Bastien DUMONT authoredBastien DUMONT authored
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.1.3 (2022-10-25)
1.1.2 (2022-10-21)
1.1.1 (2022-10-21)
1.1.0 (2022-10-21)
- add consents city (123cb9d)
- add dynamical date (0e95080)
- add error on consent delete (42179a7)
- add max power (c259724)
- add SGE algo skeleton (6f9dbe6)
- algo: implementation of recherchePoint (c08cae1)
- clean template to enedis-sge (44e8394)
- core: add user contract verification/activation and onDelete job for removing consent. Addition of backoffice handling (2ab65de)
- data: add insee code retrive (c4be2cd)
- data: first data result (6eddeb2)
- konnector init (5429981)
- rechercherpoint: add two fallback in case of no rechercher point match (14b985c)
- reduce fetching data to 1y on manual exec (a4243c4)
- refactor + aggregation (1d96197)
- rename endpoints (fdcf6f0)
- Save expiration date, return OAUTH_OUTDATED error when consent expired and change konnector slug (e305791)
- TU: add TU stack (4910d25)
- update request file with all missing request (12e2a6a)
Bug Fixes
- change slug (4deca70)
- cicd (1edb590)
- cicd (df5141e)
- cicd (91cd6d3)
- deps: update cozy konnector packages (2d817c1)
- deps: update cozy konnector packages (f535d8a)
- error to warn log (0741d04)
- ide colors (97adc90)
- insee: store insee code in account and use it for alternate start (8e213d1)
- isFirstStart (500cb66)
- konnector def (84134ef)
- limit date (889d928)
- lint (a181d0e)
- manifest (eed6e55)
- name (29049af)
- onDelete account retrieve (ac32986)
- ondelete: local testing and variables (b7155d1)
- request refactor (72de836)
- route name (b4bd326)
- sge transmissionRecurente and add safety case (6fc9764)
- slug (746e087)
- switch to warning log because it was making the app failing (e69a8e3)
- throw errors when no contracts are found (00e8b2a)
- version (7411751)
- wrong error message login failed (d03863a)