Hugo SUBTIL authoredHugo SUBTIL authored
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
- Changelog
- 1.8.0 (2021-05-06)
- Features
- Bug Fixes
- 1.7.0 (2021-04-12)
- Features
- Bug Fixes
- 1.6.1 (2021-04-01)
- Features
- Bug Fixes
- 1.6.0 (2021-03-15)
- Features
- Bug Fixes
- 1.5.0 (2021-02-25)
- Features
- Bug Fixes
- 1.4.0 (2021-02-01)
- Features
- Bug Fixes
- 1.3.0 (2021-01-15)
- Features
- Bug Fixes
- 1.2.0 (2020-12-18)
- Features
- Bug Fixes
- 1.1.0 (2020-12-01)
- Features
- Bug Fixes
CHANGELOG.md 19.66 KiB
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.8.0 (2021-05-06)
- add auto-migrate for production (f0568dc)
- add migration for date format (cae255e)
- structures: add elastic search stack for better search handling (bbf608b)
- add enpoint for couting newsletter (27cd278)
- add new endpoint for structures, data is formated (jointure on modules) (509f30f)
- add notification mail to admin for structure (d241ed8)
Bug Fixes
- better naming (2f837e7)
- change freeWorkshop back to notempty (ad09120)
- changes after review (b627628)
- changes on email template (wording...) (0d18670)
- docker-compose missing var + add admin verification on ES index reset (0af581d)
- fix number of results for ES and filters count (416654e)
- hide some fiel on endpoint and create migration for opening hours (ec6d2ac)
- remove mandatory field on structure + update local email sending conf (7603e47)
- remove useless import (2253581)
- remove useless improt (421806d)
- migration: fix remove field bug in script (d6a0f77)
1.7.0 (2021-04-12)
- add aptic service offer query (7602b41)
- add endpoint for sending error report for structure (bc64158)
- add newsletter data insert script (a1a743d)
- add newsletter subscription (c507f53)
- edit request for structure service (not working) (a156819)
- TU for admin mailer and posts (1b1724e)
- zoom on town (7eec8f1)
Bug Fixes
- migration script path (0b549b8)
- typo in .gitignore (ede567e)
- structures: prevent access to deleted structures (ea0bf7b)
- update search filter query (44bb26e)
- mail: add link to structure in admin new structure mail (b067483)
1.6.1 (2021-04-01)
- add jest auto testing in gitlab-ci (e8b1b04)
- add route for deleting user as admin (da6052e)
- update gitlab-ci for test (6b8f204)
- updating user servuce (e176e69)
Bug Fixes
- add admin mail sending fo new structures (51cf3ab)
- add https to regex replace (21f5955)
- add img regex for html news (8e6ed52)
- gitlab-ci (48eb446)
- gitlab-ci (c822468)
- gitlab-ci (ffd2edd)
- gitlab-ci (b67369c)
- host url for news image (2698302)
- images path in getById (bc80a95)
- sonar issues (232dbd7)
- syntax (39b7cd2)
- typo in url (be3c536)
- unitary test + update test coverage config (6b6d4bd)
- update auth unitary test (336849a)
1.6.0 (2021-03-15)
- add Ghost admin client (60ed843)
- add news tag handling (588f9bd)
- add site mail signature (6e1ba0a)
- add tag and posts db init (ed1fa26)
Bug Fixes
- bug on admin validation (8fd705f)
- dockerfile typo (2d7f67b)
- update coord endpoint on photon-bal (2d13c57)
- update dockerfile to add init scripts (6925278)
- update error handling on post controller + update ghost insert script (ab97a2d)
- update script data + clean code (c360668)
- ghost: ghost data (00b6a18)
1.5.0 (2021-02-25)
- add ghost stack (98e4254)
- add name and surname in token (4a125a1)
- add post endpoint and update swagger declaration to allow auth (d450d44)
- add startup script for test users (8d06a19)
- add temp-user handling for structure join (9560829)
- add user structure delete (e592a89)
- move structureType to back (22e0bd2)
- update config service for template handling + add structure join (679f239)
Bug Fixes
