Hugo SUBTIL authoredHugo SUBTIL authored
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
- Changelog
- 1.6.1 (2021-04-01)
- Features
- Bug Fixes
- 1.6.0 (2021-03-15)
- Features
- Bug Fixes
- 1.5.0 (2021-02-25)
- Features
- Bug Fixes
- 1.4.0 (2021-02-01)
- Features
- Bug Fixes
- 1.3.0 (2021-01-15)
- Features
- Bug Fixes
- 1.2.0 (2020-12-18)
- Features
- Bug Fixes
- 1.1.0 (2020-12-01)
- Features
- Bug Fixes
- 1.0.0 (2020-11-06)
- Features
- Bug Fixes
- 0.0.3 (2020-09-30)
- Features
- 0.0.2 (2020-09-28)
- Features
- 0.0.1 (2020-09-28)
CHANGELOG.md 44.23 KiB
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.6.1 (2021-04-01)
- admin deletion pannel (bd598ff)
Bug Fixes
- news: change map for foreach (65a71fa)
- add protection in case of no tag (21083b6)
- broken link (eef433a)
- display all workshop categories (42d5b06)
- edit reset password page (waiting for official design) (3a67662)
- modal background to fixed (2e3d6be)
- new condition for display (18c3700)
- news layout + update news routing navigation (86621e0)
- og update image size (31e159a)
- remove admin guard from news (57b9e0e)
- sonar issues (bce0381)
- typo + news navigation issue (9facb15)
- typo in legal notice (b7f9f38)
- update display of hours details title (8f90f32)
- update meta tag (00ac466)
- user-verification feedback form (cd1ac48)
- workshop price and closures hours (bcded9a)
1.6.0 (2021-03-15)
Bug Fixes
- bug on admin validation (05a578b)
- filter chevron margin + add structure link width (012a5f0)
- header name display + address-autocomplete bug (3827b09)
- remove commented code (5b6c51e)
- remove consolelog (bf474b7)
- remove profil picture from profil page (24a2f9f)
- search title (e739dec)
- temp hide of news features (0ce9fb5)
- update logo (26e9943)
- use profileImage attribute for profile picture (7ac3511)
- task: fix only first letter Upper on structure name (5a29be5)
- task: fix public name (284c002)
1.5.0 (2021-02-25)
- add connect redirection + handle structure join (f5abd5e)
- add favicon (ff8adb8)
- add form widget for claim and register (ce914c8)
- add hour-picker first version from boussole project (4333076)
- add outdated browser handling (ecff2a3)
- add registration for claim when not connected (0bbb3f0)
- handle sign-in with form (7031971)
- about: add europe and region logo + update style (34e3aeb)
- add logic to hout-picker + remove copy/paste feature (c61a63e)
- add registration form from email (60fa0c8)
- add social network on structure details (a057084)
- add user delete structure (f85d2c4)
- move structureType to back (8d7aa8e)
- update date-picker style (36904c7)
- update header/footer design (0838655)
- update nginx conf for ghost (c390497)
Bug Fixes
- add admin structureName + bug fix on sturcutredetails (6f32ee8)
- add claim structure message (41cfbb8)
- add page type (3c037a3)
- add previous page handling for claim (ee7b65a)
- claim structure issue (7b2218b)
- design profile (8c829ba)
- firefox issue on hour picker (12b8fe0)
- header issue on add structure navigation (1e210a0)
- icon color + alignements (83ea88f)
- map marker color + stroke-width (6375907)
- move about page link + fix icon (a9bb6d5)
- move footer-form (2f2e7ba)
- regex issue on phone number and text without number (e886673)
- remove locate button on search (66ca00f)
- remove menu-phone component and fix bug (cb2607f)
- remove structure delete for users from structure-details (516446d)
- structure list card height (35df2f9)
- structure type display (4abc885)
- structure type for map (667bc2d)
- typo and color (a5e2f93)
- unexisting css class (a9241a7)
- upadte import (cc61eed)
- update modale position (8a18689)
- update typeform update (d0d134d)
- various design bug (9b8df1d)
- wording for form / profile and outdated page (de23088)
- editForm: fix logic validate/close form (c68f9ba)
- form: add menu icon (e822be4)
- form: add page (phoneContact structure) (b8e91b8)
- form: add page (pmrAccess) (2c7a9fc)
- form: add page(Description) (4f458c7)
