Hugo NOUTS authoredHugo NOUTS authored
This konnector fetches consumption measures from Enedis SGE SOAP API.
You should also check Cozy's official documentations for konnectors : https://docs.cozy.io/en/tutorials/konnector/getting-started/
Enedis SGE Konnector
!!! warning "This konnector is in a POC state"
Enedis context
The API used by this konnector are the one used by all energy providers (edf, total...), this one is supposed to have a high availability. Contrary to enedis oauth konnector, this is a regular auth konnector.
Technical overview
Lib used
- xml2js: Lib allowing easy parsing to json
- easy-soap-request: Lib making soap request
For now enedis API are proxied by WSO1 api manager. You can find documentation and devportal here.
- Aggregate.js: file holding method responsible for month and year aggregation
- parsing.js: contain all methods for xml to json parsing and data formatting
- request.js: hold SGE query methods
- types.js: file containing type definition to allow js type check.
- index.js: main file where default konnector methods are launch (start, ...)
In order to have better comfort while coding, we have enable ts-checking with vs-code. The verification is based on js-doc, please take time to maintain the js-doc.
!!! note "ts-check" The ts-check is none blocking. It will only put information in vs-code ide.
Konnector Methods
Method | Description |
start | Main method of konnector. Handle global flow and init method with provided params |
getDataStartDate | Retrieve user contract startDate in order to request an accurate time range of data |
getData | Get daily data |
getMaxPowerData | Get daily Max Power data |
getHalfHourData | Get half-hour data |
processData | Given a doctype, parse and format data before storing and aggregating |
processStartDate | Save startDate and process queries time range |
storeData | Save data to user's cozy |
agregateMonthAndYearData | Sum daily data for months and years |
TODO: Write this part when full implementation will be done.
Information required:
- Name
- Surname
- PointID (PDL)
- Full address
Fetch Data
In order to get data from the SGE API we have to request the following route :
- Get user contract startDate
Method : POST
Data Route : enedis_SGE_ConsultationDonneesTechniquesContractuelles/1.0
- Get daily data
- Get Max Power data
- Get Half-hour data
The same endpoint is used to get the data. The soap body is the following:
Method : POST
Data Route : enedis_SGE_ConsultationDonneesTechniquesContractuelles/1.0