Composant - Selectors
Selectors des onboarding et orientation
- Icon
- Radio
- Checkbox
- Number
- replace icon svg with "Retour" ?
changed milestone to %
added Status: Ready [Story Type] Feature labels
mentioned in issue #427 (closed)
assigned to @bdumont
added Status: In Dev label
removed Status: Ready label
mentioned in merge request !643 (merged)
changed the description
marked the checklist item Icon as completed
marked the checklist item Number as completed
marked the checklist item Icon as incomplete
marked the checklist item Checkbox as completed
marked the checklist item Radio as completed
mentioned in merge request !648 (merged)
added Status: In Review label and removed Status: In Dev label
marked the checklist item replace icon svg with "Retour" ? as completed
marked the checklist item Icon as completed
removed Status: In Review label