- form: add page(description) + fix page(exceptionnalClosures) (a398d07)
- form: add page(Equipments) (cd58628)
- form: add page(invited User) (beda94d)
- form: add page(isPassNumeric) (0e82b75)
- form: add page(labelsQualifications) (1a798c2)
- form: add scanner (cda0a0d)
- form: bug homePage blink on editForm (dfa65ec)
- form: clean code (5d0bd5b)
- form: fix and clean code (74daf90)
- form: fix collaspse size + header titler phone (6007a0d)
- form: fix css (d5c1ea7)
- form: fix password hint (05cf734)
- form: fix progress 100% on validate Mail (2e15ee6)
- structures: update strucutes list design (1422095)
1.4.0 (2021-02-01)
- add address search with auto-complete (b5c264b)
- add geojson for metropole and brignais (b329468)
- add modal for structure claim + use of ngPlural on search (316d2a7)
- update app-modal for handling confirmation buttons (aae176e)
- structure: add admin delete (553c303)
- sync locate from search bar to map (a99e9b4)
- structure-details: add description and lockdown activity (3bdb11b)
- structure-details: update structure card (fa0c752)
- update metropole gejson (056b85c)
- style: add form-input style (b1dba86)
Bug Fixes
- add capitalize on structure card name (26f403d)
- print: hide buttons (62b4ad4)
- layout issue on small components (b83233e)
- remove duplicated event emitter (1808865)
- remove test component from home (729e20f)
- small design fixes on search and structure details (88c61df)
- update map locate logic (ed2e397)
- update unused map package (5852223)
- design: structure-details display (d2c9fd7)
- print: firefox issue for printing + fxLayout issue for chrome after printing (fc64a2a)
- style: add global link style (5671fd8)
1.3.0 (2021-01-15)
- add admin validation for structure claim (a04a36c)
- add tcl display handling (2ca8938)
- claim structure (216124e)
- create structure (841d5c3)
Bug Fixes
- admin role verification handling + npm package fix (dbd803f)
- clean code (c4095e6)
- openning hours handling when there is no hours (40e3fef)
- remove console log (72874c9)
- structure display modification + fix missing address (afe4d06)
- update ram logo (7f13e37)
1.2.0 (2020-12-18)
- add password-reset handling (c91cda1)
- structure form edit + data display refacto (4aa542f)
- update nginx conf for matomo (69562bf)
- auth: add basic signin - signup pop-up (68a7de9)
- auth: add email verification page (ec52547)
- cicd: update sonar analysis with TS + add Mr validation pipeline (b57e3d4)
- profile: add change password (3db0df0)
- profile: add profile module and component. (dad29ce)
- add location search (3407dfc)
- move structure location call to backend (bfca4a1)
Bug Fixes
- build: fix translation build and nginx config (62cd04b)
- build: fix translation build and nginx config (f5b5e31)
- camelcase var (9bfaeb6)
- change endpoint for categories (0415307)
- color (7bb0a1a)
- filters refacto for backend (1a9e126)
- module import (6d9f220)
- remove duplicated source in docker image (59dd172)
- sonar issues. Unused imports, empty block ... (b761be8)
- switch method from public to private (337a90c)
- unnecessary form validation and function return type (fc87022)
- update nginx config (f193866)
- auth: add better signin signup logic (a160631)
- auth: add regex for password check + add email already in use msg (02f75f2)
- map: missing mdm marker (971b486)
1.1.0 (2020-12-01)
- add 'fabrique du terrritoire' logo (d6b94d8)
- add address on strucutre details (7d6177a)
- add deployr rec to gitlab-ci (0b21f60)
- add distance calculation for cards (acb0db6)
- add docker clean in cicd (c3a4552)
- add legal notice and about page (7ba499c)
- add marker zoom on selected (6118657)
- add mdm pop-up and marker display refacto (5b3aeff)
- add structure detail display panel (19d7580)
- add svg-icon component and update logo assets (6ed6efe)
- move location call upper for distance filtering (6facc3e)
- reduce url display for structure details, change phone display and small fixes (03b9383)
