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fix(deps): update dependency @angular/cdk to v17

Renovate-Bot requested to merge renovate/major-angularmaterial-monorepo into dev

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
@angular/cdk dependencies major ^16.2.12 -> ^17.0.0

Release Notes



Compare Source

Commit Type Description
9596dccbf fix button: resolve memory leaks in ripples (#​28254)
7b183b259 fix chips: enable hydration (#​28260)
fbcd237e5 fix tabs: add header divider for m3 (#​28244)
ac77efd08 fix tabs: deprecate backgroundColor API (#​28262)
Commit Type Description
c0c6f6376 fix add fallback root providers to injection tokens (#​28259)


Compare Source

Commit Type Description
e9519c3e73 fix slider: fix tick mark precision (#​28193)


Compare Source

Commit Type Description
4938722fa fix autocomplete: clear selected option if it is removed while typing (#​28146)
381037818 fix button: fix flat button line-height (#​28090)
5f789f79d fix button: fix outlined button line-height (#​28092)
d45f4967a fix button: fix text button line-height (#​28091)
04ceccf21 fix core: prevent ng update schematic from checking node_modules (#​28152)
c2a812967 fix tooltip: increase specificity of non-interactive styles (#​28180)
Commit Type Description
3d118c67a feat theming: add M3 autocomplete, badge, and bottom-sheet support (#​28177)
950ca90b7 feat theming: add M3 button-toggle support (#​28179)
ee6894f3e feat theming: add M3 chips support (#​28183)
86c55d004 feat theming: add M3 datepicker support (#​28166)
4424c0b21 feat theming: add M3 dialog support (#​28163)
61401f57a feat theming: add M3 grid-list support (#​28131)
cd0f36ac3 feat theming: add M3 icon support (#​28126)
5bf3ab4b6 feat theming: add M3 menu & divider support (#​28144)
1abf88008 feat theming: add M3 paginator support (#​28164)
750d95faa feat theming: add M3 select, option, and optgroup support (#​28148)
662bbb4b2 feat theming: add M3 sidenav support (#​28125)


Compare Source

Commit Type Description
df5e9c4f3f fix autocomplete: clear previous selection on reactive form reset (#​27653)
efc0dcfc4c fix autocomplete: regression in requireSelection when options are filtered (#​28119)
09c7eb4f8b fix button: fix raised button line-height (#​28073)
1a61fc7eea fix datepicker: Fix raw date value being compared (#​27896)
fe339ee2ba fix list: validation using wrong variable (#​27638)
a09ca60be8 fix schematics: switch to new control flow (#​28106)
Commit Type Description
cfe596ab1d feat theming: add M3 form-field & input support (#​28121)
365789bd0f feat theming: add M3 list support (#​28122)
81a8cc77e8 feat theming: add M3 slide-toggle support (#​28014)
ac62b42742 feat theming: add M3 sort support (#​28105)
c5e4766d0f fix theming: Update M3 palettes (#​28109)


