Checkout on the branch `dev` and bump the version number in `manifest.webapp`. Use a similar commit : _"bump manifest to X.Y.Z"_
Checkout on the branch `dev` and bump the version number in `manifest.webapp`.
!!! warning
!!! warning "Commit but don't push"
Commit but don't push so pipelines are not yet triggered.
So pipelines are not yet triggered.
Use a message such as _"bump manifest to X.Y.Z"_
You don't have to change the version inside `package.json`, standard-version will do it.
@@ -40,9 +43,9 @@ yarn release 2.X.Y
yarn standard-version 2.X.Y
:warning: Do not push with VS Code
:warning: Do not push with VS Code :warning:
The script will give you a command to push tags on the remote. (something like this, depending on the branch)
The script will give you a command to push tags on the remote (depending on the branch).
git push --follow-tags origin dev
@@ -85,11 +88,11 @@ After pushing your tag, the pipelines should be triggered.
Verify that the **build** branch is up to date [Repository > Branches](
!!! note "Manually push build"
!!! note "You canalso push the build manually"
yarn build:browser
yarn deploy #prod config
yarn deploy
## Publish build branch to Cozy
@@ -110,7 +113,9 @@ yarn cozy-app-publish \
More information at [cozy-app-publish](
You can now ping cozy so they ship the version.
More information at [cozy-app-publish](