- api: Mise en place d'une solution mock (960ae5d)
- card: ajout template + logique structures (f0ec840)
- carto: first working verison of leafleat carto with wms from data.grandlyon (0daaf7c)
- ide: update vscode conf (91922b5)
- map: add TU and clean service (6295b52)
- structure-details: add service details (e0a3476)
- add new icons to replace structure details icons (725f180)
- add tooltip handling for structure card hover (d6b6ee3)
- update back deploy (c0f25b1)
- update card style (ffd48d5)
- update global color and style (d586068)
- update map control position (17dc6d4)
- api-mock: add package.json for api (b7cdd58)
- cicd: add json-server image build (2889204)
- map: add map with Leaflet (f36dd96)
- map: clean code and remove ign map because of heavy loading (5aa1038)
- map: merge structre and map. (397fb5f)
- scaffolding: update with shared module (396c819)
- structure-list: update layout (990769a)
- style: add new style for app (7202f60)
- TU: add TU for home (b256713)
- add badge to README.md (93854ae)
- add docker build and cicd piplines (17b0dfc)
- update environnement var for register form link. (a1d44f3)
- update global css style and add highlight effect for header (4016a7e)
Bug Fixes
- map: update zoom level (581a9a8)
- add border on map and pop-up + cahnge mdm marker color (9a67f67)
- add mouseevent handling for markers (a88da0a)
- address query (15a191a)
- api config to make to work both with backend and mock api (c211fe3)
- bad link for svg asset (38b594e)
- bug fixes + modal refacto (634d662)
- build (0746ad6)
- build (25f004c)
- build budget (e0ebab2)
- build issue (e9b2ec0)
- build issue (f0ffd63)
- build issue "he server responded with a non-JavaScript MIME type of "text/html" " (6160bfe)
- build issue on throw error (c03000e)
- change map default layers with osm_grandlyon (16cb954)
- change mdm icon and update missing access modality type (2940622)
- clean header component (9ff17fa)
- cleaning makers was removing mdm layer (b6f7966)
- css for structure-details and addr display (4510839)
- dockerfile (9ae3c1b)
- dockerfile (d27fbac)
- dockerfile (8c11b97)
- duplicated background-color on icons (cebbd6b)
- fix background shape style (59522f6)
- handling of modal open (2362bd2)
- improve border style (3d45ba5)
- location decline (80f0b99)
- map marker hover, pop-up width (db6116d)
- map marker icon position (8792129)
- marker display bug fix (036c1b8)
- mobile responsive (d8e50fb)
- nginx conf + build (34fdcc1)
- nginx config, add proxy (ddbdb4b)
- open status dot and card distance display (7e69ff3)
- overlay not working on FF (467519c)
- put checkbox style in global style + small fixes (4be3f69)
- race condition issue for FF (3ac2dc9)
- remove autopan for markers (c198f2b)
- remove console log, better home css display (4766517)
- search component code (c32212b)
- small fix (ec70e6e)
- small fix on structure-details and add offset on map for structure zoom (3d60d75)
- tooltip status issue (8b3bd92)
- typo (ec29555)
- typo in gitlabci (603b76d)
- typo, alignements and others (1a8d010)
- build: add tag name to docker push (a575aba)
- build: add tsconfig.app.json to dockefile (98b6838)
- build: typo in Dockerfile (d122b73)
- cicd: add image for sonar (ac2c35e)
- cicd: gitlabci (4e67a35)
- cicd: gitlabci (48ffe89)
- cicd: gitlabci (d02dbd9)
- cicd: gitlabci (6631104)
- cicd: tmp remove of sonar analysis because no runner available (da0926a)
- cicd: typo in docker-compose.yml (b16de1c)
- cicd: update .gitlab-ci.yml (46d4d3b)
- cicd: Update .gitlab-ci.yml (64575a9)
- cicd: update port config for dev (af48fee)
- docker: docker nginx run (0b5a892)
- docker: fix docker-compose version (70637df)
- map: add addr number for better location (1ad8126)
- remove console.log (cc5e1e8)
- remove console.log (93c6a7f)
- remove debug.log (4b9254b)
- remove usless info for structure details and fix carto display bug (b5a47a1)
- svg display issue on FF (9e10a33)
- trigger pop-up modal (332a401)
