storeData(loadProfile,,;
// } else if (doctype === rangeDate.month.doctype) {
// await resetInProgressAggregatedData(rangeDate.month.doctype);
// const monthlyData = processMonthlyAggregation(loadProfile, rangeDate.month);
// log("info", "Saving monthly data");
// await storeData(monthlyData, rangeDate.month.doctype, rangeDate.month.keys);
// } else if (doctype === rangeDate.year.doctype) {
// await resetInProgressAggregatedData(rangeDate.year.doctype);
// const yearlyData = processYearAggregation(
// loadProfile,
// rangeDate.year.doctype
// );
// log("info", "Saving yearly data");
// await storeData(yearlyData, rangeDate.year.doctype, rangeDate.year.keys);
// } else {
// throw new Error("Unkonw range type: " + doctype);
// }
// }
async function authenticate(login, password, baseUrl, apiAuthKey) {
const authRequest = {
method: 'POST',
@@ -214,16 +193,22 @@ async function getData(response, baseUrl, apiAuthKey) {
json: true
try {
const responseEgl = await rp(dataRequest)
// Sort data by date
const responseEgl = await rp(dataRequest).then(eglRawData => {
eglRawData.resultatRetour.sort(function(a, b) {
return new Date(a.DateReleve) - new Date(b.DateReleve)
return eglRawData
switch (responseEgl.codeRetour) {
case 100:
return format(responseEgl)
case -2:
throw new Error(errors.LOGIN_FAILED)
throw errors.LOGIN_FAILED
case -1:
throw new Error(errors.VENDOR_DOWN)
throw errors.VENDOR_DOWN
throw new Error(errors.UNKNOWN_ERROR)
throw errors.UNKNOWN_ERROR
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(errors.VENDOR_DOWN)
@@ -232,90 +217,39 @@ async function getData(response, baseUrl, apiAuthKey) {
function format(response) {
log('info', 'origin response size is : ' + response.resultatRetour.length)
// Store first value as reference for index processing
let refValue = response.resultatRetour[0]
// Create copy of data without first value
const data = response.resultatRetour
.filter(value => value.ValeurIndex)
const dataLen = data.length
log('info', 'filtered size is : ' + dataLen)
const mapData =, index) => {
log('info', 'filtered size is : ' + data.length)
return => {
const time = moment(value.DateReleve, moment.ISO_8601)
if (index !== 0 && index < dataLen) {
return {
load: value.ValeurIndex - data[index - 1].ValeurIndex,
year: parseInt(time.format('YYYY')),
month: parseInt(time.format('M')),
day: parseInt(time.format('D')),
hour: 0,
minute: 0,
type: value.TypeAgregat
} else {
return {
load: null,
year: parseInt(time.format('YYYY')),
month: parseInt(time.format('M')),
day: parseInt(time.format('D')),
hour: 0,
minute: 0,
type: value.TypeAgregat
const procesedLoad = value.ValeurIndex - refValue.ValeurIndex
if (procesedLoad < 0) {
`processing load for day ${parseInt(time.format('D'))}/${parseInt(
)}/${parseInt(time.format('YYYY'))}, value is : ${procesedLoad}`
throw errors.VENDOR_DOWN
// Change index ref value
refValue = value
return {
load: procesedLoad,
year: parseInt(time.format('YYYY')),
month: parseInt(time.format('M')),
day: parseInt(time.format('D')),
hour: 0,
minute: 0,
type: value.TypeAgregat
const res = [...mapData].filter(v => v.load !== null)
return res
// function processYearAggregation(data, doctype) {
// log("info", "Start aggregation for : " + doctype);
// const grouped = data.reduce(reduceYearFunction, {});
// return Object.values(grouped);
// }
// function processMonthlyAggregation(data, range) {
// log("info", "Start aggregation for : " + range.doctype);
// // Filter by year
// const tmpData = groupBy(data, "year");
// const keys = Object.keys(tmpData);
// var dataToStore = [];
// // Monthly aggregation
// for (const index in keys) {
// // Get daily data of a year
// var monthlyData = tmpData[keys[index]];
// // Monthly aggregation
// var aggregatedData = monthlyData.reduce(reduceMonthFunction, {});
// // Store it
// dataToStore = dataToStore.concat(Object.values(aggregatedData));
// }
// return dataToStore;
// }
// function groupBy(xs, key) {
// return xs.reduce(function(rv, x) {
// (rv[x[key]] = rv[x[key]] || []).push(x);
// return rv;
// }, {});
// }
// function reduceYearFunction(acc, x) {
// var id = acc[x.year];
// if (id) {
// id.load += x.load;
// } else {
// acc[x.year] = x;
// }
// return acc;
// }
// function reduceMonthFunction(acc, x) {
// var id = acc[x.month];
// if (id) {
// id.load += x.load;
// } else {
// acc[x.month] = x;
// }
// return acc;
// }
* Save data in the right doctype db and prevent duplicated keys