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Bastien DUMONT's avatar
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# Enedis SGE Konnector

This konnector fetches consumption measures from Enedis SGE SOAP API.
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You should also check Cozy's official documentations for konnectors :

## Enedis context

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The API used by this konnector are the one used by all energy providers (edf, total...), this one is supposed to have a high availability. Contrary to enedis oauth konnector, this is a regular auth konnector.
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## Technical overview

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### Lib used
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- xml2js: Lib allowing easy parsing to json
- easy-soap-request: Lib making soap request

### WSO2

For now enedis API are proxied by WSO2 api manager. You can find documentation and devportal [here](
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### Scaffolding
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- core/types: contains jsdoc types
- core/: requests wrapper with error handling logic
- helpers/ : contains helpers for aggregation, env and parsing
- requests/: contain all methods for : Parsing sge requests, Send/get backoffice data, interactions with cozy stack
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- index.js: main file where default konnector methods are launch (start, ...)
- onDeleteAccount.js: hold consent suppression when a user delete an account. Automatically launched on delete.
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### ts-check

In order to have better comfort while coding, we have enable ts-checking with vs-code. The verification is based on js-doc, please take time to maintain the js-doc.

!!! note "ts-check"
    The ts-check is none blocking. It will only put information in vs-code ide.

### Local dev

In order to local test you have to put the following configuration in `konnector-dev-config`:

  "COZY_URL": "",
  "fields": {
    "pointId": "<POINT_ID>",
    "lastname": "<LASTNAME>",
    "firstname": "<FIRSTNAME>",
    "address": "<ADDRESSE>",
    "sgeLogin": "",
    "postalCode": "<CP>",
    "city": "<CITY>",
    "contractId": "<CONTRACT_ID ex: 1234567>",
    "wso2BaseUrl": "",
    "boBaseUrl": "",
    "boToken": "<BO_TOKEN>",
    "apiToken": "<SGE_TOKEN>"
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Replace every `<***>` with your test values and corresponding secrets.

!!! warning "user consent"
    While running in dev mode, be sure to have user consent, either on production env or with enedis standard form.

You can now run the following commands to run the konnector :

yarn standalone #Run inside shell with no cozy env dependencies
yarn dev #Run with your local cozy. For this one you need local stack to run
yarn onDeleteAccount:standalone #Run onDeleteAccount script
yarn onDeleteAccount #Run onDeleteAccount script with real cozy

For standalone cmd you can find konnector results in `/data/importedData.json`
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### Konnector Methods
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| Method | Description |
| ------ | ------ |
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| start | Main method of konnector. Handle global flow and init method with provided params |
| gatherData | Wrapper for getting daily, half-hour and max power data |
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| getData | Get daily data |
| getMaxPowerData | Get daily Max Power data |
| getHalfHourData | Get half-hour data |
| processData | Given a doctype, parse and format data before storing and aggregating |
| setStartDate | Save startDate with the right time range |
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| storeData | Save data to user's cozy |
| agregateMonthAndYearData | Sum daily data for months and years |
| isFirstStart | Check if it's first start or an alternate start base on boId in cozy.account |
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## Dataflow

### Overview

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Functional and technical flow chart:
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[Lien du schema](
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### Authentication

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Information required:
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- Name
- Surname
- PointID (PDL)
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- Full address
- Postal Code
- City
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#### Test with user invoices

To test user invoices, you will have to make a copy of `konnector-dev-config.example.json` to `konnector-dev-config.json` and fill out informations.

Then, to test the authentication flow of the konnector without fetching any data, launch the script `yarn standalone-no-data`

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### Fetch Data

In order to get data from the SGE API we have to request the following route :

#### Get user contract startDate
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Method : **POST**

Data Route : **enedis_SGE_ConsultationDonneesTechniquesContractuelles/1.0**


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#### Get daily data and Get Half-hour data

Method : **POST**

Data Route : **enedis_SGE_ConsultationMesuresDetaillees/1.0**

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
  <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
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#### Get Max Power data

Method : **POST**

Data Route : **enedis_SGE_ConsultationMesuresDetaillees/1.0**

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
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#### Get contract information

Method : **POST**

Data Route : **enedis_SGE_enedis_SGE_ConsultationDonneesTechniquesContractuelles/1.0**
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<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
  <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""

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#### Get user PDL

Method : **POST**

Data Route : **enedis_SGE_RechercheServicesMesures/1.0**

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
  <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""

#### Get User services subscriptions

Method : **POST**

Data Route : **enedis_SGE_RechercheServicesMesures/1.0**

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
  <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""

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#### Start user contract

Method : **POST**

Data Route : **enedis_SGE_CommandeCollectePublicationMesures/1.0**

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
  <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""

#### Stop User contract
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<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
  <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
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The same endpoint is used to get the data. The soap body is the following:
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Method : **POST**

Data Route : **enedis_SGE_ConsultationDonneesTechniquesContractuelles/1.0**


### Known Issues

#### Contract deletion and creation on same day

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Bastien DUMONT committed
If you stop a contract on a day, (for exemple 8/08/22), you cannot start a new contract for this date with [start contract route](./ You have to wait for the next day. This might cause some production issues

#### User data collect opposition

Users can remove consent from enedis account on data collecting. This will return the following when [checking contracts](recherche_services_mesures).

    <serviceSouscritType code="OPPENR"/>
    <serviceSouscritLibelle>Opposition à l'enregistrement de la courbe de charge</serviceSouscritLibelle>
    <motifFinLibelle>Arrêt par le client</motifFinLibelle>

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Bastien DUMONT committed
We cannot override that, the only solution is to tell the user to activate data collect on [enedis](