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feat(migration): added a new script that add the freeWorkShop field as a...

Mathieu Ponton requested to merge fix(filters)accessModality into dev

Related to pamn_client#303 (closed)

What does this MR do and why?

Updates the following migration scripts:

  • remove-covid-infos : add try catch
  • initializefreeworkshop: go through every structure to set the freeworkshop attribute inside of the categories array
  • addfreeworkshopcategory: creates a new object in the categories collection
  • changedemarchestheme: theme of Démarches en ligne changed to Compétences numériques


Pour la key freeWorkShop

  • 4 cas normaux ('Oui', 'Oui, sous condition', 'Non', et null)
  • 1 cas anormal ('underCondition' -> id: 60ab72656a9d4500313b865d)

Mathieu avait aussi repéré un false, mais pas vu

Edited by Pierre Ecarlat

Merge request reports
