wso2BaseUrl ends with /
Suggestion de code par Sébastien de cozy
A tester et ajouter lors des prochaines évols
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- Bastien DUMONT created branch
to address this issuecreated branch
to address this issue - Bastien DUMONT mentioned in merge request !24 (closed)
mentioned in merge request !24 (closed)
- Bastien DUMONT changed the description
changed the description
- Hugo NOUTS added Value: Low [Story Type] Changes labels
added Value: Low [Story Type] Changes labels
- Hugo NOUTS added Status: Ready label
added Status: Ready label
- Bastien DUMONT assigned to @bdumont
assigned to @bdumont
- Bastien DUMONT added Status: In Dev label
added Status: In Dev label
- Bastien DUMONT removed Status: Ready label
removed Status: Ready label
- Bastien DUMONT added [Story Type] Technical label
added [Story Type] Technical label
- Bastien DUMONT changed milestone to %[Ecolyo] Lancement V2.0.0 - SGE pour tous !
changed milestone to %[Ecolyo] Lancement V2.0.0 - SGE pour tous !
- Hugo NOUTS removed [Story Type] Changes label
removed [Story Type] Changes label
- Author Contributor
I decided to close this issue without merging because it requires too much adaptation.
There is also boBaseUrl to handle and to avoid confusion, both url should not end with a slash.
- Bastien DUMONT closed
- Bastien DUMONT removed Status: In Dev label
removed Status: In Dev label
- Bastien DUMONT removed milestone %[Ecolyo] Lancement V2.0.0 - SGE pour tous !
removed milestone %[Ecolyo] Lancement V2.0.0 - SGE pour tous !
- Bastien DUMONT removed Value: Low label
removed Value: Low label
- Bastien DUMONT removed [Story Type] Technical label
removed [Story Type] Technical label
- Bastien DUMONT added [Story Type] Technical label
added [Story Type] Technical label
- Bastien DUMONT mentioned in merge request !53 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !53 (merged)