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- Guilhem CARRON added Status: Ready label
added Status: Ready label
- Guilhem CARRON assigned to @gcarron
assigned to @gcarron
- Guilhem CARRON changed milestone to %[Rés'in] 2.1 - 11 janvier
changed milestone to %[Rés'in] 2.1 - 11 janvier
- Guilhem CARRON created branch
to address this issuecreated branch
to address this issue - Guilhem CARRON mentioned in merge request !398 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !398 (merged)
- Guilhem CARRON added Status: In Review label and removed Status: Ready label
added Status: In Review label and removed Status: Ready label
- Guilhem CARRON added Status: In QA label and removed Status: In Review label
added Status: In QA label and removed Status: In Review label
- Guilhem CARRON assigned to @eleluron and unassigned @gcarron
- Hugo NOUTS added [Story Type] Feature label
added [Story Type] Feature label
- Erwan LE LURON added Status: In Review label and removed Status: In QA label
added Status: In Review label and removed Status: In QA label
- Erwan LE LURON assigned to @gcarron and unassigned @eleluron
- Hugo SUBTIL added Status: In QA label
added Status: In QA label
- Hugo SUBTIL removed [Story Type] Feature label
removed [Story Type] Feature label
- Hugo NOUTS assigned to @eleluron and unassigned @gcarron
- Hugo NOUTS added [Story Type] Feature label and removed Status: In Review label
added [Story Type] Feature label and removed Status: In Review label
- Hugo NOUTS changed the description
changed the description
- Erwan LE LURON closed
- Marlène SIMONDANT removed Status: In QA label
removed Status: In QA label
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