site_name: Self-Data Grandlyon - Technical Docs
site_description: A Collection of Technical Documentations Related to the Self-Data Grandlyon Projects.
repo_name: "Forge"
repo_url: ""
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- Setup your environment:
- Known errors: easycozy/
- Scripts: easycozy/
- Tips: easycozy/
- Cozy stack:
- Introduction: cozystack/
- Local Stack: cozystack/
- Ecolyo:
- Introduction: ecolyo/
- Au delà de la Métropole: ecolyo/
- Technical:
- Getting started: ecolyo/technical/
- Architecture: ecolyo/technical/
- Doctypes: ecolyo/technical/
- Environments: ecolyo/technical/
- Gitflow: ecolyo/technical/
- Libraries: ecolyo/technical/
- Mail: ecolyo/technical/
- Redux: ecolyo/technical/
- Remote Doctypes: ecolyo/technical/
- Scaffolding: ecolyo/technical/
- Services:
- Introduction: ecolyo/technical/services/
- Monthly report notification: ecolyo/technical/services/
- Aggregator usage events: ecolyo/technical/services/
- Consumption Alert: ecolyo/technical/services/
- Enedis half hour Monthly Analysis: ecolyo/technical/services/
- Analyse: ecolyo/functionalities/
- Challenge: ecolyo/functionalities/
- Consumption: ecolyo/functionalities/
- Ecogesture: ecolyo/functionalities/
- Feedback: ecolyo/functionalities/
- Initialization: ecolyo/functionalities/
- Matomo: ecolyo/functionalities/
- Onboarding: ecolyo/functionalities/
- Price Calculation: ecolyo/functionalities/
- Profile Type: ecolyo/functionalities/
- PWA: ecolyo/functionalities/
- Technical:
- Getting started: ecolyo-agent/technical/
- Deploy: ecolyo-agent/technical/
- Swagger documentation: ecolyo-agent/technical/
- Handle assets: ecolyo-agent/technical/
- Backup: ecolyo-agent/technical/
- Libraries: ecolyo-agent/technical/
- Functionalities:
- Authentication: ecolyo-agent/functionalities/
- Custom Popup: ecolyo-agent/functionalities/
- Newsletter: ecolyo-agent/functionalities/
- Partners issues: ecolyo-agent/functionalities/
- Prices: ecolyo-agent/functionalities/
- Deploy: pilote/Pilote-Usager/application/
- Doctypes: pilote/Pilote-Usager/application/
- Scaffolding: pilote/Pilote-Usager/application/
- Services: pilote/Pilote-Usager/application/
- Redux: pilote/Pilote-Usager/application/
- Appointments: pilote/Pilote-Usager/functionalities/
- Contact: pilote/Pilote-Usager/functionalities/
- Document: pilote/Pilote-Usager/functionalities/
- Settings: pilote/Pilote-Usager/functionalities/
- Cozy Registry: pilote/Pilote-Usager/functionalities/
- Launch local application: pilote/Pilote-Usager/getting_started/
- Launch local doctypes: pilote/Pilote-Usager/getting_started/
- Launch local services: pilote/Pilote-Usager/getting_started/
- Pilote-TS - Back:
- Routes: pilote/Pilote-TS-Back/functionalities/
- Launch the application on local: pilote/Pilote-TS-Back/getting_started/
- Project Architecture: pilote/Pilote-TS-Back/project_architecture/
- Pilote-TS-Front:
- Routes: pilote/Pilote-TS-Front/functionalities/
- Launch the application on local: pilote/Pilote-TS-Front/getting_started/
- GRDF: konnectors/
- Eau du Grand Lyon: konnectors/
- Launch a konnector on local: konnectors/
- Proxy:
- Description: proxy/
- Monitoring: proxy/
- Use cases:
- Enedis [DEPRECATED]: proxy/use_cases/
- Grdf Adict: proxy/use_cases/
- Openshift:
- Présentation: openshift/
- CI/CD: openshift/