Compare Source

Breaking Changes

  • There are new styles emitted by mat.<component>-theme that are not emitted by any of: mat.<component>-color, mat.<component>-typography, or mat.<component>-density. If you rely on the partial mixins only and don't call mat.<component>-theme, you can add mat.<component>-base to get the missing styles. Alternatively you can call mat.all-component-bases to get just the base styles for all components.
  • There are new styles emitted by mat.bottom-sheet-theme that are not emitted by any of: mat.bottom-sheet-color, mat.bottom-sheet-typography, mat.bottom-sheet-density. If you rely on the partial mixins only and don't call mat.bottom-sheet-theme, you can add mat.bottom-sheet-base to get the missing styles.
  • There are new styles emitted by mat.button-toggle-theme that are not emitted by any of: mat.button-toggle-color, mat.button-toggle-typography, mat.button-toggle-density. If you rely on the partial mixins only and don't call mat.button-toggle-theme, you can add mat.button-toggle-base to get the missing styles.
  • There are new styles emitted by mat.fab-theme that are not emitted by any of: mat.fab-color, mat.fab-typography, mat.fab-density. If you rely on the partial mixins only and don't call mat.fab-theme, you can add mat.fab-base to get the missing styles.
  • There are new styles emitted by mat.card-theme that are not emitted by any of: mat.card-color, mat.card-typography, mat.card-density. If you rely on the partial mixins only and don't call mat.card-theme, you can add mat.card-base to get the missing styles.
  • There are new styles emitted by mat.checkbox-theme that are not emitted by any of: mat.checkbox-color, mat.checkbox-typography, mat.checkbox-density. If you rely on the partial mixins only and don't call mat.checkbox-theme, you can add mat.checkbox-base to get the missing styles.
  • There are new styles emitted by mat.chips-theme that are not emitted by any of: mat.chips-color, mat.chips-typography, mat.chips-density. If you rely on the partial mixins only and don't call mat.chips-theme, you can add mat.chips-base to get the missing styles.
  • NativeDateAdapter no longer takes Platform in its constructor. It also now uses the inject function, and therefore cannot be instantiated directly (must go through Angular's DI system instead).
  • There are new styles emitted by mat.dialog-theme that are not emitted by any of: mat.dialog-color, mat.dialog-typography, mat.dialog-density. If you rely on the partial mixins only and don't call mat.dialog-theme, you can add mat.dialog-base to get the missing styles.
  • There are new styles emitted by mat.list-theme that are not emitted by any of: mat.list-color, mat.list-typography, mat.list-density. If you rely on the partial mixins only and don't call mat.list-theme, you can add mat.list-base to get the missing styles.
  • There are new styles emitted by that are not emitted by any of:,, If you rely on the partial mixins only and don't call, you can add to get the missing styles.
  • There are new styles emitted by mat.progress-bar-theme that are not emitted by any of: mat.progress-bar-color, mat.progress-bar-typography, mat.progress-bar-density. If you rely on the partial mixins only and don't call mat.progress-bar-theme, you can add mat.progress-bar-base to get the missing styles.
  • There are new styles emitted by mat.progress-spinner-theme that are not emitted by any of: mat.progress-spinner-color, mat.progress-spinner-typography, mat.progress-spinner-density. If you rely on the partial mixins only and don't call mat.progress-spinner-theme, you can add mat.progress-spinner-base to get the missing styles.
  • There are new styles emitted by that are not emitted by any of:,, If you rely on the partial mixins only and don't call, you can add to get the missing styles.
  • There are new styles emitted by mat.sidenav-theme that are not emitted by any of: mat.sidenav-color, mat.sidenav-typography, mat.sidenav-density. If you rely on the partial mixins only and don't call mat.sidenav-theme, you can add mat.sidenav-base to get the missing styles.
  • There are new styles emitted by mat.slide-toggle-theme that are not emitted by any of: mat.slide-toggle-color, mat.slide-toggle-typography, mat.slide-toggle-density. If you rely on the partial mixins only and don't call mat.slide-toggle-theme, you can add mat.slide-toggle-base to get the missing styles.
  • There are new styles emitted by mat.slider-theme that are not emitted by any of: mat.slider-color, mat.slider-typography, mat.slider-density. If you rely on the partial mixins only and don't call mat.slider-theme, you can add mat.slider-base to get the missing styles.
  • There are new styles emitted by mat.snack-bar-theme that are not emitted by any of: mat.snack-bar-color, mat.snack-bar-typography, mat.snack-bar-density. If you rely on the partial mixins only and don't call mat.snack-bar-theme, you can add mat.snack-bar-base to get the missing styles.
  • There are new styles emitted by mat.table-theme that are not emitted by any of: mat.table-color, mat.table-typography, mat.table-density. If you rely on the partial mixins only and don't call mat.table-theme, you can add mat.table-base to get the missing styles.
  • There are new styles emitted by mat.tabs-theme that are not emitted by any of: mat.tabs-color, mat.tabs-typography, mat.tabs-density. If you rely on the partial mixins only and don't call mat.tabs-theme, you can add mat.tabs-base to get the missing styles.
  • There are new styles emitted by mat.tooltip-theme that are not emitted by any of: mat.tooltip-color, mat.tooltip-typography, mat.tooltip-density. If you rely on the partial mixins only and don't call mat.tooltip-theme, you can add mat.tooltip-base to get the missing styles.
  • @import of Angular Material and Angular CDK Sass is no longer supported. Please use @use instead.