- add npm script for db init (8c819fc)
- add structure remove from userModel (fd21790)
- aptic structure accountVerified (928bf58)
- aptic structure init + admin structurename for claim validation (cef5451)
- delete structure (451e004)
- mail config + new url (874b062)
- MR conflicts (ac18ce8)
- MR return + issue on delete owner endpoint (1fb8047)
- remove unused imports (f2db14e)
- remove useless swagger auth (bf89fbd)
- user cration bug + structure find refacto (25480d5)
- user model structureid from string to objectid (35fa953)
- form: fix model (f0d1df6)
- form: fix structure (af1b4fa)
1.4.0 (2021-02-01)
- structures: add admin delete (43eb15b)
- add address search for structure registration (c4811fb)
- add APTIC api structure + cron job (88bc8fd)
- add APTIC api structure + cron job (6605486)
- add email sending for outdated structures (20fd741)
Bug Fixes
- add trim for opendata request to solve 400 request issue (2d3b357)
- configuration logs and bug fix for user registration (eb8b243)
- cron duration (2f86c0b)
- fix duplication bug from aptic structure (4838342)
- merge conflit (6a4290d)
- outdated structure range (0d2666f)
- update conf (e7070d1)
- update mailing templates, user model wrong type and aptic structure handling when a structure is updated. (f1b69ba)
- structure: remove unecessary sort for search (2982dfe)
- structure: structure id creation (7b14c80)
- unecessary id declaration in model structure (e788e55)
1.3.0 (2021-01-15)
- add admin module + add validation for claiming structures (95ed7ec)
- add new field in structure schema (b09c65d)
- add role guard (acb79f2)
- add role to jwt (f446fd9)
- add sending of email when structure is validate or not by an admin (6d683b5)
- add structure name in claim validation mail (3ad4b8c)
- add tcl module (b3807e2)
- claim structure (8f1bc01)
Bug Fixes
1.2.0 (2020-12-18)
- add comments and TU (5c0dd46)
- add password cahnge endpoint (cead66e)
- add password reset (ffea481)
- add tu for password change (c3eb184)
- structure edit + data refacto (a2a65e8)
- update dto definition for swagger (d7a30ed)
- auth: add expiration date on token (771bd91)
- auth: add user verification endpoint (7b1fe8a)
- auth: send validation mail (ccbfe8f)
- auth: update password strength verification, increase security with salt in env variable (8cf88c0)
- cicd: add sonar conf + deploy (1595281)
- cicd: init cicd with build (7156660)
- config: update logging and add envconfiguration handling (2ccc5e8)
- mailer: add ejs template handling (2b68810)
Bug Fixes
- mailer: update mailer service with new sen api request form (edd8d04)
- change token variables (64d5fd4)
- import typo (cead291)
- route in reset-password mail template (b9de8c9)
- update missing import (e9c77cb)
- cicd: add mr validation build + sonar ts (da070d2)
- cicd: add mr validation build + sonar ts (8025ab2)
- cicd: docker build issue (7732250)
- cicd: docker-compose version (0187808)
- cicd: image build (78c33c2)
- cicd: image build (50c1fd1)
- TU: Add unitary testing for auth service (af44ba0)
- TU: fix import issues on TU and add user.service TU (a0f9456)
- TU: wrong test description (647da39)
- build issue because of typo in imports (fca81cb)
1.1.0 (2020-12-01)
- add categories endpoint (b610803)
- add count handling (d918fb7)
- add first working version for structure endpoint (42b760b)
- add full text search (609b51b)
- add health check (0673e49)
- add registration and auth (99b3c50)
- first working version of auth (8d8ff61)
- parse boolean string to boolean for search filter + Refacto (1184295)
- update readme + make coord and address call in backend instead of front (87ca741)
- docker: add docker handling for mongo database (d66af3c)