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feat: update prices

Rémi PAILHAREY requested to merge feat/update-prices into dev

Related to ecolyo#769

What does this MR do ?

  1. Konnector now fetches water prices from the backoffice.
  2. If prices are found, applies them directly to the data
  3. If prices are not found, keep the latest price set if any
  4. (bonus) update aggregates only if needed

How to test ?

  • add this line to your konnector-dev-config.json

        "boBaseUrl": "",
  • Launch yarn standalone

  • Modify some data loads or prices in importedData.json and relaunch yarn standalone

You can also deploy this branch to your Alpha instance (I have already added the boBaseUrl secret to the stack)

Edited by Rémi PAILHAREY

Merge request reports