All logs printed by the Cozy stack can be displayed on a grafana dashboard for easier sorting.
All logs printed by the Cozy stack can be displayed on a Grafana dashboard for easier sorting.
To start the monitoring system, connect to the VM and type the following command:
To start the monitoring system, connect to alpha and type the following command:
docker compose -f /root/monitoring/logs-monitoring/docker-compose.yaml up -d
@@ -16,7 +16,17 @@ Ask for credentials to a team member
This monitoring system allow the team to parse more easily the cozy-stack logs when something goes wrong. For instance, test konnector or check from the proxy if an issue was coming from Enedis or Grdf.
Learn more about how it works [here](
Learn more about how it works [in the project readme](
:::tip Debug logs
Enabling debug logs will print more logs and can be helpful. You can do so by running scripts :
./ <instance>
./ <instance>
:::warning High volume
The service parses a very high amount of logs, most of all when debugging an instance. To limit our disk usage we tend to stop the service when not needed. To do so, type the following command: