@@ -117,6 +117,9 @@ The structure to send is the following :
-*createdBy*: contains "ecolyo" value.
-*startDate*: used to defined the start date of the indicator
-*value*: contains a value relevant to the defined indicator (example: number of page viewed on a day).
-*groups*: contains all attributes defining a indicator. Please refer to indicators definition (https://stats.cozycloud.cc/question#eyJkYXRhc2V0X3F1ZXJ5Ijp7ImRhdGFiYXNlIjo0LCJxdWVyeSI6eyJzb3VyY2UtdGFibGUiOjh9LCJ0eXBlIjoicXVlcnkifSwiZGlzcGxheSI6InRhYmxlIiwidmlzdWFsaXphdGlvbl9zZXR0aW5ncyI6e319)
-*mesureName*: contains one of the following value
-*startDate*: used to defined the start date of the indicator
-*value*: contains a value relevant to the defined indicator (example: number of page viewed on a day).
-*groups*: contains all attributes defining a indicator. Please refer to indicators definition (https://stats.cozycloud.cc/question#eyJkYXRhc2V0X3F1ZXJ5Ijp7ImRhdGFiYXNlIjo0LCJxdWVyeSI6eyJzb3VyY2UtdGFibGUiOjh9LCJ0eXBlIjoicXVlcnkifSwiZGlzcGxheSI6InRhYmxlIiwidmlzdWFsaXphdGlvbl9zZXR0aW5ncyI6e319)
### Environnements
@@ -208,4 +208,12 @@ You must see sent indicators in the previously open terminal
You have to reach cozy and discuss with them about new indicators. Thery will implement it for `dacc-dev` and `dacc` and you will be able to test it on alpha env. Remember you will need at least 5 data of each type to see it in metabase.
## Visualisation
All the data aggregated in the dacc can be visualized with a *Metabase* website hosted by cozy (https://stats.cozycloud.cc/).