PEDROLI Benjamin authoredPEDROLI Benjamin authored
!!! info ""
- Create a new project in GitLab and take note of its URL
Protecting Master Branch
On the GitLab page of your project go to Settings/Repository in the Protected Branches section. Select the Master branch and set allow to merge to Master and allow to push to No one This will prevent anyone to push on the master branch, the only way to add code to the branch will be merge requests.
Setting Development Branch
- Retrieve the project on your computer, open a command line and execute.
git clone https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/llle.git
git clone https://forge.grandlyon.com/solidarite/monparcourssocial/mps-usager.git
- Create the development branch
git checkout -b dev
- Init your project and then type any time you want to commit changes:
git add .
git commit -m "Commit changes"
git push origin dev
Start Developing
For any other development you should create a branch from the development branch.
First make sure to be on the dev branch, type:
git branch
to see your current branch
Conventional Commits
A feature
branch name should follow this structure:
- feat/<title_of_the_user_story>
You can create the branch by typing:
git checkout -b feat/<title_of_the_user_story>
Each fix branch should be named as the following fix-<title_of_the_fix>.
Breaking Change
Appends a !
before the title of the commit to notify that a breaking change has happened. Give a solid description of the changes as well.
add tag
git tag -a 1.0.0 -m "complementary message"