- sonar: remove paste left over (817e420)
- build language options and gitlabci (8f793b9)
- dev build (6b3e4c1)
- docker build and ad gitlab-ci dev build (d01f5f9)
- gitlab-ci (952e1ec)
- i18n translation (54332d7)
- unit testing and remove console.log (7e53d3b)
- Update README.md (a5dfc08)
1.0.0 (2020-11-06)
- add address on strucutre details (7d6177a)
- add badge to README.md (93854ae)
- add deployr rec to gitlab-ci (0b21f60)
- add distance calculation for cards (acb0db6)
- add docker build and cicd piplines (17b0dfc)
- add docker clean in cicd (c3a4552)
- add header, footer and backgound (c398303)
- add logo (9c5b297)
- add marker zoom on selected (6118657)
- add new icons to replace structure details icons (725f180)
- add structure detail display panel (19d7580)
- add svg-icon component and update logo assets (6ed6efe)
- add tooltip handling for structure card hover (d6b6ee3)
- move location call upper for distance filtering (6facc3e)
- cicd: add json-server image build (2889204)
- prettier and standard-version (122cd2c)
- api: Mise en place d'une solution mock (960ae5d)
- api-mock: add package.json for api (b7cdd58)
- card: ajout template + logique structures (f0ec840)
- carto: first working verison of leafleat carto with wms from data.grandlyon (0daaf7c)
- ide: update vscode conf (91922b5)
- map: add map with Leaflet (f36dd96)
- map: add TU and clean service (6295b52)
- map: clean code and remove ign map because of heavy loading (5aa1038)
- map: merge structre and map. (397fb5f)
- scaffolding: update with shared module (396c819)
- structure-details: add service details (e0a3476)
- structure-list: update layout (990769a)
- update back deploy (c0f25b1)
- update card style (ffd48d5)
- update environnement var for register form link. (a1d44f3)
- update global color and style (d586068)
- update global css style and add highlight effect for header (4016a7e)
- update map control position (17dc6d4)
- style: add new style for app (7202f60)
- TU: add TU for home (b256713)
Bug Fixes
- bug fixes + modal refacto (634d662)
- build (0746ad6)
- build (25f004c)
- build budget (e0ebab2)
- build issue (f0ffd63)
- build issue (e9b2ec0)
- build issue "he server responded with a non-JavaScript MIME type of "text/html" " (6160bfe)
- build language options and gitlabci (8f793b9)
- change map default layers with osm_grandlyon (16cb954)
- dev build (6b3e4c1)
- docker build and ad gitlab-ci dev build (d01f5f9)
- dockerfile (d27fbac)
- dockerfile (9ae3c1b)
- dockerfile (8c11b97)
- duplicated background-color on icons (cebbd6b)
- fix background shape style (59522f6)
- gitlab-ci (952e1ec)
- handling of modal open (2362bd2)
- i18n translation (54332d7)
- improve border style (3d45ba5)
- nginx conf + build (34fdcc1)
- open status dot and card distance display (7e69ff3)
- put checkbox style in global style + small fixes (4be3f69)
- remove console log, better home css display (4766517)
- remove debug.log (4b9254b)
- search component code (c32212b)
- docker: docker nginx run (0b5a892)
- small fix (ec70e6e)
- small fix on structure-details and add offset on map for structure zoom (3d60d75)
- tooltip status issue (8b3bd92)
- trigger pop-up modal (332a401)
- cicd: gitlabci (6631104)
- typo (ec29555)
- typo in gitlabci (603b76d)
- cicd: tmp remove of sonar analysis because no runner available (da0926a)
- unit testing and remove console.log (7e53d3b)
- build: add tag name to docker push (a575aba)
- build: add tsconfig.app.json to dockefile (98b6838)
- build: typo in Dockerfile (d122b73)
- cicd: add image for sonar (ac2c35e)
- cicd: gitlabci (d02dbd9)
- cicd: gitlabci (48ffe89)
- cicd: gitlabci (4e67a35)
- Update README.md (a5dfc08)
- cicd: typo in docker-compose.yml (b16de1c)
- cicd: update .gitlab-ci.yml (46d4d3b)
- cicd: Update .gitlab-ci.yml (64575a9)
- cicd: update port config for dev (af48fee)
- docker: fix docker-compose version (70637df)
- sonar: remove paste left over (817e420)
0.0.3 (2020-09-30)
0.0.2 (2020-09-28)
- prettier and standard-version (122cd2c)