@@ -20,16 +20,16 @@ The API used by this konnector are the one used by all energy providers (edf, to
### WSO2
For now enedis API are proxied by WSO1 api manager. You can find documentation and devportal [here](https://apis.grandlyon.fr/devportal).
For now enedis API are proxied by WSO2 api manager. You can find documentation and devportal [here](https://apis.grandlyon.fr/devportal).
### Scaffolding
-Aggregate.js: file holding method responsible for month and year aggregation
-parsing.js: contain all methods for xml to json parsing and data formatting
-request.js: hold SGE query methods
-types.js: file containing type definition to allow js type check.
-core/types: contains jsdoc types
-core/: requests wrapper with error handling logic
-helpers/ : contains helpers for aggregation, env and parsing
-requests/: contain all methods for : Parsing sge requests, Send/get backoffice data, interacte with cozy stack
- index.js: main file where default konnector methods are launch (start, ...)
- onDeleteAccount.js: hold consent suppresion when a user delete an account. Automatically launched on delete.
### ts-check
In order to have better comfort while coding, we have enable ts-checking with vs-code. The verification is based on js-doc, please take time to maintain the js-doc.
@@ -37,42 +37,84 @@ In order to have better comfort while coding, we have enable ts-checking with vs
!!! note "ts-check"
The ts-check is none blocking. It will only put information in vs-code ide.
### Local dev
In order to local test you have to put the following configuration in `konnector-dev-config`:
The same endpoint is used to get the data. The soap body is the following:
@@ -117,3 +358,29 @@ Data Route : **enedis_SGE_ConsultationDonneesTechniquesContractuelles/1.0**
### Known Issues
#### Contract deletion and creation on same day
If you stop a contract on a day, (for exemple 8/08/22), you cannot start a new contract for this date with [start contract route](#user_contract_start). You have to wait for the next day. This might cause somme production issues
#### User data collect opposition
Users can remove consent from enedis account on data collecting. This will return the following when [checking contracts](recherche_services_mesures).
<serviceSouscritLibelle>Opposition à l'enregistrement de la courbe de charge</serviceSouscritLibelle>
<motifFinLibelle>Arrêt par le client</motifFinLibelle>
We cannot override that, the only solution is to tell the user to activate data collect on [enedis](https://mon-compte-particulier.enedis.fr/donnees/).