    • Themes are now more strictly validated when calling Angular Material theme mixins. For example, calling mat.button-typography with a theme has typography: null is now an error.
    • The mat.legacy-typography-hierarchy mixin has been removed in favor of mat.typography-hierarchy
Commit Type Description
289ddd348 feat theming: add M3 progress bar support (#​27880)
75029c273 feat theming: add M3 progress-spinner support (#​27868)
2f958aced feat theming: add M3 radio support (#​27867)
fbc7bdda9 feat theming: add M3 slider support (#​27826)
6b57edb1b feat theming: add M3 snackbar support (#​27824)
545db61b4 feat theming: add M3 toolbar support (#​27812)
1930b1dac feat theming: add M3 tooltip support (#​27810)
60aa52c88 feat theming: Support defining M3 theme objects
Commit Type Description
06559a012 feat dialog: switch to standalone (#​27860)
425bad872 feat snack-bar: convert to standalone (#​27926)
7be5dde24 feat theming: Add 'base' theming dimension to all components (#​27924)
9906aa344 feat theming: Add APIs to check what information theme has
1a85dd299 feat theming: Add APIs to get color info from theme
e608f5fa3 feat theming: Add APIs to get density info from theme
f52e97958 feat theming: Add APIs to get typography info from theme
685b585f7 feat theming: add support for M2 themes to theme inspection API
82844b3d5 feat theming: Open up new APIs to access theme values (#​27865)
c6bc738cd fix bottom-sheet: move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27882)
bcbdf910b fix button-toggle: move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27883)
74d1be62e fix button: align prefixes with MDC (#​27936)
146bc2385 fix button: Emit fab tokens under mixin root selector (#​27806)
1de6a3aa3 fix button: fix color tokens of raised buttons (#​27904)
68096ec9d fix button: Move fab unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27580)
408c0b492 fix card: Apply tokens at mixin root (#​27557)
06460d177 fix card: Move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27579)
03a773a02 fix checkbox: Move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27556)
f823c2a52 fix chips: move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27884)
fcaa95e69 fix core: prevent updates to v17 if project uses legacy components (#​28024)
b423c0e0b fix datepicker: deprecate constructor injection in NativeDateAdapter (#​26144)
cac7a41f7 fix dialog: css structure change (#​27510)
6f0a4655e fix dialog: Emit tokens under mixin root selector (#​27830)
c4a62a884 fix dialog: MatDialog: change member _dialog (cdk) from private to protected (#​28019) (#​28020)
dfba0edfb fix dialog: Move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27606)
c6fa905dd fix divider: move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27881)
afceed2a5 fix expansion: move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27885)
cf456a2d4 fix form-field: don't toggle hover state over subscript (#​27683)
0ac19114c fix form-field: move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27887)
c7db4960e fix list: Emit tokens under mixin root selector (#​27711)
7c16cc8b6 fix list: Move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27607)
c77ffa0cc fix menu: move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27888)
047404067 fix progress-bar: Move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27563)
f8252d816 fix progress-spinner: Emit tokens under mixin root selector (#​27594)
593fc79ec fix progress-spinner: Move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27567)
dbd31dec8 fix radio: Apply tokens at mixin root (#​27864)
943b5dabf fix radio: move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27809)
7a42a5de9 fix schematics: account for browser-esbuild builder (#​28025)
041a71b87 fix schematics: Create a schematic to add the base theme dimension (#​27964)
9fe4fe1f5 fix schematics: don't add the preconnect for fonts (#​28026)
7cd71b697 fix sidenav: move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27889)
eed75ddfc fix slide-toggle: move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27905)
b13c6aa19 fix slider: change slider to use MDC's token API (#​27375)
47876311b fix slider: Emit tokens under mixin root selector (#​27597)
c572dc4bf fix slider: Move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27584)
6c724c713 fix snack-bar: Emit tokens under mixin root selector (#​27667)
65c97170d fix snack-bar: Move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27596)
af1840209 fix table: move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27890)
59351724d fix tabs: move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27891)
999029aa5 fix theming: Fix subtle bug in current-selector-or-root (#​27898)
6cc6cf21f fix tooltip: Emit tokens under mixin root selector (#​27585)
ccd2d7fa7 fix tooltip: Move unthemable tokens to theme mixin (#​27569)
f7e3ae3bd fix remove legacy components (#​27622)
Commit Type Description
b3e4d576b feat overlay: add disposeOnNavigation (#​27672)
2409e7071 fix schematics: account for single string in styles and new styleUrl (#​27798)
c5ab88020 fix schematics: support both application and browser builders (#​27875)
Commit Type Description
86e9e524c fix remove .import.scss and -legacy-index.scss files (#​27571)
55f9618b6 fix remove unnecessary base classes (#​27632)
a3f9ca14b perf switch to built-in control flow (#​27987)
90465a188 refactor convert components to theme inspection API (round 4) (#​27740)


📅 Schedule: At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

Rebasing: Whenever MR is behind base branch, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 Ignore: Close this MR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

  • If you want to rebase/retry this MR, click this checkbox.

This MR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

Edited by Renovate-Bot

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